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06-12-06, 02:43 PM
Name: Izvilvin Di’Lolth
Age: 127
Race: Drow
Gender: Male


Due to the nature of Izvilvin’s profession, he hides the bottom half of his face behind a mask of leather, with tiny holes designed to allow breathing. His eyes are lavender, his hair white and his skin black, all common Drow traits. The warrior is of average height and weight. His clothes are always dark, made to help him hide in the darkness and blend into his surroundings.

Izvilvin’s hair is cut relatively short in comparison to most Drow, as a great deal of them are vain about their locks. He grows it in thick spikes that flow back from his forehead and reach just to the bottom of his neck. He has sharp features and long ears, traits of his heritage, usually hidden with a hood.

He is lithe but strong, and very well toned.


Izvilvin was born in Ettermire, Alerar. When he was 3, Sindareth Vordutin became Lord General of Alerar’s army, and Izvilvin’s father endured harsh training at his hands. The new Lord General’s intent was to begin an operation to wage war against the elves of Raiaera, sworn enemy of the Drow.

The young elf had a great love for his father, so when he died in battle years later, Izvilvin developed an early distaste for Vordutin. As he grew, Izvilvin dreamed of somehow avenging his father, and was even encouraged by his mother to do so. It was the Drow way, after all.

At 13, Izvilvin saw the opportunity extinguish. As he approached the appropriate age, the boy was contacted several times about joining the army. He would always refuse in anger, though he was never supposed to have a choice. This brought him to Sindareth’s attention. Though the general rarely tolerated disobedience, he was a man that appreciated strength, so he went to see Izvilvin personally.

The confrontation did not go very well. The young Drow could not resist the opportunity presented before him: Sindareth Vordutin within arms reach, barely armed and certainly not prepared to do battle. Izvilvin struck instantly with his training dagger, but was met with the calm and experienced blade of the general. A rough cross to the young Drow’s jaw sent him sprawling, but that was not enough to deter him. Even as he fell, Izvilvin threw the dagger, only for it to be knocked aside by the skilled man.

On the surface, it was a clear act of treason. Izvilvin could, and should have been killed on the spot, impaled on the blade of the general. But this was Alerar, and they were Drow. The boy’s pride was worth something there. As most young male Drow are beaten into servitude before they can reach adolescence, Izvilvin’s determination was a sign of inner strength.

So the general dragged him back, forcefully putting him in the trainee program. Izvilvin showed great promise in only his first few days, and seemed to have a natural talent for handling weapons and sparring. It was train or die, so the elf did as he was told. General Vordutin had him bumped up to a specialized course, one designed to not only develop skill with weapons, but develop young Drow to become especially effective in war.

Izvilvin was trained in a variety of weapons, but was most comfortable with the sai. They were light and small, perfect for a dexterous young warrior. He was beaten every day and subjected to a harsh amount of torture designed to increase his tolerance for pain, and limit his capacity for compassion. It worked to an extent, but Izvilvin kept his pride. He soon fell into the routine of waking up, training with his master, being beaten, training again, and then going to bed.

Years after the beginning of this regimen, Izvilvin ‘graduated’ from the academy. The training had changed him into a soldier, more deliberate in his actions and much, much more deceitful, perhaps hateful. He still held his hatred for the general and the silent pride buried beneath his surface, but Izvilvin was different.

He was 20 when he was placed in another unit, a special group of Drow who existed for the more specialized needs of Alerar: spying, gathering information, and assassination. The most physically capable warriors were put here, as important enemies were often under harsh protection.

Izvilvin played along for some time, for there was no real way for him to escape without being killed. For years he carried out special missions within Alerar, mainly gathering information on the dwarves, occasionally causing an ‘accident’ in their mines. The experience was good for him, but he loathed doing anything under General Vordutin, even if it was for the better of his land.

Years passed like a blur, for life as a Drow is quite different than life as a human, and when Izvilvin was 75 he was sent to Kachuk with the order to assassinate Kharas Lightbringer, leader of the dwarves. A great many Drow assassins had tried to do the same thing since Vordutin was named the Drow leader, and every last one had been killed in action. Izvilvin, being the opportunist he was, used the chance to get into Kachuk’s mines and create a home there, away from Vordutin and the Drow.

It was the perfect idea. Izvilvin was assumed to have been killed in action and was quickly forgotten. Using his knowledge of survival, he lived in the mines, creating a small place for sleeping and covering it with a slab of stone when he was hunting. He searched out food in the darkness, eating underground plants and vermin for many years. He wanted to make it out of Alerar, but Etheria Port was a busy place for the Drow military at the time.

As Izvilvin hit 125, Vordutin and Thoracis led Alerar into war against Raiaera. Security in Etheria Port became lax, giving Izvilvin the opportunity to sneak through and get on a boat out of Alerar. After so many years of living in the darkness, Izvilvin was free to leave.

Due to those events, Izvilvin has a very special place for Thoracis in him, since it was thanks to his appearance and rise to power that he was able to finally leave Alerar. By no stretch of the imagination does Izvilvin think Thoracis deliberately helped him, but he still feels the need to one day meet the man and thank him.

Izvilvin still has no knowledge of Vordutin’s death, and often dreams of seeking his revenge.


Izvilvin ended up in Radasanth, and right from the moment he left the boat, things were difficult. The people saw him and either fled instantly, or confronted him. He had no weapons, so Izvilvin ran. It seemed that life outside of Alerar was going to be no better than living in the mines.

He was forced to use some of his survival skills while on the run, and ended up burrowing a home in the forest, a well-hidden hole to sleep in. After a mere week of living like this, a man veiled in black came to him with a proposal. Izvilvin remembers his exact words to this day, spoken in his native tongue. Translated, it said:

“What if I told you I could help you kill Vordutin?”

After some communication, Izvilvin joined a division of the Corone government called Step, created for the purposes of assassination, espionage and manipulation, an elite covert unit. The promise was that after some years of being in the division, his ‘boss’ would provide troops that would allow Izvilvin to attack Alerar and seek to kill General Vordutin. Knowledge of the man’s death hasn’t gotten to him because of his limited communication with non-Drow, but it’s unknown just what he would do in response to being lied to and manipulated.

Level 1 update

Almost immediately after he arrived in Radasanth, Izvilvin traveled to Scara Brae, a much smaller land that he’d been told was much like Radasanth. Here he took a job with the Scara Scourge, not really realizing that robbing a caravan of 5 wagons is a disruptive, possibly evil thing to do. Together with Khalxaen, they managed to retrieve a single wagon, but Izvilvin was captured in the process.

A pair of Step agents, true names unknown (they went by Jowy and Luca) aided Khalxaen in rescuing Izvilvin, who was set to be executed for murder and theft. The Drow learned what friendship was while on this journey, and officially considers Khalxaen to be his one true friend in the world, though they still cannot properly communicate with words. They hold a special bond that Izvilvin cherishes.

Izvilvin was then sent on his first ‘official’ Step mission, to avoid Scara Brae and it's surrounding areas until things cooled down. The mission was to infiltrate Jya’s Keep in Fallien and investigate the new sorcerer, Sasarai. So little information on the man was available that Step’s agents felt it necessary to get more, thus an agent was put to action. note to self: edit this when the quest is done.


The name comes into reference to stepping in and interloping, of course. Established by the Coronians directly after the Demon War, agents of Step were inserted into the world's governments so that in the face of another disaster or war of tremendous magnitude, the people of Corone would be prepared. The agents of Step are numerous, and of nearly every race on Althanas. They are devoted to their people, and will commit suicide to take any information they were carrying to the grave. A second function of Step is to influence events to Corone's favor. The head and leader of Step is unclear, and no Agent ever receives his directives directly or from the same person.


Sai Proficiency – (Previously ‘slightly above average’). The rust has left Izvilvin since leaving Alerar, and fighting in Scara Brae has helped him adjust to the technique of a trained human soldier. Thanks to the experience, Izvilvin now has advanced skill with his sai, and can stand toe-to-toe with a military general of typical training.

Agility – (Previously ‘no advantage’). At level 1, Izvilvin is capable of acrobatic feats such as backflips, but isn’t stupid enough to attempt them in battle. He is more nimble than before, though, thanks to all of his outside activity. The Drow can dodge typical sword strikes and generic attacks with a melee weapon rather easily, especially from the front.

Weapon Potential – Having trained with many weapons in his youth, Izvilvin has the potential to became skilled with many different types of weapons. At level 0, he only has advanced skill with his sai.


The drow carries 5 (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?t=1434) iron sai. He does not wear any armor or carry any other items.

Note: Izvilvin does not speak common, though in his short time outside of Alerar he has developed an understanding for several words. He mainly communicates through pointing and movement, tones and facial expressions.

Izvilvin’s Vocabulary

Words in common that Izvilvin understands. To the left is the word, to the right is what he understands the word to indicate.

Pick (Decide between a number of options of some sort, like doors or items on a menu)
Bye (A farewell, not sure how formal it is or anything)

06-12-06, 05:19 PM
Looks great, mate.

Next time, though, get Cyrus to approve you. :p