View Full Version : A Grand Ole' Adventure

04-29-08, 01:11 AM
So, who's down for a grand ole' adventure? Now I'm not talking about a heroic masterpiece that shatters the foundations upon which Althanas stands, but rather a quest akin to a cliche treasure hunt. Several adventurers with different ideals, different goals and different styles head out and defend Althanas against a greater evil. Maybe the heroes will win or maybe the villains will win. It's basically whatever floats our boats.

If you are interested, there are some VERY strict requirements you must meet to join. You must have a character. Your character can be any type and any level. Your character can have any reason it wants to join the quest. You must stay active! You must have fun!There you have it. These restrictions are quite possible the tightest ever made on Althanas, so only the die hards need apply. On a serious note, this quest will be fun. It will be quirky yet important; cliche yet unique. It will not, however, ever come close to being recognized as a Judges' Choice. Every post does not have to be a masterpiece. The quest is meant to be fun, and could be a sweet departure from Althanas' traditional banter.

Here's a very brief synopsis on the plot: Long ago, an evil Althanas overlord named Ebonbane stole a relic called the Twisted Star, which had been recovered by a group of famous Althanas adventurers. These legends included Devon, Aya and Draken. Ebonbane was eventually defeated, but not before he had used the Twisted Star to nearly destroy Radasanth. The heroes that defeated the evil lord constructed a great temple to hide the artifact and it has never been seen since. Now someone's looking for the power that Ebonbane once used. What exactly is the Twisted Star and who is this person? You'll have to participate or read to find out. Note: Here's (http://web.archive.org/web/20030913192347/www.allrpg.com/iw/showthread.php?threadid=202) the original Twisted Star Adventure. This quest is roughly based on some of the material developed in this quest.

I'll probably cap this beast at 4 people. It'll probably be a long quest, but the posts will be short. With good brevity, it shouldn't be too hard to jump in. Once everyone is signed up, I'll start the thread and we'll go from there.

04-29-08, 03:08 AM
Wow... That's some straight-forward RPing.

Come to think of it, that might be an interesting new experience. Count me in!

But I have no idea about what the old material is, though. ^^;

I'll only be around to kill big, ugly demons.

Kially Gaith
04-29-08, 03:28 AM
If and when I catch up to my current liabilities, I may be in on this.

Fujiwara Effect
04-29-08, 11:34 AM
I'll chuck Keala into this. >D

She's going to be pretty useless battle-wise, but mayhaps she can develop a skill from it, lol.

04-29-08, 11:46 AM
Why the heck not?

Throwing my name into the proverbial hat if I'm allowed.

04-29-08, 11:50 AM

Just throwin' my name in there aswell, so you have more to choose from.

05-05-08, 01:38 AM
Kailly, you're definitely going to be part of the quest.

To everyone else, I should have everything up and running by tomorrow!

05-06-08, 08:02 AM
Yay! n___n

-waits with baited breath-