View Full Version : Round One Extension

03-12-08, 08:09 PM
Technically, the 1v1 and 2v2 battles in this round have passed their deadlines. However, many of the battles have not yet finished, or even reached the ten-post minimum for judgment. With this in mind, Sighter and I have decided to give an optional extension to all of the battles in this round. It will work as follows:

All threads will get three days from right now to wrap up their battles and get those last few posts in. However, anyone who wishes to may take up to ten days to conclude their battles. However, for each day used after the third, all participants will be docked one point from their score. (Ex: going for seven days will cost four points) For this reason, all participants must agree to use these optional days. Overall activity in the thread will also be taken into account in the score.

Note: Threads that complete on time won't have their activity scrutinized in this round. It is being discussed, however, to impliment such a standard for future rounds.

03-12-08, 08:24 PM
They should have their activity scrutinized, it always has been in every other tournament, why's this one different? If someone failed to post and that's the cause of the incomplete battle than why wouldn't that be taken into account?

Just wondering.

03-12-08, 08:40 PM
The main reason is because two weeks just wasn't enough time unless everyone posted daily without fail. Even then, the battles probably wouldn't be finished, whether or not they got their ten posts.

Activity will still be taken into account in the Wildcard category regardless, however, if it's a clear issue in the thread.

03-12-08, 11:10 PM
How does this play out with the Gisela battles given our time frames?

03-12-08, 11:37 PM
It'll play out the same way as with the rest of it, only hopefully fewer Gisela contestants will need the extension.

(I'm on the phone with Christoph right now, and that's his answer.)

03-17-08, 04:03 PM
So if you want an extension you can just post? Or do you have to ask permission for it? I know I'm working on one last post at least so my Gisela can pass the ten post minimum.

03-20-08, 08:51 PM
Both players have to agree if the thread is already ten posts or over.

Also: the Gisela ends exactly one week after the extended deadline, which was March 15th. So the last day to post in Gisela without point deductions is 8:00pm on the 22nd.

Good luck to everyone on getting your battles finished up!