View Full Version : Homunculus vs Stitch: The Face Thief vs The Faceless

05-09-08, 06:19 PM
Who'd have thought? Worthy assimilations coming to straight to him? It was a deal too good to be true, but Homun wasn't complaining. He stood in the center of his arena, his arena he was told. Was it meant for him, or simply delegated to him? When an opening came up for an emergency Warrior position in the Pagoda, Homun was more than glad to oblige. He had come here to fight his way to the top and assimilate true power, the kind that tended to make him lose himself in it. Of course, he wanted to avoid losing control of his actions during those times, but he was getting better at that.

The arena itself was a simple stone room. Two purple fluorescent lights clung to the ceiling above him, and the gray stone cracked when he stomped his foot onto it. It felt like any sufficient force would cause entire chunks of it to shatter. The only other source of light was through the thick, stone doorway, which was going to close once Homun's opponent entered. Once the door locks in place, the only way to open it was from the outside. Gas would start seeping into the room, poisonous gas with a myriad of harmful effects. Homun wasn't exactly aware of any of this, since he decided to come here before the monks were finished speaking. He wasn't aware that he could've picked some sort of other arena; all he was concerned with was satiating his hunger for power. Either way, he was getting impatient. Will the one who walks through that doorway be a truly powerful being? Will he bring Homun one step closer to his goal of omniscience and omnipotence? Well, although those are quite lofty aspirations, Homun's limited frame of mind perceived them to be reachable. He truly believed that the only way to survive in this world was to be above it; beyond it infinitely.

He heard footsteps and his ears pricked, his eyes rolled, and a sudden rush of euphoria overtook him. It was his opponent! He was finally going to fight, finally going to be one step closer... to... What did those monks say? Something about a gas? Homun finally remembered something. However, since his opponent was coming, he turned his one-track mind away from any stray thoughts. He grinned and crossed his arms, it was show time.