View Full Version : Moira thread

05-22-08, 09:18 PM
Name: Moira Riarra
Age: 20
Race: dark elf/elf (half-breed)
Hair Color: Black with violet streaks
Eye Color: blackish-violet
Height: 5'9
Weight: 120lbs
*Occupation: Assassin

*Personality: She likes to keep her distance and doesn't talk much. Some think she's stuck-up but she is insecure because of her half-breed heritage

Appearance: Tall, thin, she likes to have her hair draped over her shoulders, she often has an arrogant smile on to hide her insecurities

History: When her parents met it was supposed to be a one-night stand, but after that one night her mother became pregnant with her. Her mother told her father and he didn't do anything. Her mother died when Moira was born and she was sent to an orphanage in Corone and was adopted by a family of dark elves in Alerar. When she became 15 she ran away from home and became an assassin.

Skills: Blind people, create illusions, turn invisible, travel silently

Equipment: stiletto knife, throwing dagger, a book that her mother gave to the orphanage to give to her adopted family to give to her

*Familiars: None

05-23-08, 07:58 AM
I need you to elaborate more on her skills please.

Can you please list how she blinds people and how long it lasts. What kind of illusions can she create? Invisibility will have to go, it's too powerful a move for a level 0. And I assume travel silently is just a stealth skill. Keep in mind when adding more information to these skills that she's only level 0 and not very strong at this point in time. Skills can increase in strength as a character levels up. Also, you have her listed with two types of weapons, a dagger and a projectile and yet have given her no skill listing for them. You may pick one to be Above Average and the other to be Average.

Can those changes and posted here again letting me know, then I'll take another look at it.

05-23-08, 12:49 PM
Name: Moira Riarra
Age: 20
Race: dark elf/elf (half-breed)
Hair Color: Black with violet streaks
Eye Color: blackish-violet
Height: 5'9
Weight: 120lbs
*Occupation: Assassin

*Personality: She likes to keep her distance and doesn't talk much. Some think she's stuck-up but she is insecure because of her half-breed heritage

Appearance: Tall, thin, she likes to have her hair draped over her shoulders, she often has an arrogant smile on to hide her insecurities

History: When her parents met it was supposed to be a one-night stand, but after that one night her mother became pregnant with her. Her mother told her father and he didn't do anything. Her mother died when Moira was born and she was sent to an orphanage in Corone and was adopted by a family of dark elves in Alerar. When she became 15 she ran away from home and became an assassin.

Skills: She can blind people by making their eyes turn black(the entire eye not just the colored part) and this lasts for only a minute or so, she can make illusions of herself to confuse enemies but each illusion is a different one of her emotions (shyness, sadness, joy, etc.), she can also walk and hardly make a sound

Equipment: stiletto knife, a book that her mother gave to the orphanage to give to her adopted family to give to her

*Familiars: None

05-26-08, 05:26 PM
I apologize for the wait on this, I was out of the city for a few days...

At this point in time, Moira cannot completely blind people. She can make their vision blurry and hazy and make it hard for them to see, but not blind them. The effect will last for roughly thirty seconds to one full minute. She can only make two illusions of herself at one time, they can last for about two minutes, but when struck they will disappear.

Please edit those changes into your original post and then post here again saying something like 'edited' so that I know.