View Full Version : The Grim Fate of Outback Jack

05-10-08, 08:13 PM


Every story has its origin, but I'm not sure why I even bother to tell you mine. I guess it’s supposed to be therapeutic or something. A story like this is best told if you're the type of person who finally realizes that everything you had ever known, loved, or were familiar with had vanished in the blink of an eye. Luckily, I'm that guy. The worst part about it was that I hadn't seen it coming, but I guess nobody at this point in life ever sees the shit before it hits the fan. When I had first arrived on Althanas, I thought I had gone mad. Stark raving mad. I mean, I'm used to the technological back drop of my world, and when I realized I was no longer on Earth, the first thing to go was my sympathy for anybody involved in this when I found out who they were.

The second was my equipment.

All of it. Every gun, every tool, every fake I.D. card.. everything. I ended up on the Coronian shore with the clothes on my back and not much else. Even a murderer-for-hire like me could be humbled if you dragged me from my life and deprived me of everything I knew. All I had left was my will to survive and the resolve to get to the bottom of this. I had ended up on an alien world, with everything ripped from my hands in a sudden gust as the winds of change decided to trawl me from the roots of Earth and immerse me into the strange, primitive world of Althanas.

So here I am, sitting in a chair in some crummy motel writing this down as I wait for my contact to reach me about my next job. I'll try to be brief in this account of how my world had been turned upside down and inside out because I'm not really even sure how long I can keep writing this drivel.

Now, where do I begin?
