View Full Version : a tool of the adventure's trade

05-02-08, 06:26 PM
Going to the bazaar was seeming more and more like a monthly deal to the ice elf as she perused the crowded stalls. Serenity stood on her shoulders as they swerved and danced between people, searching for that one place that held what she wanted.

However, the bazaar really was a huge place, and it was growing near to dusk when the dynamic duo entered the unassuming facade of innocent looking leather store.

It was just the kind of place that she should have figured she would find the prize of her search in. Her hips swayed softly with cheer as she approached the counter, giving the merchant a smile.

“I'm interested in that eight foot arctic bull whip you got hanging up there, how much?”

Slayer of the Rot
05-08-08, 07:52 PM
"Um..." The merchant gave the ice elf a bewildered look. He sold hundreds of swords a day and dozens of other weapons, but for some reason the word "whip" was suddenly foreign to him. Bizarre sounding, too. It took a second for it sink into Cyril's mind.

"Ooooh, a whip! Okay, yeah. No one really buys them that much anymore." Leaning back until he wobbled on the back legs of his chair, Cyril snagged the whip off the wall and tossed it on the counter, slamming back down to the floor.

"Two hunnert crowns."

05-09-08, 11:50 PM
With a smile and a nod the Ice elf produced the two hundred, setting it in a neat stack as she held out her hand.

"cool daddy-O"

Slayer of the Rot
05-15-08, 04:10 AM
Gathering up the gold, Cyril said, "Be careful. It bites like a bitch and if you're ot used to a whip you may as well have just had me install razors in the handle..."

((Miakane loses 200 gold and gains one arctic hide bullwhip.))