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06-06-06, 03:27 PM
(Closed to grim137)

"Justice may be blind, but Nature is never kind." - Yzæk Proverb


Wisps of thick, gray steam gushed from the rusted iron grates that lined the narrow alleyway, creating gloomy smog that distorted the dim sunlight overhead. Unlike the bustling outer city streets, the small, cramped alleyway was as quiet as the dead, save the sound of padded feet pacing back and forth. With his arms behind his back Madij Abarrik paced back and forth, gazing down into the bright, cluttered streets. The mage was on a tight schedule, and every moment his hired hand didn't show his face, the angrier the goblin got. Giving a deep, low grumble Madij scowled," Where is he?! We were supposed to meet here! If he doesn't get here soon they will escape and I will never get it back!” Channeling all of his frustration the goblin kicked a nearby wanton can further into the alleyway.

Standing on either side of the cramped space, near the entrance to the expansive sewer network that ran through every part of Ettermire, its own little dirty secret stood the watchful mutant known as Grux. The strange creature kept his cudgel grounded with both of his monstrous hands. Nearby hunched in the shadowy nooks of the alley were two mysterious creatures, which could only be recognized by their four luminescent red eyes. Without acknowledging them the premier knew they were there, he had always known they were nearby because of the strange cricket-like noises the beasts made.

He would've had more brought to the surface, but with the natural telepathic interference the creatures emitted, the goblin didn't want to be completely cut off from his protector, Grux. Bad things always happened when Grux couldn't speak to his master, and for this particular gloomy day Madij Abarrik had had enough setbacks. From the daunting trip through the Umndr Dar to the paperwork he had to fill out in order to cut through the red tape and hire an outsider to aid him with the his plight. Out of everything the Yzæk did, the last thing they wanted was someone from the topside to take credit for it.

The biomancer had to agree, he too had a problem with outsiders and this particular one he had signed binding legal contracts with the goblin began to detest. For it was only through morbid financial obligations that the pair would ever work together and what the mage had offered the sell-sword, he was expecting better results. Had he actually met the mercenary face to face, he would be able to tell what he looked like, but through a series of letters and arranged meetings with expendable lab assistants, Madij had arranged for this. The reason being that there were seven unruly, breathing beasts that stood between the premier and success. And if Madij Abarrik had to shake hands with the wicked to get what he wanted he would do it.

Stopping on the heel of his mossy, green feet the biomancer peered into the busy streets with a weak hope that his current problem was stupid enough to reveal themselves to their maker. But, high in the towering buildings that lined the surrounding city of Ettermire stood something thinking the same thing.


A gust of wind whistled through the interwork of buildings that stretched high into the afternoon sky that was glazed with polluted exhaust that was constantly being pumped into the atmosphere by the mechanical constructs that seemed to flourish in the city of Ettermire. Yellow, reptilian eyes clicked shut from the breeze having been use to the humid climate of the Yzæk. Looking down below into the tiny city streets Hmiig felt like a God among insects. Tall and lithe the scaly creature that was draped in a victim's clothing stood with one clawed foot resting on the raised portion of the roof, contemplating his next move. Having had his brethren scatter themselves around the city to make the chance of finding a single one of them more a skewed he felt the telepathic bond between the creatures still held strong against the psychic barrage of their pursuers.

In a matter of hours if the mutant moved correctly he and his brothers would escape their former master's grasp and into the broad open world he recently came to know as Althanas. With a primal instinct to do what they ironically rebelled against, Hmiig was compelled to spread the contagion that laid dormant inside the mutant, threatening to free itself at a moments notice and plunge any land it chose into chaos.

Turning his back from the city he so very much wished to crush, the lizard-man strolled towards the dark stairwell, allowing his brothers to bask in the saturated euphoria he was feeling. Like a God among insects.


Deep inside the busy metropolis of Ettermire within a tavern sat someone that his very kind thought to be dead. Elegantly, the x factor plunged his quill into the nearby inkwell and wrote a single word in the center of the aged parchment. Finishing as quickly as possible he rolled the parchment up and stuck it into a large, metallic tube. Screwing the lid to the vessel the vigilante handed it off to the messenger he had recently employed and spoke with a voice that was distorted by various chemical agents," Open this only when you are within range and make sure he never sees you. I want him to read it. He has given me a curse; I think it is only fair he be aware of his. Now go!".

With a wave of his hand the beggar who he had hired off the streets and fed walked into the busy streets of Ettermire, vanishing without a trace. Turning to the window with a finger tracing the hem of his black hood the man stared at his reflection. Only unlike before, the face that stared back at him wasn't his own.

06-08-06, 04:22 PM
Slowly the vampire walked through the ever-empty streets of The Great Cave town. A once bustling settlement of dwarfs that had been taken over by the far superior race of vampires many, many years ago. Yet for some reason despite the fact that the city was now the largest settlement of vampire’s on the planet it still retained the same desolate feel it had for several years directly following the hostile take over. No matter how many vampires resided in it and no matter what those vampires did the great town for some reason always seemed to feel like a ghost town to all who traipsed its streets and alleyways.

Casually the blind vampire strolled through a large castle looking building that had once been an elegant fort for countless dwarven soldiers. Now the building, while still serviceable due to its value and use by the vampires, had fallen prey to time and decay. Moss clung to the rocks like and infant to its mother and dirt and grime covered up and made ugly what was once a majestic and beautiful masterpiece of dwarven engineering. Yet as Tarry opened the large titanium doors, it was truly a shame that he had lost his sight. For if he hadn’t he would have noticed the elegant pictures and tapestries that adorned the walls, the fine carpet that hugged the floor and the countless expensive pieces of furniture that filled the well kept and well preserved interior that struck such a sharp contrast to the rotting exterior of the building.

Almost as soon as Tarry entered the doorway he was greeted by general Borag Steelfist. The general was a dwarf that had been turned vampire during the hostile take over of The Great Cave Town literally having been born, raised, killed and then raised again in the historic town, he knew the place inside and out. Also despite the fact that the vampire Elders themselves often resided in the town it was Borag who was usually in the most control of what happened in the increasingly desolate place.

At barely over four feet tall and weighing a bit north of two hundred pounds the general was certainly a stout one though anybody who made fun of this fact would certainly end up regretting it. The tiny creature was completely clad in spiked diamond armor complete with a helmet that had been modeled after a hollowed out dragon skull. Holstered at the general’s back was a large black diamond war hammer with a curved spike on one end.

“Good to see ya again Whealer. Looks like we got a job for ya,” said the general sounding as official as a dwarf with a thick accent could.

“Really go on,” responded the blind vampire who sounded exactly as he felt, like he didn’t actually give a damn.

“Well it seems some scientist in Alerar called the Yzæk I think are having a bit of trouble and they have taken interest in the skills of our agents. Now normally we wouldn’t sell out one of our top guys to outside sources but the elders have said that the Yzæk technology could be of use to us. So basically what were going ta be doin’ is sending you to help them deal with whatever there little problem is in hopes of getting a good deal on there research. They also said there would be a little somethin’ fo’ the agent that helps them that should easily cover any fees for the help.”
That had been about 6 hours ago.

With the aid of the teleportation spell from another vampire Tarry’s trip from Haidia to Ettemire, Alerar had quite literarily been traveled in the blink of an eye. The only problem was that among the technological monstrosity (at least by Althanas standards) that was the capable of the drow nation it was hard for Tarry to find a lone figure in a place he had never, ever been especially since the generally had given him very little directions on where to go.

Luckily the general had remembered to give the bloodsucking assassin one piece of vital information and that was that the creature Tarry was supposed to meet was a goblin by the name of Madij, and in Alerar there wasn’t exactly and abundance of goblins.

So finally after wondering Alerar for the past few hours, by sheer luck and a little help from his spirit since the blind vampire came upon the goblin. What disturbed the vampire was that there were numerous other strange life forces in the area as well.

“I was under the impression that you would be alone when we met. Oh well, what is it you need me to do?” asked the vampire in a cold and nearly emotionless voice.

06-09-06, 09:34 AM
Your mine. The thought echoed throughout the mind of Eriap Til as he ran as fast as his feet could carry him down the dark, empty streets of Ettermire. Eriap had never been a success in his life, in fact, up until now he had spent most of his life sleeping on a pile of newspapers, ate the poorman's cuisine from a garbage can, and had never thought in his days he would be put in a situation like this. Taking a sharp left turn down an alleyway, the bum's feet almost seemed move of their own will.

Panic and black, unshakable fear engulfed the man as he came to knew the meaning of these fateful words like his friends who had also lived in 'Bumbooze Alley' came to know before they were eviserated by that cruel, unstoppable force that seemed to always be one step ahead of him. No matter how fast Eriap Til ran, he felt the lingering sense of death. Reaching the end of the alley he panicked, it's a dead end! Scratching at the sheer brick walls in hopes of getting a grip and carry this chase onto the rooftops when he felt a cold, slimey hand grab his ragged coat, pulling him backwards, pulling him away from his only chance of escape.

In all of his life Eriap Til had the failed notion he would be somebody eventually, someone important, someone rich, someone who would finally be able to eat a decent meal away from a garbage can or sleep on a warm, comfortable bed. As the bum slowly turned around to face his attacker he gazed in the light of the pallid moon upon rows of blood-stained jagged teeth and the yellow eyes of a serpant. Holding the hypnotic gaze a moment longer he heard the deep, soul-shattering hiss that all of his brethren had heard before they were killed. As Eriap Til gazed one last time in the eyes of this scaly beast he knew he had finally become somebody. He had become someone's dinner.


Madij placed a lithe, cerulean hand over his face as he came to grips at what he was dealing with. It hadn't been the dead man's presence that angered the premier, it wasn't the wanton look that made the goblin pine for the aqueducts of Umndr Dar, it was without a doubt the fact the vampire wasn't even aware he was late! It was once said that a goblin cannot process raw emotion in the way a human or an elf could. But, gazing up at the sell-sword he had hired, Madij Abarrik kept his anger in check. . some things were more important then giving this idiot a lecture he probably wouldn't listen to the biomancer reasoned.

At this very moment the mage could give seven good reasons why he shouldn't lose his composure. Holding his dagger at his side, the mage snapped his fingers and the hard, reliable steps of Grux lumbered forth as the mutant held a wooden box that oddly resembled a coffin and sat in on the ground between the mercenary and his employer. Clearing his voice as loud as possible the biomancer spoke in short, fast bursts that oddly resembled a character in a movie put on fastforward," Your going to smell out some escaped. . projects. I have no doubt because of your condition you will be able to smell the stench of tainted blood that courses through the veins of these things."

Kicking the side of the box it snapped open revealing an odd assortment of weapons that looked like they should belong to a florist, rather a group of hunters. Wrestling one of the devices free he gripped the dull yellow bulb on the end of the device and squeezed, giving a disgusting crunch as small orange seeds poured from an opening onto the alley floor. Foul smoke billowed into the air the moment the seed had hit the ground. Shoving the weapon in the direction of the sell-sword Madij grumbled," Your going to need this."

06-12-06, 05:13 PM
Tarry listened with a combination of mild amusement and mild annoyance as the goblin started speaking in a very fast paced tone that was a little bit hard to understand. The comment at the end, about the vampire’s condition didn’t help much and merely combined with the thick smoke in the heavily polluted air to further annoy the vampire.

Still a job was a job and from the sound of it this one seemed like it was going to be mercifully quick and easy. All the vampire had to do was search for some weird monsters in the city and then when he found them he simply had to make them die, something the special agent and become very efficient at during the years of his fairly short life.

When the goblin that was Madij handed Tarry what the vampire assumed to be some sort of weapon the vampire simply held it curiously. After feeling the strange device over and examining it his sixth sense (then one that allowed Tarry to sense metals) the livelike looked at his employer and responded with “So what am I supposed to…”

Tarry’s question was interrupted as a loud, blood filled scream of some unfortunate man flooded the area, echoing off the numerous large, strange and complicated structures that Alerar and its capital were so well known for. The scream was enough to break temporarily break the composure of Agent Whealer, sending shivers down the spine of even a veteran of war and death such as he. Who ever had just died had surely suffered a slow and painful fate at the hands of his murderer.

“Well I guess I don’t have to worry about having to hunt these thing down now” thought he blind vampire as he dropped the device Madij had given him in favor of moving his hands to the hilt of his deadly blade.

That was when Tarry noticed it. On the outskirts of his spirit sense he could feel its presence. The creature was lizard like in its feeling but it was also so much more complicated. There was no other way to describe it. The creature’s life force was dark, very dark, like it had been tainted by some sinister force of either nature, science or magic (or maybe some sort of combination of the three) and it reminded Tarry of his own taint.

Still the precise details of the thing’s life force were of lesser concern to the blood-sucking assassin at the moment. Of far greater was the penetrating hiss that now filled the air and the fact that the creature was coming straight at the company of Tarry, Madij and the goblin’s companions.

All of a sudden Tarry suddenly felt like he was being held in place, like a hundreds of hands were gripping his body and holding him tightly, preventing him from moving. If it hadn’t been for his enhanced strength the powerful vampire would have been rendered completely paralyzed by sudden and deadly spell, though as it was things weren’t much better. The vampire may have been able to move but it felt as if there were a couple hundred pounds of resistance on every move he tried to make.

“Get ready goblin, one of those projects of your is coming to see us.”

06-13-06, 04:59 PM
"Get ready goblin, one of those projects of yours is coming to see us," The sell-sword muttered in a tone so stoic and apathetic that Madij couldn't believe his ears at first. Stiill knelt over the experimental weapon that the mercenary had dropped so carelessly the biomancer fixed his gaze upon the black silhouette of his creation as it stood a few paces back behind the gush of gray steam from the grates at the far wall.

The goblin's jaw dropped in admiration for the monstrosity that prowled in the murky depths of the steam, it's amber eyes were the only defining feature he could make out, but as it paced back and forth the loud hiss escaping its serpant jaws the rest fell into place. Before the goblin could express his pride for the psychic predator he had so carelessly let escape a groan of rusted metal ended with an abrupt snap and the ear-piercing wail of steam as it poured out from its wound echoed throughout the alley way. Snapping his head back in annoyance of the distraction the goblin yelped and ducked as a solid chunk of pipe the size of a tree trunk sailed overhead and crashed into the other end of the narrow alley way and with that the hunt had begun.


A heavy crash rang throughout the alley way as a large piece of metal rested only a few paces where Cilip had been standing before. Hot pangs of anger raged through the mutant's veins as she licked her scaly mouth in insatible hunger. Glaring at the strange entourage that now blocked her escape to the sewers her gaze fell upon her wayward creator who was tucked into a ball behind the safety of a large wooden box. The mutant seethed with hatred at the site of such a coward, at such a creature who had created her, it was an embarassing sight. Rising to her feet, her thick reptillian tail swished dangerously from side to side as she began to inch towards her only exit.

Narrowing her eyes Cilip focused her distorted thoughts from under the telepathic bullying from some unknown force. Strange slits opened slowly in a ring around the mutant's skull giving off a dull blue glow as the creature worked it's advantage upon her oppressors. Feeling the wave of psychic energy leave her body to do the mutant's bidding, Cilip turned sharp towards the entrance of the alleyway and made a break for it while sharing the feeling of adreniline coursing through her body with her brothers. Hmiig would be proud.

06-16-06, 11:21 AM
The vampire smirked as the as the large pipe sailed over head, smashing into one of the many the thin alleyways of the snaked through Ettemire, effectively breaking the creatures concentration and thus its little psychic spell over the vampire. Not only that but the creature was trapped for the moment, with no way to escape into the sewers it must have loved so much. It was a situation that as a killer, Tarry was determined to take advantage of.

Of course things often didn’t go as planned and such was the fate of Tarry’s immediate plan. With the great speed the vampire rushed forward drawing his mighty tungsten blade and hoisting it high into the air. Yet before the blind vampire could bring the deadly blade down upon the head of the creature like he intended he was once again gripped by a crushing, invisible weight courtesy the experiment’s mental power and crashed to the ground dropping his blade.

The force the creature was capable of creating with its mind was incredible. In fact if it wasn’t for the whole going crazy and escaping the blind vampire figured Madij might have considered the experiment a massive success. Still there were more pressing things for Tarry to worry about than what might have been such as the fact the creature was currently trying to kill him.

With a snarl Tarry looked up at the creature. From the vampires a deadly blue light formed. Quickly the vampire opened his mouth and from it the light took on a life of its own, turning into a deadly blast of energy. Unimpeded by the lizard like creatures deadly psychic abilities the blast flew forward and hit the creature dead on, knocking it down, hurting it severely and most importantly, breaking its spell on Tarry and Madij.

Quickly Tarry got to his feet and picked up his blade once again. Once again Tarry rushed forward swing his blade downward at his now fallen foe but the creature proved persistent in its desire not to have a blade run through its body. Obviously not as injured as the vampire might have hoped the creature quickly got up and leaped out of the way in desperation causing only a good chunk of its tail to experience the feel of the sharp tungsten blade.

With a spray of blood from the open wound, a loud hiss and a wail of pain the creature ran. Jumping over the lead pipe that block its way to the sanctuary of Alerar’s vast network of sewer’s it wanted to get away from the vile creature that had caused it so much pain.

Not one to let his target escape, the now slightly blood-lusted Tarry Whealer quickly gave chase. Using his enhanced speed to his advantage the blind vampire was easily able to follow the creature into the dark depths of Alerar’s sewers. Besides Tarry figured that the creature would lead him to the rest of the experiments and thus make his job of killing them all a lot easier. To him the arrogant vampire it was the perfect plan.

06-17-06, 04:06 PM
With a grunt the biomancer turned flat on his back when a strange unseen force flattened him to the cool ground. Struggling to even breath against the oppressive burden, the mage caught a glimpse of his protector collapse under the weight of such raw power. Hearing a shrill predatory hiss Madij shut his eyes tight and tried to focus his thoughts, the dark taint of panic beginning to seep into his mind. It can't end like this, I have so much to do, it still needs to be recovered!, the premier reasoned. Hearing a set of footsteps pat the ground like a small stampede the mage's eyes opened in time to watch his creation leap off the crate, past the mutants and into the dark recesses of Umndr Dar.

Jumping to his feet without even realizing what had been keeping him at his prey's mercy the goblin began to laugh at his sudden turn of fortune. Before he could enjoy his newfound freedom he felt a wave of energy rush past him and a strange azure ray disappeared into the darkness followed by a howl of pain. Turning to see where the bizarre projectile came from he was spun on his heel as the newly hired hand pursued their prey and leaped into the manhole that served as a link between Ettermire and its dirty little secret. Struggling to stay standing Madij called after his mercenary," No! Wait! You don't want to go down there!”

Unable to see any sign of the sell-sword, the biomancer slammed his fist on the side of the crate, ignoring the pangs of pain he nodded towards the streets," Forget him, we've got bigger problems. Don't give me that look, mutant, besides Umndr Dar would be the safest place for an outbreak to occur—he’s already dead, the worst that could happen is that he would start to rot, now lets go!".

Feeling the creatures stir with agreement as they slowly processed the information the biomancer turned and walked towards the busy streets. Feeling Grux and the two creatures he had created long ago over a bet with a colleague begin to follow after him into Ettermire, causing a bit of a ruckus as the tide of citizens gave a wide berth between the wanton hunting party and themselves. As far as Madij was concerned, he and his creations would be the least of their worries today if they couldn't find the band of remaining mutants in time.


Yes, after you finish we will begin to move into position and begin the next phase of our plan. Just get it done, you fool!, Hmiig's voice rattling the tethered, nervous brain that was Galsup. Feeling the scales fold back into place and the queer alien glow slowly fade from his line of sight, the mutant began to relax as he processed the information he so cruelly bored into his brother's wanton brain. Thoughts of potential disaster coursed through the strange, alien brain of Hmiig as he continued to search for answers when a loud creak resounded through the room followed by a foreboding slam of metal upon metal.

Standing at the center of an empty assembly room, the sunlight to his back, the lizard-man gazed into the shadows where the walls were painted with the gore of his most recent of rabble of victims. Although its keepers were dead, the automated plant continued to buzz with activity as hundreds of machines continued to drone with work. Had Hmiig actually known what the creatures were trying to produce, the mutant would've taken full advantage of the factory, but machines had never really been his strong point.

Pulling the ragged coat that he had pilfered from one of his victims tighter around his shoulders, Hmiig gave a brief shiver at the sudden strength of the inhibitor his master had keeping his power in check. "They are getting clossser. . “,the leader mused aloud. Two sets of reptilian eyes met his as they came from either end of the conveyer belts, belonging to a set of twins that seemed to match each other's bloodthirsty. Nodding to the two Hmiig motioned towards the room before them with an out swept hand," Excussse my bad mannerssss, sssisstersss, I am afraid I did not leave enough for all of ussss."

The two twins looked to each other in amusement and gave a low hiss in acknowledgment, their lithe scaly bodies draped in their victim's clothing as well. It must have been an unspoken custom to all hunters that wear the flesh of their prey as a trophy. After a long pause of silence that was filled with the buzz of machinery, the two lizard-women nodded to their brother and left him to accomplish their newly assigned tasks.

Alone again in the strange factory Hmiig turned towards the window and began to dissect the puzzle that would yield blissful freedom or an agonizing death for this mass of writhing scales and mediocre reasoning of a group. A tantalizing euphoria coursed through the lizard-man's body as the connection between the mutants grew stronger, each sharing these new found emotions and accomplishments with the other. A deep gust of air was sucked into the slits of the reptile's nose while he twitched and swayed to the beat of the new addictive feeling when sharp, countless pangs of agony riddled the mutant and caused the mastermind to fall to his knees, an inhuman shriek passing through the lizard-man's lips as the so coveted bond he shared with his brethren made Hmiig wretch until only the solace glow of the sun consoled him from the sins of his brothers.

06-29-06, 01:16 PM
Above, high in the clouds, the noontide sun beat down upon the citizens of Ettermire. As the merchants pressed their wares upon random citizens, the clang of metal against metal rang as hardworking blacksmiths made their daily wage. But unbenounced by the people of strange, technical oddity that was Ettermire something felt off. Each breath taken was one short, sweat beaded upon the brows of working men and child alike, the acrid stench of garlic hung heavy in the air, but nobody seemed to be able to explain exactly why that was.

Today was an oddity, today was something. . different. Just a few yards away, in the same suffocating, narrow alleyway exuded the garlic stench. Scurrying along the aqueducts, a small, pudgy rat riddled with fleas scavenged for its next meal. As if sent by divine intervention, lying on the side of canal, cascaded by rays of light from the surface laid a long, thick scaly tail just poised for the right opportunity, smelling albeit fresh, but rank with the curious odor.

Wrinkling its nose the rat was unable to resist such a feast, dashing to it the sewer-dwelling creature crawled over every inch of the tail, taking in the scent, taking in the very texture of the object that was wet with black, pungent blood. Before it could eat to its hearts content, the tail sprang to life, writhing and moving, every scale, every piece of delectable meat shook uncontrollably. Hopping off the rampaging meal the rat scurried into the darkness and witnessed as a lizard-like snout sprang forth from the base of the limb, and then the just like it had begun it stopped.

Creeping slowly to the thing the rat sniffed the snout at every angle, trying to find a meaning to the new oddity. But as the creature opened its mouth and leaned in to bite at the succulent morsel the jaws of the lizard like snout snapped open, revealing fresh, new fangs untouched by flesh and came crashing down upon the creature the serpent mouth gnashed its teeth, now wet with blood as the rat pleaded in agony. Sometime after the feast the tail began to writhe again, shaking with purpose several sharp, scaly claws sprung from either side of the limb, wiggling with life. Unable to resist its urge, the urge that had been persuaded in its genetic code, the creature that had been severed from its owner began a life anew.


Strolling through the bustling causeway of city life, the employee who had been nursed to health by the very man he was doing a service to walk steadily with the tide of citizens, going about their daily life, unaware of the magnitude of what exactly it was the scraggly bum was carrying. Deep within the recesses of that particular leaded tube rattled a piece of parchment wedged between the cap and a strange device the man's master called an 'Amplifier'. What exactly it was the nameless man didn't know, he didn't care, all he was told to do by his employer was to find a goblin with a floating brain. Not a hard thing to spot within this city, and take off the cap of the tube and wait.

The bum dared not open the package before its time; his loyalty to his master was absolute. It was he who took him off the streets, it was he who fed him, and it was he who managed to get him a job at the new factory on the west side of the big city. The man owed him everything and then some for getting his life back on track. Strolling down the street, dressed in the clothes he had been on the street with, as his employer insisted in order to blend into the city.

Turning a sharp corner a large figure draped in a ragged coat, face concealed, bumped into the bum, responding with a low, unearthly hiss. Speaking words of protest, eyes filled with anger the man turned and began to walk again, feeling the deep pocket where his mission was safely tucked away. But as his hand came down upon the pocket a feeling of emptiness was all that filled it, causing shock to ripple through the bum. Turning on his heel the man dashed back after the figure in hopes to recover his master's plan. But as the nameless bum reached the center of the busy street the ragged man was no where to be found, disappearing without a trace.

07-10-06, 06:45 PM
A wet crack snapped in Madij's ears as he bit savagely into a piece of pilfered apple. Strolling down the busy city streets, the premier was deep in conversation with three different containment teams scouring different points of Ettermire. The goblin's face twisted into odd expressions as he telepathically shouted orders to his subordinates, the juice of his plunder spilling down either side of his grizzly mouth. I told you, Sipp, look in the reservoir, and any other sources of water in this forsaken city. There is bound to be at least one of the Slyiith running about, I guarantee it! Madij seethed at the incompetence of his henchmen, trying to think of a way to attract the blasted mutants to some sort of a containment position.

Turning a bend the goblin took another chunk from the fruit and was about to consult Grux when a loud, soul-chilling hiss filled the air. Snapping his head to the direction of the noise, the mage reached for his dagger holstered to his side. Pulling the weapon free from its sheath the goblin dropped his apple and waved Grux and the other creatures away, only to hear the thundering of footsteps ripple away from him. Scurrying off to the direction of the noise Madij rounded another corner, and another, and another until he broke into a furious run only to find himself in another dead end alley.

A cold, slithering presence infiltrated the premier's floating mind, resting deep in the recesses of something untapped. . Something. . primal. Stopping dead at the sudden intruder the biomancer felt a wave of black fear wash over him only to be quashed by a scientist's intrigue. As an unearthly voice rattled within the mage's mind something kept gnawing at his curiosity, fueling it like a fire. Don't trust the twisting nether of darkness, master, it can be curiously deceptive, the voice reasoned.

Unable to resist the temptation, the goblin slow whispered aloud," W-who are you?". But as the first words left his mouth Madij felt a cold sense of realization sweep over him like a tide. Backing towards the way he came, the premier shook his head and growled," No. . You can't be this close; the Knjeek would've sensed it. . They would've told me!". Feeling a cold rush of anxiety the mage heard the same strange voice, They despise you, master, they despise you for bringing them to life. They despise you for using them like slaves. There hatred for you is the only thing keeping us alive.

Shock ripped through the biomancer and the creeping feeling of death began to encroach on any confidence he once had until he felt a cold slab of brick meet his back in the darkness. Unable to contain the emotions swelling within, Madij squealed and rushed forward only to feel a scaly hand grab onto his shoulder and pull him backwards into the shadows. Hot putrid breath hit the back of the premier's neck and a whisper filled the silent air," You sssshould have lisssstened to me. . "


A savage roar echoed throughout the streets only a few yards away as Galsup pried at the cap of his plunder from the safety of an alleyway. The more the mutant pulled, however, the more the cap gripped onto its charge, refusing to let go. Tugging at it with all his might, the hulking lizard-man swore under his breath and smashed the entire container against the wall. Curiosity evaporated as red frustration took root in every section of the creature's mind.

Patience and intelligence never being his strong points, the mutant bit onto the top of the container savagely and pulled in another direction only to be rewarded with sharp pangs of pain and a coppery taste of blood overtaking the creature's mouth. Smacking the entire thing to the ground, the Slyiith sat and panted, trying to regain his breath. Knowing his brother would be angry to see him doing this, the mutant fumed," Hmiig can go take a dip in a plague-ridden lake for all I care. . I want to sssee whatsss inssside!".

Wrestling with the fury bubbling inside of him, Galsup's scaly fist met the ground with a loud crunch as it buckled under the weight. Picking up the canister the mutant growled low as he glared furiously at his vice, squeezing it until even the lizard-man thought was the breaking point. Unable to contain himself, Galsup roared once more only to be silenced by an odd clicking sound. Steam shot out of either direction of canister as the creature frightfully dropped it to the ground. Gears inside the device whirled and either side of the canister spun as it began to work.

An angry voice echoed throughout the Slyiith's intricate mind, a voice Galsup knew all too well. What have you done, you fool?! Do you know what you’re unleashing upon the world? You were supposed to keep the container, keep it hidden, keep it safe until we were aw--

"Ssshut up! Jussst ssshut up, brother! Jussst becaussse you were brought to life firssst doesssn't mean you can bosssss me around! Order me about like massster did!" Galsup bellowed both vocally and telepathically. Lunging towards the canister the mutant held it vertically in the air for all to see and roared," Command thisss, brother!".

With a snap the cap twisted in one direction, fleeing from its charge. Still gripping the canister, watching the mechanisms click and whirl with astonishment. When the cap cleared the last few inches of lead a strange force ripped the canister from the mutant's hand and forced the cap back onto its duty, as it flew up, up, up in the air until it reached the top of the building and into the scaly hand of the Slyiith leader. Gazing up in horror at the silhouette of his elder brother, Galsup heard several voices in unison sound throughout the alley," Letsss keep a tight lid on thisss, ssshall we, brother?".