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03-16-08, 09:07 PM
(Updates in soft orange.)

Name: Saxon
Age: Unknown (Appears to be in his early 30s)
Race: Weird (Human)
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Blue
Height: 6’’1
Weight: 176 lbs
Occupation: Eldritch

Personality: Stepping into the role that Saxon plays without any predisposed knowledge of the field would be like sinking to the bottom of a lake and trying to hold your breath. Who knows where darkness goes when the sun comes up? Why the shadows wane when dawn approaches. How could one who knows such things walk among men? It’s a question Saxon has been asking himself for years.

The burden he bears with such a stoic look doesn’t come naturally, but with practice. The thoughts of lingering death and the darkness of man are not things that would settle well with most people. But who are we to judge? The gears that run the world around us turn because somebody has been applying the grease. Someone’s happiness is built on another’s suffering. What would it be like to switch roles? What would it be like to learn what Saxon fears the most? Holding the world together? Death? Who knows? Saxon does.

Since stepping from the reaches of Tsep and back into the world of Althanas, the eldritch has become more talkative and far more paranoid than he has been in decades. Now able to somewhat control his fear of people, Saxon has been taking bolder steps into public life, if only to protect himself from the trouble that looks to be just upon the horizon.

Appearance: Standing taller then most men, Saxon often would try to stay in the back of the crowd, trying to stay apart from his fellow man. The twinkle in his azure eyes often says far more then the stoic expression upon his face. Dressed in black garments, the pale eldritch looks incredibly well fit for someone with that kind of complexion. At first glance of the man you’d see the black cropped hair, the rugged, seldom unshaven face. The boots that wrap safely around the man’s feet wouldn’t make a sound as they hit the floor, not even on the most rickety of wood. It takes a lot more to open up to a man who holds the world together, but it often takes more then a glance and a drink.

Moving about Althanas once again, Saxon has gained considerable weight as opposed to his emaciated exterior when he first stepped into Radasanth. The weird is slowly regaining the color upon his face, although it might take years of uninterrupted sunlight for him to fully lose the complexion of a corpse, the eldritch is at least making an effort to try.

History: Dead men tell no tales, but neither does Saxon. The eldritch didn’t happen upon his duty like someone would a job. In a way, it just happened. From the time he was little Saxon often stood away from others, keeping at least two steps behind his fellow man when he walked. It was later in time when the eldritch first learned his prowess in manipulating things people know not of. Putting a spin on what people often see but don’t believe. It was this skill that had gotten the man into a lot of trouble.

It happened just like any other day; Saxon woke from his dreamless slumber in a city he had moved to from the tiny village he once grew up in so long ago. Opening his eyes the man laid eyes upon something as strange as it was normal. An elderly beggar was within his room, covered in rags and gripping a strange coiling staff and wearing a pointed broad hat. The more he concentrated upon the visitor, the more distorted he became. What was one to do for such a man who arrived in his apartment? They had breakfast. Saxon prepared it to the letter in the way his guest had asked. Dry toast, freshly squeezed orange juice, and eggs sunny side up. It was something so common, so normal that Saxon remembers it to this day.

It was after the meal that trouble started. The beggar began to talk, in a way Saxon never heard before. Like a friend. It was slow at first but the beggar managed to pry things from the mind of the soon-to-be-eldritch. Things nobody knew, things even he didn’t know. The spin, the skills, everything poured from the host’s mouth like a broken dam. It was when Saxon mentioned his keen eye for the strange that the beggar began to laugh. It was revealed that the beggar was no beggar, that the blur in his image wasn’t because of poor eyesight. It was because he was a weird. An eldritch often never speaks of his own duty, but this nameless man told Saxon everything.

The strange thing was that the eldritch kept addressing himself as an ‘elf’. He hadn’t the pointy ears, the tall height, or the humorless tone. He was a normal, every day human with a pale complexion and a dirty, gray beard. But an elf as this weird described it was a traveler. It was then that Saxon’s life changed forever. People never take into account that there are only so many words you can say in a day before a man just cracks. It was around the phrase “Holding the world together” that Saxon fell to pieces.

The darkness that comforted him was pulled aside hours later by the eldritch that addressed his host with a proposition. This ‘elf’ or ‘weird’ was giving up his position. He needed a protégé and Saxon seemed fit for the job in every way. From the lone wolf demeanor to seeing the strange and the odd with the ability to distort it in such a way that normal every day people could pass by without a second glance. The ‘gift’ as the eldritch called it, was the first sign that he would be bearing a powerful burden. Darkness needs a master, the weird said. Somebody needs to hold it in line, to keep it from pulling the world apart at its seams. Saxon questioned why such a thing would need to be done, and if his charge was this world when the ‘elf’ began to laugh again.

As it turns out one eldritch is needed in every world. But this eldritch was from another, from some place he kept mentioning as ‘Althanas’. Nobody seemed to be a suitable candidate there. None could see the strange and the odd for what is was, nobody could hold the world together. None could even make a perfect sunny side egg. Saxon was given an opportunity to leave his boring world, a world where even the strange seemed dull. How bad could it possibly be? Saxon kicked himself when he awoke in a forest rampant with the odd, the strange, and the weird. Everything was out of order and it was then where Saxon noticed he was gripping the same coiling staff and wearing the same broad-rimmed hat. What had he gotten himself into?

Years later Saxon found himself fit in his job. He was older, he was wiser, and he was a dead man. For such a powerful man, Saxon found himself running. Never staying in the same place twice, never sleeping in the same inn, or staying in touch with a friend. How was he to know what was after him at the time? How was an eldritch supposed to know he was being hunted? Nowhere he could run was safe, no haven would hold back the ‘thing’ that had turned its sights towards him. The thing, Saxon often called ‘she’, ‘her’, or ‘woman’ could never be explained to someone without ‘the gift’.

To this day Saxon never stays in the same inn twice, never keeps the same friends, and seems to periodically drop off the face of Althanas. Nobody knows as to why this is, nobody knows how it is possible one man can erase his entire existence and then return a few days later. What will become of a man who holds the world together at its seams? What will become of a man who addresses himself as a ‘weird’? Only Saxon knows.


Having rejoined the land of the living, Saxon was quickly ambushed by a fanatical cult known simply as the Dadghaal, it was surprising to hear that the cult was populated by Corone's upper crust of wealthy salvic businessmen and merchants. Aiming to take his father's watch away from him, the cult leader, Krabek, went to extensive lengths to get his hands upon it. Only once the eldritch was captured and after a botched ritual that he later realized what unspeakable horror the cult aimed to dredge from the bowels of whatever Hell they chose.

By sheer luck Saxon had managed to cow the God, Bahkthaal, with the pocket watch the Dadghaal had coveted so and managed to trap it with such force that the struggle for power between the powerful icon and the God brought down the cult's mansion down around the weird's ears. Ever since then Saxon has spent the majority of his time in search of answers and all he has is a name to go by;


Not willing to go through such a incident again, Saxon has joined forces with the Bandit Brotherhood and has entrusted the circle of thieves with the knowledge that there may be a day that he will need their help with something he could not possibly explain. In return, the Brotherhood simply asked the eldritch to use whatever powers or abilities he had to increase their growing sphere of influence over the swamps of Dheathain and the criminal underworld. Saxon was happy to oblige.


-Passive Abilities-

The Sight I: Ever since he came into being, Saxon was able to see the strange distortions in the fabric of reality. The things normal people cannot interpret and what breeds fear. It’s hard to describe what lies in this category, but as this ability becomes honed Saxon can see ghosts, demons, the invisible, and in some cases even disease. The price the eldritch has paid for this gift was a hefty one. The more Saxon detects these little anomalies the further the weird is pulled from reality and is under a growing sphere of paranoia.

-LOCKED- Paranoia I: Given to him by his gift to see the strange, Saxon is able to hear certain thoughts that directly pertain to him. With training and time Saxon could one day hone this skill and curse into full-fledged telepathy. Saxon can detect these thoughts from three to four paces away and must have used the Sight within the last couple of hours or else the thoughts become distorted and often misread.

Euphoria Tap: A chip implanted in the base of his brain stem before the first round of a Gisela, Saxon has managed to overcome his catatonic weakness for people with this temporary solution. Working like that of a internal I.V, the chip has been programmed to periodically stimulate the brain into releasing concentrated doses of euphoria meant to overcome the agoraphobia that seems to have been with the weird for years. Although this may seem to cure the medical ailment temporarily it cannot undo old habits, for even now Saxon is still psychologically daunted by large crowds of people and will avoid them as best he can. This chip will eventually cease to function, but since it was the first in its line to have ever been produced, it is anyone's guess on how long it will take for such a thing to happen.

Outrider I: Ever since the purchase of Ambrose, Saxon has quickly learned the meaning of getting 'thrown'. Having only a limited amount of experience in horsemanship, the weird has the bruises and scars to prove how much he really doesn't know about handling his colt. At the moment Saxon is able to give basic commands of telling Ambrose where to go, getting him to move, and getting him to stop, and other than what to feed him, the man hasn't a clue what it means to own and take care of a horse.

-Active Abilities-

The Twitch I: Given to him by his predecessor, Saxon has the ability to blur and distort his entire image into a crude form of invisibility. The Twitch cannot be done in plain sight of someone with knowledge of the ability and must be done within the blind spot of someone’s vision. The Twitch cannot be used for long periods of time and often causes great amounts of fatigue due to the constant use of muscle manipulation. If Saxon is seen in the process of attempting to use the “Twitch” by a non-eldritch the ability is lost forever. This form of invisiblity will last for a few minutes or as long as Saxon can keep up the constant muscle control.

Control II: Taking on the role of Eldritch, Saxon has gained the ability to control the darkness around him into a keen form of manipulation. From state of matter, to density, to even where it is placed, the weird can manipulate and even control the very thing he is charged with watching over. Due to the extremes of this newfound ability, Saxon must have full concentration in order to grasp his control over the shadows. This ability must be performed in areas ranging from complete darkness to poor lighting, and if operated in any source of light stronger than dim lighting, the need for concentration doubles and there is a chance the darkness will turn on him.

The Gift I: Ever since Saxon was a small boy he has had the ability to distort the strange and weird into a form of normalcy. With time the Eldritch has gained several other improvements to this gift. From the distortion to the silver tongue for persuading normal people that there world is just as it is. Because this ability is a natural characteristic of Saxon it exceeds his aptitude towards control of his charge. The Gift is both linked and intertwined with the Twitch and could be lost forever in the same manner.

Blot I: Finding the need for a quick escape becoming a necessity since he remerged from Tsep but never enough time or materials on hand, the weird has had to settle with developing a newfound power capable of making it a reality. Using the woven shadows that make up his pin-striped suit of Brameg cloth, Saxon is capable of exuding a hazy cloud of darkness in a radius of 20 feet surrounding him. This cloud lasts for up to two posts, blinds any player/NPC equal or lesser to the eldritch's level while reducing the vision of anybody else considerably. Blot cannot be used in any form of natural light.


Daylight: Being affiliated with the Eldritch for so long, Saxon has had a harder time staying in natural light for long periods of time. At this stage in the weird’s development, daylight can both hinder and possibly stop Saxon’s ability to control the darkness or the use of the Twitch.

-LOCKED- People: After being isolated in Tsep for extreme periods of time, Saxon has developed a dissociate complex that can hinder his ability to function in every day life. The Eldritch cannot be in places with more then forty-seven people at one time or else he becomes completely catatonic and must be removed to another location before there is permanent brain damage and risk of loss of abilities.

Disease: In his adolescence the Eldritch was diagnosed with a debilitating, crippling condition that makes him unable to fight or become immune to illnesses. Because of this it takes longer for Saxon’s body to become attuned to new areas or even worlds. There is no current cure to this condition but the symptoms seem to weaken after a certain amount of water been consumed.


Syvriak: Given to him by the former eldritch who watched over Althanas, this strange coiling staff seems to always be within reach of the weird. Still learning what exactly this strange device can do, the Eldritch has only been able to discover Syvriak helps him channel his abilities and even gives him access to the realm of Tsep. Although made of some ancient, foreign wood the Syvriak can withstand infernal flames or even the bitter cold. However for some reason whenever a cat is within earshot the Syvriak disappears.

For some unforeseeable reason the tiny pouch attached to this staff seems to be full of coins and other things from time to time. Most commonly the pouch is filled after passing through towns full of people unable to keep track of their pockets.

Amalarj: Another gift from his predecessor, this plain, dark leather akubra seems to always sit atop Saxon’s scalp outdoors. Like Syvriak, this hat is more then meets the eye. When worn, Saxon seems to have a heightened sense of observation to his surroundings and the darkness seems to bend towards him wherever he goes. Saxon knows not much about this but it seems to be holding many secrets like Syvriak, just waiting to be discovered.

Brameg Clothing: By his own design, Saxon managed to craft a specific type of dark clothing that seems to be plain but aids him in his duties. Although each piece has its specific use, it seems to be the only thread woven by shadows that he can wear to and from Tsep. This clothing seems to thrive on darkness and no matter where the location, their must always is a shadow nearby, even if its Saxon’s own.

Canteen of Water: Because of his condition, Saxon must always have water ready and available in case the symptoms of his illness kick in. Although water acts as an inhibitor for this disease, it also seems to accelerate it to the point where Saxon must remain in Tsep for a matter of hours after consuming a certain amount of water.

Jiisik: Appearing in his pocket one day, Saxon happened upon an icy cold, black key. Although it’s made of an unknown metal, the key seems to always be frigid in darkness and hot in the daylight. Discovering this key’s use, Saxon can use it and Syvriak in order to melt into the realm of Tsep. Tsep can only be accessed during the night and always has the risk of launching Saxon into an alternate reality until he has mastered his Eldritch abilities.

Eye of Bahkthaal: Having captured the demon-god Bahkthaal in the keepsake his father built, the watch seems to have gone back to the brassy sheen the weird once remembers. Whatever purpose it serves, the weird doesn't know. But occasionally a strange force comes upon the eldritch rendering his control over the darkness to increase 1.5x his normal power. Somehow though, Saxon suspects the watch expects a terrible price for its gift. This watch keeps perfect time within his own world, but seems to be utterly useless in Althanas. Occasionally, the watch's glossy sheen gives a small glimpse into the true visage of the powerful diety it possesses. (Awarded Here. (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?t=2097&page=3))

Lockpick Set: Although his title precedes him, Saxon discovered that often times he must destroy records or files that pertain to events of ‘strange’ occurrences. This lockpick set was found upon a dead pickpocket in Alerar and seems always be warm to the touch.

Eidetic Bag: Commonly mistaken as an item used by witch doctors with some sort of 'mojo', it was in fact made by these strange, otherworldly medicine men and used by tribal scouts from the uncharted jungles of Althanas to recall scenes or locations of great importance. Bewitched with powerful magick that is soaken into the very fibers of the small leather bag, it can be used to contain memories of locations that are stored into the bag through some sort of psychic link. It can hold up to 3 memories at a time and when opened the person holding the bag gets a crystal clear image of the sceneries stored inside the bag. Appears to be a patched leather pouch with markings or symbols crudely painted upon its face, the most noteworthy being a red eye splayed upon its center. Can be worn around the neck. (Purchased Here. (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?t=12571&page=2))

Butterfly Knife: Purchased at the Bazaar, it is a conventional steel gravity knife that can be used to intimidate as well as stab the enemy. (Purchased Here. (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?t=12465))

Spring-Loaded Switchblade: Bought at the Bazaar, it is a steel knife that can be flipped open with a push of a switch. However, the innards of the knife have been jury-rigged with a spring-loaded trigger that can launch the small blade at a range of 15 feet after a second button upon the blade has been pressed. Must be reloaded after each use. (Purchased Here. (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?t=12465))

Vanishing Powder (4 doses): Some of the Bazaar's finest, these packets of powder are seperated chemicals that when combined can cause a violent white flash and a puff of blue smoke for the wielder to use as a diversion for those quick escapes. Packet needs to strike the ground in order to activate and may become defective if soaked in water. At the bottom of each packet is a emboldened label stating that it was made from the mysterious Ryefeld & Hopps Company which has recently become popular within the world of thieves.(Purchased Here. (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?t=12465))


Name: Fibonacci
Age: 43
Race: Human
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Gray-stained
Height: 5''11
Weight: 183 lbs.
Occupation: Storyteller/Migrant worker

Appearance: Lanky and long-legged for such a short man, the storyteller often finds people saying he is bow-legged, but having suffered from rickets as a child it was of little surprise. Growing his hair long and black, the storyteller has seen streaks of gray beginning to form within his unkempt mane, but whether it was caused by fright or age it was anyone's guess. Unlike his obsession who seems to only wear one pair of clothes at a time, Fibonacci frequently travels in whatever attire presents itself. Just recently, however, the peddler's worn, graystained eyes look to have lost their twinkle and luster ever since his daughter's death.

Description/History: Although he almost never tells his own tales, Saxon seems to have inspired the interest of a storyteller who travels from city to city, telling of the Eldritch’s adventures. Though Saxon and this ‘Fibonacci’ have never met, they seem to be linked some how. This link serves no real purpose but the two exchange vivid memories involuntarily in brief periods of time. Saxon convinced himself he was losing his mind long ago, while Fibonacci decided to capitalize on these ‘visions’ and has to this day.

Ever since his daughter's murder by the hands of a thickheaded mercenary he had double-crossed in a poker game, Fibonacci has abandoned his family and left to grieve abroad, where he fell into a habit of drugs and booze that has left him nearly catatonic. The peddler has been making ends meet with odd jobs and storytelling, able to make just enough money to fuel his addiction and travel from city to city. The wounds run deep, and secretly, the storyteller feels as if a part of himself is searching to avenge the murder of his child.

(NOTE: This familiar is used as a ‘narrator’ for some of my stories so I decided to give him a name and a brief back story.)

Name: Ambrose
Race: Horse (Colt)
Mane Color: Black
Eye Color: Brown

Appearance: With a mane of powdered black that is so dark it almost looks blue, the young colt has the appearance of his unique but now almost extinct breed, the A'Dacus, that had been kept as Fallien royalty's own private stock. Looks to be in fit health and impressively strong for a horse of such heritage. Ambrose's eyes never betray him for how fiercely proud and aggressive he can be for the poor fool who isn't accustomed to treating him the proper respect he expects.

History: Always giving the impression of a creature that is fiercely proud of its bloodline and overly aggressive, Ambrose is as strong as he is bullheaded. Purchased at the Bazaar under the name of Barney for a measely sum by Molotov, the horse was given to Saxon in order to be used in the Gisela and was quickly renamed after a pigheaded trader the weird had met long ago that had nearly cost him his life. Not quite the warhorse anybody had expected, it was only until someone had later pointed out that the weird realized Ambrose was actually a horse of prestige heritage that had been stolen from the royal stables of Fallien and smuggled into Corone, but how it landed in the hands of a stable owner in the Bazaar is still a mystery. (Purchased Here) (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?t=12484)


Steel Horse Shoes: Placed upon Ambrose's feet for years, the shoes have been etched with glyphs and sigils of old Fallienite, although Saxon hasn't a clue as to what it could possibly mean.

Burlap Bags: Capable of holding a sizeable amount of food, water, or whatever is on hand at the time, the bags are as durable as they are itchy.

Riding Equipment: Basic equipment used to ride and maintain Ambrose. Made of steel, iron, and cow hide.

Patchwork Saddle: Almost having nearly bit the weird the first time he tried to put it on him, Ambrose absolutely despises the old relic that had been placed upon his back. It wasn't until Saxon caught him sleeping that he was able to tie the saddle onto the horse. Something says that Ambrose won't fall for the same trick twice, after all, eventually the eldritch will have to take it off to wash him.


Cyrus the virus
03-17-08, 02:49 AM