View Full Version : shaking off the rust

05-30-08, 05:10 PM
well I'm back and I'm wondering if anyone would like to help me shake off the rust.

I'm willing to quest or battle (though only one battle)

I also have an idea for a quest.

My idea is that Jineh needs another mana crystal to complete her adventurer's clothing that she bought in the bazaar. I'm thinking it should be an earth crystal so it would probably require an adventure in underground ruins where not only monsters run amok but the danger of collapse and the ruins will be hazards in themselves. I only want one person on this one and hope to build an IC friendship and/or rivalry but that doesn't have to happen and we can go our own ways.

so how about it?

A Nony Mouse
05-30-08, 05:14 PM
I'd be interested.

05-30-08, 05:30 PM
As would I, and would be happy to go with either situation.

05-30-08, 05:46 PM
yay awesome, so who wants the quest Idea I posted. don't worry I'll get another quest idea for the other as well^^

A Nony Mouse
05-30-08, 05:50 PM
Let the Warmech have the idea you posted... we can come up with something else. Travis doesn't really need anything, so he's pretty free for whatever. Though I would like to do the quest somewhere so that it fits into his overarching timeline. If at all possible :)

05-30-08, 05:53 PM
Well, I would say I'd like to do the Quest, and might even be a very good choice, seeing as how I can literally melt and squeeze through cracks, helpful if we get trapped or some such.

However, Esmerelda is also untested. I mean, sure she's approved and all, but it's like buying a new care, you want to take it out for a test drive before going on a long distance trip with it.

That's why I'm going to request the battle, a chance to get a feel for Esmerelda, before I get into an actual quest.
Now don't get me wrong, I'd still love to go on a quest, and if you get an idea for one while we spar in The Citadel, so much the better, I'd be happy to go with you on that too. But, I need something like a citadel match to see how she is.

I have an idea for an Arena too. Have you ever seen the inside of a computer...

Edit: Though if you want me to take the Quest, I will.

A Nony Mouse
05-30-08, 06:07 PM
Though if you want me to take the Quest, I will.

I'd be happy to take the quest :) Have fun fighting!

05-30-08, 06:10 PM
Now we simply wait for Doomy's reply.

05-30-08, 06:11 PM
Esmerelda: well it sounds like you would prefer a battle so I can give you one. I would like permission to have Arachne, her clockwork minion to help. I think he's been approved for battles but I would like permission just in case. But if you don't want him that can work too. I don't mind being an underdog.

05-30-08, 06:14 PM
Nah, go ahead. If the Mods don't mind, niether do I. Otherwise, it would be hypocritical, considering as how Valanthe (another character) has Moonbeam, an Eastern Timberwolf as a Familier usable in battles, besides quests of course. I will make the thread, it will make my entrance into the fight itself much more dramatic, since I can demo her Metling ability better then.

Call me J
05-30-08, 06:16 PM
As a mod, I can tell you that anything that the players agree to in a battle, is fine by us.

05-30-08, 06:18 PM
hehe great.

05-30-08, 07:02 PM
If Althanas suddenly breaks, I'm sorry. We're fighting in the actual server in RL that houses the Althanas forums. (not that I've ever actually seen them, or their internal layout.) So, yeah, any problems between now and the finish of our match, totally my fault, or Doomsday's. :)

Oh yeah, match posted.

Impossibly small fine print: Niether poster actually responisible for Althanas related problems, if problems arise blame an Admin, or a Mod, it's probably their fault anyway. :) J/K