View Full Version : The Water Burden (1.5)

03-24-08, 04:53 PM
*Name: Melancor (http://i103.photobucket.com/albums/m145/Poseidon1776/MelancorandtheQuals002.jpg) (Meh’al-dcor in ancient traditions)

*Age: Ageless; Melancor has been around for about20,500 years. The Aegean were created a supreme ocean god, now dormant, before the creation of Althanas. The appearance of their ages varies around 30 from the “eldest” to the “youngest” of the seven Aegean; Melancor appears to be around 27.

*Race: Aegean; Demi-god.

*Hair Color: Silver.

*Eye Color: Silver to deep blue.

*Height: 6”3’

Weight: 180 pounds

*Occupation: Power Seeker

Melancor's way of acting and speaking could be considered stoic. Having no simpathy for humans for he considers himself higher than any mortal, and views humans as a worthless greedy breed. When petrulance anoys him he will use one of his sarper tools, that of the tonge, as he can speak in eloquently always with a sarcastic touch. He has complete disregard of human life, and may act viciously and without simpathy even without provocation. Although he has a sence of a moral code being a god he is above good and evil. Melancor despises authorative figures, and considers them as nothing more than images. He is usually serious and dislikes interation with mortals, but at that he is not completely regal, as he is liable to laugh and can be easely deseived by foolery.

His profile is impressive, as Melancor was created to be at the verge of perfection. Melancor has an imposing status, he is a tall young (-looking) man, his hair is silver-colored, and straight, but held in a high, half tail. His eye color varies from Silver to deep blue depending on the temperature. He carries with him a rather hefty load of garments. He will normaly wear his cloak, held down by a black leather best, to defend himself from the elements. He wears black jean-like pants, and a pair of dark brown leather round-tip boots, extending to his below his kees. He will wear a tight shirt-like jaket over a dark top, followed by his archaic chest plate.


Melancor was created approximately 20,500 years ago. Around the creation of Althanas. He is the fifth of seven demi-gods who reign over the Althanian Seas. There is a hierarchy among this group called the Aegean. The eldest of the Aegean; Amdaleh, the praised sea demi-god of Althanas, has been the leader of the group for centuries and this tight system has kept the Althanian seas stable, Recently that’s hasn’t happened.

As more instability in the northern regions of Althanas have arisen and a change of the natural order corrupted, three of the brothers have allied to gain total control over the seas, potentially harming the delicate balance of the tides ultimately causing monster typhoons and potential destruction of all the coastal countries of Althanas.
It was typical of the Aegean to fight violent battles, embroiled in thunderstorms and Whirlpools, once every 100-some years when they happen to run into each other. These battles were always fought with the next in line, as an attempt to win a higher stop in the hierarchy. The Aegean despise each other, and there is no such thing of brotherhood among them, only the desire of move up in command.

Their ranks varied from eldest to youngest. Melancor being the third born was the third amongst the Aegean. Until Neratheo the sixth, Cozrhyael the Fourth and Eldraiel the Second, broke into his sea and attacked him, and finally Eldraiel the leader of the trio took possession of the sea and merged its waters. They way they were to revel and overrun Amdaleh was by taking down anyone who posed a “possible” ally. And so Melancor was evicted from his sea at the west, destined to roam strange oceans and ultimately hunted by his other brothers. He would live a sedentary life, living as an undesirable guest of his brother’s sea. Until Eldraiel decided that even without reign his brother was not good alive, and sent Cozrhyael to finish him off.

Melancor fought tooth and nail against Cozrhyael disrupting the entire marine peace of Althanas for a week. The skied blackened, and ominous winds hit the shores as the far away storms merged into war. Exhausted Melancor found the perfect way to escape the quarrel and fled with the unwilling help of Amdaleh -who would usually not appear in person but being the only ominous demi-god (for the moment) able to act from a remote region-

Melancor had deployed his godly energy and thus, after finding a “safe place to hide” he was again attacked, this time by a sea serpent. It was not clear if it was the hound of the seam Leviathan, as it ambushed Melancor in the depths of the ocean. Melancor fell unconscious and acquired his most human-like appearance as he floated away.

A young man appeared floating in the sea near a fishing town in the Salvar region; he was unconscious and had various injuries. he was brought to the house of one of the anglers were he was taken care off while he awakens. Seeing how his situation did not improved, they summoned the healer who was also the priest of the village. After examining the man, he discovered that he had been possibly involved in a fight with one of the deep-sea creatures that had left him incredibly ill. And as he turned him around he discovered the mark on his back. Horrified he ordered to send him to the temple and tie him down to ceremonial table.

For two days he preformed and each day it passed a circle surrounded the Three-sided slim star on his back faded in. However, when he was closing in finishing the prayer that would accomplish the priest’s wishes, the man awakened, and his face was filled with wrath by seeing in the position these humans had put him in. Like a wild beast, he tried to liberate himself from the iron chains that pinned him down to the big, cold, stone table. The man in the Temple panicked by witnessing the great power that was taking over him, light started pouring out of his eyes, he started screaming in a strange ancient tongue. But the priest stayed steady, he kept praying only hoping that the chains would hold long enough for him to finish the lengthy prayer. Nevertheless, it was too late; the chains had failed their purpose. The men inside the temple evacuated fearing for their lives, But the priest stayed put, seeing how the man destroyed the great table with his bare hands. The man had been overtaken by wrath and clouded his mind. Te temple was filled with weapons and it wasn’t difficult for the mad to grab a sword and stick it into the old priest. The Priest was bleeding and he could feel the cold of death in his neck, but with his last breath he began to finish the prayer as his killer ran to the Sea, he will not allow the Demi-god to hurt any of his people, even if it meant to fight death to the last second.

The man ran into the sea as the whole village was submerged in pandemonium in fear of the powerful creature. He entered the sea in a dive, and in that moment people saw his legs fuse and become scaled into a long fish-like tail, and they saw him disappear in the sea. The people ran to the priest’s aid, in his pain he was still residing his prayer. Then A mighty earthquake struck taking the temple to its foundations, there was only chaos, people screamed, children scattered and houses tumbled. Then the skies turned gray, Lighting and thunder fell from the sky with a great roar, and the winds staved their skin like cold knives. And in the horizon they saw a great Wave approaching their shores, the people had now realized that they had been dealing with a demigod. The man was riding the wave like a chariot, the survivors ran for shelter, and as he approached the shore, he heard people, grown men and women and children scream “it’s Poseidon the earth shaker” “the king of the sea has come, Poseidon is our doom”. They repeated the name of a sea god, which they had heard of in many stories, he who sank cities and shook the earth, was the only way they had to refer to him, only as Poseidon, the god of the Sea. The man did not recognize their dialect. All he cared about was to get rid of this mortal scoria. Then he felt as if someone had stabbed him in the back with a sharp object. The Priest had finally finished his prayer, and with this done, he gave himself up to the grim death. The man fell from the heights of the wave into the sea, and wave lost its structure and started to collapse, but it was to late, the wave had already arrived, it collapsed into the poor humans witnessing below, and they were drowned to death.

He felt cold in his face. he rose from the sand and saw the sun dying in the horizon, cold waves started hitting him. He was in a place he did no recognize, and his back was burning with pain. There were images in his mind, images of horrified faces, people of all ages he did not recognize. Some calling out “Poseidon” “Poseidon” wile their cold eyes saw him with fear. He rose his eyes and saw destruction, wood and rubble floating in an inundated plain. He has scared, had he done this, had he killed people? He stood up, his legs had scales, he was horrified, ho was he? Why has he there? All questions he had no answers to. He sat in the ocean line alone between the rubble thinking until night came and the moon came.

The moon, something that seemed so familiar and comforting to look at, the moon would help him to recover some of his memory, frame by frame he remembered awakening in a table were panic took over him and he started struggling, he though they were hurting him, he though there were a threat. In addition, he could hear a gruesome song over and over in his head, and the image of an old man standing by his side that had somehow make him angry. He remembered that he knew that he needed to kill that man, but why was not clear to him. he realized he had killed people. He know that he was not like them, he knew that his hands were stained by blood. He walked to the center of the flooded plain, were he dropped to the ground and looked to the moon, trying to remember more of who and what he was, but the answers never came “is my name Poseidon?” His back was still hurting and the scales in his legs had gone away, he fell asleep in the cold mud, only the moon to look after him.

~The Aqueous burden: ~


***Melancor can create up to three cubic meters of water, manipulate up to four, and freeze two, per day. He is not as strong as he had been before, thus he cannot manipulate water for extended periods of time.***


-Gripping Water: Using the mere impulse of will Melancor can call upon water to permeate from his skin, though he has control over such ability and he normally he will only use his hands as the birth point. This water is not like natural rain, sea or the tap kind, however. The water that Melancor creates, or that he takes possession off, will become gripping water, as in order to manipulate the liquid he uses a little amount of his energy, which in term can give the water a solid property, allowing the water to grab onto things, yet still possessing a liquid status.
Because gripping water reflects another extension of his body, its strength is only limited by that of Melancor’s. As much as Melancor can pull or push will be the setting limit for any of these water extensions. Though these bodies do not need to be connected to his body nor are they bounded to the ground.

-Mithrill Ice (lv.1): Although its name is deceiving, the ice that Melancor can create, or take possession of will turn into Mithrill ice, stronger than the ordinary ice. For now, his ice only has the strength of Obsidian. This ice does not handle the flames as formidably, however. It fends against heat better than water-ice non-the less; it’s melting point reaches up to 20*C (as opposed to water which melting point is around 0*C), it will resist a summer’s day toll a little better than normal ice.
Because Mithrill Ice reflects another extension of his body, its strength is only limited by that of Melancor’s. As much as Melancor can pull or push will be the setting limit for any of these ice extensions. Though these bodies do not need to be connected to his body nor are they bounded to the ground.

-*Water Draconian (http://i103.photobucket.com/albums/m145/Poseidon1776/serpent2GIF.gif) (lv.2): It is in the fashion of the Aegean to take the shape of creatures of the Abyss. Such morvid ability ranges from Krakens to imitations of the Leviathan. Melancor no longer belongs to the realm of the gods, so he is not able to turn into such intimidating creatures, for now.

Melancor can transform into a downgraded version of a water draconian, which allows him to swim underwater at fast speeds. His tail extends 4.5 meters long, measuring from his waist to the tip of the fin. He now has acquired a horizontal fin, resembling more that of a shark, although in form the tail resembles that of a serpent. The fin It is retractable, however. Two extremities open up which hold the soft flesh of the fin itself. He also has three slim limbs that open out at the left and right of his waist, retractable, which also reveal fins. The parts of his body that turn into a draconian become scaled, with hues ranging from silver to slate grays.
His tail not only holds the appearance of that from a serpent, but it has a similar anatomy. Now not only his lower body has an alien form. But his arms are now also trying to assimilate, as scales will extend from the tips of his fingers to about his elbows. When he morphs into this hybrid he will grow two-inch claws on each of his fingers. His arms also hold retractable fins. The canine on his mouth will enlarge into one-inch fangs, but they hold no biting purpose.
The use of this ability is exhausting, and it is rare that he will ever use it when not sea-bound. The use of this ability in otherwise unlikely conditions may be provoked by bad situations, or by un-appeasable rage, which may trigger it un-purposely.

-*Moon Gravitational (lv.2): Like the moon influences the sea’s tides, so are the Aegean directly affected, and even though Melancor is no longer a god, the moon still influences him.
When night falls and if Melancor finds himself in a battle, he will immediately feel such effects. His eyes will turn silver as the power manifests itself like cold, and they will shimmer white with plasma. The result of greats amounts of energy that is channeled into him at night. His appearance is deceiving non the less, as he can only use a small boost from this energy. At night, Melancor’s aqueous powers increase by x1.2 and at full moon by x1.5. When such effects take place Melancor will exert his own gravity. The air within a meter radius around him will feel heavy, and object will fall faster, as they will be attracted to the ground slightly more aggressively. This is almost a false feeling as quick thresholds against his persona can swiftly annul it. i.e. a persons fast movements can almost completely void such influence, when the attacks are fast (which most of the time are) the influence will be almost insignificant.(plot value)


*Ithkimian Wall (lv.1): By will Melancor can create a spherical barrier, a meter radius, which lasts 10 seconds/1 round and has a decent chance of protecting Melancor from a single attack from a level 0 character (~55%), a low chance to protect from a level 1 character (~25%), a very remote chance to protect from a level 2 character (~5%), and no chance to protect from level 3 and above characters. Such wall cannot be accessed from the outside but it is permeable from the inside. If objects come into conflict in its parameter when its depleted, it does not have the ability to sever them, but it will hold them in place for the duration of its depletion. This wall has a transparent and glossy appearance, its color varies from blue to green hues. Since this wall is made of light or plasma, it radiates energy though its surface, and at contact it will react with a shimmer at the place of the intrusion. It does not possess any other abrasive effects.

*Toil of Hyperion (lv.1): Using the set amount of griping water as its limit, Melancor can create two rope-like strips of water that he can utilize as whips. However, they do not proportionate the same kind of pain a normal leather whip will, but in it’s essence they possess the same nature. The Toils of Hyperion are required to be attached to his hands.

*Hoar Needles (lv.1): Melancor can use his ice to shoot two sets of three ice-blades, per day. Although they fall under the effects of Mithrill ice, they can be as fragile as obsidian, though as sharp as blades made from the same, one centimeter thick but three wide, and ten long.

~Miscellaneous skills: ~

-Moderate Archer. (Average skill)

-Light of Knowledge: since Melancor is more than 20,500 years of age, and when in holy strife he would spend his days gazing upon Althanian life. His omnipresence allowed him to collect vast amounts of knowledge, from the history and fate of many civilizations, to the detailed taxonomy of the great majority of the races on Althanas.

-Universal Speak:
Melancor knows all languages of Althanas, and nearly all dialects, with the exclusion of those unique to a character or small group of people, excluding all the aquatic dialects from these unique groups.

-Immortality: He is no longer a god, nor is he invulnerable. Nevertheless, he is not dependant on food, water, or oxygen (due to its aquatic decent) for that matter.

-Semi-Allure: Melancor was created to be perfect. His persona is the envy of many and the desired treasure of others. He is amongst the most attractive males of Althanas, his beauty stands regal, and people cannot help feeling physically attracted to him.

~Equipment: ~

*Bow made of oak with catgut string, and steel garments at the edges.
*Quiver with and 20 arrows, oak with steel tips and goose fletching.
*Slim Chest Plate, encrusted with small detailed decorations, made of ochre-sih steel
*Leather Canteen that holds up to a liter of water.
*Leather black gloves.
*12” knife.


-Neletia lv.1: (http://i103.photobucket.com/albums/m145/Poseidon1776/MelancorandtheQualssmall-ignore.jpg)

Neletia is a sea demigoddess, once subordinate to Haskara. By sacrificing their status to aid a bizarre situation for Haskara, she, and the other eleven of her sisters where turned into Quals. Qulas are creatures resembling flying serpents, their body is completely scaled, and their color is usually white-silver. Neletia stands seven feet long, and below her head she holds six finger-like claws, three to the left and three to the right of her head. Quals can sore at high altitudes, and move fairly quick when necessary.

The ring can only be worn by someone of holy blood, as it can burn human skin at contact. There is no real curfew for her to be released from her ring, but if Melancor decides when she would go back into the ring and release her when ever he pleases.

Neletia can be considered Melancor's positive side, as she usually provokes Melancor into breaking his serious habits. She may also know, small, but important pieces of information Melancor cannot remember, though, she does not know as much as her "master". When not inside the ring, in public places Neletia will hide under Melancor's cloak, or she will be soaring high to avoid being seen.

Neletia can create a light wall only to protect herself that may defend her from an attack from a lv.0, but not from anything above. Since Quals do not possess mouths Neletia communicates by telepathy, choosing her listeners, set in a large range so that her communication may seem as a voice. If she wishes she can read Melancor's thoughts, but Melancor can avoid this if he notices and decides to. They both can communicate with each other through telepathy. Neletia has the ability to be furtive, and can easily avoid being seen by untrained eyes. Neletia can also see people’s auras. Neletia also acts as a portable mind fire-wall. She will intercept anything that is sent or pulled from Melancor telepathically and so, she can block someone from reading his thoughts, or void anything involving mind control, on a medium level. She cannot read someone else’s thoughts. She might be able to scratch someone badly, but nothing that will cause a mortal injury. A Qual's cranium is pretty strong to resist several punches. She can create A liter of water or Ice, and she is also Melancor's healer, being able to heal small wounds, such as cuts and small burns.

Only once, in the ides of each month when the moon is at it's peak Neletia can void the chains of the ring and manifest her true self (http://i103.photobucket.com/albums/m145/Poseidon1776/Water_Lilly_by_TheTragicTruth_Of_Me.jpg) as a semi-tangible spirit, who's powers do not surpass those of her Qual form. This loophole in the sacred spell will only allow for Neletia to materialize for thirty minutes.
(plot value)

03-24-08, 04:54 PM
Upgrades in blue.


-Can create up to three meters cubed of water, manipulate up to four, and freeze two, per day.
-Melancor can create whips of water which have the same property of leather whips, though he cannot use them for too long.
-He can launch two sets of three ice blades per day, which are as sharp and as fragile as obsidian.
-He can transform into a water draconian, besides his new snake tail he also has two-inch claws and one-inch fangs. (Most likely will never use it while earth bound).
-Melancor’s aqueous powers increase by x1.1 and in full moon by x1.3.
-Moderate Archer
-He can create a spherical barrier which lasts 10 seconds/1 round and has a decent chance of protecting Melancor from a single attack from a level 0 character (~55%), a low chance to protect from a level 1 character (~25%), a very remote chance to protect from a level 2 character (~5%), and no chance to protect from level 3 and above characters.

Miscellaneous skills:
-Light of Knowledge: Melancor Knows all of the languages of Althanas, excluding those specific to a character of very isolated and small groups. (with the exception of all ocean-based communication methods unique to these small groups). He also knows almost all of the detailed taxonomy and most of the anatomy of the great majority of the Althanian races.
*In battle, or second party PC conflict however, Light of Knowledge permits Melancor to know the language and features of common races only. The level of detail is roughly similar to the knowledge a common lay-person would have about their own race (for example, what a human would know about humans, and what an orc would know about orcs).
-Immortality:He is not dependent on food, drink, or oxygen for that matter.
-Semi-Allure: People cannot help feeling physically attacked to Melancor; there is nothing more strong about this attraction, yet.

*Bow made of oak with catgut string, and steel garments at the edges.
*Quiver with and 20 arrows, oak with steel tips and goose fletching.
*Slim Chest Plate, encrusted with small detailed decorations, made of ocher-ish steel
*Leather Canteen that holds up to a liter of water.
*Leather black gloves.
*12” knife.


These abilities will only be used with a PC at the other player's consent.

-Heal minor burns and small cuts
*Mental Firewall: She can avoid the telepathic interaction with Melancor from a third party member, or void anything relating mind control at a medium level. Mental Firewall may not be used on player characters. It will only affect NPCs' mental abilities. This may be changed in future levels.
-She can create a light barrier that can only protect her from a strong attack from a lv.0.
-Make and manipulate up to a liter of water and ice a day
-Neletia can see people's Auras
-Neletia can create a fog covering a radius of 10 meters.
-He can create up to an ounce of toxic. This can only paralyze a small portion of one’s body. Nor Neletia or Melancor are immune to it after 10 minutes. (No means of injection)

Cyrus the virus
03-24-08, 05:08 PM
Was Moon Gravitational new before? I don't recall seeing it in color in your other update.

Anyway, now that I read this again, I don't like that Ithkimian Wall is as strong as it is. Either make it last for less time, or make the barrier weaker.

03-24-08, 05:18 PM
Both those skills where already there since lv.0.

I gave the moon- the gavitational part though, in reality it has no influence upon someone else.

And I didn't really upgrade the wall at all, I think I added the permiablility and the hold on things interripting its parameter. Would you like me to downgrade it still, though?


downgraded to 15 seconds.

Cyrus the virus
03-24-08, 08:22 PM

Make it so the familiar cannot be used in combat except with express permission from your opponent.

And either get rid of Moon Gravitational or the Wall spell. Sorry, but Melancor is just way too strong for his level.

03-24-08, 08:53 PM
*raises eyebrow*

err.... I guess this wasn't a good idea, huh?

I'll keep the Moon Gravitational... but please no more.... no more! T_T

~both edits made~

Cyrus the virus
03-24-08, 08:59 PM
That'll do, I suppose!

03-24-08, 09:53 PM
A second opinion has been requested, and in light of the unusual circumstances, I'd like to request a few additional changes to your profile.

Mental Firewall may not be used on player characters. It will only affect NPCs' mental abilities. This may be changed in future levels.

The rest of your familiar's abilities and the familiar itself may only be used in a battle if your opponent consents. This applies not just to her light barrier, as you mentioned, but to the entire familiar. This may not be changed in future levels. (This is to protect other characters from being "double teamed").

Light of Knowledge permits Melancor to know the language and features of common races only. The level of detail is roughly similar to the knowledge a common lay-person would have about their own race (for example, what a human would know about humans, and what an orc would know about orcs).

Ithkimian Wall lasts 10 seconds/1 round and has a decent chance of protecting Melancor from a single attack from a level 0 character (say, 55%), a low chance to protect from a level 1 character (~25%), a very remote chance to protect from a level 2 character (~5%), and no chance to protect from level 3 and above characters.

Melancor's abilities are amplified by only 1.1x at night, and 1.3x during a full-moon.

These changes are suggestions which will help keep the totality of your abilities more in line with an average level 1 character. Tweaks to this plan are welcomed, but don't try to overpower things.

03-25-08, 07:52 PM
One last reminder, the majority of his miscellanea and part of his abilities, including those of his familiar where never meant for battle.


03-26-08, 12:14 AM