View Full Version : Scara Brae: Almanac & Guide

06-14-06, 05:08 PM

Welcome to Scara Brae, your first stop along what will hopefully be a very long roleplaying stay on Althanas! This thread is for you all. In it you will find the information for everything you could use here. Scara Brae is a place for level 0 through 1 and their guests. Have fun, relax, and get to know each other. Don’t be afraid to start threads or jump in others that are open.

Here are some hints for you all to make your stay enjoyable in Scara Brae.

Don't be upset if people don't rush to line up to join your first open quest. Be patient. Someone will join soon enough, and don't feel hesitant to RP with other new guys. It'll allow you to build some lasting relationships with other characters.
If you get a low score, don’t let it ruin your fun. Just keep on going and strive to get better and learn from your mistakes.
After you complete a quest or battle, and have it judged, do not feel afraid to ask the moderator to help you or explain anything he might have commented on. We are here for you, and Scara Brae is here to be the first step for your roleplaying.
Type up your posts in a word-processing program like Microsoft Word. Then, once you’re finished writing it, read it over, make any necessary changes and then post it on the site.
Work hard on making the dialogue in your threads believable, true to your character, and interesting. Do not force dialogue out of your character. If you are having trouble with finding out how your character would speak, just sit and think to yourself for a moment.
Take your time when posting.
Utilize vB Code in your posts. Italics are often used to represent a character’s internal thoughts or put emphasis on a single word.
Long posts are not better! You want to be descriptive in your posts, but not to the point of overkill.

So I leave you to your roleplaying adventure. Utilizing the below information in your threads will allow you to have higher scores and better flow. There will also be a reward system that is based on the information presented, so keep a lookout for that. It will be posted in this thread as well.

If you are writing a solo quest, please be aware of the fact that solos must have a ten post minimum or be at least 10,000 words in length.

06-14-06, 05:09 PM
General Description
-Population- approximately 800,000
-Average Age- 30
-Life Expectancy- Male ~ 50, Female ~ 55
-Nationality- Scarabrians
-Literacy Rate- 50%
- Native People- Human (45%), Dwarven (25%), Elven (20%), Other (10%)
-Languages- Tradespeak, Elven

-Area- 270,000 sq. mi. ((Approximately the size of Texas))
-Elevation Extremes- Sea Level ~ most of the island to 6684 ft (2040m) ~ Windlacer Peaks. North of mountains land starts at 200 ft above sea level at base of mountain and goes to sea level along Neverscale.
-Major Terrain Features- Dense forests of Brokenthorn (west), Windlacer Mountain Range (north central), flatlands / farmlands (central)
-Natural Resources- Brokenthorn Forest (Oak and Yew), Windlacer Mountain Range (Iron and Plynt), Brokhert Farmlands (Wheat, corn, grain), Port of Scara Brae (all forms of sea food)
-Major Imports- Ore higher then Plynt, Wood higher then Cyper, Spices
-Major Exports- Sea Food, Wheat
-Foreign Relations-
Alerar – Neutral to friendly, Fallien – Friendly, Haidia – Neutral, Raiaera – Neutral, Salvar – Neutral, Corone – Very Friendly

Places of Interest
~~~ The City of Scara Brae ~~~
Though rather simple in architectural design, the buildings of the island’s capital are generally sturdy structures, which have lasted years without faltering. This is mainly due to the nation’s lack of conflict with other military forces. This is also the reason most people are generally kind to one another, and there are often many social gatherings and such taking part within the many fine plazas that speckle the streets. Of course, most of this party life is lost once one travels to the farms near the outskirts of the large town. The general population consists of a mixture between humans, elves and a variety of other races yearning for adventure.
The city is surrounded by a small wall with gates at every entrance. Though the walls look intimidating the open gates are always a welcome sight. It is very rare for the gates to close, and they only close when something very serious is happening in the lands of Scara Brae.
~~~ The Docks ~~~
The docks are perhaps the most active area in the city. Scara Brae has no established navy; however it has a high amount of luxury boats. The shores are lined with different barges, sailboats, and other vessels at all times. One can never step outside the sea-side taverns without bumping into some fishermen, as the place is always bustling with activity, excluding the hours late at night. At anytime, though, the barge running from Scara Brae to Corone is always ready to run.
~~~ The Valeena Family Castle ~~~
The castle is home to Queen Valeena, the current ruler of the island. The reinforced walls of this castle are lined with assorted flowers and vines. Though many military advisors have suggested such plant-life be destroyed to help decrease the chance of break-ins, their opinions have been ignored due in order to keep the castle blossoming with beauty. Besides, the castle is guarded 24/7 with the best warriors Scara Brae has to offer, and they don’t like people snooping around where they shouldn’t be. It is said that within the castle there lays a vast amount of gold and treasure, but none are too sure, because the room in question rests directly behind the queen’s throne – the most heavily guarded area of the castle.
~~~ The Zirnden ~~~
The most successful fight club in all of Scara Brae. It’s open all day and all night, providing not only excellent entertainment, but also some of the best drinks the whole island has to offer. The arena itself lays in the center of the building, crafted in the shape of a square, raised platform. A cage of delyn surrounds the stage, only opening and closing at the beginning and end of matches. Recently, however, the Zirnden has experienced a decline in activity. The owner is currently in the process of organizing an event of some kind to turn more eyes to his establishment. Details about this event are currently unknown.
~~~ The Hospital ~~~
The hospital is arguably the best medical center in all of Althanas, for it houses generous Monks who wish to generally promote good health in the world. Their advanced healing magic and skills with medicine are capable of curing most any illness and reviving the dead. However, there are hefty prices that go along with these treatments. The only way one is exempt from this rule is if they are injured serving the city of Scara Brae or fighting at the Zirnden.
~~~ Temple of Scara Brae ~~~
The Temple is a little known part of the town. Though people travel from the island to the temple to pray to whatever deity they hold at heart, the temple has always been dominantly influenced by the King or Queen of Scara Brae. Currently it is a place of worship for the goddess Y’edda the Wild. A sect of temple priests has begun to act strangely. There have been reports of activity at night, when the Temple is rarely inhabited – indeed, the light from their fires is visible even from the main island of Scara Brae. The meaning of this activity has yet to be revealed…
~~~ The Dajas Pagoda ~~~
The Dajas Pagoda has been through a lot. It was started by a rogue group of Ai’Bron monks who charged the challengers for ‘teaching’ them in battle. As soon as the group was cast out it was changed into a diverse and somewhat complicated system that involved tiers of masters to best and a roundabout way to advance. The Dajas Pagoda is closed. For now, the huge complex stands only as a reminder of its former glory. Rumors stir in the streets, however, that an unknown official in the Queen’s Court is lobbying to have it reopened.
~~~The City Guard Headquarters~~~
The City Guard HQ is the hub of all City guard activity. The captain is stationed here, and there are always at least four officers of lesser status except in cases of extreme need. The bounty board of the city is located here, and applications to become a Guardsman are accepted here. In short: if it has to do with policing the city, you can find it here.

~~~ Valeena Lake ~~~
Not too far from the bustling city, Valeena Lake offers a quick retreat if one needs it. The water itself is clean and clear, bursting with an abundance of fish and other wildlife. Fishing is often used as a way of relaxing but there is always a limit and most throw the fish back, seeing as the town has enough food provided from the farms and a plentiful sea. This area is not very dangerous, but there have been reports of children accidentally drowning. The lake is feed by a river that runs through Brokenthorn Forest.

~~~ Brokenthorn Forest ~~~
Covering near forty-percent of the entire island of Scara Brae, this forest makes for some good hunting and adventure. The dangers lurking behind every tree, however, have taken many young adventurers’ lives, so caution must be taken when stepping foot into the dark woods. The forest consists of 70% oak and yew trees, 20% trakym trees and 10% cyper trees. However, these trees are often never harvested as lumber unless new housing developments or other buildings are needed. The river that runs the forest has no name, but it is said to be a prime ambush point for some of the stronger creatures within the woodland. Recently, a company called Brokenthorn Lumber, Inc. has surfaced in Scara Brae. Although they are meeting significant environmentalist resistance, they show obvious intentions to begin a lucrative logging operation in the forest.

~~~ Neverscale Beach ~~~
This sandy area stretches for several miles, but is usually very desolate. On occasion, however, creatures and monsters from the sea have been known to rest upon the warm sands, but they are not to be taken lightly. The serpents and sharks that live in the bay are very dangerous, and have killed many of Scara Brae’s finest in the past. Swimming and boating is not recommended. There are no regular patrols roving the beach, so travel there is often discouraged and those that go are on their own.

~~~ Liviol Sanctum ~~~
This area is a tiny island just off the shores of northwest Scara Brae. It is considered one of the most dangerous woods in the vicinity, and it said that there is a powerful cat-like creature, the size of ten or twenty men, prowling it constantly. That, however, has never been proven. There are rumors of a magical, crumbled tower existing in the center of the island, but none are too sure whether it is true or not. However, it is a very feasible theory, considering liviol trees are only created after being exposed to powerful magical energies for long periods of time, and the forest-island consists of nothing more then liviol trees.

~~~ Hooligan’s Grotto ~~~
Once the key hiding spot for pirates, Hooligan’s Grotto is now nothing more than an abandoned cave. Not many monsters and animals make home at the base of this small mountain, and they have good reasons, too. Many booby traps from long ago litter the surrounding area and the many tunnels within the cavern. Only those trained to avoid such deathtraps and those with knowledge of where they exist have been able to bypass them. Recently, however, a man by the name of Gurtz Danager has taken up residence deep within the grotto. He is the captain of a large group of pirates, and some say he is rallying other groups to his cause. He has chosen to lie low until his power grows, however, and no bounties have been placed on his head as of yet.

~~~ Mountain-Tear Falls ~~~
These waterfalls are, in most tourists’ opinions, the most beautiful sight in all of Scara Brae. These wonderful waters cascade down the side of Windlacer Peak, creating a natural and amusing show complete with splashes and rainbows at times during the rainy season, but are still amazing during other times. These waters feed the river that runs through Brokenthorn Forest, which creates Valeena Lake.

~~~ Arask Pass ~~~
A canyon that lies not too far away from Scara Brae’s town gates, this area is used as a make-shift trail from the city to Goblin Cove. However, because the Goblins and Scara Brae are on rather ugly terms, the canyon is often a spot that is avoided. Travelers and adventurers seeking passage through the pass safely can hire strong-arms, or ask the Knights of Scara Brae for assistance. Roving patrols do not often travel the path, but sometimes they will in order to scout the other side of the mountains. Goblin patrols have been sighted more and more frequently in the past few months. Some have jumped to quick conclusions, believing the goblins intend to invade Scara Brae; cooler heads have chosen to wait. It could just be a coincidence.

~~~ Windlacer Peak ~~~
Only a handful of people have been able to scale this monster of a mountain without paying the ultimate price of death. With ever-changing wind speeds, rough, rocky terrain and an array of other dangers, reaching the top would be quite the feat. In addition, the peak of the mountain is actually home to a dragon, said to be wise and powerful. Sir Pallotan, one of the only men to have scaled Windlacer Peak, refuses to answer any questions on the subject.
The peak is the highest point of the Windlacer Mountain Range, standing 6684 ft (2040 m) tall.

~~~ Goblin Cove ~~~
Swarming with the most vicious, cruel and ugly creature capable of some form of dialect, Goblin Cove is the home for a tribe of malicious green-skins. A history of Goblin raids and other such attacks of the town of Scara Brae runs as far back as anybody can remember, but the outcome has always been the same; the Goblins have been defeated over and over by the Knights, but they always come back for more. These Goblins are fierce, and will protect their home with their lives. Thus, the inside of their cave home has never been seen. Once again, the Cove is teeming with warlike Goblins. Another raid might be imminent…

06-14-06, 05:10 PM
Very few truly unique beasts thrive in the lands of Scara Brae. The most prominent are those of myth…

Giant Spiders – spiders of enormous size, the largest equal to the size of a warhorse, live throughout the forests. These spiders weave a tight web, as strong as steel and able to be spun into cloth. Though the web is useful for cloth armor it is often forgotten because its dark gray coloration is not enjoyed by the more vain young warriors. These spiders are sometimes ridden by goblins raiding along the base of the mountains.
Harpies – through the passes of the mountains are the thin, feminine monsters known as harpies. They are naked women who’s wings extend from the middle of their back outwards. The harpy wields her claws in battle and slashes with the bone projection from the tip of her wings. The most devastating attack that the people of the island must worry about is the scream that they may unleash, a powerful and occasionally deadly sonic blast.
Neverscale Crawlers – the crawler is not something specific, but rather a general term used for all the dangerous sea-life that ‘crawls’ from the ocean. The most noted crawlers are waist-high crabs or lobsters, scaled snake-like creatures that slither from the depths, and general mer-people.

-Major Religions-
None established. Polytheistic (Thayne) (30%), Polytheistic (Other) (20%), Monotheistic (The Sway) (5%), Agnostic (??%)

Scara Brae boasts a truly diverse environment which allows for any and all deities present for worship. However, at the heart of the religious past have always been the Thayne (http://althanas.com/world/showthread.php?t=294), one always worshiped slightly more then another due to the royalty’s preference. Currently the temple is dedicated to Y’edda the Wild, though in the past it has been dominantly held in honor of Khal’jaren the Sage and V’dralla the Fair.

Other deities worshiped include those from Corone, which influenced Scara Brae so much in the beginning. The gods from Corone are Wyron, deity of harvest, Am’aleh, deity of the sea, and Trisgen demigod of strife and war. Each Baron seems to hold a different god at heart though, claiming them more as a religious link to the people.

Baron Richard DuBoue – Am’aleh of the Sea
Baron Aeric Eauruta – V’dralla the Fair
Baroness Illia Entadaa – Y’edda the Wild
Baron Willian Valeena – Hromagh the Strong
Baroness Vallery Brokhert – Jomil the Hermitess

06-14-06, 05:11 PM
Absolute Monarchy –
Scara Brae is governed by a form of dominant monarchy. The Queen or King is in complete control of all things that run through the country. There is no constitution, law, or civil idea that overrules the decisions of the monarch. However, Scara Brae has been fortunate over the years. The Queen, as it stands, has always been kind and gentle, delving little into the workings of the society and instead concentrating on the morale of the people instead. Though the idea of creating a different form of government has arisen, it has always been cast down.

Aristocratic Representation –
The lands of Scara Brae are split into five different baronies. Each barony is run by a Lord, or Baron. In those baronies are the main towns, each of which is controlled and run by a duke (acts as mayor). Currently the Baron of Scara Brae is given control of the outlying lands, outside the walls of the town. The other Barons split their time between a symbolic parliament in Scara Brae and their own lands. The dukes of each town, including Scara Brae, remain in the cities at all times and act in the Baron’s steed if the parliament is assembled.

(1) Baron Richard DuBoue – The barony of Richard is small, encompassing little land. It is along the southern most tip of the island. Though it is small the responsibility for bringing in the bounty of the ocean is left upon it. A rather impressive fleet of fishing ships move to and fro from the port town of DuBoue (named after the noble who married into the Valeena family). The small village surrounded by a very unimpressive wooden barricade.
~~Duchess Weis Irianna acts in Baron Richards place when called upon.
(2) Baron Aeric Eauruta – The barony of Aeric surrounds the important town of Scara Brae itself. The barony is the eastern most of the five and also encompasses the most land. A small group of war vessels rest off its harbors, sometimes patrolling, and a massive amount of trade vessels travel from Scara Brae to Corone. Interspersed between the two types of ships are barges, large passenger ships used to transport humanity from island to island, or perhaps to the mainland.
~~Duke Ferrian Zalinhar is the duke of the town and mainly keeps track of the Watch.
(3) Baroness Illia Entadaa – The Baroness controls the western portion of the island. Her barony holds two towns of little note, Uthia and Olme, both of which border the forests of Brokenthorn. The Baroness Illia is the chief exporter of all woods produced on the island.
~~In her steed Duchess Iaryen Vitola watched the forests edge and the people.
(4) Baron Willian Valeena – The barony of Willian is at the northwestern part of Scara Brae, where the mountains cross the bay and continues on to the eastern tip. The stronghold of Sess-Terria Hold rests at the base of the mountain, a dingy town of miners and smiths. The barony of Willian is the supplier of almost all ore for the island.
~~Duke Painae Girard acts as the mayor and Watch Captain of the hold.
(5) Baroness Vallery Brokhert – The baroness Vallery is quiet and keeps a slight reign on her barony. She is a person of isolation, living in a small quiet village at the center of her barony. The barony of Brokhert is the east-central barony of the island and is covered by plains. They are known for horse and cow ranches, as well as small farm holds across the lands.
~~Duke Harry Brokhert roams the barony with his small band of soldiers because of the lack of an established Watch in the barony.

Military and Law
Knights of Scara Brae – The Knights of Scara Brae were a little known part of the island compromising of twenty knights who supplied their own weapons and armor. The government originally gave them a home and missions, as well as compensation for their duties with free rooms and board. Over time the Knights became stronger, used to ward of the constant attacks made by the goblins. Their fame was little to nothing in the older days, until Sir Pallotan Narriplion better known as “The Red Halo”

Under the leadership of Sir Narriplion the Scara Knights became something far superior then a simple defensive shield against goblins. In the island of Scara Brae they became legends. The uniforms of the knights were changed to crimson plate-mail. Their weapons were decorated with the Red Halo symbol, as was their armor. But what spurred them most was the monarchy’s backing that allowed anyone able to prove themselves to join (not just the wealthy).

With the retirement and possible passing of the Red Halo the Queen and Scara Brae has been left with a powerful shield against all attacks. Not only are the Knights known for their strength, but also their benevolence. Another leader of the Knights is yet being sought, and legends say that the next to follow will wield the same blade as Sir Narriplion once did.

200 active Knights of Scara Brae (not acting in Watch houses)
2800 trained infantry (2000 footmen, 800 archers)
1000 cavalry units (800 light, 200 archers)
15 Warships (10 docked around Scara Brae, 5 patrolling island)

Law across Scara Brae is controlled by local Watch Houses. These watch houses are headed by a single member of the Knights, who act as Captain of the Watch. Each barony has at least one Watch House.

06-14-06, 05:11 PM
Important People
Name: Queen Ballari Andra Valeena.
Race: Human.
Height: 5’5”
Weight: 112 lbs
Gender: Female
Hair: Unnaturally golden.
Eyes: Brown
Age: 41 years

Ever since her younger years as a princess, Ballari was always the prettiest of the prettiest, as if she had some sort of beauty spell cast upon her as a young child. Such looks won her many a proposal from nobles and lords from around Althanas, and who could doubt such a thing. The way she walked, the way she talked, the way her naturally curled hair bounced in the soft breezes, and how her eyes seemed alive in even the darkest moments of the country; it was all just too amazing. She retains this natural beauty to this day.

In her younger years, Ballari had always been quite the lively girl; but due to her having to become Queen of Scara Brae and all, she was forced to grow up. She has a soft spot for humans and elves, but especially half-elves, mainly because she sees them as much more than just some sort of freak. Regardless, in times of dire need, she can keep her cool and make decisions wisely.

Basic Swordsmanship - As a child, she was often taken on trips with her brave, father, King Tayjus Valeena. Many of the noble Scara Knights thought it was best to treat her royal highness to a few lessons using a sword, just in case worse came to worse. Thus, she took a liking to combat with basic, broad swords, but has long since lost her edge in using them.

Excellent Diplomacy – Through having to deal with many a different nation, country, and even some humble farmers, Ballari has learned the many tricks and trades of dealing with people and other negotiations.

Staff of the Fortune-Hunter – An ancient staff passed down through the Scara Brae royal family for ages. It is made of pure adamantine and has gold emblems depicting ancient heroes of long-forgotten legends along the shaft. At the top rests a ruby carved into a pyramid shape, with an image of a star, a sword, and a shield on the three respective sides.--Thought to represent adventurers. This staff caries the power to mend any burnt map to its original state, heal any large wound or broken bone, and bless warriors and travelers in their every journey by giving them a magic shield that makes them more resilient to physical blows.

Crown of the Valeena Family – This headpiece is considered to be one of the most valuable pieces of jewelry in all of Althanas. It is created from a mixture of gold, silver, and adamantine metals and is cushioned with soft, navy-blue silk lining. Across the front of the crown is a set of three rubies, the center one being the largest of the three. Though to many it is just a simple crown, many philosophers and monks believe that it may possess some sort of hidden secret, to which none have ever been able to reveal. Strangely, it has fit everyone who has worn it, and has managed to look good on royals of both genders, no matter what.

06-14-06, 05:12 PM
For over 300 years the Valeena royal family has ruled Scara Brae. The first to set up a monarch in the unlawful lands was an infamous adventurer by the name of Ekonill Valeena. After a few years of surviving with only a few friends and the land, he happened upon a small, unorganized settlement. There, he managed to lead the unlawful people well, and set up a small port that soon brought some of the most adventurous of travelers to their island. Over the years, Ekonill and his group of friends, which were now considered his knights, watched as the small settlement grew into a rather prosperous village.

Soon after Ekonill died and his eldest son, Authlain, took the throne, a group of powerful Ai’Bron monks who claimed they had run away from Corone arrived on the shores, seeking shelter and a new home. The throne immediately took them under their wing and watched the monks flourish. The amazing healers soon constructed a superb hospital, which utilized magic more than tools in their operations, and brought more people to their land.

Many kings and queens took the throne over the following centuries. With each ruler, more and more people came to set up their own shops or do business with the quickly-growing island. People came and went, sold and bought, fought and quested, but never lost their lively spirit. Strangely enough, despite the traffic the island got from the many adventurers who sought it out, the island was never really recognized amongst the other regions of Althanas, and it remained isolated to an extent. Only a few trade runs to neighboring shores were ever required, due to the fact that the island was very self sufficient.

King Tayjus, long descendent of King Ekonill, helped to fix all and any trading and transportation problems by hiring foreign machinists and scholars to develop a set of airships which made commuting to and from the island a whole lot easier. However, with the method of transportation came more crime, and King Pinestum was murdered; his killers were never found.

Thus, began the reign of Queen Ballari Andra Valeena, daughter to King Tayjus Valeena. She was appointed her position due to the fact that there were no other princes and princesses ahead of her or behind her in line for the throne. It didn’t take her long to adapt to the lifestyle, and she was already being considered one of the greatest rulers ever to have the throne of Scara Brae in only a decade. The crime rate in the city went down, and everybody was happy.

However, the Queen was faced with the decision of opening up a new training center at the Dajas Pagoda; the idea was brought to her by a man named Max Dirks and his associates, Yari and Kade. After a few meetings with the three men, they eventually won her over, and she allowed the program to start. Soon after, she started to hear complaints about how poorly the three men ran the place, and how much of a “rip-off” the program was. Still, she could not gather enough evidence to justify shutting it down. Thankfully, the men who ran the establishment eventually abandoned the Dajas Pagoda, and the queen was allowed the freedom to shut down the establishment and move on with more pressing issues.

06-14-06, 05:12 PM
Items of Interest
Staff of the Fortune-Hunter – An ancient staff passed down through the Scara Brae royal family for ages. It is made of pure adamantine and has gold emblems depicting ancient heroes of long-forgotten legends along the shaft. At the top rests a ruby carved into a pyramid shape, with an image of a star, a sword, and a shield on the three respective sides.--Thought to represent adventurers. This staff caries the power to mend any burnt map to its original state, heal any large wound or broken bone, and bless warriors and travelers in their every journey by giving them a magic shield that makes them more resilient to physical blows.

Crown of the Valeena Family – This headpiece is considered to be one of the most valuable pieces of jewelry in all of Althanas. It is created from a mixture of gold, silver, and adamantine metals and is cushioned with soft, navy-blue silk lining. Across the front of the crown is a set of three rubies, the center one being the largest of the three. Though to many it is just a simple crown, many philosophers and monks believe that it may possess some sort of hidden secret, to which none have ever been able to reveal. Strangely, it has fit everyone who has worn it, and has managed to look good on royals of both genders, no matter what.

Scara Scimitar of Supremacy – This weapon is a large scimitar. The guard is crafted of mythril, the handle of deep violet liviol wood, and the blade is pure prevalida. Though it may look as if it is nothing more than just an expensive sword, the weapon is actually magically enchanted; granting the user who wields it the ability to destroy almost any magical shield with ease.

Armor of the Red Halo - A set crafted from black diamond, consisting of: Rounded pauldrons, a chainmail tunic, a breast plate, light greaves, chainmail pants, light gauntlets, and a skull cap with a red ring around it. It originally belonged to Sir Pallotan, the hero of Scara Brae. However, when he retired and left the island his armor was left behind, placed into the safe keeping of the keeps vaults.

Shield of the Red Halo - A round, sturdy shield crafted completely out of black diamond, complete with the symbol of a red halo painted on it. It is rumored that spells could even be stopped and reflected due to the magic of the shield. Unfortunately, it too is kept in the vaults of the castle.

02-13-07, 04:15 PM

The Scara Scourge

Who are they?

The Scara Scourge is the premier crime syndicate in Scara Brae. They have men willing to do all manner of tasks. Their main goal is to promote their own welfare. Since new blood is introduced into the island nearly every day, the Scourge always has men out looking for fresh recruits. Their numbers, however, are always kept secret.

The Scara Scourge is bribing Queen Valeena to be ‘ignorant’ of their existence. In return, the Scourge has promised never to target the queen and her domain as part of a mission. The syndicate has gone even further, promising jail or even death if a Scourge member is caught illegally within Valeena’s Castle. This relationship protects the safety of the queen. Valeena, in turn, keeps the Knights of Scara Brae out of the business of the Scourge, creating a wary peace between crime and castle.

While the Queen might keep the Knights out of the action, however, she goes to no such lengths with the City Guard. The Guard is constantly on alert, and will arrest and jail a member of the Scara Scourge at any opportunity. In retribution, Scourge members take no end of pleasure in mischievous petty theft and vandalism of the homes of well-known City Guardsmen.

Recently, however, activity within the Scourge has significantly dropped. In a last-ditch effort to bring more members to the cause, Leader is ordering many brash, public crimes all throughout the city. While these crimes certainly attract the sort of attention they want, they also attract eyes of a slightly different sort. The Scourge is now battling with the City Guard in front of all eyes. Should the action get any louder, the Queen would have no choice but to intervene on behalf of her Guardsmen.

The structure of the Scourge is comprised of ranks. Leader is at the top. Burner, Shadow, and Knives make up the second rank, and the rest of the members are loosely ranked below them. With very rare exception (usually relating to favor in the eyes of Leader), more experienced members of the Scourge are considered to be higher on the ladder.

Important Members:

Below is a brief description of a few of the important members of the Scourge. For their protection, their true names are never spoken, even among the Scourge. Leaking of this information results in expulsion from the syndicate and is frequently followed by an assassination.

“Leader” – Leader is the head of all activity in the Scourge. Any important information goes through him, and any important missions are coordinated by him. Other than the obvious, nearly nothing is known. He always wears the somewhat stereotypical black cloak, and his face is always hidden. He has a very enigmatic personality.

“Toolbox” – Toolbox is their supplier. He boasts connections with reliable smugglers, enabling the Scourge to acquire nearly any realistic item imaginable. Recently, however, he has been captured and jailed by the City Guard. The Scourge is sending out a general bulletin to release him from his moldy prison at first opportunity.

“Burner” – He is one of the few mages in the Scourge, and is the first of Leader’s three most trusted men. He is the syndicate’s go-to guy for arson and vandalism. It is widely rumored throughout the gang that he has never failed a mission.

“Shadow” – Shadow is the best thief in the gang’s ranks and is the second of Leader’s inside men. Swift, intelligent, and almost completely silent, there is almost nothing that he can’t steal. Rumors abound that he earned his way into the syndicate by stealing from Leader himself.

“Knives” – This dangerous man completes the trio, and his forte lies in murder. He is even feared among his own brethren.

Can I be recruited into the Scourge?

Yes! They are always looking for new members. There is always at least one recruiter hanging out in the Zirnden, particularly at night. Your best bet would be to go there and wait - if the recruiters think you have it in you to be Scourge material, they will come to you.

02-20-07, 07:13 PM
The City Guard

Who are they?

For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. If the Scara Scourge is an action, then the City Guard is its reaction.

The City Guard actually came into existence before the Scara Scourge. Founded in the days when Authlain was king, it began as a sort of vigilante group. Criminals raged unchecked through the fledgling Scara Brae’s streets, and a small group of men rose up to put them down. The king wisely contacted the men and enlisted them, forming the City Guard. Thus, when the Scourge was formed years later, their natural rival was already in place.

Today, the City Guard is a force of roughly two hundred policemen. Forty are required to be on duty at all times, as sanctioned by Queen Valeena. During the day, however, the number of active policemen is usually considerably higher.

All members of the Guard are strictly ranked. The Captain of the Guard is the leader of them all, followed by five sergeants. Fifteen lieutenants are directly below the sergeants, while the remaining men are simply known as ‘guardsmen.’ A superior’s word is law; failure to comply with an order from an outranking officer can result in punishment, ranging from temporary probation to permanent expulsion.

Important members:

Captain Durris – He is the boss of all that happens in the squad. All officers and Guardsmen are subject to his commands. Additionally, he is in charge of Scara Brae’s bounty office. He decides if outstanding criminals are worth the expense of a bounty, and he hands out the rewards.

Can I be recruited into the City Guard?

Yes, but it is much harder to become a Guardsman than it is to be enlisted in the Scourge. Your record must be completely spotless of all transgressions, you must prove yourself to be efficient in combat, and you must prove your ability to work alongside other officers and make effective decisions. Once you are deemed worthy, you become a regular Guardsman. Guardsmen, unlike the Scourge, have set salaries: unranked Guardsmen earn 50 GP a week.

If one wishes to be tested for eligibility, one needs only to speak to a ranking officer at the City Guard HQ. The officer will take care of your request, and one can frequently be tested on the same day that one applies.