View Full Version : Monika Petran

Monika Petran
03-24-08, 11:47 AM
Name: Monika Petran
Age: 23
Race: Elvan, possibly with a bit of human ancestry
Hair color: Deep green
Eye color: Gray.
Height: 5'3
Weight: 119 lbs
Occupation: Adventurer, previously an apothecary.

Personality: Monika is a soft-spoken young woman with a quiet power. At first she appears tame and calm, but she is fiercly independent and is not afraid to express her opinions when needed. She enjoys caring for others and is kind to almost everyone. She has relatively high self-esteem, but one of her faults is that she does not often say what she thinks about herself. She is prone to emotional manipulation and will deceive others to hear what she wants when she's in a bad mood.

Appearence: She is a small and thin woman with pale ivory skin and long limbs. She has a graceful air about her and moves smoothly. Her hair is deep green, almost teal in appearence, and tumbles down her back. She often wears a headband to keep it out of her face, or braids it to get it out of the way. Her eyes are large and cat-shaped, their color is pale gray and are framed by long lashes. Her lips are thin. She wears comfortable clothes, often men's style trousers and peasent blouses. Monika always dresses in brown, red, and off-white. She carries a leather pouch with her which contains her various healing secrets. Monika also always wears a silver chain around her neck with a an interesting leaf-shaped locket. It holds secret power. She speaks tradespeak as well as Truvian.

History: Monika was born in the far-away land of Truvia, where she belonged to a middle class noble family. Her mother died when she was young, and her neglectful father shipped her away to live with her aunt and uncle. They were kind enough, but her father gave them strict orders on how to raise her, so she was often treated poorly. She was trained as an apothecary, and therefor has very good healing skills. The local butcher's son proposed to her, and the match was seen as a good one, so her aunt, uncle, and father told her to accept. She refused and was kicked out. She ran away and slept in a cave for a few months and all this solitude is what made her so quiet ever since she left. She had always wanted to see Althanas, and wandered here.

Skills: Monika is a skilled apothecary and uses Truvian spells that are sometimes mysterious to the people of Althanas. She is fluent in Elvan, Tradespeak, and Truvian. She is a fast runner and is very good at jumping. She is a moderate user of magic, which she studied while living in the cave out of boredom. Her most unique skill lies in her silver leaf necklace, left to her by her mother, which she can use to achieve interesting tasks. She usually uses it to "transport" herself somewhere else in times of danger. It can also shed light, play lullabies to put people to sleep, unlock doors, and occasionally read others' thoughts. She is still discovering the powers and limits of the necklace, and it often surprises her.

Equiptment: Monika carries a thin sword with her as well as a dagger and a bow and arrow slung on her back. She has a leather bag that she wears as a sling which holds her healing equiptment.

Familiars: Monika used to possess a small humanoid named Parsley, but he was killed towards the end of their journey. She is still heartbroken about the loss and is deciding whether or not to look for a replacement.

Cyrus the virus
03-24-08, 05:12 PM
Include that her weapons are made of steel.

You'll also need to list any spells Monika has, and any abilities the necklace has that you plan on using. Naturally it's fine to have some stuff show up surprisingly during a storyline.