View Full Version : Haidians and Demons and stuff like that

Caden Law
03-12-08, 05:57 AM
Lame title? You betcha. But it's relevant.

Is there a ready guide to information on the Haidians? I've been skimming the timeline and it seems like they're more or less bog standard Perfect Vampire-Drow Things instead of full-blown demons.

Assuming Haidians aren't true demons and Haidia itself is just a standard Underdark knock-off, does Althanas have a properly established demon realm? Preferably something a little more tangible and fleshed out than the Great Nether -- or at the least, more details about the Great Nether.

03-12-08, 07:00 AM

here the information I know about. The Haidian demons always remeinded me of minor DBZ Villains in their appearance^^.

03-12-08, 07:09 AM
If the info that Tsukiko linked you to isn't enough, you could always try getting in contact with Zieg (the former Haidia/Haide writer) to ask him questions.

Aside from that, Althanas doesn't really have an established underworld populated with more traditional concepts of demons. Several people have written about this but there is no commonly used setting. Personally, I've written about there being two types of demons in Haidia, the ones written about in the info alongside lesser demons--basically just more stereotypical winged monster creatures. That's only canon in the sense that I've written about Salvar using them for slave labor and in war and stuff.

If you want to do a thread about any kind of demon underworld, go ahead. There's no common agreement on the underworld of Althanas so feel free to use whatever ideas you think are best suited to your story. That won't make it canon, of course, but it doesn't really need to be.

Caden Law
03-12-08, 02:28 PM

here the information I know about. The Haidian demons always remeinded me of minor DBZ Villains in their appearance^^.

I fail at looking for regions. Though it didn't show up on Search for some reason, so bah.

Thanks y'all. I'm assuming the Great Nether falls in line with the whole no really established canon bit?

Cyrus the virus
03-12-08, 02:33 PM
I've written quite a bit on the Great Nether, non-canonical stuff. Canon-wise there's a brief description of it somewhere. It's supposed to be a dimension where especially evil creatures go, or something, dark and foggy.

I also wrote it as a place where when people suffer wounds, they never recover, and creatures cannot fully die. So if your head chops off you still feel it for eternity, let's say. That's just my own twist, though.

Slayer of the Rot
03-12-08, 03:08 PM
The Great Nether is a place of constant strife. The most afwul people end up there, and they are forever being torn apart in battle. Life is nothing but constant torment there, from what I remember reading once.

If Dan ever permanently died, he would definitely go there.

EDIT: I'm in general agreement with what Matt said in the second part of his post.

EDIT2ElectricBoogaloo: A small bit of info can be found on the Great Nether in this post by it's creator, Ithermoss. (http://www.althanas.com/world/showpost.php?p=2700&postcount=3)

Sighter Tnailog
03-13-08, 03:11 PM
Demons are one of my personal pet peeves on Althanas, and I've had a number of problems with the way they currently seem to exist.

First, the canon that was established under Zieg always had a feel of being noble demons v. bad demons, with the good demons tied to the monarchy and the bad demons tied to various undercover elements. But there was never much work dealing with how demons saw themselves vis-a-vis the overworlders, specifically with regard to whatever horrible feelings would have been left over from the Demon War of circa 2000 years ago.

Second, the Demons never seemed to coagulate racially as anything other than men with vast powers. I never got a sense for their lifespans, their coloration, or really that they were anything other than just a race of men with strength similar to Letho on a bad day. The very word "demon" also tends to prejudice the discussion towards Judeo-Christian conceptions of the term, or at least Zoroastrian-influenced thinking, and so makes it hard to semantically discuss demon.

My preference, in all honesty, is for radically re-envisioning Haidia. I'm not sure what form it would take, and we could keep some things and dispose of others, but it needs some elbow grease and reconsideration.

But Zieg would disagree, I'm sure. What we need more of is to have him as part of this discussion.

03-13-08, 03:55 PM
Just to be clear, Haidia is considered a secondary region right now and there is not going to be any official work done on it for the duration of the FQ. It is not an important or current region--it's a sub-forum for a reason. If you want to do something with any kind of demons or underworld, I suggest you use what's already been written or make up your own stuff for a particular storyline.

Not try to stop discussion on this subject--I encourage it--but I do not want people thinking that it is anything that is going to be worked on soon.

A Nony Mouse
03-13-08, 03:57 PM
Not try to stop discussion on this subject--I encourage it--but I do not want people thinking that it is anything that is going to be worked on soon.
