View Full Version : Level 2: Lost Soul

06-06-06, 08:13 PM
((Reincarnating for Stacatto (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?t=1361), making me Level 2 at 5,000 exp.))

Name: Ramirez DiPietro
Race: Immortal Human
Height: 5' 9"
Weight: 158 pounds.

Appearance: With dark, swarthy skin, and looks that would melt even the chillest hearts of maidens, the bastard child of Spain is extremely handsome and charming. Though he lost one of his eyes in a duel, he seems to get along fine and has grown use to the lack of depth perception. He has a silver tongue, and often gets what he wants, even if the keeper of his wants is the stoutest of peoples. He is almost always seen smiling his warm, irresistible smile. However, beneath his good-looking veneer lies a cold-blooded killer who will do what is necessary to keep his immortal life. Recently, he lost his left arm and the patch which covered his right eye, which was injured again, now marked with a long, pale scar.

Possessions: Ramirez owns a steel cutlass with a carribean hilt. Though he owns many expensive, extravagant, and tasteful clothes, he often wears a blue captain's coat with a high, static collar over a loose cotton tunic, secured at the waist by a black leather belt, sifan cloth black leggings, and a pair of knee-high arctic hide black boots, soled with iron. Finally comes his ship, El Maldecido, with trakym siding reinforced with a thin sheet of iron, and equipped with five medium strength cannons on each given side. It is not that large, and is manned by a crew of sixteen, well versed in their own weapons. El Maldecido was recently destroyed by the Coronian Navy, and killed all of his crew.


Telekinesis - It's amazing the things one can do with their mind given the years. After quite some time, Ramirez the ability to manipulate solid matter with his mind, exerting his will onto what he wishes. He is capable of lifting and moving a total of fifty pounds.

Spirit Drinker - Ramirez's cutlass acts as a bladed syphon for his means. When he strikes another with his weapon, the blade flashes a bright blue and it absorbs a small bit of that person's life. Take in mind that this life does not heal wounds as of yet, instead, it restores some of his fighting spirit, and makes him more vigorous in his fighting. (i.e. restores some lost and shed energy)

Second Wind - When he is struck down, being Immortal, Ramirez is given a second chance automatically, and is resurrected from death with a half of his wounds healed (minor and moderate) and a half of his vigor restored. Though he is still quite wounded, this may give him the ability to defeat his opponent, but being so weak at the time, who knows?

Hydrosimpatico - Considering how many years of his very long life Ramirez has spent around water, it was only a matter of time before he developed the ability to manipulate water. Capable of manipulating an amount equal to his body weight, the pirate finds the task a bit more difficult the faster moving the liquid is. Freezing a still puddle his foot is settled in is simple, but freezing a rushing river from ten feet away is difficult.

Bladesmanship - Ramirez has an average ability with mid sized and small blades.

History: Born in the port town of Asturias, to a Spanish prostitute pregnated by an up-and-coming pirate, who was rumored to be a demon on the seas, Ramirez was birthed into an Underworld and began to steal before he even heard the word pirate. On top of also selling his ill-gotten gains, he worked in a small pub to help his mother, and often listened to the patron's colorful stories.

It seemed that fate saw it fit for him to be cast into the role he was inevitable to come by; one night, a crew of pirates stopped at the pub with a chest of gold and gladly spent it all, heartily drinking and entertaining the youth with his stories. The youth was enchanted. Two years later, when he turned twenty one, after giving his mother a huge portion of the spent pirate's gold, he left to the docks and was enlisted as a cabin boy on a little-known pirate's ship.

The captain - who smoked opium - was not well liked. Seeing an opportunity, Ramirez used his natural charms and convinced the crew, all of them, into mutiny. They beheaded the captain, sold the ship, and followed Ramirez until the day of their death. Speaking of which...

A few months afterwards, the pirate ship encountered a Spanish galley off the coasts of the Americas where they had just raided a spice ship, and a fierce battle ensued. Ramirez ship was destroyed, and his crew killed, but, though unconscious, the bastard son of Spain managed to escape, and drifted for a handful of days before washing up on the shores of Spanish owned Florida.

When he came to, he took to a staggering, aimless wandering, shambling into thick woodlands. Soon however, and it seemed a miracle, he stumbled across an alabaster fountain whose water was cool and sweet on his swollen tongue. He drank what he could, and with surprising energy, hiked to the nearest village. Unbeknownst to the pirate, he had discovered what archeologists and treasure hunters had failed to do for eons...he had found the Fountain of Youth. In the comfort of the village, he recuperated, and swindled many of the rich men of their money. He then bought a ship, which he did not name, and enlisted a strong crew.

Soon, word of a portal appearing in the Indian Ocean reached the pirates ears. Rumors said the portal led to a place called Althanas, which was ripe for the taking and swollen with treasures and virgins. So the crew set off to it...and only a month into the journey into the strange and wonderful land, Ramirez's ship was boarded by viscous Althanian pirates. They defeated them at a great cost; the last died as the last of Ramirez's crew drew his final breath. After cleaning the ship and greiving for his fallen comrades, he finally had a name for his ship. El Maldecido...The Cursed.

After managing to sail the ship back to Corone and enlisting a new crew, Ramirez passed sixty years raiding on the ocean, but never developed a single wrinkle or arthritis. As his crew grew old and died, he finally realized the truth; that he had drunk from the Fountain of Youth, and was now cursed with Immortality. But Ramirez did not see it as a curse.

Over the past millennia, Ramirez has enlisted new crew and enjoyed his life as a deadly pirate. Lately he has been seen around Fallien, drawn by rumors of an Althanian Fountain of Youth...

Unfortunately, during an attempted boarding, what Ramirez and crew thought was a passenger luxuy ship turned out to be a covert Navy ship. Within hours, El Maldecido was sunk and left Ramirez half dead in the ocean, thurst into a new, undirected life.

06-06-06, 08:31 PM
No vlince. No damascus. No delyn. No guns.

Otherwise, weaken telekinesis a bit. Eighty pounds is a LOT.

Is hydrosimpatico (which translates to water-friendly in Spanish, by the way) only meant for the freezing of water or for its movement as well? If movement is included, lower the manipulated mass there as well, since a freeze-telekinesis combo is already pretty tough to counter.

Make changes, foo'.

06-06-06, 08:40 PM

06-06-06, 08:47 PM
Inventory-wise, we're good.

As for the telekinesis, fifty pounds is still a lot. Lower it to twenty-five and insert that it's not strong enough to take something from someone's grip. If you want to keep it at fifty, then add that it requires some concentration.

Also, you didn't help me better understand your water-friendly power.


06-09-06, 05:07 AM
Stacatto's been reincarnated elsewhere.

Unapproved and closed.