View Full Version : Deal with the Silence

05-08-08, 12:56 PM
I really do hate markets.

Normally, I can wipe all expression off of my face. Normally, I can swallow any kind of emotion that wells up inside of me, and continue on with my life. It really isn't all that hard after a few years of having your mouth sewn up. Without words, emotion becomes fairly useless. Facial expressions don't get near enough across to the person you are trying to communicate with, and hand signs are equally as useless if the fool you are trying to signal doesn't even know what in the hell you are trying to say. So, I just stopped trying. But you see, that is the problem with markets. In markets, to get my point across, I used to have to use hand signals and the such. It could take me half an hour just to get a glass of water, and if I tried to grab the glass to show them what I meant, then they got mad at me and accused me of stealing. After awhile of me staring at them, lips sewn tight, they would get fed up and walk away. Of course, I never got my glass of water.

I found a solution though. Now I use pencil and paper.

Holding a piece of parchment and a pencil in one hand, I wove my way through the crowds, ignoring the strange looks I got from the common passerby. As I had gotten used to wiping emotion from my face, I had gotten used to ignoring the stares. It didn't really matter if they thought I looked odd or not. If I had any care what they thought, I wouldn't be an assassin. I might end up killing them one day, so why care about them? Caring is overrated. As I wove my way through the throngs of people, I got bumped and jostled a bit, but ignored it, my destination already in mind. I had been to this particular vendor quite a few times, to get my Katars repaired, upgraded, whatever. He knew me by now, but still wasn't all that comfortable around me. He dealt in exotic weapons though, so perhaps he would have what I was looking for.

I had spotted him, and was now making a straight beeline to him. Getting bumped and jarred several more times on my way, I ignored the annoyance, and eventually ended up right in front of his public stall, a small little wooden bench that displayed several odd weapons. It was his display, his true storage was a large carriage that was held behind him. As he laid eyes on me, his mouth wrinkled a bit in disguist at my stitched mouth, but I ignored him, slapping the piece of parchment I was holding down in front of him, and then proceeded to stair at him.

Two weights connected by a rope or chain, the weights on either end. Chain would be nice, or thick wire. A Meteor Hammer.

Call me J
05-14-08, 07:27 PM
There were strange people, and then there were people who were very strange. I never really understood how someone, in this day and age with all the magic and technology in Raiaera and Alerar, could still walk around with their mouth sewn shut. I honestly didn't know what to make of it, and while I knew it was rude to stare, I could barely keep my eye on the paper, both out of a sick curiosity and out of fear for what a man who let his own body become that mutilated might do to me.

"What would you like the weights made of sir?" I asked, passing the paper back to my customer. "And how heavy would you like them?"

11-05-08, 09:04 PM
This thread has been inactive for over a month and will be temporarily closed. If you wish to continue the thread feel free to PM me at any time and I will reopen it. If it was left inactive due to the loss of the moderator then you can PM me about that as well and when I reopen it I will make sure that it is claimed and completed promptly.

Thank you,
The Mod Staff.