View Full Version : The Return (closed)

05-27-08, 04:06 PM
It was a cold morning, the sky was overcast, and threatened to open up onto a thunderstorm any moment. Fog hung over the city in a thick blanket. In some places one almost had to feel one's way along. Many people had elected to stay indoors for the day, or at least until the weather improved.

The Citadel itself looked almost empty, steps echoed off the walls and into the fog. They belonged to a man that had not been seen in Althanas in a long time. Had he been more well-known, some might have wondered where he had disappeared to. This of course was a very good question, and like so many other mysteries, would probably never be answered.

He had Red hair, down to his shoulders, and most curiously, his eyes were just as red. He had not been emotional recently, they were always that color. His clothes were of leather, and black as night. Around him, a curious red energy glowed, like an Aura, only visable.

He walked towards the Citadel with confidence, feeling a victory in the air.
The monks, otherwise unoccupied with the normal large crowd of fighters, seemed eager to help him in an attempt to at least temporarily relieve their monotony.

A rather tall monk, as tall as this man, both of whom stood at seven feet, greeted him first.
"Greetings Destrudo, we have not seen you in quite some time. Did you enjoy your vacation in The Land of Midnight?" the monk asked.

Destrudo, for that was indeed his name, cracked his knuckles.
"I'd like a room, large enough for two, possibly three other contenders. I don't want any hiding places or other strategic vantage points for my opponets, I'd be happy if it was not much more than a giant box like room, and, yes I did enjoy my vacation." Destrudo said.

The monks looked at each other, and smiled.
"Why, I believe we have the perfect place. Right this way." The monk said.

Destrudo was led to an old door, battered with age, and much use. It groaned as it opened, complaining in it's own way about being pressed into service. Destrudo walked through, and felt like he was falling into darkness.

As his vision cleared, he smiled, and then chuckled slightly.
"Perhaps next time I should be more specific." Destrudo said grinning.

Indeed, a giant box like room was what he asked for, and that was what he got, for the room resembled nothing more than a gigantic Cardboard box.
The walls looked like perhaps a child got ahold of some crayons and drew on the wall.

On the east wall was a picture of a forest, a bear was shown prowling along the front, and over the top, an eagle.

On the west wall was a desert, drawn with brown and red crayons. Cactus of all sorts dotted the landscape, and next to one was a pool.

To the south was a frozen wasteland. A grey polar bear was looking at a black penguin. Santa Clause was riding his sleigh in the backround, pulled along by eight tiny reindeer, and of course, Rudolph.

To the north was the ocean, clouds dotted the sky and a whale had just breached the surface. At the top was a large drawing of the sun, that was actually glowing through some sort of magic.

Destrudo looked down, and found he was standing on a grassy field picture.
"I wonder, do they call this arena Child's Play?" Destrudo asked himself as he faced the door from the middle of the room.

05-27-08, 04:43 PM
"Today's going to be dreary deary." Valanthe said to her companion. Valanthe was a wild woman, used to life in the forest. Her skin was nutmeg brown, and her hair was white. She was half Alerarien, and half Raiaeraian. She had the rack of a deer tnagled neatly in her hair, and she wore a suit of hides. On her back was her bow and at her side was her club, and her companion, an Eastern Timber Wolf named Moonbeam.
Moonbeam let out a minor growl that plainly indicated that Moonbeam did not infact enjoy being called deary.

Valanthe was of course a Druidess, and rarely ever came to the city. Today however she desired competition, something to take her to her limit, and trhis brought her to the most famous structure in the world, The Citadel. She climbed it's steps, and a portly monk with a jolly grin approached her.
"Oh it's been such a long time since we've had the pleasure of your company." the monk bubbled happily.
"I've been, away, for awhile." Valanthe said.
"Your telling me. Now, don't tell me, your looking for a competition, someplace where you don't have to be afraid of giving it your all. Now don't you fret, and don't you frown, we've got just who you need right over here." the monk said bustling Valanthe and moonbeam into a nearby room.

"I wonder what surprise we're in for sister." Valanthe said quietly.

She gasped in surprise. They seemed to be inside a crate of some sort, but it was made of the strangest material she had ever seen, it didn't feel like wood, but it looked like it was derived from wood. Whatever could it be. She looked around at the forest, the sea, the desert, snow, and marvled at how they felt waxy. That was when Moonbeam growled menacingly, and looking at their opponet, a fierce looking man all rippled with muscles and glowing strangely.

"Oh hi, I'm Valanthe Xiloscent, it's nice to meet you, this is my sister, Moonbeam." Valanthe said smiling warmly.

05-27-08, 06:54 PM
"Man, I sure wish the day was nicer." Remarked a man wearing a robe covered in odd symbols. When asked, he would simply say they were common scientific and magic symbols from his homeworld. He had black hair, and his eyes were of two diffrent colors, the left was green, the right was blue, though they could shift colors depending on his mood. His name was Xos, and he walked with a Nihon Quaterstaff.

A chill wind had begun to blow about Xos as he approached the Citadel. He shivered inspite of himself and began to climb the steps.

Xos was a wizard, or at least he dreamed of being a wizard. Right now, taking into consideration his current skills and power level, he was more of a mage than an actual wizard.

Xos had some time ago stumbled into a dimensional rift and had been out of touch with reality, literally. All he knew was, he was in a dark, lonely place. Now he had somehow stumbled back out. He knew some time had passed, but not how much. Either way, he knew The Citadel was a good place to judge if he was still in his normal condition, or if his experience had, altered him.

"I see you finally made it out of the hole in the universe." A monk said. Xos gasped with surprise, it was the very same monk who had greeted him his first time here.
"It has been quite an experience. People might think they know what it's like to be alone, but just wait until your the only thing in existence, then you really know what lonliness is." Xos said.
"Keep that lesson in mind. Now, what did you have in mind?" The monk asked.
"Oh, you know, just a test of my skills." Xos said.
"I see. You fear your experience has changed you in a negative way. Perhaps it has, perhaps it hasn't, but perhaps the answer truely lays elsewhere. Either way, come with me." The monk said.

Xos followed him, and after walking through the door, smiled. Cardboard wasn't commonly used back home, and true he hadn't been there in awhile, but he still recognised it when he saw it. He wondered how many crayons it took to draw all those childish scribbles.

In the room was a man who was glowing red, and a woman who reminded him of the forest, for reasons he didn't quite understand. It could've been the wolf beside her, it could've been the antlers in her hair, or possibly the hides. Who knew? Certainly not him.

"Oh hi, I'm Valanthe Xiloscent, it's nice to meet you, this is my sister, Moonbeam." the woman said with a smile, of course, she was looking at the tall glowing man with the Rippling muscles, not him. Xos felt jealous.

What sort of weirdo claims kinship with a wolf? Xos thought privately.

"Well howdy, My name is Xos Xilanthes, It's a pleasure to meet you Miss. Xiloscent" Xos said bowing.

05-27-08, 08:04 PM
Destrudo looked from Valanthe, to moonbeam, to Xos.
He smiled, a cruel unfriendly smile.
"Heh, are you strong? Do you think you can defeat me, worthless pieces of trash that you are? You are nothing before my might, before my power, and after I'm through toying with you, you will be even less." Destrudo whispered with a sneer.
Though he had only whispered, with the silence in the room, there was no doubt he was heard. He was moving as he said this, and was now closer to Valanthe than Xos. Needless to say, Destrudo had quite the inflated Ego about himself.

This was a fight after all, and Destrudo wasn't one to carry on long conversations anyway, so with his piece being said, he suddenly turned on his left foor toward's Valanthe, aiming a punch with his right hand for her face, her nose more specifically. He continued turning, and struck with his right foot following after his right hand, this attack aimed toward's Moonbeam's ribs.

05-27-08, 08:32 PM
"Well howdy, My name is Xos Xilanthes, It's a pleasure to meet you Miss. Xiloscent" A man said behind her. She turned in time to see him bow to her.

What sort of a weirdo wears such outlandish robes? she thought privately.

"Heh, are you strong? Do you think you can defeat me, worthless pieces of trash that you are? You are nothing before my might, before my power, and after I'm through toying with you, you will be even less." the man she had originally introduced herself to said with a whisper. She heard him easily, and was about to cry. There was just something about him that was unsettling. Maybe it was his voice, maybe it was what he said, she wasn't sure, but she was sure that he must be an awful sort of person to say those mean things.
Moonbeam had her ears laid back, and was crouched low, afraid of this glowing stranger.

Then he hit her, punched her square in the nose, she started to bleed. She had to remind herself that this was not a meet and greet, but a fight. Ignoring her nose, she grabbed her mace, and moved to strike him over the head with it, when she heard Moonbeam yelp. While moving toward's Valanthe's defense, Moonbeam had been kicked in the ribs. This made Valanthe lose her concentration and swing wildly. She didn't bother to notice if she hit or miss, she was turning to her best friend and sister, and found Moonbeam laying on her side whimpering.

05-27-08, 08:47 PM
"Heh, are you strong? Do you think you can defeat me, worthless pieces of trash that you are? You are nothing before my might, before my power, and after I'm through toying with you, you will be even less." The strange man had said.

Valanthe looked about ready to burst into tears, and he didn't blame her, those were pretty cruel words. There was something about this man that Xos didn't like, aside from his inflated ego and cruel words.

Then, when Destrudo launched the first attack without even introducing himself Xos scrambled.

Shit he thought to himself as he rushed over to get Destrudo off Valanthe. His attacks, both verbal and physical had upset her, and he was almost sure she was going to miss. He swung his quaterstaff accross Destrudo's back. He felt sorry for the wolf.
"Real big man, kicking an innocent animal. Why not take on someone your own size?" Xos shouted at Destrudo.

Xos created a fireball, it mimicked the gold atom. He threw it at the creep.

05-28-08, 05:00 PM
The blood made Destrudo happy. He didn't realise just how screwed up from a normal person he was, which made him all the more messed up. When the wolf yelped in pain, he smiled.

Valanthe had swung wildly, too full of concern for that mongrel dog she called a sister, it was an easy thing to dodge her club.

"Gyah!" Destrudo grunted in sudden pain as Xos's staff struck him in the back. He kneeled, and turned slightly towards Xos, intent on grabbing, something, and squeezing as hard as he could, unfortunatly he got a face full of fireball instead, and fell backwards, more out of surprise than force of impact.

"A mage, should've figured someone as weak as you would have to rely such an obvious crutch." Destrudo whispered as he got up.

He was certain Valanthe would tend to moonbeam first before attending to him, so that would leave him time to deal with that pesky mage.

His hand shot out to grab Xos by the throat, pick him up, and chokeslam him on the hard ground just as hard as he possibly could, for indeed, despite being cardboard, beneath was the regular stone structure of The Citadel.

05-28-08, 05:42 PM
Valanthe looked at moonbeam, who simply looked back at Valanthe with such sad eyes.

If one could understand wolfish, one would know moonbeam as having just said "Get him for me."

Valanthe nodded. She winced slightly as she touched her nose, already the bleeding had begun to stop. She turned towards Destrudo, knelt, and put her hand on the ground. If this truely came from a tree like it felt it did, then it could burn like a tree. She set a wave of flame skimming along the ground. The giant box caught on fire, and the flames began to ripple outwards away from the spell itself. It was dry cardboard, and burned easily. Valanthe picked up moonbeam, and set her in an area where the stones of the citadel had already been exposed.

It wouldn't take the room long to burn, that she knew, for it was only 30 ft, by 30ft, by 30 ft, not that she personally knew the measurements, only that it was a small arena.

05-28-08, 06:46 PM
A mage, should've figured someone as weak as you would have to rely such an obvious crutch." Destrudo whispered as he got up.

"Strength of arms isn't everything." Xos retorted

When Destrudo tried to grab him by the throat, he threw up an energy shield and darted to the side, that's when he noticed Valanthe had set the room on fire. How he wished he had a dagger or some such right now. Instead he settled for swinging his staff as hard as he could to hit Destrudo in the head.

He backed off, he didn't really want to kill anyone, not yet grasping the concept that on Althanas, death and killing was practicly the order of the day in certain cases, yet, he couldn't let Destrudo live either, and even if he was going to be revived later, was it really right to take someone else's life?

As Xos struggled with his own morals, he held his staff at the ready, ready to knock Destrudo back should he need to.

05-29-08, 04:43 PM
Destrudo winced as his hand crashed into the barrier, shattering it. This was not going as he had planned. He invisioned a quick easy victory, he had even decided upon multiple opponets so he could have a real challenge. His back spasmed in pain from where Xos had hit him with his staff. Destrudo gasped for air in shock as heat ran up his legs where the flames licked it. He leaped out of the flames.

He looked at Xos, who was appearently having some sort of moral crises, the woman however appeared to have no such trouble. He was going to ring her neck, he charged towards her, to grab her, and snap her neck, like he should've done in the first place.
He had gotten irritated, even angry, both with himself, and them, and now he just wanted this fight to end.

05-29-08, 04:56 PM
After Valanthe had sent the wave of fire skiming along the floor, she unstrung her bow. Wiping her brow in the process, she strung and fit an arrow to her bow, and took aim as Destrudo tried to attack Xos. When he turned toward her to attack her, she knew now was her chance, making final aim towards his heart, she let the arrow fly, hoping and praying it made it's mark. She was determined to kill, or be kill. After all, even Nature decreed survival of the fittest, and she wasn't going to be one of the unfit, something to be slaughtered to make way for something else.

05-29-08, 05:14 PM
as Destrudo charged towards Valanthe, he realised too late she was firing at him.

THUD! The arrow hit him in the chest, it missed his heard, but punctured his lung. He fell over backwards, and quickly began coughing up blood as it poured into lung. He pulled it out, and tried to get up to enact some revenge, but it was as though his strength had left him. He was getting tired, and felt weak. A short rest would do him good, maybe he'd feel better when he woke up, then he'd get his revenge, she'd see.

With a few more coughs, his eyes closed and he died, blood pooling around him. He went into convulsions, and lasted several minutes, then it was over, Destrudo had been beaten.

05-29-08, 05:21 PM
Xos had been struggling with the concept of killing someone, when to his horror Valanthe fired an arrow at Destrudo. With a sickening thud it landed in his chest.

"NOOOO!!!!" Xos cried out.

Destrudo tried to get up, but failed and died. The convulsions seemed to last a long time, such a terrible long time, like they would never quit.

"Why?" Xos asked afterwards, tears streaming down his eyes. He hadn't wanted to kill anyone, maybe rough someone up, knock 'em and gloat inwardly as he watched the monks drag them away, but certainly not kill them.

"Why did you kill him, we're not animals, we don't have to kill to solve our problems. We're evolved creatures, surely we're better than that." Xos said angrily, clenching his fist, and stepping over the approaching fire.

It had reached the walls, and began to climb up them.

05-29-08, 05:36 PM
Valanthe smiled with satisfaction as Destrudo died. It hadn't hit her intended mark, his heart, but it still killed him. He didn't seem to convulse nearly long enough for her satisfaction.
"Who's the worthless trash now asshole?" she shouted at Destrudo's dead body. Then she looked at Starfire.

"Why?" asked Xos, who sounded choked up over seeing someone die.

"Why did you kill him, we're not animals, we don't have to kill to solve our problems. We're evolved creatures, surely we're better than that." Xos said with a note of anger in his voice. Ahh, so he had never watched someone die before, no wonder he was so unprepared.

"Why did you come then, if not to be taken to your limit? Grow up, this isn't some fantasy where everyone gets along and makes friends in the end, this is real life, and if you aren't tougher than the next person you meet, you're going to die. This world has no room for cowards like you, and if you don't like how it is here, then go home to whatever cave you crawled out of and stay there until your dead corpse bloats from infestation by worthier things than you." she said angrily, spitting out words she didn't really mean. She used the last of her strength to cause her touch to become deadly poisonus. Her hand glittered slightly from the poison. She moved closer to Xos to get right up in his face.

"We might be 'evolved' whatever that means, but that does not excuse us from Natural Law, if your not fit enough to survive, if you can't be the toughest, meanest, quickest thinking thing around, then you deserve to die right next to him, and I pray the brothers never revive you even though I know they will. Someday little man, you will meet someone who will not care who you are, or what you think, someone who will be your enemy and if you can't bring yourself to kill them, trhen you deserve your fate." Valanthe said, while slapping Xos just as hard as she possibly could accross the cheek, or at least trying to. She was more than upset and so angry she couldn't see straight, she she might have missed.

05-29-08, 05:51 PM
"Why did you come then, if not to be taken to your limit? Grow up, this isn't some fantasy where everyone gets along and makes friends in the end, this is real life, and if you aren't tougher than the next person you meet, you're going to die. This world has no room for cowards like you, and if you don't like how it is here, then go home to whatever cave you crawled out of and stay there until your dead corpse bloats from infestation by worthier things than you." Valanthe said angriyl coming towards him.
Her words shocked him, he hadn't expected her to talk to him like that.
He thought her hand glittered, but with tears in his eyes he couldn't rightly tell, alot of things appeared to be glittering that weren't.

We might be 'evolved' whatever that means, but that does not excuse us from Natural Law, if your not fit enough to survive, if you can't be the toughest, meanest, quickest thinking thing around, then you deserve to die right next to him, and I pray the brothers never revive you even though I know they will. Someday little man, you will meet someone who will not care who you are, or what you think, someone who will be your enemy and if you can't bring yourself to kill them, trhen you deserve your fate." Valanthe said with what xos thought was a hiss. His cheek stung from where she slapped him.

"Compassion is not a sign of weakness, and if you can't show it, your just as bad as he is." Xos said. If she wanted survival of the fittest, he'd give it to her. His arms felt heavy, as he pointed towards he neck. His vision began to blur. Concentrating, he used Arcane Blast, and smiled as the little explosions popped. He fell over, weakened by the poison, he thought he saw someone enetering the room, but he could've been mistaken. He blacked out, and died.

05-29-08, 06:07 PM
Valanthe smiled as she felt her hand connect, it was all over for him now.

"Compassion is not a sign of weakness, and if you can't show it, your just as bad as he is." Xos said.
These words irritated her all the more, then he pointed at her. She was about to move, when suddenly her neck popped, about five times. Pain and alarm shot through her body. She had used up all her powers, she couldn't do anything. It became harder to breath. She began to cough and hack up blood, and fell over feeling faint. She fell over, and as Xos died, she blacked out, and then died as well.

Moonbeam looked at Valanthe and howled. Her ribs were broken, and she was in a world of pain. It hurt to even breath. She whimpered as she lay there.

A man thing entered the room. He looked at her so kind and tenderly. He seemed to know how to communicate with her.

"Poor thing, are you the only one left? It's okay, we'll make everything better, Sleep." the man thing said. The suggustion of sleep seemed like such a good one that Moonbeam did so immediatly.

When she awoke, She found herself in another place. Valanthe was standing next to her, looking down and smiling.

"Are you okay sister?" Valanthe asked.
Mioonbeam felt wonderful, infact she felt like a pup again. She got up, wagging her tail.
Valanthe smiled.
"I hope you don't forget your experiences here. Valanthe, you wish to become more powerful, better than you are, this we know. If you truely wish to accomplish your goal, then you must seek out The Hidden Temple deep within Scara Brae. Dedicated to The Glorious Light, it is not what is within that you seek, rather it is what is without, though indeed you will have another task within as well. It is your task to guide the two you have fought today to that temple. I warn you, it is well hidden. most of Althanas could pass by it a dozen times or more and never know it was there, such is the skill with which it is hidden, but you will find it. You must learn to get along with the other two you fought, if you cannot, you are doomed to frailty and obscurity forever." The monk said.

Valanthe nodded, not liking the task, but willing to try. She nodded to moonbeam, and the two left.

"You may go, but you must wait on the docks of Scara Brae three days, and if by that time you have not met up with Xos and Destrudo, then you are to go alone." The monk said.

Valanthe bowed, and then hurridly left, eager to be away from that place, and away from the city. She had killed someone, and despite Xos's words, wished she didn't have to. It would take her some time before she ever truely got over the fight.

05-29-08, 06:17 PM
Xos was the second to awaken.

"Your back." Said the monk in the room simply.
He handed Xos his staff.
"I believe you own this. Let me give you some advise. Death, is not always a bad thing. No, you shouldn't desire to become a killer, but you shouldn't be afraid to kill someone either. True, Survival of the fittest is the law of nature, but is war the law of nature? The civilized creatures you claim us all to be, we form armies, and we march off into other peoples lands, and we kill them. Can you think of any beast that does that, when neccessity does not force it to? You are a kind and gentle person, and I do not fault you for that, but if you want to get home, then you must adapt to the way things are here. I know, your not very powerful, but with time, practice, and study, you will be.
I have a suggustion, and I hope you take it. Deep in scara Brae lies a hidden temple, devoted to The Glorious Light. What is this light, you'll have to find out. Meditate in this Temple, you will learn many things, that's all I have to say, lest I reveal too much. You must go with the two you have battled today. One to get you there, one to help protect you." The monk said.

"Thank you, I will take your advise. I apologise for losing it when she killed that man, whoever he was." Xos said.
"Do not apologise for being you. One more thing, wait at the docks of Scara Brae for three days, to meet who you will, if you meet no one, then go on alone, you will find the way." The monk said.

Xos bowed, and left, feeling a little better overall about the whole experience.

05-29-08, 06:28 PM
Destrudo was the last one to awaken. Upset at his complete failure to kill anyone, he scowled at the tall monk who stood in the room.

"You again, what do you want?" Destrudo growled.
"To make sure your okay, not that you really deserve such kindness for your attitude. I could make a long eloquent speech about how you need to start treating everyone better, and about how there are others like you out there, who are far stronger than you. I could tell you how if you keep on, you'll cross the wrong person and die before your time. I could tell you, but you wouldn't listen." The monk said.
"Wise man." Destrudo said sourly, moving towards the door.

The monk grabbed his arm, Destrudo stopped and glared at the monk.

"Deep in Scara Brae, cleverly hidden, lies a Temple, fiercly guarded. If you make it to this temple, you will become more powerful than you are now, if you can learn your lesson properly. but to get there, you must go with the other two who fought and defeated you today. Wait for them at the Scara Braen docks for no more than three days, and if you cannot find them, then despair, for one like you can never find the temple." the monk said, letting go.

"How can I trust you, I don't even know your name?" Destrudo asked.
"You don't deserve to know it, yet." the monk replied.
"Tch" destrudo snorted and moved toward the door.

"Onox." The Tall monk said as Destrudo opened the door.
"What?" Destrudo asked.
"My name, is Onox, Brother Onox, you may call me." The tall monk said.
Destrudo smiled, and left The Citadel.

Brother Onox smiled.
"Humility will be a hard lesson indeed for him to learn, hope it doesn't kill him." Brother Onox said, as he went about his other duties.

OOC: This is ended, any questions, feel free to ask, I'll answer, under whatever name I'm disguised as at the moment. No Spoils request.

Call me J
05-29-08, 07:25 PM
Battle Judging
<The Return>
Winner: Xos



Continuity ~ 3/10. <I knew where Destrudo was going after this was over, but very little about how he ended up in the Citadel in the first place. Keep in mind every thread is but a chapter in a larger story, and that these stories have to connect.>
Setting ~ 2/10. <The use of an anachronistic setting here was a bit upsetting to me, especially since with the exception of Xos, none of you acknowledged it as anachronistic.>
Pacing ~ 3/10. <Destrudo’s death was very anticlimactic. A death scene should be something you build towards. I’m giving you one bonus point because Destrudo’s death served to bring about the climax for the story, even though it could have been done better.>


Dialogue ~ 3/10. <The spoken dialogue was really generic here from all three of you, and it didn’t have much, if any of a natural feel to it.>
Action ~ 2/10. <There really wasn’t much, if any thought about strategy in this battle. There is more to a story than just the attack that a player chooses. Think about why, the context, how the character’s emotions effect his strategy. That’ll help you do much better.>
Persona ~ 3/10. <You definitely have an idea of who Destrudo is, now you need to show it.>


Technique ~ 3/10. <There was really limited effort to use literary devices. Literary devices are what truly make a narrative, as they allow readers to connect with the story better.>
Mechanics ~ 5/10. <There were spelling mistakes and formatting errors. Be more careful next time.>
Clarity ~ 6/10. <Generally, I didn’t have much trouble understanding where you were going, which is a good thing. Your writing could occasionally use a bit more of an emphasis on the important things though.>


Wild Card ~ 5/10. <Welcome back to the forum, I hope your stay this time is much more pleasant>

TOTAL ~ 35/100. <You probably have some rust to work out, and you could use a bit of improvement. Soon, I expect your scores to jump.>



Continuity ~ 3/10. <See Destrudo’s comment>
Setting ~ 2/10. <You more or less ignored the setting here.>
Pacing ~ 2/10. <Clarity issues really hurt you here, though you at least built to a climax after Destrudo’s death.>


Dialogue ~ 3/10. <See Destrudo’s comment>
Action ~ 2/10. <See Destrudo’s comment>
Persona ~ 4/10. <You had your character doing quite a few things, but I never really understood why. There is definitely a personality here, but outside of the tenderness for Moonbeam, it doesn’t really show.>


Technique ~ 3/10. <See Destrudo’s comment>
Mechanics ~ 2/10. <Punctuation is a big issue for you. Remember all proper nouns and words that begin sentences start with a capital letter. All other words do not.>
Clarity ~ 3/10. <You have no reason to repeat what other people have already said, especially repeating dialogue. Readers have also read the previous posts, they don’t need to be recapped. Doing that makes the story take longer and not in a positive way. The end was also very unclear.>


Wild Card ~ 5/10. <You guys were successful in putting together a decent narrative.>

TOTAL ~ 29/100. <There is definitely room for improvement, but you have definitely showed that you have the creativity to get higher scores than the one you received here, and if you take these comments to heart, you should receive them.>



Continuity ~ 5/10. <You were definitely the strongest in the thread. I felt like you did a good job of bringing your character’s past.>
Setting ~ 5/10. <I really liked how you thought the cardboard was strange and interacted with the other characters.>
Pacing ~ 3/10. <This picked up a bit near the end. I especially like how you turned Xos into the one true hero of the story.>


Dialogue ~ 3/10. <See Destrudo’s comment>
Action ~ 2/10. <See Destrudo’s comment>
Persona ~ 3/10. <Despite the strong continuity, you didn’t really turn it into persona. In the future, when telling me about your character’s history, >


Technique ~ 3/10. <See Destrudo’s comment.>
Mechanics ~ 6/10. <I noticed a few poor uses of commas and some rather strange word choices at times, but you have a decent command on what you’re doing here. Rereading your posts might just get you one or two more points.>
Clarity ~ 3/10. <Don’t repeat what other people have already said, the readers can remember it.>


Wild Card ~ 5/10. <I really liked what you did at the end. It gave the battle some story.>

TOTAL ~ 38/100. <Congratulations on your victory! Like the others, you have considerable room for improvement. However, it is within your grasp. Still, take pride in winning this 3 way dance.>

EXP Rewards

Destrudo receives 150 EXP
Valanthe receives 150 EXP
Xos recieves 450 EXP

GP Rewards

Destrudo receives 179 GP
Valanthe receives 179 GP
Xos receives 715 GP

Zook Murnig
05-31-08, 07:31 PM

Apologies for the wait.