View Full Version : To anyone interested

05-07-08, 03:58 AM
The judgment is in and it seems that I need practice and plenty of improvement with my writing.

I don't suppose anyone would be interested in sharing a thread. I actually like to rp on impulse but it seems the done thing is to discuss ideas and such. Role playing with someone who has a good knowledge of the regions would be great.

I'm not sure how I would go with a larger cast, so just one or two people would be good.


05-07-08, 09:41 AM
Do you have anything in mind at all, or should we just start throwing ideas at you?

The Prophet
05-07-08, 01:21 PM
I'd be interested in joining up with the two of you, provided we can come up with a decent idea. If you'll both post any instant messenger names you've got, I'll get in touch with the two of you and we can figure out an idea that'd work for all of our characters.

05-07-08, 01:47 PM
I would post my AIM name, but I am on a library computer right now. X_x

Arkham worships a pantheon of deities known only as the ‘Old Ones’ that are first mentioned in a text written over 15,000 years ago by the madman Proclus. They come not from heaven or from earth, but from beyond the very fringes of the sky. Arkham warns that these demon-gods will soon return to earth to wipe out all those who have turned away from their teachings, and he ardently attempts to convert each city that his passes through on his travels. Most are fairly unreceptive to the Ole Ones – these Gods require such terrible rituals to be performed in their honor, it’s amazing Arkham has even managed to garnish as many followers as he has.

I think we can make something out of this, right here. If the DpN perhaps hears your Prophet ranting, then maybe they take an interest in him? I am sure any group would be interested in harnessing the power of the Old Ones. They could perhaps approach you with a deal.

I was sent along with Lakin if you don't take well to us trying to talk to you, and randomly attack us on sight, but provided all diplomacy goes well, perhaps we could turn this into some kind of quest related to finding something of the Old Ones?

The Prophet
05-07-08, 02:18 PM
Sounds like a decent idea. I'll work out some possible details, then edit this post to share them.

05-07-08, 02:25 PM
Sure. That idea is just off the top of my head, but I believe that both you and Lakin would be interested in Old One artifacts, if they can be found. I am just basically a pawn up for sale, I can be controlled in a variety of different ways. So, feel free to edit what I have above in any ways you want, I just threw out a base.

05-07-08, 04:26 PM
Your ava Stitch, is soooooooo creepy. -Shivers-

Brilliant, thank you to you both for the effort and ideas. My character is very approachable and she would definately be interested in the Old Ones. Her own Mystics would be interested in the power and at the moment, due to help they have given Lakin regarding a spell, she is in their debt. I think these powerful artifacts, would totally be payment enough, to gain her freedom.

I only have Yahoo, Lakin_of_DpN.

05-08-08, 09:55 AM
I will add you. I should be on AIM for the most part of today.

AIM: jesusconverse

05-09-08, 02:34 AM
-Shivers- That avatar gets me everytime I look at it.

I tried Aim, but I didn't like it, would it be okay to talk here or on yahoo? Kinda uninstalled Aim.

Who would like to start and what do you think about Akashima as the setting?

05-09-08, 08:37 AM
Sounds fine to me! If you could start, that would be great. I sent you an idea via PM about me and you doing a build-up RP while we wait for Prophet to work out the kinkier details of the plot. ;)

Oh, and thanks for the compliments on my Avvie, by the way. It kind of grosses me out too.

05-09-08, 08:40 AM
It grosses me out too. Don't worry though, because the sexiness of mine has come to offset it.

05-09-08, 08:44 AM
Mine is sexy to certian circles, thank you.

Come on, you know you wish you had your eyes pinned shut. Kinky, no?

05-10-08, 05:12 AM
Eww to the sexiness.

Working on the idea you sent me, I just need to hear back from Adventwings to be sure I can go with the storyline in Akashima, that I have in mind.

05-14-08, 02:59 PM
~Double posts the Eww-ness~

Right get your rp gear on Stitch, it's on.
