View Full Version : Fourth Althanas Podcast

06-21-06, 09:19 PM
Here's the fourth one, guys. (http://www.box.net/public/static/vcshd1ty3f.mp3)

06-21-06, 10:03 PM
I dont think the link works... I had to save target as

06-21-06, 10:10 PM
This one's kind of boring, anyway!

06-21-06, 10:23 PM
yeah it's like hearing people talk about their plot and being unable to contribute.

saddly not as interesting as the others. sorry better luck next time.

I don't have anything to really say.

Cyrus the virus
06-21-06, 10:23 PM
It is. The end is okay though :p

Nice to see some more of your personalities coming out though. Enough politeness, says I! The novelty of hearing you guys has yet to wear off.

The bazaar idea, and reputation system, sound spretty cool. But I think 3 threads to get to rank 1 would be ridiculously long, especially if you plan on selling the good shit at rank 50 O_O

Also, Ranny, did you listen to the second half of the podcast at all?

06-21-06, 10:26 PM
nope couldn't hold my interest. I guess I migh skip to it now that there might be something to chew on there.

(edit: ok I did and you're right Cyrus it was better.)

I think we should keep the Bazaar simple, no sense adding complexitites to it. The other systems failed because it just made the thing too complex and it just doen't offer anything to make the RPing experience better.

Cyrus the virus
06-21-06, 11:17 PM
I don't know, I think the idea of being able to buy enchanted weapons and armor for under 50,000 gold is pretty sweet, considering those are the only things I would even consider buying for a character like Luc.

Plus, it'll promote regional activity, which is... You know, not too big.

06-21-06, 11:34 PM
I don't know, I think the idea of being able to buy enchanted weapons and armor for under 50,000 gold is pretty sweet, considering those are the only things I would even consider buying for a character like Luc.

Plus, it'll promote regional activity, which is... You know, not too big.
Yeah you do have a point, regions needs some more carrots to get people to pay in them. Though their big problem is that the information is intimidating. It’s sorta hard when you have a place like Corone that’s the basic fantasyland that we all know and love and then we have Raiaera where we have fear of getting slapped with a low score for having something different. It really comes to ease of use, people can just go to Corone and start writing without worry of metaplots and the like. But maybe the Bazaar reward thing isn’t so bad, at least since there’s no more player run bazaars and OOC money running around isn’t a big deal anymore that things like magic can be sold. I wouldn’t mind buying a few spells at a bazaar instead of doing a thread to earn them.

06-22-06, 12:59 AM
I don't know what you guys are talking about I absolutely love Frank... ;)

Personally I say that the little sword and song thing seems more of the same, where you basically are making it harder for newer people to want to try. Especially with every three threads being a rank. I'll tell you why no one likes regional bazaars. It was because no one knew anything about them. The mods were in on it, and knew what to do and how. They also knew where to go for what things. I bet you NO ONE knows that they could buy Adamantine. I won't say where but its possible under the system.

It was not because it was the slow reaction from the bazaar mods (though it didn't help) it was because it was insisted the system be trial and error, and the people on this site aren't up for trial and error. I think the biggest problem here guys is you are trying to come up with all this cool stuff, but no one WANTS it. I know it is pretty condescending sounding but have you ever thought to ask the people of Althanas if perhaps they would like to take part in the tap?

Didn't think so. Instead you made an entire tournament basically slowly chaining people to the idea of it, and as you can see it pretty much exploded with people asking why spell levels were important. How about the whole idea of regional bazaars? Or even the new bazaar system? I seem to remember that people were confused the second it came in. Some TRIED to promote the spirit by making a thread to list the new changes, which got buried when people stopped caring and just went with it.

I really think the only thing that remotely got a good reaction was EXP for actually roleplaying in the Bazaar. I would also say that its pretty self explanatory why its that way.

So in short I ask what benefits does having the tap give, and why should a single person's storyline (even if intimately tied down to a region) be forced upon other people?

Cyrus the virus
06-22-06, 02:10 AM
In the name of Bullama...


Why don't people get that one little thing? Balls!

I feel confident reacting this way because Pat's a friend of mine. Anyway, seriously, the Tap isn't something anyone would ever have to acknowledge ever, and in fact, would never ever be in anyone's storyline in any manner if they didn't want it to.

And speaking from a mage perspective, I want there to be a reason why my fucking magic exists. Being bitchy about the Tap's existence when you don't have to have anything to do with it is not only denying yourself use of it, but people who would actually like the damn thing to exist.

Sorry. Stress. Love you Patty!

I'm sure lots of people didn't want anything to do with, say, the writing of Fallien/Alerar/whateverthefuck, either. But we did it because it was good for Althanas, just like an explanation for all this kooky magic flying around would be.

06-22-06, 04:48 AM
Listening to all the Podcasts at once for the first time is... interesting.

I was at first slightly miffed at the idea of the Tap for... pretty much the same reasons everyone else has been saying. If I understand it properly, though, I think I'd be fine with it. Just to make sure... Basically, instead of just saying, "There's magic in Althanas; magic channels and manifests itself in a helluva lotta different ways," the world description now reads, "There's magic in Althanas, it's gotta come from somewhere, and we're calling that somewhere the Tap; magic channels and manifests itself in a helluva lotta different ways." I'm willing to bet the distinction is actually a tad greater than I've made it out, though. I feel like I've missed something kind of important... Regardless, that the Tap's been divided up into a sufficiently large number (I think 1000 was given, but... eh) of channels/streams/whatnot still effectively means that every 'type' of magic has its own source.

In fact, to dive into a possible example, first introduced by Ran during the last Podcast thread (please keep in mind I may have no clue what in jebus's name I'm talking about) : fox magic. Ran mentioned kitsune might draw their power from... say... a 1000-tailed fox goddess. That could still work. Let's say fox magic comes from one stream, but few creatures can utilize the power of that particular stream. In this example, the goddess could; she could then perhaps 'refine' this energy into something kitsune could use for fox magic. ^_^o To use a slightly unpalatable and unnecessary analogy, think of the way a mother bird grabs a worm, then regurgitates food to its young'uns. This idea still preserves virtually everything; kitsune will still be about as dependent as they otherwise would be on this goddess and about as screwed if she kicks the bucket. The same principle could apply to someone drawing power from any other deity. Again, all if my presumptions of how this business works holds true. Would someone care to validate or invalidate my beliefs? It's almost five, so I could just be babbling random, vaguely coherent gibberish.

And I'm kinda surprised nobody's mentioned this yet, but I really like the idea of a Wiki Althanas. May its establishment be pursued with the utmost speed!

06-22-06, 01:18 PM
I'm not down with the reputation and having that many threads to use the regional bazaars. I'd be happy with a certain amount of posts to use them period, but not an increaseing rank that opened up better goods.

That's just another "system" that we'll eventually have trouble with. We've been having trouble with them already *coughapprovals/magic/experience/levelscough* and certainly don't think we need another intricate one.

The Bard
06-22-06, 01:23 PM
You guys should call me to be on the podcast and have me sing.....J/k though I'd like to hear thoracis on a podcast better yet you guys should video tape it an make it althanas'es first T.V talk show, Imagin how many people would wanna play on althanas then

Cyrus the virus
06-22-06, 01:39 PM
Approvals are now pretty much fine, and I don't see any kind of revamp or new characteristics implimented there anytime soon. I think we've got everything there kind of solid, with the recent 'fallout of magic', as I call it.

People are always gonna bitch about EXP.

But anyway, the reputation system is something that is a good idea, but needs to be brought up in the forum so that all of us can talk about it in different regions. Obviously, Madison can impliment it in Raiaera and none of us should ball-stuff him for it, but it's a good idea to consider using similar systems in other regions. All regions but Corone, actually, so if people want to get some unique weapons for good prices... They must RP in regions!

Hell, Izvilvin would head to Raiaera and try his best to make his reputation stay as low as possible. Same if he went to Alerar. It's a plot device!

I think at face value, it's a good idea.

06-22-06, 01:54 PM
we should make podcast funny

06-22-06, 02:20 PM
You guys remind me of the boys over at PWInsider, you're too much. The evolution discussion I find fascinating though, maybe I'll comment some on that later.

Also, are you guys planning on taking questions or opening up a thread for questions in addition to the calling in?

So in short I ask what benefits does having the tap give, and why should a single person's storyline (even if intimately tied down to a region) be forced upon other people?

It's giving the players a foundation to use with their characters if they so wish - but it's not being forced upon anyone. The use of "official" content is intended to be optional, not a requirement.

It’s sorta hard when you have a place like Corone that’s the basic fantasyland that we all know and love and then we have Raiaera where we have fear of getting slapped with a low score for having something different.

Well that's kind of the point. Two different brands of writing being supported....I think it's wonderful.

06-22-06, 03:06 PM
It is. The end is okay though :p

Nice to see some more of your personalities coming out though. Enough politeness, says I! The novelty of hearing you guys has yet to wear off.

The bazaar idea, and reputation system, sound spretty cool. But I think 3 threads to get to rank 1 would be ridiculously long, especially if you plan on selling the good shit at rank 50 O_O

Also, Ranny, did you listen to the second half of the podcast at all?

Well, you're going to do 3 threads anyways (over time). Why not do them in Raiaera (or another continent). You build reputation in that continent, get a more consistent storyline, etc. It has its advantages.

06-22-06, 03:07 PM
I think we do need to have a forum where people can post questions that we read and answer during a podcast.

I want to do some new things with the podcast, including having much shorter podcasts on a very specific issue, or having podcast commentaries on major threads or tournament finals. More important, though, I want to get it set up so we can have call-ins. If anyone wants to be on our next podcast, please download Ventrilo (look for it on google) and PM me telling me that you have it and want to be on the next podcast. We'll work something out from there.

Cyrus the virus
06-22-06, 03:47 PM
I'm just saying three threads per rank is a lot. That's 150 threads to get to this 'rank 50', and that's assuming it won't take more threads to gain a rank in the future. I'm active as shit, but even I haven't done 150 threads in my lifetime :p

06-22-06, 04:11 PM
I'm just saying three threads per rank is a lot. That's 150 threads to get to this 'rank 50', and that's assuming it won't take more threads to gain a rank in the future. I'm active as shit, but even I haven't done 150 threads in my lifetime :p
yeah that is way too much. I think maybe the rank should reward howmuch a person uses the setting, like how much setting points they get they get that many rank points.

Cyrus the virus
06-22-06, 04:37 PM
Noooo, I suck at setting!

You bastard! :(

The Bard
06-22-06, 04:44 PM
we should aim more towards diaolouge seeing if it sounds like what that character would say, or if its right for the situation their in? I dont know just a thought

06-22-06, 05:13 PM
that sounds good. Or we could give rep depending on our quest and battle scores. Entirely.

06-22-06, 05:29 PM
we should aim more towards diaolouge seeing if it sounds like what that character would say, or if its right for the situation their in? I dont know just a thought

Both are equally important. Your dialogue should reflect what your character would say in that situation. People generally do much better on the first part than the second in my experience.

06-22-06, 05:54 PM
Actually you could take the entire score out of 100 and divide it by 10. Or use their strongest score. But yeah 1 per 3 quests is too much; I can't spend all my time in Raiaera. Still if done right it might make gold more useful and the bazaar more fun to use.

Horizon's End
07-02-06, 04:09 PM
I just finished listening to this and the part with most potential is the wiki, I actually do this for myself, have a word file with the references I use in my quests (names, authors, books, locations, historical data) so I can use them consistently without having to do a use and drop method. I think this on a site-wide scale would be amazing, especially for major things to allow for consistency on a grander level. Put this into effect now, this should really be a priority.

Damion Shargath
09-02-06, 02:25 PM
How about some revisions on upcoming, promising, and developing characters? Screw the legendary ones, we know who they are...all those level 7+'s...

Interesting conversation though, actually found myself listening through it completely.

09-02-06, 05:17 PM
I'm fascinated by the idea of The Tap and can potentially use it for both my characters Lorenor and Alberdyne. (I am thinking that maybe I will bring back Lorenor once Alberdyne hits level 5 or so)

I just have a quick question about The Tap. I know that that The Tap is completely Player optional and that apparently its existance doesn't negate OTHER types of Magick. What it basically does is provide a solid system of Magick that exists ON ALTHANAS.

Am I under the correct assumption that The Tap doesn't negate otherwordly powers, or genetic type magicks?

If that's the case then I really don't see why anybody would have a problem with a completely optional plot mechanic.

Cyrus the virus
09-03-06, 01:14 AM
It's been discussed, Pav. Discussed and discussed and argued and raged about (by me) that the Tap should exist because MAGIC DOESNT MAKE ANY FUCKING SENSE OTHERWISE!!!!!!!!

...But hey. People say it's constricting. Even though it's not. So whatever.

No offense to pplz.

09-04-06, 11:44 PM
Hehehh Matt I've always explained magick for my characters as a warped pseudo-science.

Cyrus the virus
09-05-06, 12:47 AM
I was just bitching because the Tap isn't the official Althanas source for magic, though it probably should be since it would make sense. And even though people have the freedom to explain other ways of having their magic, they won't accept it. And it's ridiculous.


09-05-06, 05:10 PM
I was just bitching because the Tap isn't the official Althanas source for magic, though it probably should be since it would make sense. And even though people have the freedom to explain other ways of having their magic, they won't accept it. And it's ridiculous.


I'm not really that sure about having an "official" Althanas source for magic - I don't really see that ever happening.

Sighter Tnailog
09-05-06, 10:12 PM
The Tap is the sum of all magic. The way to access it is lost.

The tap is not a source of magic. It is the philosophy of magic.

EDIT: That is to say that your otherworldly powers, your genetic energy magicks, etc., are not PRODUCED by the Tap. Rather, when these types of magic are added to all the other types of magic that exist, they FORM the Tap.

A Tap Wielder does not utilize one type of magic that works the same. They utilize a dynamic source with millions of facets.

09-18-06, 12:46 AM
Madison, you've got a goofy voice. :D I've always wondered what you bastards sound like.