View Full Version : Surprise CG Freebies

05-20-08, 08:57 AM
Alright! Sketch Dump 101 is for my sketches and crazy stuff, that I have in my sketch book.

Here's where I get to play my own little game right here right now. Three random people get picked by me to get a bust (Head and Shoulders) CG of their character/s. Some of them I will have reasons, others it's just because I can and will with no questions asked.

Now just so you all know this is all a secret until I PM the people that got it with the image. They get to do whatever they want with these pictures I draw and colour, yes that includes maiming, torturing, and possibly mutilating the artist for not drawing them the way they invision them.

If you have a request feel free to post it or PM it or Message it which ever floats your boat.



First up Witchblade with... Witchblade

Next up is ANGELxZERO with Xzia Chaosblade

Last but not least Veatris with Veatrix Bane


IF YOU LOSE THE LINKS OR IF THEY ARE BROKEN CLICK HERE (http://smg.photobucket.com/albums/v36/Avian/Althanas/) TO FIND YOUR PICTURE.

05-20-08, 08:57 AM
Do a Raelyse.

05-20-08, 09:08 AM
Tee hee, she almost looks cute and cuddly there, and not about to rip your face off and beat you with your own arm. ^^ It's a good bust of her.

05-20-08, 09:14 AM
Very nice work.

05-20-08, 09:33 AM
I'm losing it... Raelyse looks like George Clooney! -stares at page and starts erasing.-

05-20-08, 09:33 AM
Very nice. Almost has a water color look to it.

05-20-08, 10:49 AM
Awwh, I want one. *tantrum* Ok.. *calms down*
Can you make one of Zetsubou please? She should be really easy, because she is still a kid.

& They look really good! Ok, strike what I just said. They look amazing! Especially WitchBlade and Xzia!

Heh, you made my boyfriend's character, Xzia, look hot. Eep, I hope he doesn't read this!

05-20-08, 10:58 AM
you want easy? Draw Yggdrasil, Circle, bit of blue and thats it XP

Kially Gaith
05-20-08, 11:12 AM
May I please submit Kially to be at the mercy of your skills? I've always adored the majority of artist renditions!

05-20-08, 11:15 AM
Could I ask you to do one of Madison if/when you have the time/feel like it? Pretty please?

05-20-08, 11:50 AM
Oren, oren. Taking art practices, eh?

Well, I'll leave the commenting to where we can get technical without boring these kids out. (Ha.)

Nice works, by the way. Work with applying stroke pressure a bit more as well as stroke patterns. That's about it for now. ^_^

05-20-08, 12:22 PM
Wow, incridible art dude. Witchblade actually looks...innocent in that pic.

05-20-08, 10:09 PM

This portrait raped me today... 7 sketches before I could get the image right, then 3 painting trials before I came up with this. It MOCKED me... -delusional.

I suppose the fact I have been up for officially 32 hours as of now and no sleep at all factors in too.

So while I down some coffee with lots of sweetener and whipped cream. Feel free to comment, talk about art or enjoy this story as to why I haven't been able to sleep:

I was assissting a teenagers karate class... I had to be a partner for this 4'11" and very wide 15-16 year old. The practice was to do a throw properly. Oh he did it alright.. I was across the room in a roll but got out too late and BAM landed awkwardly throwing out my back. I can still walk, just that it's a lot of pain going down my left leg. The same leg that has the knee and ankle injuries from other sports.

Too bad althanas doesn't have a journal entry function I could put in all my sports related injuries in it.


Last but not least for the night Karuka Tida!

I never thought I would appreciate how much a lively skin colour honey brown is until now.

And that finishes up my crazy updates for the night with my To Draw List:

Zetsubou - 0%
Yggdrasil - 0% (Will probably be the first to be done when I actually CAN stare at a tablet and photoshop again. Easiest is good)
Kially Gaith - 0%
Black and Blue Eyes - 0%

Random Three:
1 - 0%
2 - 0%
3 - 0%

Thank goodness for summer break. =D

05-21-08, 12:41 AM
Do Sinner please? You can do me last though. Just do me. [Hehe, I'm enjoying saying that]

Pretty please? I'll wuv you!

05-21-08, 12:43 AM
Whoah. Why are they all naked?

05-21-08, 12:57 AM
She's absolutely gorgeous.

05-21-08, 01:24 AM
Melancor, pretty please?

05-21-08, 01:30 AM
Whoah. Why are they all naked?

Ehh... Because I didn't want to draw clothes since they are only busts...

05-21-08, 01:32 AM
if you decide to do sinner...could you do maybe like half-mask half normal face...like a two face? ^^ hehe pweeze?

05-21-08, 01:34 AM
oooh! draw Narida! =3

05-21-08, 02:34 AM
if you decide to do sinner...could you do maybe like half-mask half normal face...like a two face? ^^ hehe pweeze?

Afin you almost have a clone of my other character Aeryn . :p

05-21-08, 08:59 AM
Hot damn. Letho would luuuurve that pic of Karuka.

05-21-08, 09:03 AM

Nah. It's fantastic.

Lavinian Ambition
05-21-08, 02:56 PM
Oren, you preformed the cardinal sin of Althanas.

You admitted you had artistic talent.

A Nony Mouse
05-21-08, 03:29 PM
Oren, you preformed the cardinal sin of Althanas.

You admitted you had artistic talent.

yup... there's no end to it now.

05-21-08, 03:58 PM
Oren, you preformed the cardinal sin of Althanas.

You admitted you had artistic talent.

Do I get to go to an Althanas Hell for that?

Zetsubou - 20%
Yggdrasil - 50%
Kially - 20%
Madison - 20%
Sinner - 20%
Melancor - 20%
Narida - 20%

Random #1 - 20%

Random #2 - 0%

Random #3 - 0%

05-21-08, 04:55 PM
Do I get to go to an Althanas Hell for that?

See, the thing with Althana-hell...you enjoy being in it until you finally realize it's hell, and then it kills you.

Lavinian Ambition
05-21-08, 05:07 PM
Shackles of gold my friend, shackles of gold.

A Nony Mouse
05-21-08, 05:36 PM
Do I get to go to an Althanas Hell for that?

you'll be there in a but when everyone on the site clambers to have you sketch them. they'll suck the creativity right out of you... that's when you realize you're there.

05-21-08, 06:03 PM
I smex you for the awesome picture!

05-21-08, 06:06 PM
you'll be there in a but when everyone on the site clambers to have you sketch them. they'll suck the creativity right out of you... that's when you realize you're there.

wow... you really don't know me... O_o;;; The creativity doesn't leave... it just sends me into perfectionist mode.

need to re draw raelyse... I am not pleased with how he turned out... -takes out battle axe and butchers the picture-

05-22-08, 12:59 AM
5/7 Requests are COMPLETED! And here they are:


I suck at drawing children... really I do... But I had so much fun colouring in Zetsubou though!


Once again... I fail at drawing children, still I really want to pinch Kially's cheeks and Zetsubou's up there!


This... I will be honest... was a complete guess... o_o;

05-22-08, 01:03 AM

I suck at vacant looks. o_o; Enjoy the picture though!


O_o the mask was a guess...


Left to CG:

Melancor - 20%

Narida - 20%

Random 1 - 20%

Random 2 - 0%

Random 3 - 0%

Random +1 - 0%

05-22-08, 01:14 AM
Can you draw anything but busts? I ask because there's a certain picture I'd like drawn.

05-22-08, 02:01 AM
Yes I can. What do you have in mind?

1/2 body (waist up), 3/4 body (knees up), Full Body and is it with a background or without?

05-22-08, 02:34 AM
Frank Sinatra suplexing a cougar through a burning table. That is what I would like a picture of.

05-22-08, 04:59 AM
Oren! :O

You made her look adorable! That's just how I wanted her to look!
(but I can't draw like you, that's why mine look cartoony xD)

Thank you so much! I look up to you for your art skills now!

I could possibly love you right now. <3

05-22-08, 05:48 AM
Aww! thank you!

o.o really? mine look cartoonish minus the actual lines in most areas. ;) time, practice, a tablet for computer stuff, and a hell of a lot of patience; along with food, sleep, and lots and lots of references.

If I were to scan some of my work over the span of 5 years, 9/10 times they would look exactly like yours, and they wouldn't even be cute! they would be these deformed things! A STICK MAN would look better.


Veatrix if you read the above I am not lying even though the past 5 year's you've known me and gone to school with me I NEVER let you see my sketchbook. Except maybe once... in grade 12... first semester... two years ago...

05-22-08, 06:27 AM
I don't really have much time to practise anymore, because I have GCSE exams and a lot of coursework to do lately. I also have a messed up sleeping pattern xD
My art looks cartoony because I practise and take reference from anime/manga sources, because I want to illustrate my own mangas when I'm older.
I'll probably improve as I get older, I'm only 15 now, and well - my art teacher sucks (she rips up your work if it's not what she wants) so I'll probably get better in College and University in my art courses.

My hand drawn art, however, is better than my tablet drawings. I only got my tablet in December you see.
This is my DeviantART (http://mort-the-cat.deviantart.com) if you want to see some other drawings I've done. I only put the best up though.


05-22-08, 07:06 AM
Wow you have better fan art than I do.

Here's mine if you like: Oren @ DA (http://aesculus.deviantart.com)

Really? Mine didn't care if you drew anime, as long as you did class work.

College/University art is insane but when it comes down to what you put on your sketch book they don't care as long as you fill it up with something, what you put on your assignments they care. Illustration they try to break you away from the anime influence so that you can develop your own style. I finished my first year, and all I can remember is the first week of life drawing my arm hurt. Oh yeah... depending on the College or University you go to... PENCILS DO NOT EXIST in art... I've spent more money on china markers, india ink, paint brushes, paint, canvases, and paper that I know what the term starving artist means literally. Plus I'm considering transferring over to a pure art college and just get my BAAI there.

Oooh... You live in the UK! O_o GCSE at 15 is that the normal age?

05-22-08, 07:36 AM
At 15, they give you ALL your coursework, and there are 4 exams. 3 Science ones, and a Maths Statistics exam. I've already done 2 science exams, and I have my results from the first (A*) but not from the second which was a science comprehension type thing.
Then when I'm 16, I do all the rest. It's just easier that way.

And I'm either going to a specialized art college or KGV which is a normal college but they have 3 different art courses to take - Fine Art, Graphics, or Textiles.
I'll probably be taking Graphics, which, in the booklet, said you only use markers and pencils for storyboards and that, and the computer work is tablet art and animations. There is also little essay work (thank god) and all drawing, from quick sketches, to front/side/3-quarter/back views of characters, and setting drawings.

And my art style, I got told by a college proffessor, is not total anime style as I put in some real-life touches to it. He said its my own style, because I just draw what comes to my mind. I just practise the anime style and add in my own things. ^__^

I take by fan art, you meant my Chad picture? Hehe. I like Bleach, but Hellsing is better.
I just can't draw Alucard (and it's not fair! I love him so~) xP

Also, you really do have beautiful art work, I love them all! <3

05-22-08, 08:17 AM
Sado is okay, I'm a Grimmjow and Gin fan. Bleach is going through another filler season. -Goes back to reading the manga.-

<3 Hellsing is awesome! But on the lines of darker anime I prefer Trinity Blood.

That's exactly what I did, only my work was far more deformed... if picasso saw them he'd die.. if he's still alive that is.

05-22-08, 11:10 AM
I loooooove the mask. Honestly, I never described the mask once in my profile or any threads because I wasn't sure yet what it looked like. But I adore your rendition of it!

I almost feel like requesting a full pic of Sinner in mask/suit now, but you really seem busy. And, anyways, I got a pic of a similar assassin from another artist. So...

I love your work. Thank you!!

A Nony Mouse
05-22-08, 12:12 PM
Better avatar :)

05-22-08, 02:32 PM


05-22-08, 02:39 PM
Is Chris Hansen making that bear take a seat on him?

Just kidding. Sinatra and the Puma, finally. Awesome, and it just needs more flaming cowbell.

05-22-08, 07:45 PM
He looks strangely happy to be carrying an oversized cat. -repeatedly slams head into desk.-

05-22-08, 07:49 PM
He's Frank Sinatra. He does it his way, so he can look happy if he wants to.

05-22-08, 08:18 PM
Chairman of the Board introduces cat to fire on the table. This is comedy gold.

05-22-08, 10:28 PM
Looking at all the requests being made here (and I thank you again for kindly drawing Madison ^_^), I'm glad that my "artistic skill" is one of those that nobody around here wants to exploit--writing, recording, and editing radio dramas!

...although a full-cast, multi-hundred dollar (for sfx I can't make or already have in my collection and late night caffine/junk food binges) production of the Raiaera half of the FQ would be pretty l33t...

Tainted Bushido
05-22-08, 10:30 PM
Looking at all the requests being made here (and I thank you again for kindly drawing Madison ^_^), I'm glad that my "artistic skill" is one of those that nobody around here wants to exploit--writing, recording, and editing radio dramas!

...although a full-cast, multi-hundred dollar (for sfx I can't make or already have in my collection and late night caffine/junk food binges) production of the Raiaera half of the FQ would be pretty l33t...

I demand you make a radio edit of my character, DO EET! DO EET NOW!

05-22-08, 11:50 PM
I will be honest.. I have NEVER seen an entire line of good looking characters to draw. o_o; I feel the need to make Yin an antagonist to scar one of them in an rp so they aren't so perfect BECAUSE MY IMAGE OF THEM IS NOT COMING OUT ON PAPER! Everyone else is working out well except you!

Okay enough of my psychotic break there. Update time!

Melancor - 20%
Narida - 20%

Random # 1 - 0%
Random # 2 - 0%
Random # 3 - 0%
Random + 1 - 0%

05-23-08, 06:17 AM
Finally, someone with some fucking follow-through. Now, I noticed you went with young Sinatra. I don't mean to bust your lady balls, but I always felt he looked his best around here (http://groovyvic.mu.nu/archives/images/frank%20sinatra.jpg) or here (http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/71PZTWB0ENL.gif). Anyway, I'm not picky about the suplex, either. You could make it a german or a belly-to-belly. Here (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5dwZRA-8fJ8&feature=related) are (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iJR3eriKth0) a (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AqvBvKgSQpU&feature=related) couple (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TaFnw7ZtlZ0) of (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oJEjuWuBguE) reference (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wVs7-uFLYuY&feature=related) videos (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XL84VTCushQ&feature=related).

05-23-08, 02:01 PM
Alright, I had enough time to deal with your request and possibly do it over like I am with Raelyse... but while I do that and rip you balls off here's something for all to enjoy as a special request of a Karuka Tida.


I changed Karuka's outfit so that I had something better to work with in terms of lighting and skin.

Plus I never actually read the Citadel battle so I really have no idea what it is about except this scene that Karuda kindly asked for.

For a larger picture here it is Karuka's End (http://aesculus.deviantart.com/art/Citadel-Battle-Karuka-s-End-86497957).

I had much fun with this piece and some slight disappointment.. karuka looks like she's in an ice cube. -shot-

Anyways back to work!

05-23-08, 06:44 PM
I love Storm's facial expression there. XD

Karu does look like she's been frozen over, though. Still...fun scene.

Slayer of the Rot
05-23-08, 08:02 PM
Plus I never actually read the Citadel battle so I really have no idea what it is about except this scene that Karuda kindly asked for.

For a larger picture here it is Karuka's End (http://aesculus.deviantart.com/art/Citadel-Battle-Karuka-s-End-86497957).

I had much fun with this piece and some slight disappointment.. karuka looks like she's in an ice cube. -shot-

Anyways back to work!

That battle is awesome. If Letho can manage, we're going to finish it tonight.

Anyway, on something of that note, you think you can draw Dan, oren? I'd appreciate it.

05-24-08, 10:51 AM
Sure I'll Add him to the list. Woo hoo! I crashed and burned yesterday and got 18 hours of sleep! Okay that is bad... But I'm awake though to enjoy the city wide festival going on today. =D

CG Udates:
Melancor - 60%
Narida - 20%
Dan Lagh'ratham - 0%

Random #1- 30%
Random #2- 0%
Random #3 - 0%
Random +1 - --

CG's To Re-Do (Draw and Colour becuase Oren is not pleased with the result):

Sketches Updates:
Frank Sinatra wrestling a panther - 10% (Thank you Godhand for the references and position you prefer)

Illustration Requests:

Lost Links/ Pick-ups: See first Page or the PM I sent you.

Visla Eraclaire
05-24-08, 11:14 AM
These are actually the most professional looking pieces of art I've seen done on the site. A genuine artistic style is refreshing.

05-24-08, 05:53 PM
Visla, have you seen Melancor's art? If that also is not a genuine artistic art style, then obviously I don't know what is.

Anyways...I do also kind of agree, Oren is probably one of the better artists to ever give requests, and even more so, to keep up with them at the pace that she does. It's simply amazing. *hug* She's amazing ^^

Edit: Visla, you obviously never saw Mad Goblin's work either. He had a TOTALLY unique art style, in my opinion. His work looks like nobody else's that I know. I wish he was still around...

Visla Eraclaire
05-26-08, 12:41 AM
Pointing out that a new person hasn't seen much. Yep, that's true alright. Thanks for undercutting my compliments.

Having looked at Melancor now, while it has artistic merit, I don't personally like it. I prefer this.

05-26-08, 09:03 PM
CG Udates:
Melancor - 60%
Narida - 10% (Redrawn)
Dan Lagh'ratham - 10% (Redrawn)

Random #1- 0% (Scrapped because Oren didn't like it)
Random #2- 0%
Random #3 - 0%
Random +1 - --


CG's To Re-Do (Draw and Colour becuase Oren is not pleased with the result):
Raelyse - 10% (had to wipe the rest of my brain off of the sketch in order to scan)

Sketches - Pencil Renders Updates:
Frank Sinatra wrestling a panther for Godhand - 10% (Thank you Godhand for the references and position you prefer, but won't be finished until group of 4 up there are done.)

Illustration Requests:

05-27-08, 01:49 AM
Alright... it's 2:13 A.M. here and I'm losing it... here are the four people who requested portraits last week.


First up Melancor! Loved him for being simple hated the fact I had to do reconstructive surgery just to make him look good.


Dark skin colour! I loved painting this though it was hard to imagine the pinkness.


Fear my scar skills! Okay I don't have any...


A redrawn image because the first one made me angry... I don't know why I still want to hurt this one too...

Note: If you have the Dark forum layout. they do have the bars at the top and the bottom. Just that they blended it... maybe.

05-27-08, 02:56 AM
Wanna try Bhakti'mat?

05-27-08, 07:51 AM
Dan's so...pretty. Slayer will love it.

05-27-08, 09:59 PM
Awesome, :D

05-27-08, 10:09 PM
If you'd like to take a crack at Tom, I'd appreciate it. The face in my avatar is a fair approximation, outside of his prominent jaw and his hair, which is all there, though short.

05-28-08, 09:16 AM
Dan's so pretty.

05-29-08, 12:36 PM
CG Updates:

Bahkti' mat - 0%
Tom - 0%

Private Request (User and image remains anonymous)

#1 - 0%


Graphite Rendered Sketches:

Godhand's Sinatra Wrestling with a Panther - 70% (my recent distractions are godly)


Karuka Tida & Seth Dahlios fighting off pirates back-to-back in the Rain. - 0%

06-05-08, 12:19 AM
The real reason why no one has been seeing any requests put up at the moment. (http://aesculus.deviantart.com/art/Excuses-Excuses-87730560)

Kitty Doodles (http://aesculus.deviantart.com/art/Kitty-Doodle-87734242)

Characters that have been randomly kittified:
Karuka - with a ball of yarn
Godhand - yes that angry one at the bottom.
Dan - He's so cute!
Veatrix - Just for you J!
Storm - Curiosity
Raelyse - I can picture any character as a kitten...
Yin - I just love torturing my own characters.

06-05-08, 01:44 AM
I'm suing.

06-05-08, 01:49 AM
^_^ Kitty or human, my Karu is adorable.

A Nony Mouse
06-05-08, 09:14 AM
absolutely hilarious.

06-05-08, 01:39 PM

EDIT: I'm trying to make it an avatar with Paint, because I am super-untalented when it comes to graphics. Maybe you could isolate kitty-me and graphicize it?

EDIT AGAIN: Lookie the new avatar.

06-05-08, 04:08 PM
Godhand - Thank you for FINALLY declaring war. You are subject to my artist torture for the next few days of my Dead Art Week and for a good while until you submit yourself to me as my man slave.

Karuka - The kittyness is awesome!

Nony - There's more now that Godhand has opened himself up for punishment Oren Style.

Veatrix - I saw! Pretty colours!

06-05-08, 04:45 PM
Hmmmmm....do one maybe of Vincent, since your good with silver/white haired characters so.

Slayer of the Rot
06-05-08, 04:45 PM
I'm a cat.

Worlds will burn for this.

06-05-08, 04:57 PM
But he's a really cute one. Almost as cute as me!

Heart of Zaga
06-05-08, 06:37 PM
ZOMGIMLIEKWTF!!!!!1!!!1!111!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! O_________O

lulz, In all seriousness now that is really nice, I wish I could draw like that...

06-05-08, 09:19 PM
You have been owned Godhand! (http://aesculus.deviantart.com/art/Don-t-Wake-the-Kitty-87814648)

... And the fun now begins. >=D

Artifex Felicis
06-05-08, 09:34 PM
Well. before I'm gone again for a bit, I'd like to toss Leon's name into the ring Should be fun enough I think, assuming you'll do it.

Also, I rather enjoy your pictures. Nice cartoony and more realistic feel then what I've seen for the past 18 something weeks.

06-05-08, 09:37 PM
Your artwork is amazing, if you can, you can try drawing Banda.

No rush though, I'm patient :)

06-05-08, 10:50 PM
Characters added! Now time for the thing that will get me killed by NWO since I seem to be kittifying people in thier league.

Yarnball Fun (http://aesculus.deviantart.com/art/Yarnball-fun-87820978)


With the Yarnball - Storm and Karuka

The ugly kitten pulling at the yarn string - Dissinger

06-05-08, 10:55 PM

Ugly and Kitten? Thats an oxymoron!

06-06-08, 12:04 AM
Would It bee too ironic if Melancor ends up drawn as a kitten?

Then again I don't mind :P

Tainted Bushido
06-06-08, 01:08 AM
Okay, there is getting even, and there is fighting dirty...

You just crossed the line, big time....

06-06-08, 01:11 AM
It's just poking fun, but I'll take it down. I'm not going to pass around a link due to over sensitivity.

Tainted Bushido
06-06-08, 01:13 AM
Oh no, leave it up...

Or, at least crop out the rest of us, Godhand's beef is his beef, and I don't mind a sailor moon Godhand...

06-06-08, 01:16 AM

Prepare to face the pain series.


Nah, I can't do that to you.

06-06-08, 10:28 AM
Oooh. Fun! But I'm not putting it up, you guys can do that if you want to =P


An idea popped into my head in terms of CG after walking outside finding out its 32 degrees (37 with humidity), and last nights page rape on boys vs girls beach volley ball match.

Welcome to Toronto's "Early Summer" and all characters that can handle the intense heat and sunlight (of my choice of course) will be given full body renders at the beach. Sorry all pasty, pale, "light skinned" caucasians, and vampires you're going to miss out on all the lovely summer fun unless you tell me "Fry my character up please!" Then just be prepared to watch your characters develop painful sun burns in these pictures.

Notes on Summer Time CG Special:
- All characters chosen (unless requested) are subject to a bit of tanning than what they'd normally look like. If you are the owner of a pasty, pale, "light skinned" caucasians, or vampire character that has requested a picture: as stated above prepare to fry.
- Swimsuits/ Swimming trunks are mandatory, and designs along with colours will be based on my perspective of what your character would wear. So if you're shy about your characters skin showing post now or forever hold your peace. I don't see why you should be though... 3/4 of Althanas characters have godly bodies.
- You all know I draw beautiful characters. Even if yours is as ugly as sin I will find some way to make him or her beautiful (unless you've annoyed me at some point then bye, bye beauty). O_O; not that I will ever find an ugly character here just like the bodies 3/4 of Althanas characters are obsessively beautiful/handsome with a boat load of sexy.
- After three obscenely long points you think I would shut up about these notes but I won't I have more. =P
- I do not put men in bikini's or for the love of all that is good speedo's. Oren's head has had enough of being slammed into a desk.
- Ladies... If I have picked your character and somehow it has ended up looking like a pin-up... I'll apologize now.
- For illustration fun I may group characters into teams of 3 for a game of volleyball.
- Like it says on the first page if it really is that bad feel free to maim the artist.
- Fin.

06-06-08, 11:31 AM
Sounds like a fun idea! Tanned Althanian bodies... we are so damn sexy. By the way, my avatar is the ugliest fucking thing I've ever coloured. I LOVE IT.

06-06-08, 11:33 AM
I kind of have to. I'm going to assume that Ataraxis will be summoned soon as well. I need to finish that quest soon.

either way, I'd like to sign Maia up for the summer time drawings.

06-06-08, 11:39 AM
Want to try two birds, one stone? Add Lillian to Maia's picture, and have them order a Sex on the Beach, thank you!

06-06-08, 11:46 AM
Sounds like a fun idea! Tanned Althanian bodies... we are so damn sexy. By the way, my avatar is the ugliest fucking thing I've ever coloured. I LOVE IT.

XD I think it's cute. Oh geeze.. I'm high on something. First my pages of kitty sketches, the NWO Scouts (They'll post it if they want to =P), now tanned beach bodies of Althanas' hottest character. I might as well open up an Althanas Summer Magazine.

06-06-08, 11:48 AM

Or Playgirl.

06-06-08, 11:50 AM
I don't think we're allowed to do that.

06-07-08, 09:57 PM

I'd tell you, but you'll have to wait ;)

06-08-08, 03:57 PM
Waaaaaaaaait...is this the thing you told me about, or is it something else entirely? O_o

06-08-08, 04:24 PM
Sounds like the precursor to some bad fanfic porn.

06-08-08, 07:03 PM
You-out-now. It's not a porn fanfic. =P

06-08-08, 07:17 PM
I'm hurt. ;)

06-08-08, 07:55 PM
Poor baby.


I WILL WORK ON ALL INITIAL SKETCHES FOR EVERYTHING... When I'm in Michigan for a week. *shot*

I gotta work on the project finish it off. Introduce it, cut the red ribbon, and it will eat my soul as long as I'm here.

06-08-08, 08:22 PM
Wow, you know you are officially over 100 posts in this thread?

06-08-08, 08:39 PM
O_o; that's odd... At least it's just an art thread... I'm going to pity the judge that has to read Catching up with the world (I popped into SB to look at Veatrix' post for our thread just to write a wrap up before submitting it and saw 107 posts) when it's done. XD

06-27-08, 04:57 PM
Double Post and Update:

... I hate people that make viruses, I don't have photoshop anymore on my desktop since a lovely virus invaded it and so we reformatted everything. I'm stuck in limbo with that desk top until I get the internet running, then the scanner installed, then put all the wonderful programs back in.

So sorry to everyone that have requested things.

In the mean while my friend gothified Yin for my birthday. I burst out laughing seeing this. Yin isn't too happy about it.

Phasmatis Lupus Gothic Render of Yin-Li Chen (http://phasmatis-lupus.deviantart.com/art/It-s-just-a-little-late-89984716)

06-29-08, 11:10 PM
You should post that picture of the NWO as chicks again. That was funny.

06-30-08, 02:43 AM
... Special request from the post above. Pleasedon'thurtmeI'mtooyoungtodie! (http://aesculus.deviantart.com/art/NWO-Scouts-87828708)

Woo hoo, while I hack through my CD's searching for things and trying to get my desktops internet up and running, I got bored dropped everything and decided to steal this from a friend as character torture: What to do when bored: Character Meme! (http://aesculus.deviantart.com/journal/18939892/)

Well, now I'm in a bad mood. The cardboard box cut on my hand has decided to split open and bleed.

06-30-08, 05:10 PM
You are telling me.

I burnt my hand the other day, and now it's all blistered, I can't hold a pencil.

06-30-08, 11:53 PM
Speaking of blisters, something really freaky before I post my Improvements 2001-2008 thing. I have random blisters on my skin, and I don't know how I got them.

Improvements 2001 - 2008

Have a good laugh guys cause Oren really did and still does suck. Plus you'll find crazy histories about most of my charcacters. That are registered here.

2001 (http://aesculus.deviantart.com/art/FFOC-Sakai-in-Sundress-28948851)
^ Yes, Sakai was a Final Fantasy OC. Hell my anatomy was bad.

2002 (http://aesculus.deviantart.com/art/ATLA-OC-Yin-Li-Rice-28953371)
^ Would you ever have believed that Yin was initially an Avatar: The Last Airbender fanfic character? And would you EVER have believed her hair was LONG? She has some crazy upgrades from then and now. Anatomy was still bad.

2003 (http://aesculus.deviantart.com/art/FFOC-Sakai-redesign-32862620)
^Redesigned Sakai, but I never used this design when I joined Althanas. Some what better anatomy but still bad.

2004 (http://aesculus.deviantart.com/art/Catch-a-Snow-Flake-38689124)
^ Aeryn was actually male. Wtf, sex change! I went back to having bad anatomy again!

2005 (http://aesculus.deviantart.com/art/Request-Feru-c-Meow-35404813)
^ blast from the past. Can you guess who requested this?

2006 (http://aesculus.deviantart.com/art/)
^ I suck.

2007 (http://aesculus.deviantart.com/art/No-Officer-of-Course-not-66294932)
^Reid Tristen my coroner character.

2008 (http://aesculus.deviantart.com/art/WBJS-Yin-Li-Chen-76613047)
^Yin in the futuristic get-up she was initially designed for, but there aren't many GOOD futuristic role playing sites So I settled to change the torso outfit and the shoes and come back to Althanas just a wee bit better than I was when I was on the Blue and Green versions of the site.

Kially Gaith
07-01-08, 03:19 PM
Considering you say you sucked way back when, I must confess I rather prefer your older pieces to the sample of your most recent work.

My personal favourites are the 2001, 2003 and 2007 pieces.

I would have liked 2004 more but the image just...Didn't sit right to me, something about the eyes.

Your newest piece is good quality but does appetise me in anyway for more like your 2003 piece did. Your 2006 piece is none existant.

However, you have a hindsight more talent than I ever will in the art department so you should probably avoid my very weak criticism because I'd be lying if I said I even had any idea about artwork.

All in all though, you have a lot of talent and I can foresee many good pieces from you to come.

Your 2008 piece - What I don't like about it: Despite being 'futuristic', I don't actually get any futuristic feel at all from it, even with the knowledge in mind that is geared for the future, I guess I'm just picky there. What struck me most about your newest piece that I did not like was the face shading. It seemed off, and although the proportions are perfect in my eyes, the odd shading in the face really distracted me from the whole piece, however, your colouring technique has definately got better, your proportions and facial expressions have also grown in skill level, but your 2003 piece (Which reminds me of a Tifa Advent Children cosplay) is still by far my favourite!

Keep up the excellent work!

Kially. <3

07-01-08, 03:52 PM
It actually was from a roleplay with a few friends. The actual sketch has all that gadgets and stuff blowing up off her arms and legs and taking a thirty storie drop out of the sky. Buuuut I took that out after scanning turned the picture around and decided to go windblown. The expression was different too, and it had a city scape background.

Oh, the design I never used for althanas.

07-03-08, 12:17 AM
I had a "What If..." moment. (http://aesculus.deviantart.com/art/What-if-90506753)

What if Yin had a normal life, and actually went to school instead of being home schooled (Technically she was). Well for one thing she'd be completely bored, definitly would crossdress to avoid wearing any female clothing, and be a complete smart ass.

For the sake of my sanity I better post this:


Frank Sinatra and the Panther hopefully to Godhands liking or I am back o sketching in my sketchbook for another 3 days while I go to war with my desktop to get photoshop back on it.

07-03-08, 11:50 PM
I was ready to make a bestiality joke but I couldn't figure one out.

07-04-08, 12:02 AM
If you had I would have to kill you in some concocted role play dedicated to doing so. *points to assassin character*

And because I don't want to be killed by Frank Sinatra Fans. *Fears Godhand and Karuka.*

07-05-08, 12:30 AM
Now just for some fun I've done DA's Twelfth's Character Meme.

Yin hates me more than she already does but hell I'm posting this anyways:

Twelfth's Character Meme - Yin - (http://aesculus.deviantart.com/art/Twelfths-Character-Meme-Yin-90698511)

Don't mind my chicken scratch handwriting.

Just because I can my favourite parts of the Meme:


10-18-08, 10:33 PM
All righty... I have no more time to work on requests since starting my year at Sheridan. I'm working really hard to keep my average at a 3.4+ and I have to work on my Animation Portfolio in order to complete my application for the Bachelors of Applied Arts in Animation at the school.

I don't have photoshop since the day my computer crashed so I've been trying to work with painter. Not really my forte to use that program, and it's not even user friendly.

Here is Atar/Maia's request:


This is the LAST one if I will be doing. I'm sorry that tha quality is down, and I'm sorry to everyone that reuested one. Usually I don't really put up with requests, but everyone on Althanas treats me so well so I tried my best to thank you guys with these little drawings.

Um... as I get back into my writing groove (not that I had one) I will be turning this thread into more of a "I'm posting to show-off my pictures" thread. Also if I do have time some lucky people will get a picture of thier character drawn. :) Or in the more-likely case if a thread I read (or am in) has an interesting scenario in my head I will try to have a little concept image like Karuka's End.


Torin Reahkari
11-13-08, 08:31 AM
If you could do a Torin, that'd be awesome.

Most recent appearance description is linked in my side profile?

Thanks! :)