View Full Version : Shao Lu Bo: Numancian Exile

Lu Bo
03-17-08, 08:25 AM
Name: Shao Lu Bo (formerly Huang Caeo Li)
Age: Thirty One
Class: Fighter
Race: Numancian (see below)
Alignment: Neutral

Description and Background:


Shao Lu Bo is a silver eyed male Numancian warrior from the top caste. His physical form is somewhat intimidating: although bearing a resemblance to a human, bar the elongated skull and jawbone, Shao has a muscular six foot frame and bears four arms instead of the human two, with the extra limbs located at the sides of the abdomen. His muscles are toned and defined, and his skin is a shade darker than Caucasian. His black hair is tied into a topknot.

He primarily wears a silver robe of wolf hide, which in Numancia is a symbol of strength and pride, and a pear of leather shoulderpads riddled with the fangs of the wolves used for the coat. Iron bangles shackle his four wrists and his palms consist of only four muscular fingers, with no rings or jewellery.


Once a powerful general in the realm of Numancia, Shao Lu Bo (formerly Huang Caeo Li) began his exile to Althanas in Numanctine 189, the year of the discovery of Althanas by Numancian scholars, for the betrayal of a Numancian commander named Yuan Fei and as the main instigator of the Numancian Realm’s falling. Fei led his troops into the capital city of Luo to assist Huang Caeo Li in eliminating a powerful faction led by Huang’s rival, Do Shi, in the Numancian civil war. However, Fei was soon assassinated and a bloody clash between the Do Shi rebels and government officials that ensued saw the city plunged into chaos, with Huang wrongly fingered as his killer.
Do Shi, summoned into Luo by his master Jìn, quickly established control. Under the enticement from this rising power, many Numancians soon defected. They even severed their former king’s head and brought it to Do Shi as a gesture of allegiance. Numancia, under the control of Do Shi, then turned it’s attention to finding and bringing to justice the wrongly accused Huang Caeo Li.

To consolidate his power, Do Shi placed in the throne a puppet emperor and moved the capital west. These acts, coupled with his tyrannical and cruel ways, angered many of his new followers and the risk of assassination was high. For his personal safety, Do Shi depended heavily on Huang Caeo Li’s replacement, Bei Fang, who had by then been promoted to Knight General.
However, in his frequent bouts of temper Do Shi would hurl a halberd at Bei Fang. Although the agile Bei Fang could always duck these throws, and Do Shi’s fury would dissipate quickly, Bei Fang nonetheless bore a furtive displeasure against his Emperor. Furthermore, being entrusted to guard the residence of Do Shi, Bei Fang held an amorous affair with one of Do Shi. For this he was constantly in fear of being discovered, and was relieved when Do Shi sent him his first task. A mission to eliminate Huang Caeo Li, who had escaped the death squads that had been sent after him through an open portal leading to Althanas.

Huang Caeo Li, the four armed “General of Wolves”, took his identity as Shao Lu Bo, and with Bei Fang in pursuit, took shelter in the plains of Alerar.

Weapon: Numancian Striking Staff “Kali”

A striking staff made of steel, the Kali is a five foot long weapon with two five inch steel spikes protruding from each end. The grip is centred, specially carved to meet the specification of a four fingered Numancian grip, and is coloured red with a silver wolf’s head etched into the length of the metal.
Shao Lu Bo forged this weapon many years ago, and to date has kept it in an immaculate condition.

Armour: None

Skill: Natural Strength

Shao Lu Bo’s Numancian frame is naturally built to be used for combat. His natural strength allows him to move heavy objects such as large slabs of stone and allows him a little more endurance than a typical human being.


Although typically serious and down to earth, Shao Lu Bo can also have a lighter side to his persona. He is relentless in combat, sometimes described as a wild animal by those who watch him, and fearless, but out of battle is wise and warm hearted. To this degree he earned the respect and admiration of many Numancians who have looked to him for wisdom, guidance or training. However, on Althanas, he is still getting used to being in a new place and is cautious towards the residents, unsure of their intentions towards him.

Magic: None.

03-17-08, 09:23 AM
You might want to give him a skill setting for that staff of his and seeing as it's his own weapon, 'above average' would be fine. Also, his natural strength will only make him 1.5x the strength of an average human. This can of course go up as you level.