View Full Version : Declaration of War

05-06-08, 09:04 PM
Eternal Eclipse is declaring war against NWO!

War funding: Christoph is providing 800 GP toward the 1,000 needed, and Logan is provided the remaining 200.

05-07-08, 05:35 AM
Are we even allowed to fight you in the first month of your existence? We're all about being law abiding citizens here at NWO.

05-07-08, 09:10 AM
The answer is yes. The one month rule only applies for when we are defending only.

05-07-08, 09:18 AM
Alright. I've already thought up the scenario.

The NWO are enjoying a game of Transformers Risk when they receive news that they going to be attacked by a group that was formed ten minutes ago. For no reason, they enlist the help of the monks from the Citadel, who for about the same amount of reasoning, help them. They teleport all the attackers into a pit of molten lava and the NWO resumes their game of Risk.

Raelyse wins. Because he got Australia in the first turn and...


Canen Darkflight
05-07-08, 10:59 AM
I would just like to make a quick note that as a member of EE, I will be providing funds of 200 gold to further costs, if necessary.

Bring on the pain!

05-07-08, 11:28 AM
For NWO, I would like to to direct your attention to the following clan hostility rule, taken directly from the "Rules for Clan Hostilities" in this subforum:

Engaging in Hostilities

To initiate Clan Hostilities, a PG must be able to field at least three participants. No member may participate in more than one set of hostilities at a time, or fight for more than one side at a time in a single Clan War.

05-07-08, 12:24 PM
I would like to direct Christoph's attention to the Mod forums! You know where to look: discussion is not yet done.

05-07-08, 03:47 PM
OOOOOOH I get it. EE is trying to take our Base without us being able to actually defend because Dirks is in a tiff over us using the likeness of the dirks manor. COOL! I totally dig the sour grapes angle, thank you guys so much for giving us the real reason for doing this...

Why else would you try to enforce the "No member may be in two actions at once" rule if not to try and stealthily steal our PG HQ from under us.

Let me make it clear, we gave you guys ample opportunity to defend yourselves, you lost, both battlefields. We're allowed to make our PG look however we want, and we chose the burnt out shell of the Dirks estate, game over, stop being pissy.

EDIT: I just realized, you listed no stakes. So this is just EE trying to gain an HQ then, because they are NOT going to destroy ours if they win. Read the rules boyos, since you jumped the gun and went to Quorum immediately you can't even change the stakes at this point.

NWO, we don't even need to bother with these guys, they only get an HQ, which will make them a prime target after we mop up VT.

05-07-08, 05:03 PM
Shit guys, Dissinger's got us dead to rights. We better pack up, go home, and call off the war before he hits us with any more of those genius deductions.

Why would we enforce a rule? It seems like the answer is in the question. It's a rule, not a decoration.

Let me make it clear, we gave you guys ample opportunity to defend yourselves, you lost, both battlefields. We're allowed to make our PG look however we want, and we chose the burnt out shell of the Dirks estate, game over, stop being pissy.

Who is this "you guys" you're talking to? It seems like you're implying that EE is Imperial, but that's so idiotic I'll assume I'm misunderstanding you. And Althanas is not a game that ends, at level 11 I thought you would have noticed that. You're the only one being pissy here, so I suggest getting used to the fact that you're the ones being attacked, or surrender.

05-07-08, 05:06 PM
Who is this "you guys" you're talking to? It seems like you're implying that EE is Imperial, but that's so idiotic I'll assume I'm misunderstanding you. And Althanas is not a game that ends, at level 11 I thought you would have noticed that. You're the only one being pissy here, so I suggest getting used to the fact that you're the ones being attacked, or surrender.

Because Several members of EE had vested interest in the Imperial war.

Max Dirks

Also if you want I got a log that shows how pissy Dirks was when we declared what our PG looks like, so sit down Numbers.

Ez150 (10:48:04 PM): you'll have to get with Findelfin
Ez150 (10:48:08 PM): the manor is not a reward of this clan war
Ez150 (10:48:20 PM): and the nWo cannot use it as their HQ
Oberst Christoph (10:49:03 PM): You'll get over it.
Ez150 (10:49:35 PM): they can't
Ez150 (10:49:43 PM): it was the agreement Findelfin and I came to
Ez150 (10:49:46 PM): sorry bub, you lose
Oberst Christoph (10:50:09 PM): Sorry, bub, but I never agreed to that. Findelfin placed me in charge of PGs. It's my call.
Ez150 (10:50:17 PM): don't make me go over your head
Oberst Christoph (10:50:38 PM): Besides, he's not the head of NWO. That's an arrangement that you should have made with Godhand.
Ez150 (10:50:43 PM): no
Ez150 (10:50:51 PM): the arrangement was that the Dirks manor was not an HQ
Ez150 (10:51:01 PM): therefore, could not be treated as such in the clan war
Ez150 (10:51:04 PM): it's Dirks' home
Ez150 (10:51:13 PM): and my prize for winning the second Gisela Open
Oberst Christoph (10:51:25 PM): And is it ICly indestructable?
Ez150 (10:51:35 PM): its called, I choose who I play with
Ez150 (10:51:42 PM): and ingore all actions by that idiot
Ez150 (10:52:01 PM): its like, if I tried to say a meteor fell on Salvar and you ignored it
Ez150 (10:52:08 PM): no wait, that was Lorenor in the FQ
Ez150 (10:52:10 PM): and it was ignored
Ez150 (10:52:26 PM): by giving them the manor, you are depriving me of my tournament reward
Ez150 (10:52:33 PM): and I assure you I'll make a stink about it
Oberst Christoph (10:53:01 PM): So choose who you play with. Nobody will care.
Ez150 (10:53:11 PM): they will, because its my name
Ez150 (10:53:17 PM): and he's doing it to piss me off
Ez150 (10:53:26 PM): he does not get the manor, or any reference to it
Oberst Christoph (10:53:33 PM): Just pretend that the fight took place at a different place called the Dirks Manor.
Ez150 (10:53:33 PM): it can be a "new place" he calls the Dirks manor
Ez150 (10:53:42 PM): but it will not be the "rebuilt remains" of such
Ez150 (10:53:48 PM): no
Ez150 (10:53:54 PM): because they will refer to it as mine
Ez150 (10:54:02 PM): it won't work, Christoph
Ez150 (10:54:12 PM): at the very least, don't deprive me of this

You may be truly altruistic in this, but I got proof others aren't.

05-07-08, 05:19 PM
Also if you want I got a log that shows how pissy Dirks was when we declared what our PG looks like, so sit down Numbers.

You may be truly altruistic in this, but I got proof others aren't.

I am sitting down. At this point you've "proven", by posting a chat log you probably didn't have permission from both parties to do so with, that one guy on our team is looking to settle a score with you. Well damn, we were hoping to cover that one up. Good sleuthing, gumshoe.

Of course I'm not altruistic in this. We're attacking you guys because you're the only HQ holder, and we want an HQ. But if you think we're all as emotionally invested in it as you obviously are, well, that just makes the situation more funny.

05-07-08, 05:24 PM
I am sitting down. At this point you've "proven", by posting a chat log you probably didn't have permission from both parties to do so with, that one guy on our team is looking to settle a score with you. Well damn, we were hoping to cover that one up. Good sleuthing, gumshoe.

Of course I'm not altruistic in this. We're attacking you guys because you're the only HQ holder, and we want an HQ. But if you think we're all as emotionally invested in it as you obviously are, well, that just makes the situation more funny.

Right, well you'll probably get your HQ. BTW you could have attacked ANYONE and gotten an HQ, it doesn't make a difference anymore. So, trust me when I say you probably don't know your team mates as well as you think you do. Enjoy your HQ cause you aren't taking ours either way, Christoph laid out no stakes. Have fun getting an HQ for free, its just going to paint a bullseye on you when we're done with VT.

05-07-08, 05:27 PM
I won't jump in this, but there's just a little something I want to clarify.


Winning a Clan War will return the following rewards for an attacker:

The right to build an HQ.Successfully defending in a Clan War will earn the defender the following rewards:

If they do not currently own an HQ, the right to build one.So you actually don't need to attack an HQ holder to get the right to build one. What you do get by attacking us is


If your group attacks an HQ of another clan and wins, you may either choose to occupy that HQ (which you will then have to defend as if it is your own HQ), leave that HQ alone, or destroy the HQ. See the HQ (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?p=69352#post69352) thread for more information, including the rewards for HQ ownership.

As I said, I'm not starting anything here. Just thought I'd clarify things for both sides.

05-07-08, 05:35 PM
You're both right, we could have attacked anyone and gotten an HQ. But when we asked ourselves, "who needs to be taken down a peg?"... well, that question pretty much answered itself.

And oh noes... there's gonna be a bullseye on us? I'm quaking at my computer desk. If you declare war on us after we've beaten you, we'll beat you again.

No matter how tempting your witty comeback may be, I'm too bored with this to post again. See you on the battlefield.

05-07-08, 05:40 PM
I think both sides need to get taken down a peg. Tempers fly and I'm guilty myself, but there's heated sportsmanship and there's plain old jerk, something that's been seen on both sides. Even if the beef is still there, I think we can all chill - at least here, because this is not setting such a good example for the next Clan Wars. PMs should be the recipient when things get personal. Do we want to make this into Serious Business? Do we really?

Max Dirks
05-07-08, 06:35 PM
OOOOOOH I get it. EE is trying to take our Base without us being able to actually defend because Dirks is in a tiff over us using the likeness of the dirks manor. COOL! I totally dig the sour grapes angle, thank you guys so much for giving us the real reason for doing this...The irony of your statement, old friend, is that this war wasn't even my idea. If it was, then why would I have gone all sour at Christoph in that conversation. Please stop posting/distributing my private conversations, especially when you're inventing libel.

05-07-08, 07:11 PM
I'll vouch for Dirks. He has nothing to do with the war. That's all. The rest I'll leave up to my clan mates to discuss.

05-07-08, 09:26 PM
I intentionally left the stakes blank for the time being until matters in the mod forum are put to rest and it's been established what stakes I will be allowed to declare. Now let's all get along, hold hands, and sing soothing songs together.

05-07-08, 09:47 PM
I suggest Painkiller by Judas Priest, followed by something with a lot of Death Grunts.

05-08-08, 12:27 AM
you know, not to interrupt anything, but about that HQ thing from the imperial war, but wasn't the actual manor house supposed to have stayed out of the whole thing? I was pretty sure that the house wasn't actually supposed to be touched because it wasn't actually Imperials. thats why it was on the some 20 acres of lawn.

Canen Darkflight
05-08-08, 03:28 AM
I like the whole uber-hostility thing going on.

Let's give 'em hell, boys.

05-08-08, 06:30 AM
Everybody be cool!

Dissinger, calm the fuck down. Numbers is a nothing, a nobody; you beat him with your level one alt for Christ's sake. What the Hell is he going to be able to do against your level eleven main?

Everybody in the NWO can fuck off from this thread. I already got this group all figured out, down to who should fight who. They can abuse every rule there is and it won't matter a bit; we're just better than them. It's that simple.

Oh, and to the EE? Good for you! That was some clever shit locking us into a war with your alts so you could attack with your mains! It's exactly what I would have done!

05-08-08, 09:54 AM
But I don't have an alt? :-(

Canen Darkflight
05-08-08, 02:28 PM
Everybody be cool!

Everybody in the NWO can fuck off from this thread. I already got this group all figured out, down to who should fight who. They can abuse every rule there is and it won't matter a bit; we're just better than them. It's that simple.

Oh? Well, I'm glad you've got us all figured out. The worst case scenario for us is that we lose to you, and currently, we've nothing to lose from having a crack at you. The worst case scenario for you lot is that you lose to us after that little bit of poetry, and look, and excuse my language, a bunch of fucking pricks afterwards.

I don't mind being beaten. It happens a lot at my level, especially by people of much greater power, but don't you dare underestimate us. Just because we're not of your strength does not mean we're pushovers, and we'll show that. We've got some talented writers on our side, as have you.

See you on the field, boys.

05-08-08, 03:14 PM
I'd like to thank you all, sincerely. By making a group made up by all of the IC and OOC enemies of the NWO, you've saved us the trouble of crushing all of your pathetic little projects individually. With any luck, this defeat will be so definitive that you never show your face on the PG scene again. God knows that if the NWO ever loses, it's not going to be to a ridiculous bunch of upstars and primadonnas like you.

Oh, and Canen? I didn't even figure you into my calculations. That's how much of a fucking non-entity you are.

Canen Darkflight
05-08-08, 03:20 PM
I'd like to thank you all, sincerely. By making a group made up by all of the IC and OOC enemies of the NWO, you've saved us the trouble of crushing all of your pathetic little projects individually. With any luck, this defeat will be so definitive that you never show your face on the PG scene again. God knows that if the NWO ever loses, it's not going to be to a ridiculous bunch of upstars and primadonnas like you.

Oh, and Canen? I didn't even figure you into my calculations. That's how much of a fucking non-entity you are.

You didn't "figure me into your calculations?"

I bet you sit there at your desk, hooked up to your ipod listening to Jpop and figuring out how to improve your Pokemon battle statistics or unlock that special Sailor Moon outfit on your little game of Oblivion, and do these little calculations about who is going to be doing what and fighting who and when, and all the while, everyone else has gone out and got laid without you.


05-08-08, 03:28 PM
Oh my goodness!

Are you psychic!?

05-08-08, 03:30 PM
Stop being a pathetic bunch of wankers.

Seriously. It's like I'm in high school again.

Maybe I'll get cancer and contact the Make-A-Wish Foundation to organize a IRL clan war if you're so set on making sophmoric barbs at one another behind the safety of the internets.

Canen Darkflight
05-08-08, 05:03 PM
That would just be childish. ^_^

- PLEASE NOTE: All childish behaviour stops NOW.