View Full Version : Chaos Looms on the Horizon

06-08-06, 09:21 PM

Full Name: Futsuriai
Race: Ishikitai (Incarnate)
Age: N/A, appears 24
Gender: Male
Height: 6’
Weight: 155 lbs.
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Almost transparent grey
Preferred Weapon: Katana
Preferred Clothing: Cloaks and Robes


He is a character who appears to fade into the background, hardly noticed by others. Even though he sparingly enters conversations a few minutes later the people he spoke to have forgotten him. Those who do notice him, though, find it hard to ignore his presence. His preference for wearing black clothes is reflected in his hair color which appears almost beyond black sucking in the surrounding light. This dark void is broken up by a silver toned streak running down the left side. Gazing into his eyes many people are overwhelmed by the sheer translucency of them, they attempt to hide nothing yet few people can see much (in them), as they say: the eyes are the windows to the soul... His are an antithesis to the darkness he is surrounded by, in his attire and hair color. His build is wiry and quite unremarkable, yet it belies his hidden strength. His preferred black cloak he wears draped over his right shoulder flowing downwards almost like a toga. It carries a hood yet he rarely uses it since his identity is already hidden by his anonymity.

Underneath the cloak it has been revealed he wears regal black clothes, befit for an emperor yet they carry the sinuous deadliness of an assassin’s garb. His face is one of sharp features, worn by time yet young, giving him an air of agelessness which has been accentuated and much more apparent since his mending in Concordia. He now usually looks a lot more regal and his stance reflects the power he has obtained. Strong and silent is the stereo-type that would most describe him, he doesn’t necessarily show it off but to those that know what they are looking for it is obvious Futsuriai is not a pushover. He looks and moves almost like a shadow with crystal eyes, and though most would see him as scary and frightening or at least unnerving; those that know would see a true warrior.



Futsuriai's history is that of the Ishikitai and the history of the Ishikitai is that of The Dreamer. The Dreamer is an unknown entity which exists outside the Ishikian realms and as its name suggests is in a state of deep slumber. This being's dreams hold a fraction of what his mind is capable of yet it was enough. A Multiverse sprang in his dreams along with its inhabitants and they were all conscious, self-aware independently of The Dreamer. Yet to them it was not a mere dream but all existence. An unbalance surged up in the pristine tranquility of this haven of consciousness. Their unknowing nature caused them to start disrupting the dream, bringing The Dreamer close to waking up. Yet from this unbalance there surged two entities much greater than any before, they were as gods in power yet more limited in scope than the mere inhabitants of any one world... Their existence was to balance the Multiverse, they were the first Ishikitai. Balance and Unbalance, Chaos and Order, Tsuriai and Futsuriai. These entities managed to bring The Dreamer to a restful sleep by managing the Multiverse's problems. This might have taken eons in normal time yet they were beyond it, it held no sway over them. Gradually as they gained more and more freedom of consciousness they began to see The Dreamer's footprints laid out over all the worlds, they saw and they understood. They were mere dreams. Here began a short strife between Futsuriai and Order in which the foundations of the Multiverse came near to crumbling other Ishikitai sprang up and helped whomever they wished. Yet for an instant they sensed The Awakening to be upon them and using most of their strength they beat it back. It was then they realized they could overpower the sleeping Dreamer...

Over time the Ishikitai noticed they had no direct power over conscious beings in their ethereal states. So they learned to create vessels for their entry into the world of creatures. These vessels lay dormant acting as a normal being would until it was called upon by its creating Ishikitai to fulfill its purpose, slowly memories of its ethereal state returned along with some of its powers. Yet before this they had to cease to exist for a while until they awakened within the vessel. So before their awakening they were vulnerable to those that wished them harm. And these were not scarce. During a joint quest by all four Ishikitai to prevent a catastrophe in another world a being created by those who balanced the search for Balance with that of Unbalance attacked one of the four Ishikitai to seal its true memory.

This ploy was known beforehand by Futsuriai, being part of a grander plan for during the war a complete eradication of the opponent would have spelt doom. To do this, however, all four Ishikitai were necessary and knowing his presence would be enough, more than that, that his words would not deter the others as their humanity had made them vulnerable to the need of revenge he conceived a plan to make it seem so yet it made him seem a traitor for he had had to lead the forces of the Rakäi. He has discovered the seal was placed by himself though the motive was not revealed. .

Every now and then a memory came to haunt him, every now and then a measure of his power came ephemerally to him. When he awoke he was alone in an alien world. Something inside him told him he was not alone here, that another one of him was here as well. He did not yet know what he was yet perhaps the other would know... He searched thoroughly and found no traces yet he knew, more than he felt, that another was here. Over the years of searching memories very slowly crawled into him and coupled with the fact that he didn't age he began to think. He struggled deep within himself and found a glimmer of hope, he regained his former name, Futsuriai no Tetsujin, the Philosopher of Chaos.

In Concordia after wresting against an unknown force a part of his ethereal nature melded with his human nature creating a more stable Futsuriai. He has gained access to much knowledge he had lost as well as those referring to the planet Earth. Further exploration of his ethereal self has further severed the link to mortality even more resulting in certain physical, personal and mental differences. Through the years he has met many and has had his name come and go as the enemy takes him. Most recently Futsuriai has vanished from Althanas though none know why nor where.


Due to his awakening in Concordia Futsuriai’s personality has changed drastically, the ethereal side of him is slowly absorbing his humanity making him act more distant and uncaring about mundane things such as good and evil unless they concern him. He has not lost all moral barriers yet, however, though he is approaching the alignment of true neutrality. His humanity still intervenes with an urge to preserve its human kin yet as time passes he cares less and less unless it concerns him or the Balance, which is becoming one and the same. Those that he has journeyed with will still find him loyal and dependable unless they do something that negatively affects his purposes which will cause him to turn on them with little remorse. He is wiser and more knowing and tends to ignore much more unless it doesn’t directly concern him. He still seldom speaks but when he does it now he usually does it in an authoritative manner through tone, wording and pose. He seems to irradiate power, or danger, yet if need be can alter his mannerisms to seem caring, mysterious, etc. Since emotions rarely break through anymore, the mask of reason and purpose clouding them, he has learned how to fake emotions to such a degree they seem genuine since all he had to do was draw on memories. He is perceptive as ever and scrutinizes tiny variations from the expected and adding a colossal experience spanning more than the life spans of Universes he can often deduct things by comparing an event to a similar one.



Katana: Futsuriai has attained only slightly less than a true mastery of his katana which is as of now Prevalida bladed. It's hilt became engraved with a four starred compass in which the southern point appears to give a barely noticeable light when he grabbed it for the first time. The hilt is either clear grey or void black, now usually a mixture between both; it's hard to tell since it appears to either depending on the situation. The hilt’s material is of an unknown nature, it was lying nearby when he awoke in Althanas, the material appears to correspond, in strength, to the user’s level + 1, in tiers. Thus it is now equivalent to Damascus. The katana's blade is easily switched so as to permit more powerful blades to be added. The sword is one of the 7 blades of Phantaria even if he does not know it yet. Its true form is incomparable in power yet it cannot yet be brought forth. If this true form will come to shine on Althanas is not yet know, what is known is that the metal it is made of must be of the strongest possible one (blade and hilt) for the transformation to be able to occur. Best estimates place it at a minimum of level 9. Though as of now it is improbable that the true power or form will be unleashed on Althanas due to the extremes of power it involves. At best it will be a much toned down version. He is now a much better swordsman and is prone to use techniques involving his dagger or sheath in combination with his katana in parry strike combos using both hands. It is important to highlight that though Futsuriai dominates the Katana with expertise, which is to say he excels in its use being, it comes with the limitation that the expertise with other weapons is basic unless he quests to relearn their use. Though by applying the same principles with other melee weapons he can handle them better than most beginners, and the degree of mastery depends on how similar they are to the katana.

Glossy Black Sheath: It is enchanted with an ancient magic. Every two character levels (next at level 5) it gains an ability which affects the katana somehow.

First Skill: When the blade is sheathed with the blood of an opponent it is wiped clean of it and the blade is sharpened and polished (level of sharpening and polish depends on the power of whomever the blood came from, does not work with own blood.)

Second Skill: When sheathed in Futsuriai’s own blood the blade becomes energetically charged and an aura of energy surrounds it, thus imbuing (for the length determined by quantity) it with the element of wind and the strength of chaos. It becomes easier to maneuver and almost alive in its movements. Bear in mind that a few drops will not do much, large quantities are necessary to unleash a notable increase in the aforementioned characteristics. For instance a few drops would make it hum with energy though not much more, it would have to be completely bathed in his blood to attain the power of a level 0 Katana Mastery (though how the power is expressed is different, the amount of power it has is about equal.) It is therefore dangerous to actually imbue it with much power due to the risk of bleeding out.

Passive skill (independent from the other ones): Whenever the blade is sheathed with the blood of an opponent (only through Battles) the scabbard will go up one tier level in strength and the pattern will become more complex. (Limitation: only levels up in tier if counter reaches 5, to get how much the counter goes up for each opponent it uses the following calculation: [(OpponentLvl+1)-(FutsuriaiLvl)] = Counter Increase (Note: if the character’s level is lower than mine the minimum is 0, i.e. no decrease in counter.)

Its glossy black surface looks as though it will remain that color even if the strength of the tier levels up. As of now Futsuriai is starting to doubt that his Delyn Sheath is, in fact, Delyn. This doubt is moot as of now as the strength is equal to Delyn still. The counter remains at 0.

Dagger: which upon closer inspection turned out to be made from Delyn with a leather studded handle. On its hilt it bears an odd 5 starred circle with a central symbol he can’t recognize. It does not appear magically imbued though this may change during a further quest. As of now the mystical powers of this dagger have still not been tapped, and due to a lack of general usage it is still not christened. Futsuriai is adept at the handling of this small blade due to his expertise in the katana and prolonged exposure, he can slit throats or use it in combination with his katana as a means to parry or stab with good accuracy as well as throw it reasonably well. He has learned to throw with more precision and power, though it is still a meager skill compared to a professional knife thrower.


Tear of Neifkaj: Futsuriai carries a pendant with the Greek symbol for wind. Its purpose is unknown to him so it has no power as of yet. It has begun to react to certain people. These people are the other Ishikitai Lords most usually. When in the presence of the other Keys of the Elements the pendant can have varied effects, (only in quests with 3 or 4 of the Ishikitai.). The pendant also appears to have a mind of its own, guiding to places he know not, and sometimes giving him odd feelings about certain things. It cannot yet project them through words and thus relies on feelings and subconscious information relays. It has been revealed the Key of Wind was called the Tear of Neifkaj and contains a fragment of Aeris dating to its making. It can be used as a receptacle for magic though holding it there is difficult unless one continually pumps in more. It has also stopped sending information through feelings and occasionally transmits messages from beyond the veil or seal.

Shard of a Mirror: From his Theater of War battle with Damon Kaosi Futsuriai has kept a small shard of a mirror around which the battle revolved.

Small Pebble: From his Theater of War battle with Neosaim Hyakureiki Futsuriai has kept a small pebble from one of the buildings of what Moira and Mitabren could or should have been.

Talymer Staff: It is a four foot talymer staff with a rune at the top which when pressed makes the staff give off a small amount of light.


Knowledges Acquired

Knowledge of Worlds: Futsuriai knows the history, and various alternate histories of Earth, the planet Aeris, and a variety of worlds he can remember though most are blocked off. He also knows the basic history of Althanas with emphasis on Raiaera and Corone.

Knowledge of Continents: Futsuriai knows about the people, geography, fauna, and accent of Raiaera. He is also well versed in the general history of many of Althanas’s realms and knows the geography, people, flora and fauna of Corone particularly well due to exposure.

Knowledge of Governments: He knows the type of government of the major realms and a small number of the smaller ones, he is familiar with the workings of Corone’s and Raiaera’s and through this last is gaining a (biased, even if he takes it into account) idea of Alerar’s.

Knowledge of Magics: He knows and understands the workings of his own magic to a very good degree, its limits and possibilities. He is also capable of understanding basic elemental spells and advanced wind spells. He gained a Rudimentary understanding of Song Magic's principles and the corresponding primer, how to sing reasonably well. He has also become attuned to the magic of certain individuals he has come into contact with repeatedly.

Knowledge of Languages: Futsuriai has a facility to learn and comprehend languages and is currently fluent in Tradespeak, the main elvish tongues, and can reason out most drow as well as having a basic experience of Salvic. Through experience he can emulate the dialects of Raiaera, and various Coronian areas.

Knowledge of Strategy: He has gained practical experience in the arts of strategy and tactics in his home world and, more recently, during the Gisela.

Knowledge of Logic: Due to his nature Futsuriai has an innate skill for solving logic puzzles and reasoning out solutions to them. He handles most logically derived systems easily.

Knowledge of Ethics: This means Futsuriai understands and is able to act accordingly to the ethics of different cultures even if he does not share their necessities.

Knowledge of Himself: Futsuriai has the rare ability to know himself, his limits, and his strengths and not judge himself if an action was unlikely according to them. He knows his thought, magic and skills in this way.

Knowledge of Others: Futsuriai is also able to judge others reasonably well by applying the above knowledges and predicting what they might do. This can fail in the case of those who act illogically, when Futsuriai acts on insufficient information, or on erroneous one. This limits his skill since the last two criteria are usually applied on some level for those who are not him.

Physical Traits

Wiry Build: This build allows him athletic and agile movements. It is related to his constantly poised air, as if ready to strike at any time for it seems almost coiled. This build means he is unable to wield heavy swords as effectively and does not stand up to much direct physical damage.

Inhumanity: Being an Incarnation means Futsuriai does not require food under most circumstances unless after great physical duration, skipping it causes reduced activity for a time. He does, however, require slightly higher rations of water than a normal elf might. This property also means that sleeping is not required as often unless he is physically or magically active for protracted periods with no rest. He is also immortal through means of aging though a fatal strike or poison will shatter his link to the incarnation.

Chaos Aura: As of late an aura of chaos, usually perceived as one of power, surges around Futsuriai in a growing manner until he rests or unknown conditions are fulfilled which reduce it to a minor aura millimeters from his body. It can grow to an extension of tens of meters with greatly reduced effects extending beyond at its most unchecked expansion yet this would be extraordinarily rare. It has no effects on beings except being there.

06-08-06, 09:21 PM

((Level 1, 2, etc, corresponds to how long I’ve had the skill. Note than unless otherwise specified earlier levels (if a more advanced one exists) are easier to cast or use.))


Katana Mastery

(Lvl 1): Unknowingly focusing his magic energy into His katana, Futsuriai can use the sword to slash extremely quickly and with deadly precision, during the attack the blade's color switches to white or black. This attack is not a single strike but a flurry of deadly blows. Using Katana Mastery drains Futsuriai greatly leaving him vulnerable and unable to attack effectively for a day.

(Lvl 2): Having used the skill more Futsuriai can now use it twice a day leaving him equally drained, or once leaving him magically tapped out, but not physically. He can also now control the flux of magic and heighten certain skills: Speed, Power, and Accuracy. Normally it would be balanced but he can now choose to make a supremely powerful blow or a extremely rapid one. Note: Concentrating on strength alone does not make the blow slower than normal for the power is injected at no penalty to normal values. This applies to all skills in respect to each other. In total the amount of magic spent has not increased significantly meaning a balanced Katana Mastery is still almost at Lvl 0 strength. (Note: this ability hasn’t truly improved yet, but Futsuriai has gained a mastery of it at this level, the strength upgrade is due to his own strengthening through fights and the like.)

(Lvl 3): General strengthening. Also while concentrating on any of the three sub-categories he can begin to see differently varying on the degree of single-focus. For strength he begins to notice the build of the opponent, where their true power lies. For speed he starts to observe the opponent in a slow motion way, like if all his reflexes quickened, which in fact they do Finally, for accuracy, he can literally see, as if in a different color, places where his strikes will do more damage and the way the blade must be handled to get to that point.

(Lvl 4): As Futsuriai has become more experienced in the art of katana wielding as well as increasing his magic pool, his regular strikes now carry a fraction more of speed, accuracy and power intrinsically without expending magic. As well as an assimilation of the longstanding skill he has in conjunction with his unlocking as the Bearer of Winds, more on it below, now able to focus magic into the sword and undergo a trance similar to the ones above that allow him to see the auras of magic around him, their intensity and usefulness determined by how much magic he sends into the sword. In this state the blade can hit targets that are not in the physical plane.

(Lvl 5): He has by now attained a reasonable mastery of this skill which makes it easier and less draining to cast in its various forms. By being attuned to the magic of his katana (which is independent from his own) he has learned the theory, so to speak, of how the skill works. This has also allowed him to actually fashion a new subset of melding both his and its magic. This melding when used at his current full force allows him to include elements of his power as Bearer of Winds causing him to see not auras of magic, but auras of life and winds. He can slice through wind based attacks in this state without much problem unless they’re of a higher level than he, and any direct hits in this state should cause major damage to the area, organ, limb, or being provided they are living. Note: when using this ultimate meld of his magic, his katana’s magic, and the Bearer of Winds all blows are of regular speed, accuracy, and power because diverting magic to those areas would cause the meld to collapse. Using this skill he can last for one minute of IC time and continue fighting with all magic skills reduced to equivalent of level 1 for the remainder of the IC day, or for 5 minutes with an instant collapse afterward for several days unless healed or aided by outside magic, this is important, if there are enough magic users near these limits are slightly extended. If the skill is released after two minutes he will be able to use no more magic until after resting (sleeping) 6 hours, if after three minutes unconsciousness follows for an hour followed by awakening as if he had released it at two minutes, and at four minutes he falls unconscious for a day followed by a day of no magic.


(Lvl 1): Can only be used for brief messages as headaches appear as well, severity depending on length, they fade quickly if telepathy is stopped, however, but return at full strength if there is not an adequate resting period before the next message. The message also becomes more and more garbled as the length of the message increases.

(Lvl 2): He can now project longer and more accurate messages than before, it still drains his mind, however.

(Lvl 3): He can now talk easily through telepathy and can even maintain two different conversations simultaneously yet this technique drains him as a single had done before. Sending exclusive or communal messages is a simple task now, as long as he only uses them in one train of thought speak. He can also open a channel with one person that allows them both to speak telepathically, doing this drains him and he can do no other telepathic abilities while attempting this.

(Lvl 4): He can do basically everything stated before as naturally as speaking.

Bearer of Winds

(Lvl 1): In the dream realm (His home world, in flashbacks or dreams) he can control wind currents and the enemy’s life force. This ability does not carry through into Althanas normally. It is to be used in solo-quests and quests where the character’s past is set off (Story forwarding quests). Even when it is set off the damage done is beyond marginal for now. It is basically useless now except for plot progression. (Will not be used against any other player characters excepting one of the four Ishikitai in related quests or battles.)

(Lvl 1): No changes... yet.

(Lvl 2): If Futsuriai has access to foreign magic that adds to his this skill is by far his greatest. He can now use it in Althanas though at his present amount of magic it is fairly taxing though useful. Useful because it is not overwhelming, it can do various tasks relating to life forces and winds, drawing them toward him, away, drawing streams of magic, basically modifying ethereal properties of nearby bodies. As before stated, however, it is a very taxing skill thus either limiting what he can affect (to clarify PC’s life forces are usually too great or inaccessible for X reason unless allowed by him/her.) as in its extent or the amount of time he can do it. On complex or strong willed life he can still (under his own power) not cause lethal damage, only disrupt aspects of life be it physical (possibly illnesses) or mental injury. If he is lent magic, or there is a source he can tap into it becomes quite dangerous (will not happen unless in solo or closed/planned quests possibly but unlikely also in a closed/planned battle).

(Lvl 3): He can now use this skill to greater effect, its purpose is not to directly harm yet it can if need truly be. Using this skill he has learned to manipulate wind and wind based skills that are of a lower level than he. If they are natural winds he can change their course, alter their potency slightly and through great effort concentrate them into a tight area creating a fragile blade that though sharp is plainly visible as a grayish thin blade of 1’ that is as fragile as very thing glass. Any contact will shatter it into air, yet if it reaches its target it will slice around an inch, at most, before dissolving provided the target has armor weaker than canvas, even so it is only no armor that it will imbed itself 1 inch, even regular clothes will make that less than half an inch. With wind skills he can barely divert them if caught in time if they’re one level higher than he, divert them somewhat easily if of the same level, dissipate them if a level below and reverse them if they more than that; if more than one level above him he can only somewhat dampen it. He can now see smaller life forces in this state as well as make out more complex routes of life forces in a complex organism.

Desert Skills

(Lvl 1): Desert Survival grants the user knowledge of what actions and precautions to take in a situation ruled by desert elements, such as harsh heat, sand, and long stretches without water. Desert Survival also grants the user an understanding of how best to conserve ones energy and resources so that not only the user, but the party with the user may benefit from such things. Desert Survival Basic Creature Knowledge grants the user an understanding of the basic creatures one will encounter in a desert setting or environment. This also grants the user a slightly better understanding of possible weaknesses basic creatures will have, and the ways of which to dispatch of those creatures. Desert Survival and Flora and Fauna knowledge were improved in his quest to reach the schools of magic.


Chaos Armor:

(Lvl 1): Focusing his magic into his cloak he can make the cloak much more resistant to magic enhanced attacks as well as make Futsuriai almost invisible at night. Using Chaos Armor will drain Futsuriai for a day of most magical related abilities.

(Lvl 2): Now the skill protects against magic attacks more strongly and the invisibility is nigh total at true night (not an artificially created one). It is partial in shadows and null in daylight. Drain on magic can now be controlled to an extent, this control can allow the spell to drain less if used for shorter time periods than usual, the spell can only be cast 2 posts per battle (in total) disregarding all controls imposed on it. Or 5 minutes whichever comes first. The drain will now be for 5 posts. If not used fully. Else it is still a day.

(Lvl 3): With a strengthening of his magic he can now use the skill to greater effect, more protection and better cloaking, yet the duration remains the same.

(Lvl 4): As with Katana Mastery after prolonged exposure he has assimilated a part of the spell causing his cloak to have a mild protection to magic at all times, as well as a shimmering effect caused by quasi-translucency which is activated when needed. Neither now require magic to maintain at their reduced effectiveness, though in full it does. The cloaking has not improved drastically though the protection against spells is greater and on occasion instinctive even when he consciously does not know, or see it coming.

(Lvl 5): As with Katana Mastery he has mastered the principles of this spell which entail using an alteration in the state of his body to grant the invisibility and a wall of chaos energy to protect against magic. This has allowed him to discern and earn to cast each perfect it to such a point that by remaining perfectly stationary he can, once a day, become perfectly invisible though after 5 minutes the effort of doing so will cause him to faint for 8 hours; conversely he can also maintain a pure shield that guards against lower level magic almost completely, shields against same level, and dampens higher level for 5 minutes after which he faints for the same 8 hours. Unlike becoming invisible, however, once activated this shield remains in place for the five minutes independent of need or wish to stop, so though it shields greatly using it but for an instant by reflex at this level causes him to unconditionally faint afterwards, the time can be reduced if healed or if outside magic is willfully fed to him. By becoming invisible he can shut it off with simple movement, if used for less than 30 seconds all that will happen will be a blindness resulting from the alteration of his bodily state for five minutes instead of fainting; a minute to two minutes causes loss of sight and hearing for those five minutes upon the completion of the five minutes after usage, and from 3 to 5 all that changes is the length of unconsciousness, at three minutes he lasts 5 minutes unconscious.

Shimmering Winds:

(Lvl 1): As Futsuriai’s wind connection awakens within him he has gained a useful spell. It causes the air around him, in a 3’ radius sphere, to well... shimmer thus distorting everything within that sphere to an outside observer making it much harder to aim accurately within it and even harder to aim or see objects beyond the sphere (there would then be two “layers” of the wall doubling the effect). It can be cast in one of two ways: On himself, here the spell would follow him around like a protective bubble. It would last for two consecutive posts or one and a chance to use the other form of casting which is... On an object or item, etc. Here the spell would last for one post but could be cast twice, once if the other method was used for one post. The spell offers very little physical protection from ranged attacks, however, due to the cause of the distortion, a change of density in the air (all the air within, not just the limits of the sphere), movement is slowed down a fraction of a bit for all parties but him. This includes arrows and melee strikes. Note: The decrease of movement is most effective with arrows fired from far away as they are most likely to go off course due to a speed change. Most other attacks will barely see or notice a speed difference. Characters, but him, inside the sphere will notice the air’s changed density like one would feel the pressure changing during liftoff and landing on a plane.

(Lvl 2): Shimmering winds now has a variation upon the way it can be cast. The radius has grown to 4’ when cast as before, when in this method all effects will be the same as before except for a larger distortion due to increased amount of compressed air in the larger radius. He can also now cast it with an ever diminishing radius (Max 2’6’’) in which the density increases in relation to the 4’ max radius proportionately. All effects due to the increased density become more apparent. Its effect on movement by non-projectile weapons is still negligible. Also he has noticed that wind and rain cannot penetrate this barrier

(Lvl 3): Shimmering winds can now reach a maximum of 6’ when cast as before. The minimum is still 2’6’’ though it contains the same amount of pressure as would be more evenly spread out over the 6’. When cast at this level of compression effects on projectile weapons are pronounced and now noticeable on non-projectile weapon, the amount of effect depends on how aerodynamic the body is, if it is more aerodynamic it will feel it less. The most pronounced effect, however, will be on the transition between the “surface” of the bubble and the outside; it will feel as if one struck against... much less viscous water. All other effects have gotten more pronounced. It can now be used a total of 6 times including both casting methods.

(Lvl 4): Shimmering Winds can now have a radius of 12’ when cast at level one strength using 3’ as the radius. The minimum remains 2’6’’ yet this minimum sized sphere would be about as difficult to wade through as a sphere that size of water. The distortion on rays of light now makes the object or body it incases almost invisible due to how warped it is, and the effect becomes much more apparent both pressure-wise, and movement wise. A swinging sword, unless it slices through at an aerodynamic angle would have a difficult time not losing some strength, this level of usage will drain him enough so he can only cast it on himself for one post, or an object for less than a post (meaning the effect expires before the other’s turn). However as clarified above the previous levels become slightly easier to cast and allow more usage times.


(Lvl 1): As part of his awakening in Concordia his connection to Chaos has become stronger and as a consequence Futsuriai has gained his first truly chaotic spell. Entropy allows him to alter the state of Entropy in a given, and for now small, area. As the spell is undeveloped for now, he can only elevate the rate at which it increases and even then only in a minor way. This will cause a slight warming and more wastefulness, actions that are usually quite easy and reasonably non-taxing become either slightly harder, or slightly more energy inefficient. The keyword is “slightly” for the spell is still weak, it is most marked with things that require a lot of effort, or conversely, a lot of energy and though it will be the same proportion of waste, because originally there’s more there will be more waste.

(Lvl 2): The spell has grown in power as has Futsuriai now causing a greater sensation of tingling heat and more waste in actions, thus meaning more brute energy needs to be expended to complete a task than ordinarily and thus leads to exhaustion more (though not much yet not little) quickly. Its effect on physical processes has seen the greatest increase.

Chaos Sphere

(Lvl 1): The spell again utilizes his growing powers in manipulating the fabric of reality, more specifically altering the chaos constant of a given region. In very basic terms one could think of a Chaos Sphere as a very concentrated entropy spell yet it falls short; rather than altering the rate at which entropy increases there is a substantial increase of the chaos constant within the sphere, one of the effects being an increase in entropy. What Futsuriai does is warp a region of space into a hyper-sphere (multi-dimensional sphere, it looks like a normal sphere to an onlooker that cannot see into these dimensions) and then increasing the constant inside it. As for actual physical consequences it will create a sphere of pure white, extremely pure and clear white, that varies in size from a ping-pong ball, to soccer ball depending on how long he has to concentrate, summoning the sphere the size of a soccer ball requires 5 IC mins and during that time one hand is left useless as it summons the sphere which will grow from the ping pong size. This sphere is not a physical one, meaning ordinary weapons will pass through it though magic might be able to hit it depending on its nature. For now it would go right through a person with VERY minor burning both internal and external... It may sound powerful but the effect on a body is MINIMAL unless a vital organ is touched which might have consequences if the Player wishes it to though it is not necessary and would require a preexisting condition. For now the main effect is in nature, casting the sphere through water will cause it to evaporate, through ice to melt, etc. ((This was obtained in a quest I can’t find a link to during level 4.))

Song Magic

Sphere of Light

(Lvl 1): Creates a silver-black sphere of light that needs continual singing or humming of certain notes to be maintained along with a certain degree of concentration. The effect of the lighting is primarily focused around the caster though it creates sharp shadows if it is dark.

Failed experiment

(Lvl 1): Still knows how to make a sphere that renders the (weak of mind) undead confused and blinded to life but prevents magic of a lower level than his from being used; any attempt, even if controlled, at any magic of his own level causes a terrible rewiring causing an unbearable pain in those nearby and the user of the spell and the orb (Futsuriai) which causes them to faint. Unless the rewiring is treated after awaking it will eventually lead to a comatose state then death in the case of the orb’s caster (usually Futsuriai).


Racial Benefits

Being an Ishikitai Incarnate allows Futsuriai to comprehend most abilities easily after he observes them in use. This does not allow him to use the ability but to merely understand how it works thus allowing him to fashion new abilities. At long last since advertising this skill since level 0 it comes into play; however Futsuriai has discovered all it allows him to do is learn skills that are taught to him in a quest where the taught skill would need to be gained a skill worthy of the quest. He cannot learn skills which fall outside his level or current status such as those requiring extreme strength or untamed magics.

He gains a larger benefit in any magical ability if another magic user is nearby, especially if this magic user is significantly more proficient than himself, this benefit allows for a reduced drain and a greater effect. For the most part the drain is what will be mostly lessened allowing more uses of his skills. Now this applies to his budding telepathic skills as well allowing for easier communication with another telepath or a mind reader which could normally read nothing. Now he is able to “read” if other characters can use magic by studying the fluctuations in his own, and a relative gauge of how strong the user is in comparison. He can also tell when the other magic user casts a spell, and if it is of earth or wind element alone since he is wind and earth (in the Ishikian system) is complimentary to water. He can now do this much more easily, it is another sense and now allows him to discern among other elements and also what race or species the caster belongs to. If the user has no magic at all, not even the tiniest shred or spark Futsuriai will feel an uncomfortable void that will gnaw at him. This sense has become more defined and the amount of details Futsuriai can extract depends on proximity, as in how close the magic is; innate strength, the potential power of the magic; active strength, how much is being used; familiarity, how often he has been around it, or similar magic; and how far his other senses are deprived.

Also Futsuriai is immune to any mind tampering, reading, or control of any kind. This means, in a broader sense, that Futsuriai’s mind is inviolable, and unaffected by spells and skills which depend on access to a user’s mind.


Being the Ishikitai of Chaos, Disorder and Unbalance Futsuriai has a close relationship with the element of wind which will be explored later on. Also though chaos and the like are usually associated with evil he is in no way evil. Chaos and order have nothing to do with good and evil. Chaos is simply a state of things in which chance is supreme; especially: the confused unorganized state of primordial matter before the creation of distinct forms b : the inherent unpredictability in the behavior of a natural system (as the atmosphere, boiling water, or the beating heart) according to Webster's.

Latest character info I found
Level 4 [18,154 EXP]
Gold Pieces: 8375

06-08-06, 09:39 PM
I don't see anything I don't recall.


(Someone handle EXP/GP.)