View Full Version : hiii~ *waves*

Morgaine of Avalon
05-27-08, 08:23 PM
yeah...so i'm new here.

this place is big. so many RPs...where to start >.<(okay, prolly the places under realm of greeting) but yeah...hi?

05-27-08, 08:36 PM
Well, yes, that is one place to start. Provided you've had a character profile in the forum marked Character Registration approved, then you could start anywhere.

character Registration is of course, in the realm of greeting.

Oh yes, welcome to Althanas! Try not to feed the animals, and stay away from suspicious people like me, we might try to do something, like steal your soul, or try to become friends. :)

Morgaine of Avalon
05-28-08, 12:05 AM
oh wonderful :D

The Black Waltz Project
05-28-08, 12:45 AM
Best advice is find a person to RP with and go from there. If you need a person to help you with your first quest, try one of mine. I got an adorable moogle for hire as a quester...

05-28-08, 01:38 AM
Welcome to Althanas, keep away from the sewers or you'll get dragged in by one of the sewer moogles.

05-28-08, 01:43 AM
Hi there and welcome. I hope you will enjoy it here. Do not
worry too much about the crazy people, they are all nice ^^.
RP lots and do your best.

05-28-08, 03:39 AM
Sewer moogles? WTF? We are a clean and industrious people Kupo!

Skie and Avery
05-28-08, 05:53 AM
I see you've been approved by Witchy, so if you haven't already, check out our Recruiting Forum (http://www.althanas.com/world/forumdisplay.php?f=170). There you'll find lots of people looking to gather people for their storylines. Unless of course, you already have an idea for a thread of your own, then the Recruiting Forum is rather useful to get people to help you out with that. Please read the faqs/travel guides for each area, as they can provide a world of inspiration and help you decide which country you'd like to play in, or perhaps help you decide that perhaps Other Regions, where pretty much anything goes, is best for you.

05-28-08, 07:05 AM
anyone else notice that some of the new 'characters' on althanas seem to be aged between "10-13"?

... i blame Kially, god damn evil Aeromancer

Anywho ... Welcome to Althanas, people here don't bite, unless you run into them during your daily life. Have fun, RP with many people and enjoy the greatest alternative to Key Skills English ^_^

Canen Darkflight
05-28-08, 07:26 AM
Welcome to Althanas, the democratic portion of your new found life, and a hive of RP fun! :)

He'll Scream
05-28-08, 07:55 AM
Sewer moogles? WTF? We are a clean and industrious people Kupo!

How the hell'd he get away with creating a Moogle!? o.O

I demand to know who approved this!

Skie and Avery
05-28-08, 09:36 AM
How the hell'd he get away with creating a Moogle!? o.O

I demand to know who approved this!

That would be Cyrus, God of Approverizing. He looks damn sexy in a toga. I don't think it's directly ripping from games if you only use a race, and not do an entire character. Not that the moogle was a PC anyway. It's kind of like how I got away with creating a kender.

05-28-08, 10:36 AM
Great, now i got an urge to RP as a Chocobo ... or a cactuar ... no wait i am deffinatly more of a Chocobo kinda person

Blind Justices
05-28-08, 10:42 AM
I could see that getting pretty boring after a thread or two. Just because you can do something doesn't make it a good idea.

05-28-08, 11:01 AM
Hmm, quite profound

But that didn’t stop the Wright Brothers, now did it? XP

Morgaine of Avalon
05-28-08, 11:07 AM
oh what, no love for the tonberries? xD well, if you wanna be an oversized bird that people sit on all day, have fun with that! (chocobos=best pet evar)

anyone else notice that some of the new 'characters' on althanas seem to be aged between "10-13"?

... i blame Kially, god damn evil Aeromancer

Anywho ... Welcome to Althanas, people here don't bite, unless you run into them during your daily life. Have fun, RP with many people and enjoy the greatest alternative to Key Skills English ^_^

hey, hey, hey! yes, i made a little girl between said age limit, but one day, she shall be badass! until then, she'll just win her fights with the natural power of childish cuteness v.v therefore, kids pwn. xD. oh, and only if i see them during my daily life? tsk tsk, here i was jumping in the fray with a chair and (string) whip....

That would be Cyrus, God of Approverizing. He looks damn sexy in a toga. I don't think it's directly ripping from games if you only use a race, and not do an entire character. Not that the moogle was a PC anyway. It's kind of like how I got away with creating a kender.

moogles were indeed a PC. those die hard gamers will remind you of final fantasy three and six(the same game*cough*) in which you got to have Mog as an adorable dancing moogle in your party if you so choose.

Administrator edit: Posts merged. Please do not double- or triple-post. Thanks!

Blind Justices
05-28-08, 11:25 AM
there's no need to post three times in a row. use the "edit" button at the bottom of your post to add more.

Morgaine of Avalon
05-28-08, 11:43 AM
oh, woops! i just meant to reply to everyone ^^

05-28-08, 04:37 PM
what the hell is up with the moogle bashing? Ugh... let me get this done with very swiftly and efficiently.

Everything duke does is a unique aspect of the character. I do not steal anything more than the fact he is a moogle. I have RP'd with him and he IS a player character.

youngsters don't remember the days of when I brought about the end of the Red Hand Bazzarr. Not my greatest accomplishment though...Kupo.

He'll Scream
05-28-08, 06:06 PM
Moogles were playable in FF Tactics if i remember correctly....Kupo

05-28-08, 06:16 PM
Tactics Advance, not Tactics.

Tainted Bushido
05-28-08, 06:36 PM
Elrundir is correct, they got gunner class and could be mog knights...

I want to kill the designer who decided the range of the Ultima attacks was the range of the weapon you wield, because that damn moogle was broken. Right up there with the Red Mage/Summoner combo.

However, that is besides the point, the point, is that You my friend are now upon a very scary land. Tread lightly my young friend, tread lightly.

And welcome.

Morgaine of Avalon
05-28-08, 07:52 PM
what the hell is up with the moogle bashing? Ugh... let me get this done with very swiftly and efficiently.

Everything duke does is a unique aspect of the character. I do not steal anything more than the fact he is a moogle. I have RP'd with him and he IS a player character.

youngsters don't remember the days of when I brought about the end of the Red Hand Bazzarr. Not my greatest accomplishment though...Kupo.
i personally love moogles. even if i couldn't play them, they were my favorite character (Stiltskin for the win, kupo!) i mean, the floofly little pom-poms are adorable! but yeah, you'll get no shit from me ^^

and to bushido, i shall indeed tread lightly. for this eleven year old character of mine has a habit of setting everything that she sees on fire ^^