View Full Version : Breaker vs Devonus: the Gloaming

04-04-08, 04:03 AM
The moon peeked over the horizon line drawn by the mountains of Scara Brae. It cast silver rays that reflected off the rough ocean waters. Like fish trapped in a net the moon's image writhed and churned. Slow, heavy waves crashed onto the small island that served as Breaker's Dajas Pagoda arena. Regular as a heartbeat they rolled in, bringing a night breeze that breathed cool air onto the warrior's back. His hatchet rose and fell in sharp contrast to the island's rhythm, the hollow report ringing across the arena as he felled tree after tree.

Thack, thack, thack, thack, thack.

"Timber," Joshua Cronen thought in melancholy satisfaction as a young yew crashed to the ground. He stood close to the centre of his island, a thin coat of perspiration shining silver on his bare upper body. He wore loose black pants and the enchanted breaker boots. Although the moonlight lent his torso a ghostly sheen, his face remained in shadow due to the coarse stubble that crowded a strong chin. Sweat slicked his short brown hair to a darkened hue. A casual observer might have thought him a headless lumberjack, haunting the small isle that sprouted just off the east coast of Scara Brae.

An hour earlier he had set about clearing a path from one side of the jungle to the other. It was slow going despite his keen blade an relentless strength. Twisting trees and dense vegetation controlled most of the island, bordered by a thin sandy beach that outlined the land mass. Many old pathways crisscrossed through the thick forest, so overgrown that they led to dead ends often as not. Josh had decided to impose a little order on the wild wilderness, to carve a straight line down the middle of the island. It gave him something to do at least. The steady work and omnipresent waves helped him sink deep into a state of extreme focus. Locked in the void inside his head, he could hide from the furious emotion that threatened to cloud his judgement.

"I shouldn't be here. I should still be in Radasanth, looking for Genny."

Every thought his mind produced tore at his soul, begging him with Genny's brown eyes to abandon the Pagoda and return to Corone to find his friend. But he could not. Once already he had failed to accept an assigned challenge, and the result had been his demotion from Master to Warror. If he bailed out again, his contract would expire. As much as it pained him to stay, Josh knew he needed the job, and not just for the money. The Pagoda gave him a place to call home, a reputation to uphold, a life to live in the world of Althanas. Genny's predicament was not pressing, yet it squeezed his conscience like a vice. Held against her will, but in no real danger or discomfort, she would have to wait until Breaker killed another challenger.

"But she shouldn't have to! Damn it, don't these Ai'Bron monks realize some things are more important than battling strangers?"

He dealt a dead eklan a furious kick. The old tree keeled over, taking a wilted cyper with it. He was alone with his rebellious thoughts until Devonus Draconum arrived. The battle scheduled to begin after dark, he knew the vampire would be there shortly, bourne across the water by the enchanted rowboat the Pagoda council had provided. The former elf would find an obvious path of clean cut trees leading to the heart of the jungle where Breaker continued to toil. He made an effort to clear his mind, listening to the whisper of the wind in the trees and the calming barrage of waves breaking on the shore. Soon his opponent would appear, and he felt soothed by the knowledge of what would transpire after that.

"Once Draconum is dead I'll have fulfilled my duty to the Pagoda. I should be well on my way to Radasanth by sunrise."

Until then the warrior waited in the gloaming, weapons ready to do their deadly work.

04-04-08, 01:57 PM
Blood paced impatiently back and forth in the boat provided by the Pagoda, uneasy to be trapped in these small confines upon a body of water. He glanced at his master, outlined in the moonlight as they approached the island, a calm cool look, laced with a trace of apprehension, danced across his pale ghostly features as the moon danced like quicksilver amongst his golden locks of hair. Devonus turned and looked at his beloved canine companion and gave a weary smile as he scratched blood behind the ears.

The Boat finally beached upon the shore and Devonus stepped off, stopping to listen to the calm sounds of the woods. He was happy the battle had been set upon such a place. Locations such as this had once been his natural home until his unnatural life began. Blood bounded ahead, his crimson fur streaking ahead in a blinding flash. A unique specimen of the benefits of vampiric blood infused with the natural powers of nature, a 3 foot creature of ferocious tendencies, hidden behind the picture of a noble beast…. Much like it’s master.

But tonight is not the time for the beast to come, tonight is the night for a noble contest of combat and magical prowess between two combatants, not the time for the mindless killing and slaughter that I sometimes partake of…

He found the path to the center easily, his unnatural sight penetrating the night and easily picking chopped trees out of the gloom. He walked on steadily, glancing at the stumps of the trees and sending his corrupting power out in every direction, watching as blades of grasses turned black and trees were slowly creaking as his supernatural power infused them. However it would be a long time till he could control them again. A sparrow flew across his path in fear and he sent a burst of supernatural power into it in mid call, it song like call warping into a war screech.

In the distance a tree crashed to the ground and Devonus focused on it, amidst the dust he saw his opponent. A tall man though still a few inches shorter the Devonus. However he was an imposing specimen of a man, embodying the aspects of perfection that are so really found amongst those of the mortal coil. His body was a chiseled rock, a sculpture of muscle and bone that radiated power. This would not be an easy fight. Nearby in the Woods blood stalked, sending up a howl in the night air, signaling Devonus’s arrival, though Devonus doubted the man needed any warning. Devonus looked the man in the eye with his dark blue eyes, and saw reflected in them the look of a man with a purpose and the means to pursue.

”Hail warrior…. How shall we begin this contest? Unless you are not one for talk and wish to begin post haste…..

With that Devonus drew his bow and strung an arrow but aimed it down in recognition of the contest not yet beginning, but just in case the man turned out to be one of those who cares not for honor and attacks… He had heard both were to be found within the Pagoda.

04-04-08, 04:31 PM
The tree refused to fall. An old rotted oak, its thick trunk resembled a dense sponge more than actual wood. Instead of biting deep the tomahawk left a series of dents in the bark. Fifteen minutes of furious work later, Breaker had only whittled away half of its width. Exasperated, he left the axe embedded in the deceased tree and leaned his forehead into it like a pillow. Massaged his temples with dextrous fingers. Despite his focus, he could not stop thinking about Genny. Worries and doubts haunted his mind, flitting just outside the void like the ghostly moonshadows of so many bats.

"Whether Genny's in immediate danger or not, she asked me to rescue her. Christ, I saw the fear in her eyes. Besides, I owe her so much. For all I know, getting her out tonight could make all the difference. If Devonus doesn't show up soon--"

Josh sensed the boat.

He could not explain how, but something in the back of his mind told him the enchanted rowboat had landed. The roar of the sea must have hidden the crunch of the keel on wet sand from his ultra sensitive ears. Devonus Draconum had arrived.

Cronen tore his hatchet from the rotted oak and turned to a thin cyper. He cleaved the slim tree with a single stroke, watched it crash to the forest floor. The noise would help lead the vampire straight to him. With renewed vigor he set to work on the stubborn oak, swinging hard to make the muffled report audible.

Whump, whump, whump, whump, whump.

Draconum wore death on his sleeve. As he approached along the island's only clear path, decay devoured the scent of clean sea air. Like a drop of blood in a glass of fresh water the stench of death clouded around him. The smell of something wicked exuded not just from the vampire, but everything he came near. Fragrant flowers wilted and towering trees tired as the island turned its back on the undead. Josh disapproved of what Devonus did to his arena, but the vampiric magic would play to his advantage. As long as the druid infected the plant life, Josh's strange sixth sense would keep him aware of his opponent's exact position.

Devonus had brought a canine with him. The warrior could hear its labored tongue-lolling pant as it raced through the underbrush. He liked dogs, normally, but this thing emitted the same evil presence as its master. He would not hesitate in killing the beast if it came too close. Somewhere in the night Josh heard its lonely howl. He took the unearthly cue to stop attacking the tree and turned to face his opponent.

To anyone but Cronen, the vampire might have been intimidating. He stood a little taller than the warrior, luminescent hair lending light to wide eyes that captured everything they saw. He held a long bow with an arrow knocked, point aimed down in respect. His voice carried across the clearing, strong and dignified and oddly polite for a vampire. Then again, Josh had never met a vampire before.

"I guess he hasn't lost that elven class. No matter. He could be a priest and I'd kill him just as fast. The Pagoda put him in front of me, that makes him an opponent. And right now he's standing between me and my path to Genny. That makes him my enemy."

A sudden urge to hurl the tomahawk that hung loosely from one hand gripped Josh. It would be completely unexpected, and at that range he couldn't miss. The vampire would be dead before he could bring bow to cheek, and Josh would be in the enchanted rowboat, on his way to Radasanth. Something stopped him though. Vampire or not, Devonus had paid to fight, not be assassinated. And he had shown respect in not attacking when Josh's back was turned. For that, Breaker would afford him a small mercy. The soldier breathed in, pushed thoughts of Genny to the darkest corner of his mind, and called across the clearing.

"The contest began when you arrived on my island."

As the simple warning left his lips Breaker darted behind the rotten oak and dealt its broad trunk a vicious front kick. An instant before the whump of contact his magical boot altered in density, adding some extra weight to his overpowering strength. The tree groaned as it fell towards Devonus, popping branches off of its neighbours in a final act of defiance. Breaker did not wait to see if it crushed the vampire. He had already melted into the dense vegetation, a killing phantom amidst the flora.

He went prone and rolled twice. Dark dirt and all manner of dead plants clung to his sweaty skin. It provided a coat of effective camouflage in the night wrapped jungle. He prowled like a panther, noiseless on all fours between trees, over logs, under vines and through ferns. Circling clockwise, he arced around where he had last seen his enemy. The jungle offered many hideaways, but none could conceal the vampire from his senses.

04-07-08, 01:20 PM
(OOC: Sorry for the delay, i was training with my unit over the weekend. also the currupt nature doesn't kill it, just turns it evil, like turning a rose bush into a mass of flesh tearing vines)

Devonus had barely registered his opponent’s words when the tree began to topple with an incredible whump. The sound of tree's branches snapping exploded above his head and he instinctively dove out of the way. The branches of the trees snagged his cloak and ripped it to shreds and his lower calves were nicked, but he was largely ok.

How the hell was he so damb fast? And that strength? He delivered that with a kick when he couldn't even fell it with an Axe?....He's no mere mortal

While these thoughts were processing Devonus headed for the cover of the forest, sending his corrupting power out in a burst. He sensed everything that moved with in the corrupted area (about 10 yards), his taint of the plant and animal life surrounding him allowed him the same communication he once had as a druid, though he could not control the plants or animals as he once did, it would take much more time then he had to do so.

"Blood track him.... but stay away, he's stronger then any we have faced before, possibly even my sire."

And blood did so, Devonus meanwhile once again strung his bow, threw away the one or two arrows that had snapped in his escape of the oak, and waited... he had all the way till dawn. Patience was one thing you acquired with centuries of hunting and living.

04-07-08, 02:33 PM
The descriptions in my post were meant to be an exaggeration due to my character's POV, really. If there's anything you want me to change just let me know in your next post.

Breaker did not have time to be patient.

He tried to keep his mind clear, but thoughts of Genny kept spawning, shattering his focus. He paused, crouched beneath the friendly boughs of a wide-leafed bush. Inhaled, held the breath, then exhaled slowly as if through a straw. Focused on the whitecapped waves that rolled on the shore. Their slow roar brought a feeling of serenity that he lacked. As the void re-settled the forest sharpened around him. Despite the darkness he saw individual outlines of leaves in the trees and loam. The stealthy flight of an owl overhead sounded like a dragon lifting off. He smelled the vampire and his mutt, sensed the corrupting magic. Devonus was somewhere to the warriors right; he could feel the creature's presence. Josh took one last calming breath then resumed slithering through the loam.

"This then that. I can't find Genny until I finish this fight. So she needs to stay out of my mind until I can focus all my efforts on her."

Breaker travelled silently despite the heavy underbrush. He had learned to make the jungle work for him, rather than against him. Strangulating vines offered a curtain of cover, fallen logs a soft surface to creep upon. Dead twigs and leaves seemed to shine and call out to him, warning him away lest they crackle underfoot. The silver moon urged him onward from above. Its pale composure helped him retain his own. His well maintained mind worked a methodical plan.

"This then that. I can't put faith in the idea that the tree crushed him, or even broke his bow. Which means I need to get close before he sees me."

Josh stopped short. He could just see his enemy through the trees. Luminescent hair and pale profile outlined by the moonlight, Devonus already had an arrow knocked. About twenty yards away, Josh stood to the vampire's right. He crouched low and prowled through the plants, hatchet held behind his back to conceal the shine. Stopped at fifteen yards and examined the position. He was within ambush distance. But a distraction would be useful. No way to get closer without being seen.

His spare hand snatched a fist-sized stone from the ground. He took a moment, judged the distance and obstructions, then threw a high, looping overhand. The rock arced over Devonus and came down maybe fifteen yards to the vampire's left. It rattled off the branches of a tree like a pinball then landed in the undergrowth with a soft thump.

"That's the best I can do. Time to make a move. I'm willing to take an arrow if it gets this over with faster."

Quiet as a mouse, he padded towards the vampire. The crisscrossing branches of trees might provide enough cover to deflect an arrow. Maybe. Breaker felt adrenaline run hot in his veins, electrifying his pores. The lust of combat claimed him as he crept closer to his target. For the first time that night, the battle became the only thing on his mind.

04-08-08, 06:50 AM
Devonus had been waiting for his opponent almost to eagerly, his head almost snapped around towards the sound of the stone. However his enhance sense gave off no sense of someone in that direction other then animals. There was no smell of sweat, no pounding sound of blood coursing through veigns, that intoxicating sound of an approaching meal was not there... then again he could not sense his opponent at all yet, so he began to turn his head.

However his ever faithful companion blood was off to his right, in all likely hood stalking his opponent. His telepathic communication with this animal was far deeper then any other sense he had, and he trusted the animals senses more then his own. The wolf had always been an excellent tracker, it own natural talents for stalking prey enhance by the vampiric blood of which it had partaken. and now when his life depended on it he trusted in Blood's animal senses and instincts, and blood right now sensed the enemy of to Devonu's right.

He considered turning towards his opponent and unleashing a blind arrow into the woods near his opponent, however that would be to wasteful and to rash. So he took a stance kneeling. Aiming towards wear the rock had landed, and focused all his attention on the connection he had with blood and with the surrounding nature. As soon as his enemy stepped into his 10 yard ring of awareness he would turn and fire. His own natural aim enhanced by the very jungle he sought for cover.

Just a little bit closer.... And we'll end this quickly.

At least Devonus hoped it would.

04-08-08, 07:56 PM
Breaker froze, stopped breathing. Like a leopard whose prey lifted its head from the watering hole.

The vampire turned away from him and sank to one knee. He held his bow level, ready to shoot an opponent that wasn't there.

"What do you think you see in the darkness, Devonus?"

Josh could imagine those eerily glowing eyes staring blindly into the empty jungle. The ploy with the rock had worked.

"He's shown me his back. That's as good as suicide in this arena."

Breaker's mind overclocked, racing through the possibilities. He had a momentarily dominant position. Just the same, the slightest movement might give his location away. The wind picked up. Treetops shivered in the sudden breeze. Leaves clattered like the rattle of a snake. Josh's nostrils flared as he sucked a long, slow breath.

An oppurtunity too good to pass up. But the concealment the jungle afforded him was too good to give up. The former special agent found himself faced with a conflict of interest. Luckily, he knew how to handle it.


He hefted the hatchet from behind his back. Held it aloft for a moment, feeling the weight. His arm moved in a blur. Back then forwards, and the tomahawk pinwheeled through the air. Its keen blade pined to bite deep between the vampire's shoulders.

Breaker did not wait to see if it found its mark. He seized a handful of pebbles and twigs, threw them to his right. They made a soft racket, bouncing off trees and stones. Amidst the cacaphony he circled to his left, away from the noise, away from the origin of the axe. He passed through the undergrowth like an incorporeal phantom and went to earth beneath the broad leaves of a friendly fern. Two hands stained black by soil reached up and parted the leaves. A pair of stony hazel eyes peered from their hiding place; the soldier checked to see if his hatchet had found its mark.

04-15-08, 01:24 PM
(OOC: I apologize for the delay, personal problem at home, will explain in pm)

The hatchet whistled silently through there air, it’s trajectory aimed for an almost guaranteed crippling strike. Devonus had however telepathically connected with the plants in the direction, and silent scream of a decapitated vine captured all Devonus’s senses. The axe whirled on as Devonus turned, his bow at the ready, and saw the steel crescent arcing towards his head. His eyes widened in momentary shock before he instinctively tried to dodge. He wasn’t fast enough.

The hatchet cleaved deep into Devonus’s shoulder. Pain and shock briefly shook the vampire, as he rolled to the ground and a cry of anger pierced the night. The wound was grotesque, blood gushing upon the ground from the deep wound, he could not feel his arm. His bow lay off to the side, useless, all his arm was now was a hindrance. He couldn’t flex his finger, and bone fragments studded the skin around the wound. With a sickening sucking sound Devonus’s removed the hatchet from his skin and hung it upon his own belt. He lay down, apparently defeated panting shallowly in pain and shock….

to bad he probably doesn’t realize such pain is a common part of a vampires early life, if I’m lucky he’ll approach for a killing blow

while he lay and waited he could not help but admire his opponent, but few understood the actual pain threshold of vampires. Many of us had tortured them selves with such wounds when they are young in awe of their regenerative powers. Others ,like Devonus had braved the suns rays, only to fell the intense burn that came with that glowriously light. He waited for his opponent to come in for the killing blow, and meanwhile his blood pooled into the ground, strengthening his control over nature as it worked it’s way like a parasite into the surrounding plants……

04-15-08, 08:23 PM
Not to worry, it's good to have you back.

Breaker didn't see the tomahawk find its mark, but he heard it; a wet slapping like plywood slammed onto still water. His hazel eyes peering through the foliage saw nothing but moon drenched tree trunks and limp vines.

"He must have gone down. I still need to be careful though; he may have prepared an ambush."

In spite of the silent warning to himself Josh sidled out from under the protective leaves of the fern. Snaked his way through the overgrown underbrush, eyes scanning for a sign of the enemy, ears vigilant in case the dog came to its master's rescue. The passage of time delved deep into his subconscious. The whispering wind brushed crumbs of dirt and dead leaves from his drying body. It urged him onwards, towards the kill. The vampire could not hide; not in Breaker's arena. The magical energy Devonus emitted drew Josh like the hammer to the anvil.

There. Spattered drops of blood shone from the trunk of a tree. In the moonlight it looked black, but glistened in sickly fashion. Twigs cracked underfoot as Josh sacrificed stealth in favour of the most direct route to his victim. Coursing through the darkness he looked like some earth golem, soil still smeared all across his upper body. Fifteen yards away. He could see the blade of his axe, a beacon in the night guiding him to the enemy. Ten yards away. Excitement built around the outside of the void as his sharp eyes spotted the outline of the vampire's prone form. Five yards away.

"Wait... this isn't right."

The vampire was playing possum. No other way to explain the gaping gash in his shoulder or the hatchet hanging from his belt. Vile blood flowed from the empty wound like sewage seeping out an overflowing storm drain. The crimson fluid polluted the ground, choking plants, twisting them to a foul life form like the vampire himself. Why Devonus removed the embedded blade, Josh could not imagine. But he had done so, and that detail proved enough to warn the warrior against a waiting ambush.

"He laid a trap for me; I'll reverse the catch and spring it on him."

Devonus' trap was simple. In order to counter it Breaker used a tactic that was simpler still. He exploded forwards, a burst of speed three times faster than a normal man could run. Instinctively he approached his opponent's injured side to make it difficult for the vampire to defend or escape. One of the breaker boots planted firmly in the bloodstained soil. The other black behemoth crashed down at Devonus' torso in a vicious axe kick, heel driving to shatter his sternum. The enchanted boot grew a hundred pounds heavier an instant before Josh anticipated the impact. A sledgehammer would be a love tap compared to the brutality of a kick from Breaker's magical boot.

04-17-08, 06:51 AM
Devonus couldn't help but smile. He saw, well actually blood saw, his opponent pause on the outskirts. he was an intelligent and well trained opponent. However he fell for the ploy, hoping to end this fast he rushed in as I writhed on the ground in pain.

However Devonus was not expecting the sudden burst of speed that brought his opponent to him. He’d hoped Breaker would take his time and gloat. Obviously that was not his way. His boot was looming over Devonus’s body and Devonus’ almost did not react in time. Devonus sent a huge burst of energy pulsing through his blood and into the surrounding plant life. It coursed powerfully through the plant life, connecting him eternally with his bastard children, the plants. They grew and sprouted in unnatural fashion, lashing out at his attacker. A couple dozen thorn covered vines lauched into the air towards breaker. The lashed out and tried to bind the mortal god that hovered over their new master. And they thirsted for his blood.

However that last burst of energy depleted Devonus completely. He couldn’t move now, if breaker broke through this barrage of furious nature, Devonus was doomed. However Blood was coming, he rushed towards the attacker, ready to attack the moment Breaker turned to deal with the new threat of the plants….

Though I AM the valley of the shadow of death, I shall fear no pain nor death, I am prepared for that which shall become of me…. heaven or hell hath no pain of which I have not already endured….

And Devonus prayed on, a fearless gaze locking onto his opponents eyes as he recited his on corrupted version of a prayer.

04-17-08, 10:44 AM

An instant before the fatal blow could land a tree root sprang from its earthly confines, sacrificing itself to redirect the force of Breaker's stomp. His boot thudded into the ground and for just a moment, the soldier was off balance. Vines with flesh eating thorns swarmed from all sides, wrapping themselves around his arms and legs. A callus, humorless laugh ripped from his throat as he flexed his powerful muscles. Vines snapped and burst, yielding to the warrior's furious strength.

"This is Devonus' doing, I can feel him corrupting and commanding nature. But he'll have to do better than--"

As if responding to his thoughts the vines redoubled their efforts. Plaiting together they attacked en masse, knotting around his shoulders and thighs. A strangulating noose dropped around his thick necked and tightened without mercy. The jungle that had aided him became his enemy. Josh struggled, sinew standing out against bulging muscle, but he had no room to generate inertia. Rage burned within him as the taughtening terror slowed the flow of his blood. His island had become the hair of Medusa.

"Damn it this is no time to go to sleep. Genny needs me. I have to finish that bastard and get out of here. I have to get OUT!"

As black dots grew before his eyes, a trembling, straining hand reached for the bayonet on the back of his belt. A wordless roar tore through the moonlit night as Breaker exerted his full strength against the corrupt forest. His head felt light, tired, like he hadn't slept in days. Then he felt it: the reassuring cold hardness of prevaldia. Fingers almost numb from pressure closed around the hilt. He became a whirlwind of blue metal, laying vines open wherever his blade could meet them. Like stretched rubber bands they snapped away. Breaker felt a burst of energy as his circulatory sytem renewed its usual vitality. His limbs burned as life ran back into them, but he pushed the pain aside.

"Don't let him regroup. Kill him."

The bayonet that saved him swivelled to an ice pick grip, and he lunged at the enemy, aiming a vicious stab at the vampire's throat.

04-18-08, 01:20 PM
Devonus watched in slight awe as his opponent ripped through the vines. These plants may not have the strength of stone, but dozens of them had incapacitated enemies before. It was not a good sign. He had to retreat.

However unable to move, at a complete loss of blood, and slowly losing consciousness Devonus's had few options. Blood however was there to pounce. He'd had enough time to reach Devonus while breaker was distracted by the vines.

The crimson wolf flew through the air, lunging for the man's neck. Muscle and seat rippled along the animal’s flanks as it threw all 150 lbs of muscle at Joshua. Meanwhile the surviving plant in the area gave up on their onslaught.

Instead the plant began to wrap Devonus forming a layer of protection. Vines and tree roots began to slowly twine themselves around Devonus and offer a degree of defense...... then Devonus lost consciousness, his last thought being one of hunger. But dreams of what came next flashed in his head, his mental connection with blood giving him a first hand view as he slept.

the following is taken from Blood's point of view and will be communicated telepathicly to Devonus during the battle between breaker and Blood

Blood was launching through the air, the scent of his masters blood sending him to an over protective frenzy. He had always cared for Devonus, a strong and proud man who saved Blood. Were it not for Devonus Blood would long since have died the way of the rest of his pack, now it was his turn to repay the favor.

For you master...

Ahead Breaker stood out like a thorn, the scratches from the vines leaving almost flourescent glows into the air, and Blood sought his throat eagerly. And half way to him he felt his masters counciousness let go, he was alone with this near sculpted man.

04-19-08, 08:27 PM
Somewhere nearby, a hundred and fifty pounds of mean muscle and sinew plowed through the jungle.

Breaker turned towards the sound of breaking twigs and panting breath. The beast was coming. He could smell it. The viscid salviation, the putrid fangs, the moldered blood of a creature that should have died long ago. "You're wasting my time, Devonus." As a cocoon of spined vines encased the fallen vampire, Breaker turned to face this new threat. The mongrel finally dashing to its master's aid. "You're too late, pooch. But just in time to join him. Run faster. I'm waiting for you."

The dog steamrolled through the vegetation, fangs and eyes aglow in the silver moonlight. Its ears flapped like leather wings of a giant bat, its tongue lolled limply from the corner of its jaws. Hind legs slightly askew, the brute tore through a leafy fern and closed the distance, its eyes on its master's enemy. Josh waited, a bear trap allowing the animal to come to him, ready to spring with sharp metal death.

Normally Josh liked dogs. But this beast could hardly be considered normal. And it wished to keep him from Genny. His grip tightened on the bayonet, his feet sought traction in the soil. Most people panicked under the charge of a canine. But Breaker knew what to do. He blinked dust from his eyes. Just another obstacle to overcome; another foe to destroy. Trained attack dogs knew to bite at the arm or leg, to grab a piece of clothing and drag. But this mutt had not training. It wanted blood, and it would leap for the throat.

Always one to respect a physical specimen, Josh admired the dog as it jumped. It flew six feet in the air, jaws agape, teeth ravenously seeking his jugular. He admired its streamlined core as he flowed aside like water over hot rocks, like smoke on the wind. Speed the poor beast could not possibly have imagined propelled the soldier as he pivoted and stabbed. His dagger came down in an icepicking motion, the tip flashed for the mutt's exposed midsection as it sailed past.

"It's nothing personal, dog, but you're in my way."

He was going to gut the mutt like a fresh caught fish.

05-04-08, 02:41 PM
I've attempted to contact Devonus but he seems to be gone, so having waited more than the alotted time I'm posting a conclusion and submitting this for judgement.

The beast and its master both disposed of, Josh hacked away at the vampire's cocoon. The vines yielded to his feverish digging, thorns falling away from his keen blade and maniacal strength. Devonus looked like a mannequin, lying there on the ground, pale as the the moon itself. Breaker did not pause; he merely retrieved his hatchet and dashed away, leaping over rocks and roots when his heavy boots did not simply trample them. The Pagoda healers would arrive shortly to revive the vampire, but Josh did not have to wait around for that. He snatchedh is shirt from where it hung on a branch and donned it, ignroing the scratching sensation of the fabric rubbing on sticks and leaves that still clung to his skin.

Sand spat from beneath his boots as he sprinted across the beach and leapt into the enchanted rowboat. It pushed off of its own accord and began the return journey. "Too slow, damn it." His patience wore thin like a reed on a whetstone, and he snatched the oars with powerful hands, working them faster than the magic normally urged. The boat nearly skipped towards the mainfland, his arms and back working like a machine to power the small craft. One thought repeated over and over in his mind, intensified with every stroke.

"I'll find you, Genny."

05-10-08, 01:38 AM
This was a rather interesting battle. On one side you had Josh who was reluctant and on the other, Devonus who was eager to test his strength. It seemed like it had all the ingredients for a great battle and maybe a potential upset, but the writing standard, particularly on Devonus' side nose dived after a few posts, which I found rather strange. It made the battle much less readable at this point. Numbers didn't really lift his game and was steady throughout and this prevented the battle from reaching its maximum potential.



Continuity – 7 – I really liked the thing with Genny. It gave me a great idea of the state of mind that Josh was in. The fact that he was reluctant to fight in the Pagoda was also great. It's easy to just say “I'm waiting for a battle” but you put effort into the beginning and it is reflected in this score.
Setting – 6 – Your arena is the same for every battle, but that doesn't mean you should describe it with any less effort in every battle. Keep it fresh, describe different parts, focus on different parts of the arena... anything to make your arena more interesting. I would have given you a 5 but I liked how you made the setting part of Josh using camouflage.
Pacing – 6 – I can't really think of anything to say here. You were solid and kept me reading, but the constant flitting between warrior and thinking about Genny was distracting.


Dialogue – 6 – His inner monologues were eye-catching, but you can be wittier and a few of them came off as cliché.
Action – 7 – This was great. He acted exactly like I thought Josh would act. You were docked a point though, because I found it strange that he would just leave Devonus there and not at least think a bit about him and the battle.
Persona – 8 – Another great factor, though it was prevented from being fantastic by what I mentioned before – the flitting between a focused warrior and thoughts about Genny. I would have liked if you took one road and stayed on it, like constantly thinking about Genny during the battle or shoving her to the back of her mind and only bringing her up at the end. However, you did bring Josh to life with regards to the battle and for that, you are commended.

Writing Style

Technique – 7 – I like your metaphors, they are unique and really add flavor to your writing. The one about a sledgehammer being a kiss compared to his boots was particularly eye-catching as a conclusion to the post.
Mechanics – 4 – This needs some work. Early on, I noticed some sentence structure issues and there are spelling and grammar mistakes throughout. These can be eliminated by taking an extra 10 minutes and reading through your post. You really were let down by this part.
Clarity – 6 – Despite the mechanics issues, you always conveyed the messages to me well and that is a testament to your writing style.

Wild Card – 5 – I expected better from you and I know the position that you were put in when Devonus disappeared but a little more effort for the final post would have really impressed me. You can do better and my wild card reflects this.

Total Score - 62



Continuity – 4 – You mentioned how you got to Josh's arena but not much else about your past. You mentioned your sire and I would have liked to learn more about him. The same with Blood, your dog, because you only mentioned at the very end how him and Devonus met and became companions. If you put an extra paragraph here and there, you can easily lift your score by 3 points here. You only scratched the surface with Devonus and that's what annoyed me because I want to know more.
Setting – 6 – You didn't describe the arena awfully well, but you did a good job describing its reaction to your magic, particularly at the beginning.
Pacing – 5 – Nothing distinctly amazing here, but nothing that bad. Your obvious drop in writing quality obviously hurt you here, but your actions were interesting and the use of Blood always shook things up.


Dialogue – 5 – Very average here. You didn't say anything that was eye-catching, you didn't really have great inner monologues. You could have brought a lot more to Devonus with some great one-liners and such, but that was missing.
Action – 6 – I found that everything he did fit with what I knew of him and I thought it was great how you described his pain when the axe hit him. I thought that he recovered a bit quickly from that though. I lift my hat to you though, that you fought within the limits of your character despite the temptation we all have to exaggerate what we wrote in our approvals thread and become amazing fighters.
Persona – 5 – I was conflicted here. At the beginning, Devonus was a honorable warrior who waited for Josh to be ready before starting the fight, but he plays possum to lure him into a trap? If you had fleshed this out more, like he was just pretending to be honorable at battle's start, then you would have done better. Otherwise, I didn't find Devonus to be particularly interesting.

Writing Style

Technique – 4 – You didn't really catch my eye with any stunning writing and for this, I am disappointed because the potential was here. The points that you did get was for the way that Devonus manipulates the plants and the part of the battle where he pulls the axe from his shoulder, which were highlights as far as your writing technique goes.
Mechanics – 3 – Spelling mistakes all around and a few grammatical ones as well. Take an extra ten minutes here and there to read over your posts and they'll make a lot more sense when it comes time to judge. This isn't a hard category to score in.
Clarity – 2 Serious issues here. Your writing doesn't seem to flow easily at all, which is a worry because it's often hard to find out what you are trying to say. You immediately got off to the bad foot without introducing Blood which was very confusing. Also, you change perspective from first to third in a few posts, which only worsened the problem. Once again, read through your posts and it's easy to improve.

Wild Card – 4 – Devonus seems like a great character but I just couldn't score him well because you didn't let me into him as much as I would have liked. There is plenty of room for improvement and when you do return, I hope you take my criticisms to heart. I really think you can go places if you put in effort. Good luck.

Total Score – 44

016573 wins 62 to 44

016573 gains 2200 EXP and 1100 GP
Devonus gains 400 EXP and 275 GP

Cyrus the virus
05-10-08, 08:46 AM
EXP added!