View Full Version : EBI Exams - 1.o Petrushka Minevski

Vile Inklings
05-10-08, 09:52 PM
The snow came heavily on the rooftops of the Epperson Boys Institute, creating another soft layer to tiles that were heavy already. The building had been created for insulation. It made for a home and school that was cool in the summer, warm in the winter and damp all year round. One of the lesser known perks of the thick walls and well-sealed windows was that there had never been an innocent passerby who had heard screaming when walking past. As it were, they'd be unable to hear the lessons that were handed to the students. For the residents of Knife's Edge, ignorance was bliss. For me, ignorance would never be a reason I'd fail an exam.

Professor Quinley liked to give pop quizzes. You were given a weapon and half an hour to learn how it worked. Then you killed someone with it. I'm sure there are less crude ways to put it, but that's basically how it worked. Practical examinations, they were called, and every teacher had their fair share in store for the students. Perhaps because they could be the most challenging, I liked old Quinley's the best. Or perhaps it was just because he was my favorite of the professors.

He'd once been a big game hunter in foreign lands. Other professors draped their walls with tapestries and murals. Here, we were surrounded by the mounted heads of boars and dragons, strange creatures caught in water and in air. A gryphon, was suspended from the ceiling as if it would come to life and attack us at any moment.

A rare breeze blew into the room as the door creaked open and a shaking young student ran in the room, hastily dropping a pile of scrolls on the table. The way he looked at us with fear in his eyes and then retreated as if he expected to be punished was a little suspicious. My guess was that he'd looked at the scrolls. They'd been sealed, and curiosity killed the cat. With all likelihood, I'd never see him again. More than a few turns of phrases held truth within these walls.

Our exam scrolls were passed out. Mine had a hastily drawn sketch of a fair-haired woman. The name sounded strange to me, Petrushka Minevski. She was a woman who was older than I was, and within Knife's Edge. The exam came with a small map of her inn, where the estimated room she would be in was, a further description, and the most important piece of information regarding my grade: 'death by crossbow.'

Looking up, I grinned as I saw amongst the collection of school weaponry sitting on the spacious front desk was a simple oak crossbow and a rolled packet chock full of bolts. The hunt had begun.

05-15-08, 04:32 AM

Snow whipped by her face as she darted through the cold streets of the city bazaar. The clouds above casted an ugly grey shadow onto the white and grey streets, turning the war-ravaged atmosphere even more depressing than it already was. Her dark eyes scanned through the crowd, casually glancing past a mumbling old man deep in his thoughts and a weeping mother who had known her son would not be returning home.

She was not concerned with their grief. She did not care who lost what in this forsakened city.

There was only one person she needed to see. One she desperately hoped could still be seen by these gloomy humans walking the streets without a purpose in their heats.

Where are you...!


The girl suddenly spotted a lady in deep blue, the burning brilliant gold of her hair cutting sharp contrast against the black fuzzy hat she wore on her head. Slipping across the slick, snowy streets the girl lost her balance and crashed through a cart full of apples, tumbling out the otherside with no visible signs of the mashed fruits she would have acquired in her stumble. Picking herself up from the paved road, she sprinted over to the target as if it was the last thing she could do. After all of the ordeals, the girl only paused to take hasty short breaths as she remained doubled over with exhaustion.

"Petra! Thank the Reaper you're still here..."

Petra did not even look at the young dark-hair girl, merely resuming her morning shopping with the fruit merchant before buying herself half a dozen bright red apples. Only after she had paid the lady five gold pieces did she even acknlowledged the tired sprinter.

"And a good morning to you, Gabrielle. You look quite energetic today, taking up exercising so early in the morning." The blonde girl smiled, departing from the busy market to a less crowded portion of the city.

Gabrielle was not amused by the former's nonchalant greeting. The young girl scowled, throwing a tantrum fit at the elder girl who calmly munched away at the fruit she had purchased moments earlier.

"Good morning, my foot! It's half a day to noon! Were you asleep until just now-?! Argh, nevermind, that! I'm not in a good mood!"

To anyone else, the blue dress woman was viewed as talking light-heartedly with herself as she munched away at her day's early breakfast. No one could have seen the small spitfire spewing angry profanity at the former's unphased smile or the fact that people were giving her strange looks. After all, she could not be held responsible for the fact that no regular humans could see a mythical entity such as Death.

Well, a Death in Training, at the least.

"What're you doing here, in this war-torn hell-hole!? I thought I already told you to leave for somewhere calmer, like Alerar or Scara Brae?!" The Messenger of Death, a puny girl of seventeen with black hair and matching eyes, continued her tirade scowling in ill-content. It was only the fact that no one could see her did she dare let her emotions explode such as now.

Petra gave the young messenger a surprised look, swallowing a chunk of apple she had taken a bite of before replying.

"Well, why would I want to leave Salvar? I like it here." Twirling on her toes, the maiden smiled at the sun as if caring of nothing in the world. "Besides. There's war everywhere. You know that well, too."

Gabrielle could not argue with that. Just across the border in Raiaera, there was the undead armies waging war against the elves over some unfinished business. The Messenger of Death rememebered many of her coworkers were sent to the front to gather the fallen warriors of the living, having yet to find a way to steal away the souls locked in Xem'Zund's grasp. The civil war in Corone and Fallien was no better, even when both sides were mortals to begin with.

But that wasn't the point Gabrielle wanted to make. Salvar was locked in the same fate as all three others!

More alarming was when she saw Petra's name on a document in the Reaper's Hall, where she was to receive her assignment. And all her assignments - any assignments originating from there, anyway - was to guide the spirit of the dead to the Hall of Judgment.

In other words, Petra might soon be dead.