View Full Version : IMPORTANT: Rebooting Salvar

06-08-06, 03:05 PM
I've come to the conclusion that Salvar is too complicated to be readily accessible to most people at first and that is the reason activity within this region has suffered. So I'm going to be doing a "reboot" of sorts. I'm not going to be changing anything major, but simplifying a lot of the content and the systems so that none of it is too complicated at first, while still keeping an archive of in-depth info that players can read and use if they want but don't have to. So Salvar will just be easier to jump into.

None of the past history that has greatly affected your character will be changed. But if you have ever, ever role-played in Salvar, I want you to respond to this thread if you feel like a thread you did here was both vital to your character and used elements from the over-arching idea of Salvar. I want to tell you what elements of Salvar you used. This way I don't leave anything vital out in the reboot. This thread will be open for one week.

Examples of the kind of info I do want:
- I completed a thread in this region that involved Salvar having a slave trade. The slaves came from the tribal regions north of Salvar.
- I completed a thread in which my character was harassed by the army of Salvar in the town of <whatever,> which is a fishing center located on the eastern coast of Salvar on the banks of a river called the <whatever.>
- I completed a thread in which Salvar was ruled by a feudal hierarchy and an iron-fisted church and my character did a favor for one of the feudal lords to subvert a recent decree that was made by the church.

Examples of the kind of info I don't want:
- I completed a thread in which my character went into the woods with his companions Lucas and Gertrude and killed a large orc named Bigfoot.
- I completed a thread in which my character visited a small fishing town somewhere in Salvar and did nothing out of the ordinary.
- I completed a thread in which my character learned how to tango in a fancy ballroom somewhere in the middle of the city of Knife's Edge.

Currently incomplete threads that intended to finish are also welcome.

06-08-06, 05:56 PM
On my other account, Beauty, Slave and Carth are from Salvar. They lived in a small backwater place with an unimportant name. What is important is that Slave was born, raised and sold from a Slave farm near the town. The slaves are now all born and raised on that "farm", originally (and 3 or 4 generations ago) they came out of the mountains to the north. The lord who bought the land that they had taken up residence on, made them his slaves and the slave trade became one of his main sources of income. If you want more information on this race, PM and I'll tell all...but telling it here might have a negative effect on character development. The lord's name has been lost to history, unless you wanna make something up to put in.

Storm Veritas
06-08-06, 06:49 PM
I completed a thread in Salvar with Malagen (Letho), Khereth, Zerith, and Abbie (using "Poetra", I believe) where the four men freed Poetra, who was a slave locked up in the town. The villagers attacked all of us, and many of them (10 or so) died in the battle. This may have slowed the slave trade for a while.

06-08-06, 06:53 PM
Storm, I always thought about the people that enslaved her as professional slavers, not villagers. Either way, yeah, we caused quite a fuss there, killed a lot of people and turned the local Bazaar into chaos.

Storm Veritas
06-08-06, 07:04 PM
There were definitely professional slavers running the show, but when the place went to shit and people attacked, I thought there were some villagers involved.

Let's call them slavers to keep it simple.

06-08-06, 07:08 PM
well I currently have a quest where me and Lisean are infiltrating a feudal lord who has his hands in slave trade. most of his trade comes from foreigners, but some in salvar. It's still going and is planned to be finished. The mission is to kill the lord and burn down his manor.

06-08-06, 07:49 PM
My AC team* followed and blew up a bunch of Ice Wraiths. They were part of an army that was attacking Knife's Edge, I think. We stole Ashiakin's Ice Shield too. But, you already know that, don'tcha?

* Twisted Infinitum (Calico/Edgar), Gild? (Snow/Bree), metallicakender (Chromanon Rockskin), Molotov

06-09-06, 05:55 AM
I used Salvar's slave trade in a quest I did with my Poetra account.

What Letho and Storm said...

06-09-06, 06:05 PM
I completed a thread in salvar, detailing the existance of a particular "Shael Tribe" of arctic rangers with a vendetta against a nondescript clan of orcs, but that's all that really matters.

06-10-06, 01:09 AM
I have a character (this one) who is a slave from Berevar (which is connected to Salvar and used to be a subforum of said continent) and had a thread there once where she was recaptured and put on trial for escaping. Her entire race is enslaved by a tribe known as the Yorani. (I don't know if that applies or not.)

Horizon's End
06-10-06, 09:33 PM
Besides the Kingdom of Ead'Nith which I submitted I also have some idea of an ancient wise, if seemingly nomadic-style primitive, culture in the far North of Salvar. Other than that I have nothing too continent impacting going on unless the going ons of a library within its city are important enough.

06-11-06, 03:14 PM
I had a few quests in Salvar that dealt heavily with an underground vampire city in the mountains of Salvar called Asaraka zor Vampira.

06-12-06, 10:27 AM
To the very north of Salvar, there is an island known as Surat or Sirsulay. This island is inhabited by vampires who hibernate during the six months of the year when it is always light out.

Also, to the south of Salvar, there is an island known as Peligrino. It is a small fishing village that contains human refugees from Surat. It's primary product is elderberry wine, which it sells to the rest of Salvar. It is not very noteworthy and could arguably not be considered a part of Salvar. While the king considers it part of their sovereign territory, they have no official MP. Most politics is at the local level.

06-13-06, 11:49 PM
I had originally only planned to keep this open a week... but that's not very long. I think I'll keep it open another week to just make sure everyone gets their stuff in.

Damion Shargath
07-12-06, 04:54 PM
A rather long time ago, Damion Shargath along with a group of other "evil" aligned characters took out a larger church somewhere on an icescape, as well as slaying a rather important paladin. We played it as a semi-very-important church to the regions most common religion (whatever it was then, it can be edited to fit current one.)

I'm not sure how important it is, but maybe someone here could use the fact that an important church of the region (central Salvar) was destroyed.
The thread seemingly disappeared with the last crash anyhow, so if you don't deem it relevant anymore anyhow, then that's fine too.