View Full Version : Althana's Period

Heart of Zaga
05-04-08, 01:40 AM
Well, I know Althanas doesn't have things as cars, much less planes or anything fancy ,technology-wise, like that. Yet, it is not submerged in the Neanderthal era when Althanas lived in caves and chose their mate by dragging them by their hair.

I am just wondering what is the general setting of Althanas, how rustic and modern it is. I know it's pretty much left to the players to decide, but Althanas obviously has a general setting to it.

Can anyone compare it to Earth and a time period? I am guessing it's about the 1600-1700-kinda theme.

05-04-08, 01:49 AM
And I thought Althanas needed tampons.

It's hard to classify a time period because different regions have different levels of technology. All seem to have developed at least alcohol, so look back and see when that started. Alerar though, have engineering up to the extent of guns and airships (though those might have to do with magic).

So it's hard to say. All I can say is get the heavy flow ready or we're all be swimming in cervix wall.

Caden Law
05-04-08, 02:09 AM
Althanas' overall tech level seems to be around your generic High Fantasy Medieval Period; guns exist but aren't common, magic does most of the heavy work that industry would develop to deal with, so on and so forth. The most advanced place is Alerar, which has a tech level roughly on par with 1800's America and Europe (particularly when it comes to firearms), except with added airships that range from zeppelins to magic-driven skyboats.

If we're allowed to count our own stuff as site canon, then parts of Kebiras in the Other Regions are around the same overall level as Alerar. I differ to the judgement of a Staffer as to whether or not that counts though.

And there are always people dropping in from random high-tech universes too, though most of their technology conveniently breaks down in transit so their contributions are pretty small.

EDIT: Oh, and I think Salvar and Alerar share the rights to a railroad, though Alerar probably came up with most of the design work.

Heart of Zaga
05-04-08, 02:43 AM
Hmmm. That is pretty helpful, Caden. Danke.

Curses, my keyboard deceives me once again. Lulage, lulage indeed.