View Full Version : Shades of Lilac

03-28-06, 12:27 AM
Closed to Max Dirks
Starlynn had often thought about her friends since they had departed, often haunted by their sudden disappearance after leaving to hunt the animal that was killing innocent people so mercilessly. It had been a long, agonizing year since they’re departure and as the time grew longer, as did her anxiousness of their return. She found herself waking with horrible cries, as their screams of agony rang in her ears. She did not know if it was just her own body trembling with fear, or that of the forest trembling for them, but something in her trembled wildly without restraint. The dreams only became more vivid, awaking her in cold sweats and searing pains in her heart, as her blonde locks clung to her drenched body and her blue eyes searched tirelessly for the source. She’d grip the earth beneath her, as if they were roots planting themselves for a secure foundation and yet she still shook. During the day, she’d go about the forest, trying to find some comfort in the swaying trees, and yet, finding nothing. The dreams soon began to take it’s toll on her heart, and she could do nothing but worry over their possible fate. Many times she’d find a river of hot tears slipping down her cheeks at the memory of the giant man’s humor, or the cocky man’s face as he sat in the pile of mess at the tavern. Many times she’d find her heart aching with such pain that even the earth beneath her and the world around her groaned in agony too. The forest itself began to cry for their return, for as the time and distance grew that they were gone, they found that she was gone. Often in a melancholy stare into nothing, trying to find something in her, but only finding despair darker than a winter’s night.

It seemed as if she were no longer a person at all, just a discarded shell of what use to be. And for that very reason, the forest sought out for some form of redemption. Often the birds would tirelessly soar above the lands, searching for some splotch of hope, some sign of their existence. But more often than not, they would return back, with no signs to speak of and no hope to cling on. Abby, herself, began searching high and low, for anything at all, and although she did not like either Oberon nor Velius, she did not favor the remains of what Starlynn had become over them. At night she would cling tightly to Star’s breast, secretly praying to the God’s that tonight would be different. The forest would close tightly around her, trying to shield her from whatever it was that caused her so much pain. And Star would lay herself down on the soft grass, which seemed to soften against her bronzed skin, and close her exotic blue eyes, only to be awoke with the same cries drumming in her ears, a never ending cry of pain. But this night was unlike the rest. She laid herself down, Abby clinging to her as usual, and as her eyes drifted closed, and her mind to the land of dreams, she saw them unlike she had seen them before. They walked together on a dirt path, much like the one they walked down to together, weapons swinging devoutly to their sides, and laughing as if no pain had ever been caused. Though upon closer inspection, indeed there was wounds, but nothing to cause the agonizing screams in which had plagued her dreams since their departure.

She did not wake up with an elevated heart beat or a saturated body, but with the sun shining brightly on her, warming her skin, and an awaken feeling. Like she had been stuck in a comatose stage since, and had just woken to a new morning. Her blue eyes fluttered open slightly, and the whole forest was on it’s toes, awaiting her first breathe, fearing perhaps her death shortly after. But when she took in air to her lungs, they felt alive and as if they had been starved for a century. Her body felt stagnant and sore, as if she had not moved for weeks, and her movement was stunted. She sat up, looking around, and noticing all the weakening state in which the forest appeared. Instead of being a lively array of colors, everything seemed dreary and cold, as if it had been winter all along, and nothing seemed to flourish. But a fresh warm breeze fluttered in the air, dancing and singing of a triumph of sorts and the sun shined in cohorts in the amazing discovery. The birds sang and the forest drank of the newly revival of a dear friend. The wind softly grazed her face, and in a soft excited whisper told her of it’s sudden discovery. It had heard from a nearby town that a man who went by the name of Max Dirks, was known for his skill in tracking down those of the missing nature.

And so, rising to her feet, it told her of its plan for finding her lost companions. It spoke of this man in regards of finding him, and inquiring him to help her in her search. It gently picked up speed, pushing her towards the opening, in which would lead her to the town she would soon find him. And as her body was forced outside of the forest, she reached down, grabbing her sword, and called out to Abby to join her. The awe-struck squirrel quickly caught up pace in which the wind now made Stars soft boots tread towards her destination.

Max Dirks
04-23-06, 11:37 PM
The garden was beautiful. Its walls were covered with peat moss and small
flowers growing in the cracks of the bricks. Flowers of all types grew in
patches all over the garden. There were lilies, tulips, carnations and roses. A
small stone path led from the gate to a small fountain in the center of the
area. Light blue water poured over the edge and fell into an unseen basin on the
ground. It sounded like a small brook in spring. Almost everything in the garden
reflected the natural light of the sun perfectly, but the fountain was guarded
by the shade of the lilac tree that loomed overhead.

It was there, at the fountain, where she stood. Her long blonde hair broke
through the shadow of the tree like a ray of sunlight breaking through a cloud.
She was much shorter than him, but she was perfect. She was innocent. She was
lovely. She was his happiness. He took a step forward and she turned to face
him. Her deep blue eyes broke through the air, temporarily stunning him. It felt
as though his lungs had been sucked dry. He longed to take another breath, but
on the other hand, he felt that if he looked away she might be gone forever.

Stuck in time, he walked toward her. The closer he was to her, the warmer he
felt. A smile grew permanently on his face. He longed to touch her smooth skin
and to hold her in his arms. She couldn’t be human. She was too perfect. She
must be an angel. When he finally arrived before her, he lifted his hand and
reached out to brush her cheek. She blushed, and then he blinked.

When he re-opened his eyes his hand was slammed backwards and he received a hard
punch to the stomach that sent him reeling. When he regained his breath, he
glanced up at his assailant. The light was gone, replaced by an eerie darkness.
Lightning flashed and cracked, adding to the violence of the scene. All of the
flowers had died, and the whisking wind sent their dried petals flying. In the
wake of the choas, the woman was replaced by a man. He was maniacally laughing.
Between the flashes the man transformed from stranger into someone he distinctly
recognized. It was Dirk Xalstad, the Dream Walker, his former mentor.

He reached into his coat and pulled out his patented Beretta 950 and pointed it
at the laughing man. He pulled the trigger and a bullet streaked through the
garden. When it struck the man, he erupted into a shower of fire.

“GET OUT OF MY DREAMS!” Max Dirks yelled, awaking with a startle. Xalstad. Ever
since Dirks had learned the truth about his life and about his death, Xalstad
had haunted him. He taunted him, begging the criminal to follow him across the
realms. Dirks had become his obsession. Like so many before him, hunting Dirks
had become his life.

It was starting to take its toll on the criminal. For the past few nights he’d
been having the same reoccurring dream: a beautiful woman breaks through the
shade of the lilacs and captivates the Dirks' heart. However, the scene was
always interrupted by violence. Each day something different happened. The first
day the woman was struck down by a flaming mythril sword, the second she decayed
into a fallen corpse. On the third day Dirks’ heart stopped beating while she
cried over his shoulder. Tonight was the first time that Xalstad had actually
shown his face, even though Dirks had known the dream manipulator was behind the
nightmares since the second night.

But it had gone on too long. Tomorrow the Jackal would die and Dirks would be
free of his annoying charms. Dirks laid his head back down in his bed and closed
his eyes. When he finally fell back asleep he was devoid of all nightmares. The
only thoughts that came to his mind were of killing Xalstad and finally setting
a score that extended through two lifetimes. It was not a typical night in
Radasanth. The morning would bring new adventures and end a chapter in Dirks’

04-23-06, 11:47 PM
The ushering breeze played with her long golden strands, making them dance elegantly in their whimsical flutter. At her side, Abby ran diligently, keeping up with the force at which the wind moved Star’s body. The wind tugged at her light blue clothing, making it softly wrap around her softly bronzed skin. The morning sun made her skin tingle with excitement, as everything around her, even the blades of evergreen grass ushered her in the direction of the little town outside of its borders. Her sword swung obediently at her side as she was lead down the hill into the surrounding areas. The wind whispered excitedly, making her quicken her pace as she neared the small town, not letting her slow down even for a minute. The sky sparkled brightly, as did her eyes, reflecting one another beauty. Both were suddenly so full of life, sparkling with life of a new day.

The air was full of life, and warmth, making a drastic change from the past gloom which seemed to hover in the air while she was wasting away. But this morning was bright and lovely, making it an ideal day for a change in one’s life. Star noticed the wind slowly regressing it’s speed, as it neared a slight clearing in the distance. Though it’s excitement grew, it’s force grew less demanding, and more comforting, surrounding her with warmth of the reassuring nature. Star was still not use to being around others, beyond extent of Oberon and Velius. They had become her only company since leaving her little home, and since they’re disappearance, she had retreated back into the forest’s arm, hiding fearfully from the cruel world that took them from her. But today she felt more confident and determination swirled in her sparkling blue eyes, which were now scanning the surrounding for this supposed town in which she’d find this, Max Dirks.

In the distance, a large town came into view. It seemed that of a complex and busy town, but also of a humble town in which people lived their lives. This began more evident as she the distance grew smaller between herself and it. Abby, chattered anxiously on her shoulder, reminding Star of everything she already new. “I know Abby..” Star finally interjected to her worried companion. She was not there to mingle, or make friends. She was there to find the one’s she had lost, not to gain any. As she entered the town, the wind continued to whisper to her, its plan for finding and assisting her through out the ordeal. She thanked it silently, as it slowly died away, rushing off back to the forest to further it’s search. The grass slowly converged into just a dirt road, and soon Star heard her own foot steps, crunching the dirt beneath her. Directly in front of her was the pathway which lead into to the town, which was now bustling with life. Taking a deep, her anxious blue eyes scanned the trail which lead into the town so full of life.

Bringing her silky hand up to reassuringly touch Abby, she felt herself trembling a little, until something in her everything would be alright. Whether it was the will to find them or the glowing warmth from her necklace, she suddenly felt the strength of a hundred oak tree roots. Bringing her soft blue eyes up, she looked at Abby, and watched as she jumped from her shoulder, and landed on a piece of bail a few feet outside the town’s limits. Giving her a reassuring glance, Abby signaled for her to go in. So she did. Almost immediately a man ran her over with a cart, yelling at her for being in HIS way. She made it out of the way, just as another cart came rushing by, in which she barely escaped a collision with. Quickly rushing to the other side of the bustling street, she held her chest for a brief moment, regaining her composure and trying to return her breathing to a normal pace. After a few moment and reaching a normal breathing speed, she saw a man standing next to her, slightly swaying where he stood. Summoning up courage, she took a few steps in his direction. Speaking as politely as she knew how, she softly spoke up to him, “ Sir, by any chance could you tell me where I can find a man by the name of Max Dirks?” He turned his head, eyes bloodshot and crocked smile. He was very obviously drunk. Without saying a word, her lazily brought up his hand and pointed in the direction of small tavern a few feet from them.

Smiling politely, she thanked him for his helpful in which he responded with a grunt in approval, and making a quick dart across the bustle street, she made it to the other side with a slight sigh. She looked at the door she now stood in front of, smelling the stench of alcohol and other filth even from the outside. Last time she had enter such a place was the day that changed her life, and memories of the two companions in which she now sought, flooded her memory, giving her the will to push open the doors and walk into the filthy place. The moment her foot entered the bar, all eyes turned on her once again, and she made no effort to return their gaze, her skin still glowing from the sunlight from outside. Her blue eyes scanned each table, which upon she got lustful stares and envious glares. She dismissed them, bothering not to even considering what the looks meant, and walked to the bar, which sat a few man, drinking away their sorrows. She was much shorter than most of the people in that bar, but despite her height, she was well-developed and look like that of a woman. She stood for a moment, assuming that the bartender saw her, but noticing a few moment’s later that he seem to dismiss her as if she were a child. So pulling the stool from in front of her, she climbed on top of it, and spoke up.

“Excuse me, sir!” she said quite loudly to get his attention. He turned, and gave her a dismissed look until going back to his work. She waited a few moments more, she spoke up once again.


“What can I get for you?” he said in a raspy growl.

“ I need help finding a man that goes by the Max Dirks…do you know where I can find him?” she said keeping her tone on one level, appearing to be quiet stern, while inside she could feel her stomach turning with disgust.

The man grumbled and let out a small laugh at her. “Ya want Dirks?” he said barely raising his eyes to hers.

“ Yes, I would like to know where I can find him, do you know where that might be?” she said answering his question, and hoping for the same, but not receiving it.

He was obviously bothered by her, and answered curtly before returning to his work,” Ya he should around…. Now is there anything I can get for you or are you going to sit here all day?”

Taken aback by his generic and curt response she remained calm and ordered a water. He brought it to her, with a disgusted glance, in which she paid the man and sat contemplating what her next steps would be to finding this mysterious man who held the key to her future, in more ways than she would know.

09-24-06, 10:25 AM
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