View Full Version : It's been a while.

06-19-06, 01:40 PM
Somehow I doubt if anyone still remembers me, but I've been enticed to come back yet again. ;) Actually, I've been given the means to since Dirks found my profile for me. That was my main obstacle. And so, here it is!

[Level 4, 15,000 EXP]
[2,052 GP]

Name: Elrundir Lómadrielith Galadhrim

Age: Ancient

Height: 6 feet

Weight: 140 pounds

Hair Colour: Golden blonde

Eye Colour: Dark Blue

History: Elrundir grew up in a small forest village called Lorinas on a far-off continent. He led a happy life, with his mother keeping to herself at home and his father making a living by mining and selling sapphires from a sapphire mine. His mother, a sorceress by trade, taught him some usage of magic in their time together at home. He seemed natural at the usage of magic, and soon decided he wanted to be a mage when he grew up.

One day, a large army of Dark Elves, known to some as Drow and to others as Nethar, invaded the forest where Lorinas was nestled. They burned the woods and captured or killed everyone in the towns within. Though the motive of these Dark Elves is, as of yet, unknown, many believe that the Dark Dragon Goddess Thakissis had a part to play in it. Elrundir was saved only by his mother, who was able to use a very powerful Teleportation spell to eject him from the forest altogether. The last thing she told him was to head for the nearest port and get on a boat headed away from the Continent. He did so, using the limited money she had given him. It turns out that the ship he had boarded was headed for Radasanthia, and he instantly headed for the nearest city, Radasanth. Using this sole 100 gp he holds in his pocket, Elrundir intends to make a new life for himself on this new continent just as his parents had wished.

Elrundir was possessed by a dark spirit when he and Findelfin attempted to purify a tree that had been infected by it. The spirit brought out the deepest, basest, cruelist parts of his persona and he has fought until this very day to drive it away, with little success. It has almost completely taken over his mind, and must be removed soon lest the old Elrundir vanish forever.

Recently, Elrundir has been missing for quite some time, perhaps in an attempt to eliminate the darkness that infected him during that purification. Whether or not he has succeeded, only he knows for sure...

Description: Elrundir stands at 6 feet tall. He has golden-blonde hair and icy blue eyes, and he is seemingly of frail build. He normally wears a black robe, underneath which is placed a leather jerkin, and he holds his weapon, a staff with a sapphire place on its head, in his hand at all times.


~ Hope of the Archmage: (Mythril) A staff with a sapphire at its head, giving water affinity. The staff bolsters and magnifies his magical power.


~ Chainmail: (Mythril) This fine mail was crafted by the dwarves of Kachuk out of pure mythril, and for a hefty price. It provides excellent protection against all but the most powerful physical attacks. Few metals exist than can pierce this strong mail.

Familiar: A red cardinal by the name of Rouge. She has a powerful soul from which she draws her strength, and she absolutely loves battle. Rouge will protect her master at any cost - they are connected mind and soul, after all.

~ Word of Protect: With a single word, this spell allows Elrundir to conjure forth an invisible film upon his body which increases his resistance to physical attacks for a short while.

~ Burst of Flame: The magical spell to manipulate and create fire. They can assume the form of fireballs, magma flows, streams of flame, and so on. This spell also allows Elrundir to manipulate the temperature of an area. At higher levels, though not at present, this will allow Elrundir to summon creatures from the elemental plane of fire.

~ Requiem of the North: This enchanting song that speaks of ice and cold allows Elrundir to create and manipulate the element of ice. He can use it to create needle-like ice shards, freeze things in a block of ice (dependant on their size), cool down the area with an icy wind, and things of the sort. Being a derivative of the water element, this spell is mildly increased in power by the sapphire at the head of his staff, which he purchased in the Bazaar.

~ Blessing of the Faerie Queen: In his youth, Elrundir had such incredible luck as to stumble across Belereana, the Queen of the forest Faeries. The poor creature had been weakened by a pack of rogue wolves who had come on her by surprise. She was able to fight them off with her magic, but she was weakened by the encounter. Using his limited knowledge of herbology, taught to him by his mother, he was able to patch her wounds and restore her to good health. As a gesture of thanks, Belereana bestowed upon him a magical spell that would allow him to heal himself as he healed her. However, she left him with the cryptic message that he would only learn the spell when his mind had matured and his body strengthened - this is that time. Blessing of the Faerie Queen allows Elrundir to heal minor to moderate damage done to him. He cannot heal broken bones, huge gashes, or serious things of the sort until he grows stronger. However cuts, bruises, scrapes, and other mildly-to-somewhat serious injuries fall into this spell's domain.

~ Nocturne of Shadows: This spell gives Elrundir majesty over the powers of darkness and shadow. By manipulating or creating dark energy, Elrundir can form blasts, vortexes, bolts, and other attack spells of the evil-alignment. These spells are quite effective against beings like Angels that are aligned with the powers of Holiness. While the spell is not weakened during the day, it does grow in power at night. He may actually take the form of shadow, in any shape or size as long as it is no larger than his actual body, becoming wholly ethereal and two-dimensional. While in this form he is immune to physical attacks, but not to magical ones, and he cannot attack or cast spells.

~ Mental Focus: The key to every wizard's skill is calm, devoted meditation--here is Elrundir's. Through careful consideration and meditation, Elrundir is able to heighten his spiritual senses, to such an end as increasing the damage and effects of his own magical spells and lessening the effects of unfriendly spells. Though he is vulnerable while in such a state of meditation, this focus can be used in battle, and needs not be used for incredibly elongated periods of time.

~ Crimson Lightning: This spell is a tribute to Elrundir's majesty over the particles of electricity spread throughout the world. He is able to summon, dispel, and otherwise manipulate these particles of energy at will, usually for such purposes as attacking his victims offensively. He can also create magnetic fields to draw items closer to him or push them away, and other such tasks. This spell is, obviously, magnified in strength against creatures aligned with the element of water.

~ Mentalics: Elrundir's mind has finally developed to the point where he can actually use its raw energy to his command. He is capable of telekinesis, and is thus able to grasp onto objects with his mind and lift them or move them about, dependent on their size and weight. He may also send forth bursts of raw psychic energy to harm, immobilize, or incapacitate his foes.

Rouge's Abilities
Rouge, Elrundir's cardinal, is a fiesty little being who loves to fight. However, because of her small size, she has been unable to participate in battle lest she be completely destroyed. Until now, that is.

~ Soul Flare: The frailest of bodies may have the mightiest of souls. Rouge is able to concentrate and create a blast of pure energy by drawing it from within her very soul. While generally used to attack, this is also useful for setting things aflame. Despite the fact that it can and does burn things (and people), it is not classified as a fire magic.

~ Soul Spectre: Within Rouge's frail body lies the graceful, elegant, powerful soul, alike to any sorceress you might name. This ability allows Rouge to bring forth this spectral maiden from within her, encasing her within a ghostly visage. The cardinal then fights through this spiritual form, for a time, by manipulating energy from around her. At present, this ability's effects do not last incredibly long; just long enough to make their mark on Rouge's victims.

~ Soul Charge: By focusing the soul energy inside her body into physical form, Rouge is capable of engulfing her entire form in writhing, spiralling soul-flame. She can then charge at an opponent and hurt them with this searing flame, without needing to worry about hurting herself.

Other: Elrundir is immortal in the sense that he cannot be killed through the process of aging. He can be killed in battle, or by other means, however.

06-19-06, 02:02 PM
I remember you well enough. I used to be Legol, for reference.
