View Full Version : I want to Chat.

05-19-08, 12:51 AM
I personally think that Althanas has spent a long enough time without a chat room. Sure, there is a chat room button at the top of the screen, but it leads only to a broken chat room on the AllRPG.com website. I think Althanas needs it's own personal chat room and have thought so for years, but also thought the chat room we supposedly had on Allrpg.com was being fixed, but this was not the case.

Anybody besides me feel that Althanas should have a chat room like the button at the top of the screen indicates?

Lavinian Ambition
05-19-08, 01:01 AM
We used to use the chat room, but since most of us were on AIM anyways, it seemed redundant. We could just make a chat room in AIM and accomplish the same thing. You ever wonder where the chat room logs come from? It wasn't from the IRC chat room to say the least.

You said that the people of Althanas didn't choose NOT to have a chat room.

Well when its been ignored for the most part, I beg to differ. I doubt many people went into that chat, even when it was new and Serilliant announced it.

05-19-08, 01:18 AM
It used to be fun to do trivia battles, but that wore off after a bit.

Visla Eraclaire
05-19-08, 07:04 AM
Worth noting, AIM chatrooms are terrible and require the constant effort of inviting people and being set up ad hoc rather than simply having one sitting around.

A Nony Mouse
05-19-08, 07:40 AM
Worth noting, AIM chatrooms are terrible and require the constant effort of inviting people and being set up ad hoc rather than simply having one sitting around.

which to me would be a boon instead of a problem.
selective chats :P

Canen Darkflight
05-19-08, 07:48 AM
I agree. If one thing, it will eliminate the need for three hundred different types of IM clients when discussing threads or posts or planning quests ect.

Also helps for people like me who can't always get on a chat client.

05-19-08, 08:25 AM
Yeah it would be nice. Besides which, not all of us use AIM, so does that just mean tuff shit to people like myself?

Kinda unfair in that respect, so i would be for a chat room that everyone could use rather than just certain people.

Crystal Suncrest
05-19-08, 08:42 AM
You said that the people of Althanas didn't choose NOT to have a chat room.

Well when its been ignored for the most part, I beg to differ. I doubt many people went into that chat, even when it was new and Serilliant announced it.

Ok, 2 things.

First, I said that in a different thread, decided to take a different approach this time.

Second, there are people out there who do need it. Those people would use it constantly. Descient said it better, though.

Yeah it would be nice. Besides which, not all of us use AIM, so does that just mean tuff shit to people like myself?

Kinda unfair in that respect, so i would be for a chat room that everyone could use rather than just certain people.

A Nony Mouse
05-19-08, 08:46 AM
i would lean toward to "tuff shit" side of things... but whatever.

05-19-08, 08:56 AM
Thanks, A nony mouse. I originally posted something, then deleted because I wasn't sure if I was being too mean. But it's clear to me now just how stupid this is, so I'm putting it up again.

"Unfair to the rest of us"? This isn't segregated drinking fountains, you fucking asshole. Just download the client.

05-19-08, 08:59 AM
Private Messages exist to enable people to communicate on site without relying on an IM client. Want to get your quest-mates together and discuss a quest? Create a discussion thread in the Roleplayers Corner like most everyone else - even those of us who communicate heavily through IM.

Afterall, that's kind of what the Roleplayer's Corner is designed for.

The "Althanas Chat" has existed, failed, and been talked about over and over again, and the general consensus seems to be that with so many other options to do the same thing, a chat room isn't really a necessity. It might be nice, sure, but it probably wouldn't be used heavily for discussing quests anyways - it would just be a lot of silliness and general tom foolery best reserved for other methods of communication.

05-19-08, 09:48 AM
Even if you're on a shared computer or at school or whatever, surely you can use AIM Express or www.ebuddy.com or Web Messenger or whatever?

It's so simple and it makes it easier for people you want to write with, as well as for yourself.

05-19-08, 10:04 AM
As has been stated, it's also easier to make a QUest Discussion thread in the Roleplayer's Corner, since you can leave notes even when the others aren't online. If you all need to meet, the chat room would not be the best place to do so, because

1: it wouldn't be only your questing group on it, and bored people will probably start trivia every 5 seconds, preventing you from any useful discussion since you'd have to scroll up everytime the triviabot asks 'which rock band from Birmingham was inspired by Chuck Berry and the Beatles'.

2: Even if there aren't any bored people, you'll still be interrupted by a number of parallel conversations that will muddle up everything.

The above is stated from personal experience with that Chat Room. Also, it's been revived twice, and it died twice. Third time's the charm? To wave it goodbye once and for all, yes, I would believe so.

05-19-08, 10:06 AM
As stated before, for quest discussion its best to use PMs or instant messengers.

Or even that archaic monstrosity called e-mail. Anyone remember that?

Crystal Suncrest
05-19-08, 11:19 AM
You all have good points, but let me point out a few things I know from experience.

Private Messages exist to enable people to communicate on site without relying on an IM client. Want to get your quest-mates together and discuss a quest?

Ok, first things first, Yes, PMs are nice, but you only get 50 of them with each character you have and they don't make for a very fast method of conversation. Even after deleting all my unneeded PMs, I still am almost full up on most characters.

Second, IMs are fast and a good form of communication, but what if you are only using a friends computer? What if that friend doesn't want you to download the IM? I've been there, so don't say it's not likely.

Even if you're on a shared computer or at school or whatever, surely you can use AIM Express or www.ebuddy.com or Web Messenger or whatever?

It's so simple and it makes it easier for people you want to write with, as well as for yourself.

And sometimes when I want to get on E-Buddy, the sight is down. What then?

Create a discussion thread in the Roleplayers Corner like most everyone else - even those of us who communicate heavily through IM.

Afterall, that's kind of what the Roleplayer's Corner is designed for.

Ah yes, Discussion threads. Those are great to use when you want to talk about something in a quest that all can see, but what if you wanted only two or three people to see it and your IM was down or somebody you wanted to discuss it with had no IM? If we had chat, you could take them aside to a seperate chat room and talk to them. (Yeah, I'm not a techno-geek, so please excuse my lack of right terms at times.)

The "Althanas Chat" has existed, failed, and been talked about over and over again, and the general consensus seems to be that with so many other options to do the same thing, a chat room isn't really a necessity. It might be nice, sure, but it probably wouldn't be used heavily for discussing quests anyways - it would just be a lot of silliness and general tom foolery best reserved for other methods of communication.

For some people it is more of a necessity than others. I agree that for you and me it is not a necessity, but you never know who would need it. Besides, as you said, it would be nice.

As has been stated, it's also easier to make a QUest Discussion thread in the Roleplayer's Corner, since you can leave notes even when the others aren't online. If you all need to meet, the chat room would not be the best place to do so, because

1: it wouldn't be only your questing group on it, and bored people will probably start trivia every 5 seconds, preventing you from any useful discussion since you'd have to scroll up everytime the triviabot asks 'which rock band from Birmingham was inspired by Chuck Berry and the Beatles'.

2: Even if there aren't any bored people, you'll still be interrupted by a number of parallel conversations that will muddle up everything.

The above is stated from personal experience with that Chat Room. Also, it's been revived twice, and it died twice. Third time's the charm? To wave it goodbye once and for all, yes, I would believe so.

Where do I begin? you have a very good point that I can't even begin to try to debate about quest discussion threads.

You can create different rooms in chat. I know this for a fact and that would fix the problem of interruptions.

Did everyone stop using the chatroom one day? I am not saying that I doubt you, but I honestly think we should keep one around in case it is one day needed even if it seems dead.

As stated before, for quest discussion its best to use PMs or instant messengers.

Or even that archaic monstrosity called e-mail. Anyone remember that?

lol. E-mail. I get so much junkmail I can't even find the letters that are not Spam. It's like trying to find a needle in a haystack.

Thanks, A nony mouse. I originally posted something, then deleted because I wasn't sure if I was being too mean. But it's clear to me now just how stupid this is, so I'm putting it up again.

"Unfair to the rest of us"? This isn't segregated drinking fountains, you fucking asshole. Just download the client.

Yes, you have a good point too, godhand, you just were a little mean about it. Unfortunately some people are not in a position where they would be able to download it.

I think that's everything. If nothing else, If chat room fails again, Serriliant should really get rid of the button at the top of the screen for it, after all, it's like false advertising right now.

05-19-08, 12:36 PM
Just popping in to add that I am one of those people who cannot download a chat client because I am on this computer courtesy of a roommate who is rather tetchy about the subject, with my own computer a few hundred miles away at the moment. I'll readily use email, PMs ect but a public room to meet with a questing partner for a quicker chat would be nice. I'm sure there are/will be other people around in similar situations, as has been stated. Even if the majority of Althanas doesn't use it, well, the option's still there...

05-19-08, 12:48 PM
You know what, I'm surprised the main arguement is all about using chat for quests.

I personally couldn't give a a rats as about quest discussion in an althanas chat room. The point is, is that the chat room would be more to get to know other members more, hell i'm not expecting something like cyber sex over there. But I don't know alot of people on here, and it feels alot easier and quicker to just pop into an instant chat to say hello sometimes. Much eaiser than getting ahold of peoples AIM, or msn and trying to justify why you just added them.

I guess a device such as those, feel more personal adding your mates and such, where as a chat is just a chat, a laugh and feels much less ignorant, i've had Raelyse and Cyrus on my msn for years, but it often feels like i need a reason to say hi.

I'm sure some of you will argue you need no justification to add someone or whatever, but hell it often feels like it. Hense chat, simple, easy hi and bye whenever you feel like it.

End of the day, you do have to reach out yourself, so yeah maybe i could just download AIM and then start getting peoples names to add as "buddys" but those group convos are still friend's motivated.

You know what, after all that, i feel like a whinging baby. I guess i see no reason to not have one though, its not gonna cause any harm being there regardless of peoples like or dislike for it .

05-19-08, 12:54 PM
But I don't know alot of people on here, and it feels alot easier and quicker to just pop into an instant chat to say hello sometimes.

Seconded, actually. :P

Lavinian Ambition
05-19-08, 01:05 PM
Much eaiser than getting ahold of peoples AIM, or msn and trying to justify why you just added them.

I know for a fact most of the people have been or are mods don't care if you just randomly say hi. They understood when they put their name up, that they're going to get random people asking them questions. Now, as for other Althanians, we have a pretty open community to begin with, so I don't see this being a problem.

Its not that I'm against the chat, the problem is, it never took off. Twice its been attempted, and twice it failed. People just didn't use it. Besides most Althanas chats degrade to me randomly saying Boobs and Dan spamming links for porn.

Canen Darkflight
05-19-08, 01:11 PM
All bollocks and ignorance aside, I think that the simple thing is this. If there is a majority of people who want to use this facility, then let it be. If you don't want to use it, don't go on.

Rule by numbers. Do a poll if needed, if its a majority thing, let it be. If not, then don't.

05-19-08, 01:26 PM
Lets keep things a bit more friendly and not call anyone fucking assholes, alright?

All bollocks and ignorance aside.. I'm not sure if that's a swear or an English delicacy.

Canen Darkflight
05-19-08, 02:24 PM
English delicacy. We invented the language, thought we might as well fancy it up a bit.

05-19-08, 06:21 PM
I'd make a poll, but that would make 3 threads with this discussion in it and that would be a bit excessive.

Edit: I did just double check and I don't see a way to add a poll to this topic.

Call me J
05-19-08, 06:34 PM
I'd make a poll, but that would make 3 threads with this discussion in it and that would be a bit excessive.

Edit: I did just double check and I don't see a way to add a poll to this topic.

You can thank me later.

05-20-08, 12:47 AM
*Kisses Call me J*

Canen Darkflight
05-20-08, 02:56 AM
There. Maybe now we can all just get along? By that I mean not flaming other members for their opinions.

05-20-08, 08:21 AM
I would like it if we had it. I mean, it's not that hard to do and it's not going to rape your children if it's around will it?

05-20-08, 08:36 AM
I would like it if we had it. I mean, it's not that hard to do and it's not going to rape your children if it's around will it?

Yes it will. It'll eat them, too, damn evil chats!


05-20-08, 08:37 AM
No, that's me who will eat little kids. The chat room is a vegetarian.

05-20-08, 11:55 AM
I'm not actually sure why I let this discussion go on so long without mentioning this fact, since it's kind of a discussion ender:

Althanas can't have a chat room.

Originally when the idea came up, I tried to set up everything on our server, but had some problems. After contacting our host, I learned that we cannot host IRC scripts. So Santhalas set up what we currently have at AllRPG using their IRC server.

Santhalas is MIA and I don't have access to AllRPG to fix it. The best I could do would be to set up a channel at another IRC server, but then it would require that users have an IRC client to connect. Naturally, this subverts the main purpose of having a channel since downloading an IRC client is equally cumbersome as downloading an AIM client.

Might I suggest AIM express: http://www.aim.com/aimexpress. No software to download and you can still connect to the the same protocol many members use. It's not the ideal solution, I'm sure, but it's the best one I can come up with given the circumstances.

Canen Darkflight
05-21-08, 03:00 AM
Game, set and match to circumstance.

Crystal Suncrest
05-21-08, 08:06 AM
I'm not actually sure why I let this discussion go on so long without mentioning this fact, since it's kind of a discussion ender:

Althanas can't have a chat room.

Originally when the idea came up, I tried to set up everything on our server, but had some problems. After contacting our host, I learned that we cannot host IRC scripts. So Santhalas set up what we currently have at AllRPG using their IRC server.

Santhalas is MIA and I don't have access to AllRPG to fix it. The best I could do would be to set up a channel at another IRC server, but then it would require that users have an IRC client to connect. Naturally, this subverts the main purpose of having a channel since downloading an IRC client is equally cumbersome as downloading an AIM client.

Might I suggest AIM express: http://www.aim.com/aimexpress. No software to download and you can still connect to the the same protocol many members use. It's not the ideal solution, I'm sure, but it's the best one I can come up with given the circumstances.

Mind doing me a favor and getting rid of the chat room link until something is figured out?

05-21-08, 12:47 PM
I can understand how burdensome it must be for you to see it up there. Favor granted.

Crystal Suncrest
05-21-08, 04:35 PM
Thank you, Serriliant.

06-18-08, 09:52 AM
Just thought I'd put my input on this, even if it has been a while.

No. Althanas with a chat room? All I can say is eww. Sorry, but eww. Makes me want to go clean my self. Repeatedly. And not even with a bar of soap: with a wooden block so I can scrape out all the nastiness I feel by even imagining Althanas with a chatroom.

PM's have worked in the past and are just as efficient as any "chat room". I use them and I think the feature is genius: I use PM's for quests more than AIM.

But yeah, there's my say. Take it or leave it.

06-24-08, 03:50 PM
I always liked the idea of a chatroom and getting to know everybody on Althanas.

However, it doesn't work as an intended. I remember I tried to get the chats going for a little while, and they died. Not because people didn't join the chats, but because it just got out of hand. Very, very easily.