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View Full Version : The Skulls of Zooky Zooky Bowtang

05-08-08, 01:22 AM
((Open to the members of the League))

“But I’ve never needed a pass to enter Fallien before!” Ceidon Lore exclaimed, nearing choking on the piece of barley that hung from his mouth. Two heavily armed and incredibly short guards clanged their swords together in response. “Goodness,” he said jumping back into the woman waiting behind him. “I’m terribly sorry. These goons have gone awry.” She grunted and then began to tap her foot against the wooden dock. Others behind her were starting to get impatient as well. “Fine,” Ceidon said, stepping back to the guards.

After five days on a barge that smelled like a mix of fish and cabbage and this encounter with the guards, Ceidon was beginning to question whether two rotting skulls were worth the trip to the desert island. Per usual, scholars had brainwashed Caduceus, the leader of the Order of the Golden Dawn, into believing the skulls of the murders Teiarisel Yntasi and her lover Ji’ral were the keys to a power so great that it could submerge the island continent of Fallien under the ocean. When Caduceus heard about harpies converging in the Zun’tang oasis, the alleged resting place of the skulls, he commissioned Ceidon as ranking member of the Order to ensure the skulls remained untouched. Ceidon, on the other hand, thought the skulls to be nothing more than remnants of cultural history. Surely they were important, but not important enough to turn him in to harpy food.

“Excuse me, sir,” Ceidon said, improvising. “Don’t you know who I am?” When he received no response, he pretended to be appalled. “I’m Ceidon Lore, the hero of Fallien, commissioned by Jya herself to…” When Ceidon mentioned the holy mother’s name, one of the guards reached forward and grabbed his neck. “…to vind tee skulls of Ynzoosi…Ynzooki at Bow’tang,” he wheezed, choking on the piece of barley. Ceidon grabbed at his neck, vainly attempting to free himself from the man’s grasp.

“Did you say the ‘Skulls of Zooky Zooky Bowtang’?” The guard asked. His tone was low and serious.

“No,” Ceidon coughed. His face was turning blue. “The Skull nov Ynzoosi nat Bow’tang.”

After a short pause, the guard released Ceidon. He fell to the ground, spit out the barley and took in a rejuvenating breath of the arid air. “Ceidon Lore, you say. Oh yes now I remember. Her holiness has been expecting you,” the guard said a moment later. Before Ceidon had fully recovered, he was pulled from his knees and led through the checkpoint. “I will escort you to her myself.”

“Now that’s more like it,” Ceidon grinned. The two walked for awhile down the road, but soon the guard led them down a path that lead back to the coast. “Wait! Where are you going?” Ceidon asked. “Irrikam is that way,” he pointed east towards the river. In response, the burly man grabbed him and began to drag him further down the trail. “What are you doing?” Ceidon struggled but the guard was relentless. When they arrived at the water, the guard stopped and released the adventurer. Relieved, he brushed himself off and turned to face his captor. "What was that all about."

Instead of answering, the guard punched Ceidon in the cheek and sent him flying...

05-08-08, 09:13 AM
Keep in mind that at the beginning of this post, Camella is invisible

Fallien. Camella never thought she would ever willingly drag her butt back to that area of the world. As she expected, the security was high and her face was plastered over wanted posters everywhere. It was for this reason she had stayed away from this place for so long. She was a wanted woman here.

Now that she found herself back in Fallien, though, she figured she may as well make herself useful. Sadly that was Nigh on impossible for her right now as guards were everywhere and if she showed herself she would immediately be hunted down by every guard out there. She hadput her green bandanna in her bra, as that was one of the few places it could be while still staying fully invisible with her.

Camella walked up to the man wearing the green bandanna, who had just been punched away from the entrance to Fallien and told him of her plan.

"I'm going to distract the guards, when I do, you can enter Fallien" she whispered in his ear.

Stepping quite a ways away from him, she turned herself visible and immediately got the reaction she wanted.

"Hey, look! over there"
"After her!"
"How dare she show her face here again."

These were just some of the comments she heard as she started running for her life. She could easily outrun these goons, as their armor slowed them down, but there were so many, she knew she would eventually become surrounded. Nearly half the guards in the place were after her. After she got far enough away, she turned back, and charged towards a wall, turning invisible at the last minute before jumping on the wall, climbing it, and jumping from there to a rooftop.

05-29-08, 11:57 PM
“Ceidon...you silly gent...” the ice elf said with a smile, she watched from her perch on the nearby cliffs. Then again at this point she was more worried about Cammy, even with her skills, the chameleon was a wanted persons.

It had been Mia's idea to bypass the city and come in the back way, but alas the only ship in this week was a cargo hauler and the captain was making no exceptions to the course. Not that it mattered much, they were here and she watched as the rest of the group made its way past the port entrance.

“Bumpy, but still it's a start...” she said softly as she retrieved her whip, giving it a good snap around a flagpole on the wall before making her way into the city streets.

They had all planned to meet up on the other side of the town, in a nice little hotel she had once visited on her last trip.

Edward Judorne
06-04-08, 08:47 AM
Edward watched as Camella ran away from the guards. It was clear she knew what she was doing and that her lack of many clothes easily helped her outrun the guards. Still, Edward worried about her in a place like this. Still, it helped prepare him for what he saw when he entered Fallien. On every storefront seemed to be wanted posters with Cammy's face on it. Upon closer inspection, they referred to her as a cold-blooded murderer. It was no wonder she was nervous about being here.

Edward turned to Mia and Ceidon.

"Now, I know that Cammy just helped us out and I know she says she knows the area, but are you sure it was a good idea to bring her? She's a wanted criminal here. I'm not one to judge a person, I'm sure she is a good person and all, I'm just worried about her. Even if she made it into Fallien, She would have to remain invisible. how are we supposed to locate her like that?" Edward said to them

Suddenly Edward caught sight of a patch of green floating in mid-air in front of a nearby store. It was the league bandanna.

"Oh... That's how."

Please note that the league only knows Camella as the name she gave, which is Cammy. (this note is more for the judges than anyone else.)