View Full Version : Hello my friends...

Tainted Bushido
05-28-08, 06:56 PM
Alright guys, I need one, possibly two helpers. In my desire to open up my Roleplaying circles, and prevent myself from basically just buddy questing, I'm trying to work with new characters and story. Because of this, I made a thread that was open to anyone who is not Lawful Good and Violent about it. That is to say, that he upholds the law perfectly and will destroy evildoers ect. ect.

Anyone that knows my other accounts (Dissinger/Lavinian Ambition/Lavinian Pride/ect.) Know I deal in greys, and soI often look for characters that I know can deal with the greys of morality. If you believe your character can handle such a situation, then feel free to post here in recruitment of the quest featured here. (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?t=16150)

The basic premise is a band of Ronin Samurai, tired of being treated no better than the peasantry, have banded together to form a rogue group known as Tengoku's Justice (Heaven's Justice for those unfamiliar). This group shuns the caste system that has developed in Akashima and commits acts of banditry to survive. While not wholly evil, they are pretty dead set in their ways. In a country where their death means nothing, they are going to ignore the law, since it obviously does not protect them from Samurai with a lord.

They have given an ultimatum to a peasant village to either accept their demands, and become the first "liberated" village of the many soon to follow, or be destroyed as proponents of the problem. Cue you guys, you are there to act as a foil for Taka, who's starting to tread down this rather dangerous path, and can either push him towards the bandits, or against them. Obviously the peasantry will be afraid, and probably go with whatever decision the PC's make, as they're seen as their potential saviors.

Il Amator
05-28-08, 07:38 PM
I'd be interested.

Morgaine of Avalon
05-28-08, 07:42 PM
hmmm...i like this. one of the few true original stories i see standing out. I think that my character can be involved in this because though she is a child, she is being trained by a sorceress so my sorceress could be against you and i would be forced to accompany her if she sees to you. She could possibly die, and I could end up following your group because being an eleven year old, i would not really know what to do(which includes going back). And i would have to continue studies alone(as in just reading out of the books that she has with her alone).

as a fan of Ronin Warriors, this genuinely interests me

05-28-08, 08:26 PM
My friend, I'd like to take a crack at this. I think there would be a good idea for someone disillusioned as Tom to take place in this.

Tainted Bushido
06-02-08, 11:59 PM
hmmm...i like this. one of the few true original stories i see standing out. I think that my character can be involved in this because though she is a child, she is being trained by a sorceress so my sorceress could be against you and i would be forced to accompany her if she sees to you. She could possibly die, and I could end up following your group because being an eleven year old, i would not really know what to do(which includes going back). And i would have to continue studies alone(as in just reading out of the books that she has with her alone).

as a fan of Ronin Warriors, this genuinely interests me

First off sorry about the delay in responding, I've been thinking about who I want to take with me, and its been a tough decision. With this in mind, I'm going to take Morgraine, for some interesting interactions. That leaves it between Il and Ignition.

ALSO! Just to clarify, Taka has not yet chosen sides, he will decide based on what he sees and what is said to him. So, in this choose your own adventure of a quest, Taka will join sides based on your actions and decisions. And by the way...Sage<3...

That out of the way, Morgraine sounds interesting enough, since the town in question is near the northern border of Akishima it would be on the edge of Corone, which Taka has been heading towards since his forced status as a Ronin, for the very reason these Ronin are fighting. So, you aren't necessarily fighting me, not until you push him to, keep that in mind.

With that I turn to Ignition and Il AMator, I need a little more to see how you'd fit, as I'm unfamiliar with you guys. So if you could give me a bit more to work with and give me an idea of how you would fit into the situation I can make a decision. Two is about at most what I want for this quest. Expect at least to post once a week.

Il Amator
06-03-08, 08:04 AM
Ignition can have it if he likes, I'm just here if you need me :)

06-03-08, 10:59 PM
I wouldn't be a candidate for this quest, but if its possible, I would like write with you sometime. I'm enjoying establishing a storyline for Lakin in Akashima and I hope her exploits cross paths with Taka, good or bad. Gray is my favorite color. -Smiles-

Tainted Bushido
06-03-08, 11:10 PM
I wouldn't be a candidate for this quest, but if its possible, I would like write with you sometime. I'm enjoying establishing a storyline for Lakin in Akashima and I hope her exploits cross paths with Taka, good or bad. Gray is my favorite color. -Smiles-

You know, its funny because I got the same idea.

Perhaps we can discuss this down the road.

06-04-08, 01:26 AM
Aha-! Kurosawa-sensei's Seven Samurai!

I love the idea of being one of the seven, although I don't know if this character would fit into the grander theme of things...

Anyway, I'll just be looking at how this comes out. If you want me in, I'm ready to be that foil! ^^

06-04-08, 07:33 AM
Yeah, that would be good.

Tainted Bushido
06-05-08, 04:08 AM
Aha-! Kurosawa-sensei's Seven Samurai!

I love the idea of being one of the seven, although I don't know if this character would fit into the grander theme of things...

Anyway, I'll just be looking at how this comes out. If you want me in, I'm ready to be that foil! ^^

Indeed. Like I said its a smaller version and obviously different than the original in many ways. The bandits are actually sympathetic villains, and we're going with about 3 or four actual "samurai."

Morgraine, if you wish to post an intro feel free, PM me anything you need to proceed.

06-07-08, 09:58 AM
Well I feel I am a really good fit because my character seems to thrive in ethical grey areas. A general theme in his stories is that he prefers something ethical but often has to settle for something less.

I appologize for the delay in responding, I've been occupied with finals the past few days. Done now though.

Soldier of Fortune
06-07-08, 03:37 PM
I don't know if you're full of activity at the moment, but while also being an Akashiman, samurai-esque character, it'd be cool to do something with you. I would have loved to be a part of the quest that this thread was originally made for, but I fear it's too late to join that now. But it would be easy, logical, and fun for our two characters to meet in a quest.

It's fine if you're too busy for me, I'll find something...

Tainted Bushido
06-08-08, 03:22 AM
Well, Morgraine actually took a hiatus from Althanas. So His spot is still open if you wish to still join in on this thread, it has only my post in it.

And Ignition you're a go, go ahead and post your introduction. Feel free to be in the village to begin with.

Soldier of Fortune
06-08-08, 01:08 PM
That sounds good, I look forward to this being my first Althanian quest!

I'll get to it later today.

Edit: One question before I join, where exactly is Taka (Like East, West, North or South Aka)? It'll help me substantially.

Tainted Bushido
06-20-08, 06:01 AM
Well, this is a lovely tea party, any takers on this one? So far its oh solomeo...

06-21-08, 02:00 AM
Oh, my.

I guess it's my turn, then. ;)

Umm... I think I can have mine up today... well, whenever "today" your time is... ^^;

...On second thought... I don't know where my post should go. Should I write something along the lines of...

Konoka and I travel along the countryside (North Akashima, perhaps) and stop to rest at a village. I'll end my post there. ^^;

06-21-08, 05:36 AM
You can do as you please, enter the town, already be there and know the situation. ANything, be creative ;) The town is near the borders of the Northern and Eastern Province.

06-24-08, 12:57 AM
Posted, posted!

Sumimasen... had to make sure the details were acceptable by the region writer's standards... ^^;