View Full Version : time and space tavern

06-10-06, 03:49 PM
Who knew that there could be a tavern so deep in the forest, sure there was road but it was overgrown and deer trail was a better word for it. Still it would suite the wandering fox girls well as they went to Radasanth with no worries of bandits or trades people. But here they were at a lit tavern, not abandoned.

Inside was quiet yet pleasant, many of the people were quiet and there weren’t a whole lot of them. “Hello young ladies.” Chirped a happy waitress. “Please follow me to your seats.”

“Uh ok.” Kit followed the happy girl while taking Inari by the hand, it was strange, most taverns and restaurants let people seat themselves before the waitress comes and offers food and drink.

The place the two girls were led was a table against the wall with two cushioned couches to sit on. “Are supposed to lay down and eat?” Inari asked with a curious swish of her tail, she wondered if that’s why the had these weird seats instead of chairs.

“No silly. Take your seat and order anything you like. I’ll give you some time to think.”

“This place is strange. The woods so smooth for a backwater pub.” Kit moved her hand across the wooden table but it felt like glass.

“I wonder where she got the clothing, it seems funny.” Inari looked over the tavern, it seemed like a normal tavern but there were a few eccentricities about it that were not quite normal.

Kit brought her sword close to hand, because something was fishy.

“Hey! You won’t need that.” The girl returned with two glasses of water and she placed her hands on the handle of the sword.

“I like my sword close.”

“Well suit yourself but you better not cause any trouble. Hey wow look! Are those real tails coming out you butts?”

Kit blushed as she grabbed one of her three tails from the woman that was starting to act quite rudely. “Yes.” This was going to be a long night, but at least it was out of the cold.

06-10-06, 06:44 PM
Artemis walked down the forest path silently, stepping over or on the plant life littering the deer path. His hood was down over his face, shading his red eyes from whatever light they would have taken in otherwise. Not that there was much light anyway, him being so deep into the forest.

Eventually the surrounding area darkened, the grace of approaching night and many clouds. The soft patter of rain on his cloak wrenched the demonic half-breed from his thoughts. With a small smile he tipped his head back, allowing his black hood to fall away, and the rain to run down his pale angular face.

It was only a short while later that the half-human’s aimless wandering brought him to a tavern. Artemis thought it was unusual to say the least, but he didn’t have a problem with available food for the taking. So, he pushed open the door and stooped so he could step inside. Scanning the interior with his red eyes, the half-breed judged it just as weird as its location. But, not strange enough to make him leave. Besides, it was quiet. That matched his current mood.

“I will lead you to your table, sir.” said a bouncy waitress, she seemed like one of those young girls with too much energy to know what to do with.

“Who said I’m staying,” muttered Artemis under his breath while deciding to stay, “Can I have a table in the dark?”

The waitress gave him a nervous, judgmental glance for a moment before happily piping, “Sure, why not.”

She cheerfully lead him to a table partly enclosed in the shadows. Artemis gratefully stepped into his presence and allowed the shadows to reach out with their smoky tendrils and cloak him with themselves. He allowed his pack to fall to the ground, and smoothly sat down in a chair. The half-breed casually flicked his blood red eyes up at her, while giving her a fanged smile. The waitress was starting to bug him.

“Y-you know I’m just going to go and get you a menu,” she stuttered, seeming to forget she had already placed one on the table. “Be right back.”

Leaning back in his chair, Artemis placed his feet up on the table. He watched in interest as some more shadows twined up his legs, and around his boots. They instantly began they customary chatter in inaudible shadowspeak, whispering to him about what they had seen and heard. Like puppy to master, in an eager-to-please attitude they began to feed him with information. The half-breed closed his eyes sleepily and relaxed, allowing they words to wash over him. Then something got his attention. The shadows began to speak about things he didn’t understand.

With a start, the half-breed snapped his eyes open and glanced around the room suspiciously. Nothing unusual besides a bunch of eccentrics, and two female human crosses. One seemed cheery while the elder was holding a sword. Their combined attitudes reminded him of a friend of his. Artemis shook his head quickly. He was probably never going to see her again, so he might as well forget. Back to scanning his surroundings…

06-11-06, 06:45 PM
Ayano shivered as she trudged down a muddy deer path. It was raining, and it was cold. Her cat half was completely rejecting of the raining. The cat-girl had to hold her bo at an odd angle so she could also wrap her arms around her body to retain as much warmth as possible. Her invisible chain mail wasn’t exactly providing the warmth she’d hoped another layer would. The neko blinked rapidly to clear her eyes of raindrops so she could see ahead. She was soaked to the bone, and there was no sign of Beako yet.

Beako had left a little while ago to scout ahead, not too bothered by the current weather. His penguin feathers kept the warmth in and the water out. The minute penguin like creature had floated off into the distance, and seemed to now be missing. Ayano was worried. A lot of bad things could happen to such a tiny thing in a forest like this, she thought. Well bad things could happen to Beako anywhere, it was just harder to find him in forests.

As if sensing her worry, Beako came zooming back peeping noisily. He zoomed around her head a few times, pecking at one of her ears. Ayano took this as a sign that she should follow her now leaving friend. The cat-girl took off running, ears pressed flat against her head. She tried not to think about how wet she was. It had better be worth it. It wouldn’t be the first time Beako had led her to something quite pointless like a mushroom.

The nearing tavern alleviated her concerns. When it was in clear view Beako planted himself in Ayano’s hair and began to burrow, cooing happily. The neko burst through the door with a sigh, closing it afterwards. Stepping over the puddle she had dripped at the entry way, she walked over to a line where a couple was waiting to be seated. At least the place was warm and dry, even if it was a bit queer she thought to herself. The cat-girl looked around the place in amusement. Some of the people were really weird. Especially that guy sitting in the corner… Hey, she knew him!

Ayano’s eyes had almost skipped right over him. Unlike the surrounding people giving him the shifty eyes, she was used to the way the shadows clung to him in an almost alive fashion. Shaking herself off quickly, she stepped closer. The half-demon’s hair still had drops of water clinging to it, betraying that he had only recently arrived. But what if it’s a shadowmancer who looks like him, she asked herself. One look at that gaunt pale face answered her question. It was him, no doubt about it.

“Guess who, Artemis!” she said happily, throwing her arms around him from behind in a hug.

It had been too long since they’d seen each other last.