View Full Version : SomeCleverTitle

06-06-06, 06:45 PM
((I had 10,000 exp, Level 3, and don't worry about the gold. I'm reincarnating this guy, for reference.))

"All too long," Derius Verwaetram muttered to himself as he walked into the golden gates of Eluriand. He had gone into absence for close to five years, due in part to investigating a score of demons who had nearly killed him when he had retreived the Apehlmace. He simply could not beleive that in the few hundred years since his birth in the secret Salvarian city of Wemlen so much could have changed - he had become well versed in the use of his song magics, a rather competent swordsman, and an excellent macefighter. He had gone from a little known Istoclan bard, who took to entertaining royalty, then using his tricks to steal their valuables to a well known warrior. Granted, his name may have lost it's ring since his absence, but he would soon make sure he was never forgotten.

Description: Derius Verwaetram, an Istoclan Elf (a secretive, quiet, and unknown race leaving deep within what was thought to be inhabitable terrain in Salvar), standing at an average five foot eight inches, and weighing about one hundred and sixty some odd pounds, looks average when paired with any other member of his light blue skinned, violet lipped, snow white haired race. He has tried in the past to differentiate himself from them by wearing unorthodox clothes; A long, knee length black vest with red trim, stone gray trousers tucked into boots of soft leather, which is rather different from the extravagant clothing most Istoclan elves wear. Like the others of his species, he is highly resistant to cold but is weak to most heats, however, during his questings, he has developed a tolerance to it and will react as normal. A bandoleir is strapped across his torso and holds his mandolin on his back as well as ten dehlar throwing daggers, all of which have been reinforced with and coated with demon blood. From an iron loop on his leather belt hangs the Apehlmace.

Weapons: His main weapon is his talymer mandolin; with it he can utilize his melody magics, spells activated by notes of music and not by the harmony of the voice. The crossbow that had been installed in it's neck is currently broken. Secondly, he owns a slightly flared longsword made from damascus. No special abilities, no magical propertis. Third comes the Apehlmace (Note: Apehl is pronounced, well, Apple). Carved from the Apehltree, of only one exists, rarer than liviol, it is somehow resistant to fire, and has the density of prevalida. Finally comes his throwing daggers. Though they are made of dehlar, they have been reinforced with demon's blood and have the tensile strength of delyn. Despite the fact that he rarely uses them, his sharp eyes make him deadly accurate with them.

Armor: Derius owns a shirt of mythril scale mail, which he wears under his shirt. It has been spelled, weighs literally as much as a feather and will bend and flex as though it is linen, giving him maximum use of his own movements.


Heavy Metal -- An aptly named Songspell which increases the weight of an opponent's metal possessions by one hundred pounds. This affect lasts fifteen minutes and is useful only once per thread.

Arctic Nocturne -- Decreases the temperature of a radius of two hundred and fifty feet greatly. It will also summon a sort of rain of ice shards that will sustain itself for thirty seconds, which covers a fifty by fifty foot area. With this spell, however, it's one or the other, and it can be used twice a day.

Fire Ring Requiem -- A defensive song of the Ostlin school, this music will create a ring of fire around Derius. The ring can be either mobile or sessile, depending on how hard Derius concentrates.

Healing Sonata -- This song can heal up to ten people within a radius of fifty feet, and Derius can select the people to be healed if he concentrates hard enough. If not, then the ten people chosen will be random -- either friend or foe.

Swordsmanship -- Derius is no slouch when it comes to wielding a sword. Due to hours of intense training by his mentor, the Istoclan elf is an expert in wielding a longsword. As far as wielding the Apehlmace, he is somewhat skilled, but no better than anyone else picking up a mace.

History: Born in the city of of Wemlen, hidden deep in the reaches of Salvar, Derius grew up among parent's who were patrons of the arts. They gave him the mandolin he holds now as present for his sixth birthday. By twenty, still very immature by Istoclan elf standards, Derius showed a promising ability for music and found himself turning his reputation into a rogue, playing at balls and such and using Songspells he'd pick up here and there and forget later to rob them blind. He wined and dined, and lived highly on other people's wealth. He became arrogant and careless.

When he found himself defeated by a human warrior, the bard straightened up and began to focus his time on more permanent Songspells. He found the warrior some ten years and killed him for his dishonor. Soon, Derius found himself wandering into a more broader veiw of Althanas, engaging in battle with many and trying to figure out what he wished to do with his life. Soon, someone from Wemlen contacted him and requested he retreived the Apehlamce, a powerful, mystic weapon. He did so at great cost, greivously wound, he nearly died at the hands of a number of demons also after the weapon. It was unclear as to why they want it, and the Istoclan elf found himself charged to keep the weapon safe.

06-06-06, 08:06 PM
You're lucky google remembers you.