View Full Version : Miracleboy

06-05-06, 02:28 PM
Full Name: Taemm Raelesa

Nickname: Neon

Gender: Male

Race: Human

Age: 16

Height: 5’8

Weight: 128lbs

Location: Radasanth

Appearance: Oversized, brightly colored clothing drapes over Taemm's wiry frame. His orange highlighted hair, probably his most distinguished feature (aside from his orange eyes), is short in length and somewhat spiky.

Skills: Neon has managed to gain a variety of skills from his many friends. He mostly dabbles however, and lacks any kind of mastery. He’s a good juggler, and has good hand-eye coordination and reflexes, he also has minimal tumbling skills, as well as some musical talent. He is fairly proficient with the quarterstaff, as well as in knife use.

Weapon(s): Neon carries a black bronzewood quarterstaff, painted orange at the tips. Four knives are tucked into his belt, two hidden beneath his vest, and two more, one on each ankle. His chain necklace can also be used as a weapon if needed.

Armor: His clothes are well worn, and show it. An oversized black vest loosely worn over a baggy orange short sleeved shirt, that’s tucked into a pair of baggy orange pants. As well as black shoes, tattered black gloves, and an iron chain necklace.

History: Born into a poor family, and the oldest of eight children, Taemm was helping to put food on the table from a young age. He worked as a street performer, making acquaintances with entertainers, pickpockets, and wandering bards. Earning money by using the skills he learned from his new friends, such as juggling, doing various acrobatic feats, dancing, singing, as well as stealing when necessary. Taemm soon earned the nickname of “Neon,” given to him by his friends because of his orange eyes, and orange streaked hair. Taking his new nickname in stride, Neon began to dress accordingly. However, as exciting as the life of a street performer is, Neon still ached for adventure. But his father had been crippled in an accident, and his mother was too weak to work. So because of his responsibility, and duty to his family, he was forced to put off his dream. But time passed, and as Neon’s dreams of adventure grew, so did his younger siblings, and before long they were able to help provide for the family, thus taking most of the weight off Neon’s shoulders. Now with the well wishes of his family, and the peace of knowing that they be able to survive without him, he is free to seek the adventure and excitement he has long craved. And vows to someday return, bearing riches to bestow upon the parents, and brothers and sisters he loves so much.

Neon is a caring and easy to get along with individual, but he still manages to pick fights now and then. He always seems to be smiling, and has a good sense of humor, often giving hope to those around him. Wearing his favorite color (orange), Neon is easily recognizable, and sticks out like a sore thumb. This is to his preference though, as he much prefers to do things with a flashy style befitting to his name, either reaching effectiveness by the roundabout path, or not at all. He will sometimes depart from this crowd-pleasing attitude, but only if his life is clearly in danger. Because as important as looking good is, even more so is the promise he’s made to his family: The promise to return to see them again.

(The above is Taemm’s original level 0 profile, and he has no level 1 or 2 updates yet (aside from improvements in his flexibility and acrobatics). His only purchases that I can remember were a bronzewood staff and more knives.)

(6157 exp, 1450 gp is what I have, but I'm not sure how accurate that is.)

06-05-06, 03:20 PM
If you want those purchases, list them in your weapons section.

(Someone else will add your EXP/gold.)

06-05-06, 06:23 PM
I edited them in. Thanks.

06-05-06, 06:42 PM
Approved, yo.