View Full Version : Ascelia

03-28-06, 03:18 PM
Name: Ascelia
Age: Appears 19
Race: Elf
Sex: Female
Height: 5'5
Weight: 120
Occupation: Assasin/Theif
Weapons: Iron Longsword, Yew Composite Longbow
Armor: Leather Armor, Leather Trench Coat
Skills: Shadow Control


As an assassin, Ascelia carries very little. Equipped with light armor, and few weapons, she uses her skills to protect her. Body tight leather armor, and a leather trench coat cover her body. Her trench coat is usually opened at the bottom, but closes to cover most of her face with the collar. A yew bow is strapped across her back, and an iron longsword sits in a hilt and hangs by her side.


Ascelia is the typical beautiful elf. Her flowing blonde hair and blue eyes show off her natural heritage. Standing at about five foot and five inches, she weighs in at nearly one hundred and twenty pounds. Her small stature gives her easy access to excellent gymnastic abilities. She’s flexible almost everywhere, and is able to support herself in difficult maneuvers.


Shadow Control: The basis of her powers. She can control and emit the powers hidden in the shadows. She so far can only create small items from shadows, as her skills tell, she cannot however use her skills on an item. Though with practice comes more hidden abilities in her.

Shadow Ball: Shadows near her start to swirl and move around, coming ever closer to her. Soon, they crawl up her body, and into her hand where they form into a small ball. The swirling ball then becomes an intense form of shadow magic. Using a quick action, she tosses it at her opponent. It’s much like a mage’s fireball. Only made of shadows. It’s form a ball about the size of her palm and can easily bring an opponent to lose his balance when hit. It may also cause them be knocked over if hit harder, or if not paying attention.

Shadows Shield: Again, the shadows around her start to swirl and move closer to her, only at a much faster rate. Quickly, she puts her hands together, and move them apart, and between them forms a sticky shadow. Once it’s proper size, it forms a protective barrier against projectiles. Though it cannot block magic, it can stop one arrow at a time. It lasts a matter of a few seconds, and is only the size of a buckler. After forming the shield, she can control it with her mind. It floats about one foot in front of her.


As a young child, her parents put her into a school for magic. Though she possessed little strength for this area, she did however pick up on the basic idea of using shadows to help her. Mostly, Ascelia listen, and even got extra help in this course. Later she graduated from the school being top of her class in Shadow Magic, but she had done quiet miserably in her other classes. And at once, she gathered her things, including her father’s sword, and left the village. Since then, she has been almost everywhere on Althanas, and hasn’t taken a liking to anyone place and so, she often stays for no more then a week unless a she is doing a job. She continues to sell her services for small amounts, since she is not yet well known. Those desperate, count on her to solve their problems. She is often caught up in tough situations, and somehow manages to get herself out. Since a very close encounter with death, a while back, she has slowed her workload down, and only takes a new job every week. She rarely spends her money on her needs but rather what to do next.

03-29-06, 03:40 PM