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View Full Version : Go where the winds may lead.

06-20-06, 03:41 PM
Have you ever sat alone...?

I expect you have...But have you ever wondered...Why that very moment...That you happen to be alone, no one to speak to, nothing in way of conversation...?

What if that was all you ever knew? What if every moment was a moment you spent alone...Wondering when the next batch of words would flutter your ears?

If you never knew your family, never had a friend...Just...What...Would you do?

Perhaps you'd sit and cry? Perhaps you'd sulk? Perhaps you'd research into it all...Maybe you'd grab a drink at a bar, perhaps engage in conversation...

Or maybe...Just maybe...You'd sit and sing to yourself...

"Os iusti meditabitur sapientiam, Et lingua eius loquetur indicium."

About you...The wind begins to gather and a single tear would drop... Lonelyness takes its' toll on the young.

"Beatus vir qui suffert tentationem, Quoniqum cum probates fuerit accipient coronam vitae."

The tree above you in the empty field rustles it's leaves in excitement to it's brushing of air...Dancing in the growing wind.

"Kyrie, ignis divine, eleison."

By now...Your eyes have fallen to a close...Though still from their tainted and worn sides does a trickle of blue find it ways down your cheek.

"O quam sancta, quam serena, quam benigna, quam amoena."

You stand as the wind becomes strong, a chill heavy in the air as your sweet voice is carried away in no particular direction...

"O castitatis lilium..."

You decide...Loneliness is not your forté anymore, and with a glance to the blue sky...Your clothes flowing like the never ending ocean...Tears finding themselves a safe part in your memory...You set off.

Your purpose shall be to live...And in the breadth of life...Friends and enemies by your side, shall you write your own story.

Alone we are but a word...Together we are the future.

07-22-06, 01:55 PM
Due to inactivity this thread has been closed. If you wish for it to be opened again PM the moderator who closed it and ask them to reopen it. However, do so only if you are going to actively roleplay in it again.
