View Full Version : Dragon Quest: The Final Fantasy

04-11-08, 10:58 PM
Closed, bishes.

Two sets of footsteps echoed down the staircase that led into the basement: The first, with the way the wood creaked underneath with each movement, belonged to a young man simply known as DM. The second, barely audible, belonged to his friend (in the loosest definition of word) Adrian. The two boys descended into the darkness. DM reached a sausage finger out systematically, hitting the nearby light switch with expert precision. As bright fluorescent light filled the basement, the skinnier of the two shot a hand up to protect his eyes.

"What the shit, man... You could've warned me," he shot at DM with no short amount of spite. The first kid chuckled to himself cruelly in between raspy breaths as he waddled around boxes of junk and Christmas ornaments. "Why did you drag me down here again?"

DM turned a rusty doorknob and threw the door open to his room without answering. Adrian was never really comfortable entering his friend's lair--it smelled too much like cheese, weed, pizza, and the after-effects of a hentai marathon for his tastes. Half empty soda cans and Doritos bags littered the floor like a chaotic, edible mural. A set of X-men bedsheets and a Captain America blanket were thrown haphazardly across an old, beaten sofa. Various posters of comic book heroes and anime superstars lined the walls. A lone window was covered with an old couch cushion, lest any offensive daylight were to enter DM's sacred sanctum.

The obese college dropout deftly moved amongst the mess towards a wall that was seemingly made out of video game systems, cartridges, and dvd cases with an old television crammed into the middle. As Adrian plopped himself down onto the couch, DM knelt down and rummaged through a pile of old Playstation games.

After a while, a smile cracked across his sweaty face. "This, my friend."

Adrian leaned forward, brushing aside his slick black bangs and squinting at the square jewel case. "Th' hell is that?"

DM's beady eyes narrowed behind his thick glasses in utter disbelief. "Th' hell is this? This is but only one of the greatest import-only Japanese RPG's of the Playstation One era!" He paused for a brief moment, spurred on only by the scrawny goth's silence. "Dragon Quest: The Final Fantasy, man! The last game by the geniuses at Circlesoft!" Adrian's piercing blank stare continued to bore a hole into his skull.

"Oh... Wait. Is that that dumb game you keep on yapping about every time we play some D&D?" The goth leaned back and feigned disinterest. "I thought I told you that I don't give a plague rat's ass about your stupid wacko Japo games. Especially those that have ugly graphics."

A meaty fist slammed down on the gray plastic of the system, popping open the top with an unhealthy click. "You have no taste. Go play your fucking Call of Duty and your Madden, and leave your opinions on real games out of this."

As much as Adrian would have loved to tear himself away from the mess and the horrible stench that choked him, he couldn't will himself. Silent as ever, he crossed his arms across his chest as DM delicately laid the cd into the tray and pressed the cover shut. As the game began to load, he sifted through a pile of garbage and video games, cursing to himself as he tried to find a controller.

"Ah, here we go." He threw his heavy weight on the other end of the couch, jolting Adrian somewhat. The scrawny one cringed slightly as an archaic, horribly foreign theme song filled the basement bedroom through a set of speakers that would make any home theater owner jealous.

"So, how far are you into it?"

"Oh, I've already beaten it." DM's fingers deftly moved across the controller, mashing buttons with almost machine-like efficiency. "Twice, in fact."

"Then why am I here?"

"Because," he said nasily, "this final boss is epic. Like, seriously, dude."

Adrian shook his head. "I don't care. I've got better things to do than watch you play some stupid old video game."

"Like what, go screw your fat cow of a girlfriend?"

A silence hung in the air between the two as Adrian's face turned red with anger. Of all the people he hated picking on his sex slave, DM had to have topped the list--who was the dungeon master to judge, when he tipped the scales at four hundred pounds himself? He brushed his long black bangs across his forehead as he half-focused on the television, stewing in silent anger and plotting the angry blog that would be aimed at DM for that last comment of his.

04-13-08, 03:02 AM
On the screen...

A tall man dressed in flowing, dark blue robes with stars embroidered all over in various sizes, and a matching hat stalked across a marble floor. His hair was very long and white as snow. His large, bushy eyebrows scrunched together in a scowl over dark eyes. His face was narrow and angular. In one, slender-fingered hand he carried a long rope that stretch a short distance behind him. Attached to this rope was a young girl, tied by the wrists, and forced to nearly run to keep up with the wizard’s fast pace.

Her hair was brown and long, practically to her knees. Her eyes matched her hair in color, but at the moment were full of fear. Her dress was made of fine, green linen. Normally, it would reach to the floor, but she had been fortunate enough to be able to grab the hem in her hands before the wizard began the long trek through his fortress. On her feet she wore slippers that matched her dress. Tears brimmed in her eyes as she tried desperately to keep up with the wizard.

“Please, let me go!”

The great wizard did not stop. The room they were crossing was massive. It was easily 1,000 feet wide and circular. Fifty marble pillars, evenly spaced at the edges, supported a vaulted roof. This, however, was not the wizard’s destination. He hurried across the room and out a set of massive iron-work doors. He barely flinched at the bright daylight that flooded through those doors and continued across a narrow, rail-less bridge. Just ahead of him was the final destination.

On an island seemingly floating space, four marble pillars stood at each corner. The whole thing was actually quite small, being only twenty feet wide by twenty feet long. In the exact center a large, rectangular block of marble stood. It was three feet high, six feet long, and two feet wide. There was no grass on this island. The whole thing was paved in marble. As soon as their feet left the bridge and were firmly on the island, the bridge disappeared. The young beauty looked back fearfully, wondering how they were to ever get back now.

The wizard drew a small knife from within his robes and cut the rope binding the girl’s wrists. His scowl lightened somewhat now that he was so close to accomplishing his goal. He still had a little bit of time before his all-powerful spell could be cast, so he made himself comfortable on the rectangular, marble slab.

“You needn’t worry so much, my dear. You will be instrumental in bringing about a new, perfect world. When it is complete, you will rule at my side as my queen.”

“What if I don’t want that?”

“You don’t have a choice, dear Danielle,” Reulollodil said as he stood and approached her. “You will do as I say without question, or you will not live to see the new world.” He paused and looked up at the sky to judge the time, “Come, it is almost time.” He grabbed her wrist and drug her over to the slab. Just as he was about to force her onto the slab, he heard the echo of metal clashing echoing across the empty air between them and his mighty fortress.

“Ahh, it would seem I have visitors. It doesn’t matter, my men are well able to take care of any unwanted guests.”

Kially Gaith
04-30-08, 07:19 PM
You guys are so fuckin’ patient. Thanks for the understanding.

The grand white marble hall was stained with masses of crimson red, weapons and bodies strew across a well kept floor, marring it’s beauty, even if the beauty of the floor was the least bit of interest to those heroes that stood upon it.

One, a small child, a mage dressed in ye olde robes, two, a beautiful and deadly female assassin , dressed the part, and finally, a warrior of great caliber, all spattered with blood, gave eye to survey the scene before them, a total of 12 victims astray the ground that had fell effortlessly to their renowned abilities. Each stood stern and true to the cause, unnerved and ready to battle onwards.

Light shone down upon the trio from a stained glass window depicting dark gods unknown, coating the three in a mish mash of a rainbow, providing a divine and somewhat vicious visual.

Kially, the mage, stood firm, silent and full of pride, his robes covered in liquid red from that of his companions blades, his eyes remained as blue as the sky, whilst flickering cut prisms of light within his icy hues. So far, many triumphs, losses and victories had littered their route but the toiling of the trio taught them that there was hope, this hope invisioned as they furthered their distance into the castle.

Allowing those of stronger defence to take the lead, Kially gave quiet consideration to what brought these mighty three to their destination, recalling over numerous events and battles both lost and won.

This was of course, until his vision suddenly went hazy, the environment changed, and before him stood four knights in rusty steel armour, all exactly posed for battle, all within a precise distance of each other.

“Guys! It’s a random encounter!” These were really getting boring, just that morning he’d tried to purchase a sandwich and upon reaching the butchers door, three goblins had faded into vision and one stole his coin purse. This had not pleased the mage albeit in the slightest, but his efforts to retrieve the funds failed when the goblin who had attained his coin purse ran, leaving both his companions to be torn by the wrath of Kiallys wind blades. His coin purse was no where to be found, leaving him with only 2 gold and some strange blue liquid in a glass bottle – Just what that was, he didn’t know, he’d immediately given it to some homeless person, who wouldn’t stop saying the same thing ”Press B to do a barrel roll.”, Kially had figured he was crazy, hopefully that liquid would put him out of his misery.