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View Full Version : When bored, DRAW!

05-23-08, 07:32 AM
Or not in my case, since I am in no active threads, and waiting for someone to notice my quest in Scara, I decided to mess around with my Photoshop Element 6

http://i53.photobucket.com/albums/g66/Kaiser-in/yggdrasilglowy.jpg Yggdrasil - Base form

This was simple to do, Get a Circle, add in blue and a cloudy blue.

Get some basic shapes, and use the smudge tool and mix thoroughly.

When at desired spiralyness, add in plastic wrap filter at highest detail to get those funky little lines.

Then to finish it off add in Diffuse glow with NO Grains

I messed up around the edges, and the background is just silly

Jack Lancer
05-23-08, 08:25 AM
Oooh... Pretty.

05-23-08, 11:28 PM
I liked my rendition of Yggy better. ^^

But, that's still very pretty.

05-24-08, 11:13 AM
^_^ Darker background for better contrast.

It's shiny and pretty... -Claws at Yggdrasil's base form.-

A Nony Mouse
05-24-08, 01:16 PM
Pretty cool.