View Full Version : And I appear.

05-24-08, 01:23 AM
To the point: I'm relatively new to this forum. I've been here a few days, but then again, this is the second thread I've made (including the thread to get my character approved). I'm not anything close to new to Play-by-post RPing, but prob'ly not as senior as many of the posters here. I've been known for adding drama to stories, and I guess I can see how they could think that. Many of my characters are really good for drama... My character being no exception. Forget the exception, my character is the exemplification of the rule. Heh, heh. He's always fun.

But you don't have to take my word for it; I'll be in something soon enough. I should be in the regular forum in the next week or two. I don't know. Maybe three, if I'm lazy about it.

Heart of Zaga
05-24-08, 01:48 AM
Well then, welcome aboard!