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Slayer of the Rot
06-21-06, 07:46 PM

The smell of gunpower and charcoal smoke danced around him in the dusty halcyon light of the armory. The mercenary gave a bit of a grunt as he hoisted the heavy leather bag slung over his shoulder up and onto the counter, and began to remove it's contents. The shotgun gave a heavy clunk as it fell onto the scuffed oak countertop, it's dozen shells rattling and ringing across it's black barrel as he tossed them carlessly beside it. He gave another soft grunt as he pulled a number of boxes of lead bullets out, four hundred and thirty to be exact, with an additional box of a different shade topping the pile, filled with a dozen silver bullets.

The last item was, of course, the oddest.

Those that knew him would give a double take to his left arm as he pulled it out of the depths of the bag. It was strange for him too, the feel of the flesh and blood arm. It had taken a bit of getting used to, and he'd gotten several deep cuts in his forearm after losing his "shield". He set the complex titanium prosthetic arm on the counter, and tapped the bell to summon the merchant.

"I'm looking to sell this stuff," he muttered past his hand, sticking a cigarette between his lips and lighting it with the flick of his dented in, old lighter. "And I'd like to see the price on a mythril or titanium dagger, dwarven forge if you can."

((So, I'm selling my shotgun, it's 12 shells, 432 lead bullets, 12 silver bullets, and the titanium arm. All of which can be found in my profile, but clicking "Count" in my signature there. Thank you.))

06-21-06, 08:42 PM
"Joy," Lionel said aloud and to himself. He sighed, calling over his assitent Kate. He nodded, and the cat girl began to count the many items, sorting through all of them as the main merchant took the titanium arm. He had seen odder things than the delicate piece of machinary in his arms now, but this was certainly up there. "Well, I'll let about 3000 gold for this arm sir. It's a bit beaten up, as you might now. As for the shotgun, that will be 10,000 gold. These shotgun shells about 150 for it. How many bullets are there Kate?"

"432 Lionel," the girl pipped up, massaging her aching hands after they worked so hard for a few minutes.

"4000 gold for the pistol rounds, and 250 for the silver ones. I think that should all come out to about 17400 gold for you. As for a dagger in mythrill, only 3000 gold. titanium is 400 though."

Slayer of the Rot
06-21-06, 09:49 PM
"17,400 gold, eh?" The mercenary paused, and smoked in silence, his eyes wondering up to the ceiling as though in thought. After a few moments, he glanced down at his pants. "Well my boy, it appears I just got a huge money-boner. I don't think I've ever heard that kind of a figure to be offered to be dropped into my hands." He wasn't lying either, there was a rather sizable bulge at the sight which he stared, the epicenter the crotch of his worn jeans.

"Well then, time to get all my shopping done, eh? I'll space it out here, to make it a bit easier on the both of us. First off; enchantments. I've only bought one thus far, and I'm pretty satisfied with it," Dan said, picking briefly at the color of his vlince shirt, which shifted through a wide myriad of colors. "I really don't know how much they cost. But I'm looking for something that could amplify the pain from a wound dealt by said enchanted weapon. Maybe, two times, three times so? Either placed on that 3000 gold mythril dagger, or this." He drew his old, trusty combat knife from it's sheath on his thigh, it's delyn blade shining in the afternoon sunlight.

((Asking for an enchantment to either double or triple the pain felt from a wound dealt by the enchanted weapon, placed on the mythril dagger, or the delyn combat knife, please. Thank you.))

06-21-06, 10:21 PM
"What's with you people and complicated enchantments lately?" Lionel said aloud, joking. He waved Kate to go and get the enchanter's price for the pain version. "I can't give you an exact price, but I could always spit on the blade and dip it in salt for you. Or just sell you a rusty jagged iron dagger. They'd be easier. But I'd say probably close to about 3000, maybe 4000 or so, depending on how much worse the pain was. I have no idea really, just an estimate."

Slayer of the Rot
06-21-06, 11:00 PM
"Heh heh, I don't meet a whole lot of cat people with a good sense of humor. I like you...?" Dan held out his hand to shake Lionel's. "My name's Dan Lagh'ratham. I used to come to the Bazaar and spend a whole of a lot of gold, and quite often. Go ahead and toss that enchantment on the mythril dagger, and I guess I can go for double the pain. anyways, I've also been looking for a pair of tactical gloves. There's just some places you can't swing a six foot sword. Can you beleive that?" The mercenary shook his head slowly as if it was some damn shame.

"I'm looking for some strong leather, maybe arctic hide. You guys don't usually get anything stronger, considering how hard it is to kill dragons and sea serpents." Dan hesitated visibly and scowled, holding out his arms for Kate to measure. "Well, for most people that is. Anyways, I'd like them to be about elbow length, and plated on the back of the hand up the forearm. Dwarven forge, by the way. Oh, and before you forget, could you put some spikes on the knuckles, and the back of the hand? Before you have to reforge them and all," he added, giving the merchant a wry grin.

((Basically; a pair of arctic hide gloves with titanium plating and spikes. Thank you for the cooperation!))

06-22-06, 05:46 AM
"Thank Dan," Lionel replied. It wasn't often a customer actually introduced himself to the merchants. Bit of a nice change of pace. He'd done enough of what the giant of a man before him was asking of to know most of the answers right of the top of his head within reason. "I'll need some idea of the metal for the plating man. Same for the spikes." Lionel paused for a moment, then spoke up, trying to decide how to phrase it. "You sure you want to sell your arm? Really I can only give you the one glove right now. It'll be half price of the pair of course, but still only one glove."

Slayer of the Rot
06-26-06, 01:05 AM
"Huh? Why?" The mercenary gave Lionel a dumbfounded look for a few moments, then let out a short laugh. "Oh! Heh, I guess that makes sense if I only had one arm." The newly grown right arm rose from behind his back and waved it's fingers. "I got a bad habit of crossing my hands behind the back lately. I guess I should stop doing that." Dan sighed contentedly and turned to wander off into the store.

"Maybe I can pick up another enchantment, eh? Something for the gloves. Possibly, a uhhh, electrical shock that could stun someone for a minute or two after I punch them in the teeth? Shouldn't be too hard." The mercenary fell silent as he perused the wares, picking up an elven katana, inspecting it's steel blade. Putting that back, he meandered to the short blades section, and after sifting through the blades, picked up a dirk. Testing it's weight, he tossed it around lightly and executed a few light, flowing strokes, and held the blade up. "You got any of these in titanium? Dwarven forge is my favorite, by the way."

As he waited for an answer, he continued to pick through the knives, daggers, and shortswords, largely disinterested in the sorting. For the most part, he had all of what he'd intended to buy, but like usual, a glinting blade caught his eye and he walked over to it, picking it up. It was a tanto, capped with two blades. "Weird looking jitte," he muttered, and recoiled almost instantly as his roving, inspecting fingers passed over an otherwise unseen rune that flashed with a brief light. Instantly, the two blades grew to a full three feet, and the hilt extended to a two handed grip. "Oooh, I like," the slayer grinned, spinning it lazily around. "This too. This one's got delyn blades, but maybe you got it in titanium, eh? Looks like a dwarf's work."

((Basically, a simple electrical enchantment on the gloves, and one dwarven titanium dirk. Also added a dwarven made two bladed katana (the blades are arranged to make disarming simpler, i.e., spaced together at one end) capable of minimizing itself to the size of a common tanto, in either delyn or titanium.))

((Bump! No life or death hurry, but I'd like this stuff soon so I can stab Witchblade with it.))

06-26-06, 05:36 AM
Sorry, was a bit busy this weekend with stuff.

Lionel stared for a moment, then smilied again, unable to belive that he had mistakern that for a moment. He collected the rest of the stuff, making a slight change on the addition of the currant price for having two gloves instead of just one.

"Sorry bout that, long day you know. That electreical thing actually is still pretty hard to pull off too, but I assume 3000 for a minor electrical shock whenever to hit someone with your fists. Hard to concentrate after a while. Well, I'd probably say about 230 for the titanium dagger made by short bearded folk. As for that weapon, I'm not entirely sure. The price tag got ripped off. I remember it being around 1800 or 1900 gold though. I'll say 1850, for simplicity's sake. That whole two blade thing often doubles the price quite a bit. Maybe 1400 in Delyn though would be better for you. Anything else sir? I have everything written done as to what you want, do you want to check it?"

Slayer of the Rot
06-26-06, 02:35 PM
"Nah, it's all right," the slayer said, giving him a dismissive wave as he tucked the jitte under his arm. "You seem like a pretty trustworthy guy, unlike some of these other merchants. They're fuckers! Fuckers, I say!" A vein popped out on the side of his neck as his eyes went wild, clutching the air with his hand twisted up like a claw. "Errr....uhhh, anyways, there's only one thing I'm concerning myself with, now. I've taken a whoooole lot of blows in my time," the slayer said, indicating the long scar across his throat as an example. "Now, I've never been much for armor, but something in my gut has been telling me life's gonna take another fuckin' twist on me and try and fill my back up with arrows. So here's what I was thinking of..."

From the wall, he picked up a leather jacket with steel pauldrons attached to it's shoulders. "It'd like something like this, but with arctic hide as the leather. We can keep the steel, I don't mind that so much at all. I'd also like some segmented steel plates attached to the inside of the jacket as a little extra precaution. That's all right with you, eh? I'd like two of them, one in the black, and one in the dark blue. Then, I'd like a pair of arctic hide pants, grey in color, with titanium plates on the shin, thigh, back of thigh, calf, knee, and crotch. Beleive me, I can tell you how much it hurts to get shot in the cock with an arrow. And to finish it off, a linen dark blue bandana with a titanium plate in the front of it? You can do that, eh? Dwarven forge."

((To help you from picking it out of the text; two arctic hide jackets with steel plating, one black, one blue, a pair of arctic hide titanium plated pants, grey, and a dark blue linen bandanna with a titanium plate in it. To protect from headshots! :D All dwarven forge.))

06-27-06, 06:39 PM
Lionel simply stared for a moment, relziing, not for the first or last time that day, just how crazy the world of Althanas was. The man quickly subsided from his little and minor rampage, as did his grip on the magnum that he kept underneath the counter. Not that it mattered, the merchant probably had known quite a few more men than the one who stood before him right then. Though, a grin appeared on his face as the man began to list off more things that he wanted.

"You're in luck, I'm one of the best armorsmiths around, at least for chain mail and plate mail. And with titanium, the two jackets will come to 2500 with the artic hide. Another 700 for the pants, 300 for the headband and we're all set. 3500 for the whole set Dan."

Slayer of the Rot
06-28-06, 04:56 PM
It was the mercenary's turn to stare blankly, then scowl, and glance at the back of his hand. "Wait, what the fuck did I just say?" Scratching his head, he realized how off color it even sounded to him as he stared at the sloppily written plans on his skin that he'd just ordered. "I underestimated just how much I was drinking when I wrote this," he mumbled, and a made a motion as though to forget what he'd just said. "I'd still like the blue arctic hide jacket with the titanoium pauldrons that I...well, can't seem to get off anyway, but without all that plating. Then, just gimme a titanium chestplate, and a pair of titanium greaves. "I'd still like the bandanna, though."

He took his fnished dagger and dirk from when the girl brought them from the back, and unceremoniously shoved them under his belt. The gloves came next, and he slipped them on, flexing his fingers as he pulled it taut, his inital grin fading at the realization he wouldn't be able to test out the enchantment on it, though the little crackling arcs that sizzled everytime he curled a hand into his fist.

"Hands up! Fork over the barrel a' gold!" The gods, whoever they were, certainly had a way of granting his wishes sometimes. A rail thin man with a burlap cut up bag pulled up a crossbow right beside Dan, glanced at him, and motioned with the weapon to touch the sky. "Bitch, please," the mercenary chuckled, and struck the back of his hand against the man's chest. The glove snapped wiith a small blast of electricity and immediately, the robber dropped his crossbow, his mouth falling slack under the bag, struggling to keep himself up on rubbery legs. "It's rude to interrupt business!" Curling up his arm, he thrust his fist into the man's stomach, launching him out of the store and tumbling into a guard's arms. "Heh, oh yeah, they fucking work, and pretty damn well at that. I think I'll take the titanium sword instead of the delyn," he mumbled, taking the blade from Kate as she held both forward with a wide, merry look glowing on her face. "So then, I'll just take my stuff and the remainder of my money, and be out of your hair now..."

((I still want the arctic hide jacket, just without the plating, a titanium chestplate, and titanium greaves, and taking the titanium bladed two bladed katana, instead of the delyn. The bandanna too, lol. After all that, I'm done.))

06-30-06, 08:33 PM
"Lessee," Lionel said aloud, begining to list off each item. "One artic hide jacket at 200, 300 bandanna, 3000 for the enchantment, 2500 for the katana thing, 230 for the dagger, 1500 for the chestplate and greaves. Am I missing anything?"

((I need to keep track of this better. I miss anything, tell me))

Slayer of the Rot
07-09-06, 09:04 PM
"Nah, that works." The mercenary took his things and remaining gold and promptly left, waving his silent thanks.

07-10-06, 03:36 PM
"7730 gold," Leon said. He seperated it, taking his new weaponr that had been sold by the man and giving him the rest of his own gold.

((Thread closed, 9670 to be given to Slayer!))

Zieg dil' Tulfried
07-12-06, 02:47 PM
Gold Added.