View Full Version : Whispers in the Dark

03-22-08, 10:21 PM
Real Ninja's update in purple.

Name: Kyosku Tetsoma
Age: 24
Race: Human
Height: 5’5”
Weight: 115lbs
Eye Colour: Ice blue
Hair Colour: Jet-black


Adventuring: Kyo usually stick with something simple and easy that reminds her of home and makes even her stand out a bit in the multicultural cities of Corone. For clothing she tends to wear a sleeveless gi that wraps around her neck, leaving her arms—other than her gloves—and the majority of her back completely bare. The gi crosses low over her chest, giving a glimpse at what lies beneath the clothing and then crosses over her waist, held together by a simple string tied into a bow. The material hangs just passed her hips and is coloured in black and purple. The pants she wears are usually tight fitting and black, allowing for easy movement and are tucked into her mid calf boots. Her hair is usually left free and messy to cross over her face as it wishes. Another cloth belt around her waist holds her ninja-to, her eggshell grenades and her tetsu bishi and the gi has many a hidden pocket within it.

Working: She wears her hair a little differently, usually it’s either tied back and allowed to freely cover the half of her face her mask does not. Her boots are replaced by a pair of black tabi, which are the split-toed socks that have a type of sole on the bottom. Her pants are a baggy pair of black Hakama that connect at her socks. Around her face she wears a type of black mask that goes from the bridge of the nose down and only on the bottom of her face. It’s attached to an undershirt tight fitting under her black Ninja-Gi. Around her waist is a rather thin black belt that holds her Ninja-Gi together. After the belt the Gi turns into a type of skirt, split all the way up her thighs, one in the back and one in the front. Around her hips is the belt that holds her shuriken, eggshell grenades and tetsu bishi.

Personality: Kyo is a rather easy going person when dealing with her outside of her job as an assassin. She enjoys the company of others almost as much as she enjoys the drink. Unfortunately for her she is a huge flirt, especially when she’s been drinking, and often times finds herself in someone else’s bed come the morning. During her missions though, she is cold and ruthless and as tough as they come. Many of her fellow clan members have said she’s like night and day, once she puts the mask on she becomes someone else entirely.


Two Ninja-to (straight blade): These are common weapons used by ninja’s. Their scabbards are on the small of her back. Each is 19” in length. The scabbard hides its own secrets though, at the butt-end of it there is a small compartment that is filled with a powdery substance, which when breathed in causes paralysis. It can also blur the vision if any gets into the eyes of its victims. The scabbard itself is wrapped tightly in cord, which she can use for climbing as well as tying up or strangling her targets. The blade has a tsuba which is a square guard that she can also use for climbing, and with it a cloth wrapped around the scabbard and usually tied in a bow to conceal itself. This is used to pull the sword up the wall. The blades are coated in black so they don’t reflect light.

Shuriken (throwing stars): Each star is about 4” in diameter and is coated in blade so as not to reflect light and make them difficult to see in the dark. They’re carried in a pouch attached to her belt along her waist. The pouch can hold up to 30 of them, but at the moment she only has 15. The stars are rounded with serrated blades that make them extremely difficult to take out without doing further damage to the person. She also has 3 throwing stars hidden on a secret pouch on the bottom of each of her gloves. The 3 stars on the inside of each of her gloves are also tipped with a hallucinogenic.

Tetsu Bishi (caltrops): In a small pouch on her belt she carries dozens and dozens of caltrops. Each of them is tipped with a hallucinogenic to prevent her enemies from following her.

Eggshell Grenades (smoke bomb): In a pouch on the other side of her belt she carries about 4 eggshell grenades with her. The only thing these are good for is smoking up the area to distract the enemy so she has time to escape or at least hide.

Paralysis Powder: The powder is hidden within the cap at the end of the hard scabbard of both her ninja-to. The quantity inside of each is enough for one good dose upon someone that can either be mixed into food, drink or blown into their face. If it gets in their eyes, it also has the effect of causing moderate blindness as well as moderate paralysis and lasts for five minutes.

Hallucinogenic: A hallucinogenic coating on six of her shuriken. When introduced into the bloodstream is causes mild to moderate sensational hallucinations that lasts for five minutes.


Gloves: As described above she has a pair of black leather gloves. These are not the best for protection, except for the fact that they have metal hidden under the top layer of leather and throwing stars under the bottom. These do not cover her fingers; in fact, they only go to her knuckles, and from there, three quarters down her arm.

*Boots: A pair of black leather boots covers from her feet all the way up to her knees. They provide minimal resistance and usually only help in weaker attacks, but they are very useful when wanting to hide things.

*Note: Anything with a star beside it means it’s only in use in civilian clothing, not her ninja outfit.


Ninjitsu (The art of Invisibility): As a trained Ninja, Kyosku is very good at making her way around in any sort of territory and making little to almost no noise at all. It almost comes naturally to her. Sneaking up on targets is a key tactic in her line of work and any wrong move could mean the end of her. Thus keeping silent and being able to blend and fade into the shadows and backgrounds is key. She is also quick with her movements and knows how to blend in with her surroundings. Advanced.

Fighting Style: Like anyone other Ninja, Kyosku’s fighting style is full of acrobatics. Every Ninja has their own style and way of fighting; hers is very fluid and catlike. She’s quick to draw and attack, never slow to the gun. Her guard is never down, as one could say she sleeps with one eye open. In battle she can be fancy, but never toys with her prey. It’s a mistake to get cocky; no matter how much better you are than the other person. Advanced.

Anatomy: Every assassin needs to know where to strike their opponent, to either debilitate or kill them. Kyosku was trained from a young age to do such a thing. She knows the body’s weak points and just how to use them to use advantage. With great precision she can either kill or incapacitate someone by attacking them in the same area with just a fraction of a difference to the attack or the angle. Above Average.

Basic Survival Techniques: Being away from the safety of the city and from civilization, hunting one’s prey can get rather hairy and so she was trained in the basics of survival techniques. Fishing, hunting, starting fires without the use of flints and even surviving for days without food. Below Average.

Swordsmanship: Kyo has trained for many years with her blade, but has also trained with her body. Though she was trained using a variety of blades, she prefers a shorter style of sword and has chosen the ninja-to as her own weapon. Her proficiency is Above Average with it.

Projectiles: Projectiles are also a key aspect of ninja training and Kyo has been taught to use them, but prefers to get rather up close to her targets. If the need arises she can use them, though her accuracy is not that great. Average.


Speed: Naturally needing speed as a ninja, Kyo has found herself becoming increasingly faster than the average human, twice as fast actually. Even her reflexes are twice that of the average humans.

Shadow Dance: Using her Ki to channel energy all around her, Kyosku can manipulate the shadows and use them to hide her. She has been using the ability more often and as such has more control over it. Her body does not become exhausted afterwards and she is able to hide herself within the shadows easier. A perceptive eye would still be able to find her though.

Shadow Step: By channelling her own energy into that of a shadow, Kyo can step into it and literally become one with the shadow. Her body loses three quarters of its physical form when in this state, making most attacks rather harmless on her though still causing some kind of damage. In this state, she can quickly shift her form to any nearby shadows within a matter of seconds. Though it is relatively easy and quick to do, it requires a large amount of energy and Kyo would easily exhaust herself to the point of passing out if she used it too frequently and without a long enough pause between.

Dragon Transformation: Through intense training with the mercenary Godhand, Kyosku has formed the ability to transform into a dragon. Unlike the more typical dragons that grace the realm of Althanas, she turns into a more slender and snake-like dragon closer to Akashiman tradition. When transformed, Kyo is twenty feet from the tip of her muzzle to the tip of her long tail. Her body is roughly snake like in that it is long and roughly the same width almost all the way through. Though she can stand on her hind legs like most dragons, it does take more effort and each one of her fingers is tipped with a long, sharp claw. Her scales are ice blue with random spots of black and the underside of her belly is black as well. The mane that flows off the back of her head and around the horns upon it is also black, as is the only upon her tail.

Natural Weapons: Kyosku has an innate skill with the natural weapons that her dragon form comes with, allowing her average skills when it comes to fighting in the form and using her body. Her claws, teeth and horns all have the strength of steel and are extremely sharp.

Scales: Her scales at the moment have the strength of young dragon scale.

Flying: Unlike the regular, fat bellied dragons seen on Althanas, Kyosku’s dragon form has no wings and yet she is still completely capable of flight. The ability that allows her such a wingless flight is beyond her, but many of her people believe dragons to be rather mystical creatures that use some form of magic in order to take to the skies. Apparently, Kyosku’s form innately has this magic.

Music: In her spare time, Kyosku loved to play instruments and through all this practice and many, many teachers and sessions, she has finally mastered the flute, which she carries around with her in her rucksack.

Items: (These include weapons) Rucksack, 24 Tetsu bishi, 2 Ninja-to, flute, 21 Shuriken, 4 eggshell grenades, civilian clothing and ninja clothing, various kinds of dried food, water skin, blanket and map.


War is a tragic thing, many people are caught between its cross fires and not all of them are meant to be at the other end of another’s blade. Innocence, the blood of the innocence is always spilled during a war, no matter how much thought is put into preventing it, there will always be civilian casualties and everyone knows this when starting a war. But that is the price they are willing to pay for their cause.

Many people’s are involved in a war, not all of them belong though. And so it was for one small village on the outskirts of Okinawa territory. It was a mixed village, full of different races and peaceful too, wanting nothing to do with the war going on outside of its fields, but people don’t always get what they want. The fighting broke out into the village, spilling over its fields and its gates and into the very streets. A band of Ninja’s from the Kunketsu clan had been found in there by men from the Okinawa clan, their oppressors.

A great battle broke out and the Okinawa clan burned the village houses and killed many of the village people for harbouring the Kunketsu clan members, many of whom lost their lives in the battle, but so did a lot of the Okinawa clan members. Many people fled from the village, many people died in that village and many people were left for dead, like Kyosku herself. She was there, during the attack, a small four-year-old girl, cowering, shivering and frightened almost to death in her upstairs bedroom. Members of the Okinawa clan had come into her home, a home that had been holding Kunketsu clan members as friends and killed her parents, yet had overlooked her.

A member of the Kunketsu clan who had been staying in her home, found her during the battle, feeling sorry for her that it was his fault this war had spilled over into her home, he took her in his arms and left the battle field to return to the secret hideout of the Kunketsu clan. There he adopted her into his family, a wife, and two children. Both of their children were boys, one being older than her and the other of the same age. His wife was overjoyed to finally have a daughter, even if it was not her own. Especially since she was unable to have any more children.

From the trauma of the incident, Kyosku could not remember her real name, nor did she have any memory of life before she woke up in Sasuke’s home in the hideaway of the Kunketsu clan. She considered Sasuke and Caneda as her real parents, though they never kept anything from her. At the age of ten, she questioned why it was she looked like none of the other members of the clan, since they were all of Akashima descent and she was not. They told her the truth, but it didn’t really faze her. The way she thought it, she couldn’t really miss a family she could not remember so she never really thought of it and just continued on with her training in the clan.

At the age of 15 when her training was nearing its completion, ten long years of it, she journeyed to the village she was born in. It had been rebuilt and there, in the back cemetery, she found the graves of her parents, names Sasuke had given her, along with her real name that she disregarded and thought nothing of. After praying at her real parents tombstones and giving them her thanks she left and never returned to the village.

After returning to the village it was a few more years of training then finally at the age of 20 she was able to go out on her first mission. It was an assassination mission with two others and it went perfectly. A few more followed in groups, and her skills were made known to the Oyabun (the head of the clan) and he began sending her out on missions alone, which went by even smoother for her. She was better working alone then in a group, the privacy of it comforted her more.

During her time away from the clan and from her missions, Kyosku ran into a warrior by the name of Godhand Striker, training deep in the woods of Concordia. She was implored by nearby villagers to take care of a monstrous dragon that was taking over the area, but all she had found was him instead. Later on it turned out he was the dragon and after a bit of a rough start, he agreed to train her in his technique and teach her how to transform into a dragon as well. After a few weeks of training, she learned how to turn her body into that of a dragon’s, only hers was a different kind of dragon than the one he turned into. Sadly, shortly after their time together they parted and Kyo had not seen him since.
Four years passed and she was summoned to the Oyabun, he told her that he would like her to go on a journey, nothing in particular. Just for her to go on her own journey to discover who she was and to also gain experience, knowledge and understanding of the outside world. She graciously accepted and he told her to take as long as she thought necessary but to return if she heard any signs of trouble on the wind line.

And that’s where her story begins; this is where she shapes her story as she takes her first steps out of her village to travel not as an assassin but as a person, an adventurer.

Level 1

It didn’t take long for Kyo to land herself in hot water. Leaving Akashima, she went right into the multicultural city of Radasanth and ended up taking a quick thieving mission to make some extra cash. It turned out that she was pitted against another thief during the mission and the two of them fought over the item in question, the man named Jared Cesarino nearly killing her in the process with a sleeper hold gone horribly wrong. In the end, she had taken the item to Roland, the man who had hired her and smashed it against the wall right in front of him, after having paralyzed him with some of her powder slipped into his drink and threatening him. Then she left, thinking the end of that. How wrong she was.

The next night she was set on by some of Roland’s men and nearly killed, she only survived because of Jared’s intervention. After a bit of a rough start and a lot of arguing, Jared and Kyo found themselves in strange waters and beyond the harsh words, attracted to one another him Jared asking her for more than she could offer him. After taking a few days to rest their injuries, she snuck into Roland’s estate and killed him, then together left for a safer and smaller town at the edge of Akashima. During their first night there, Kyo left, leaving Jared with nothing more than a quick note and a thought in her head that she’d probably never see him again.

Level 2

Things have slowly been getting far more interesting for the wandering assassin as of late. After the incident with Roland, she hoped the first boat she could find and ended up in a land known as Dheathain. There, she found herself intrigued by an old clan called The Bandit Brotherhood, a guild of thieves and rogues. Upon meeting a man named Molotov, she proposed the idea to him and was more than surprised when he said he would help her with it. Together, they sought out the Draconian leader, The Ceann Cath, who gave them ruins they could live out of, only those ruins happened to be infested with monsters. So Molotov and Kyosku found themselves recruiting others to help them in this task as well as join their newly reformed Brotherhood.

After recruiting several rag tag individuals from The Minstrel’s perch, Kyo headed towards Lavinya to acquire the assistance of one thief in particular she thought could help them the most. Jared Cesarino. Reaching Lavinya and tracking him down had proved to be relatively easy, asking him much harder. She’d found herself scared of rejection considering the way they had parted, but Jared once again turned her world upside down by not only accepting her invitation, but also taking her back into his bed. After a rather sleepless night, the two headed back to Aiseirigh to join up with the others and participate in the monster killing.

Cyrus the virus
03-24-08, 12:49 AM