View Full Version : Fight in the World Server

05-30-08, 06:55 PM
OOC: Closed to all except Doomsday

Esmerelda had made it. After washing up in Scara Brae, and obtaining enough metal at The Balderk Brothers Dwarven Smithy to heal herself, Esmerelda decided to head here. She needed a thorough self-diagnostics of her combat systems, and as she knew the monks of The Citadel could fix her if she was broken.

So she headed out by Ferry some time previously, and finally just this second arrived at The Citadel.

The Monks looked at her strangely, as though they knew what she was, but then everyone else was looking at her too.

She couldn't blame them, according to her files, the form she had taken should be thought to be beautiful. She had made her hair to be long, blond, and appear to be Silky. She made her eyes Blue, they seemed to shimmer in the noon day sun. She wore Leather armor, but decided to shorten the length of the skirt emulation to conserve her Nanites. Thus it just made it to the middle of her smooth milky white thighs. She gave herself a good figure, being fat required too many Nanites, but she decided to go ahead and make sure her figure was ample enough in all the right areas.

She wore no weapons, she didn't need to. Esmerelda, despite appearing to be human to the enamored onlookers, was not human. She was a Machine, a massive swarm of Nanites built and programmed for the purposes of war. She was a weapon, and that was enough.

She walked towards the monks, her hips swaying in a programmed, yet hypnotic fashion. Most of the men present kept their eyes on this strange beautiful woman, and some of the women kept their eyes on her for the same reasons. Even the monks had to contain their own inner desires.

"I need a thorough self-diagnostics, I require a room to do so." Esmerelda said, her voice, though synthisized, was to the untrained ear, soft, almost velvety.

Seemingly thrown off by Esmerelda's mere being, the young monks could only smile as their thoughts went anywhere but where they were supposed to.
Fortunatly, an older monk, with more self-control than his fellows spoke up.
"I take it to mean then, you wish to participate in a match against an opponet?" The monk asked.
Esmerelda ran this suggustion through her processor, and after checking and rechecking the possible results several thousand times, she answered. The enitire act of thinking took only a second.
"That would be most advantageous." Esmerelda said nodding.
"And what sort of a room did you have in mind?" The monk asked.
"I do not care, I am a Warmech, the most powerful Computer ever to come out of Oceanus Laboratories Incorporated, not some child on a flight of fancy." she said, not stopping to think how few people around might understand what she said.
The elder monk thought for a moment.
"We have just the room." The monk said.

Esmerelda's opponet would find the room as follows:
Coming out of the gateway into the Arena, they would find themselves on top of a broad green platform. It was as green as grass, but felt hard like steel, it also felt somewhat glassy, but somehow not as glass.

Gold ran along this odd platform in lines, sometimes turning here, or turning there.

Walls of the same type of Design shot up in a straight line next to the door, but they did not go on towards the top. The walls themselves were made of Metal, of some sort, this much one could tell from the Vents leading to the outside, but one couldn't tell what the outside was, it was too bright. A sound came from somewhere, a small tower on the otherside of the giant room, near it, were other walls, making narrow hallways. Strange pathways came down from the dark depths of the ceiling, and touched the main green platform itself. Patches of Black and some silver spikes dotted the main green platform in the distance. Surely this was someone's strange demonic creation straight from the coldest fires in Haida, for what intelligent creature would ever willingly use this, this thing, whatever it was for. Truely the only thing it could ever cause was misery and suffering.

After seeing the inside of this place, one spotted a puddle of grey mettalic Ooze sitting in the middle of this strange place. Upon approaching it, it rippled, almost in response, and then, a woman would begin to rise from the Ooze, and as she rose the puddle disappeared. When it was completly gone, she was completly there. This of course, was Esmerelda.

"Passive Diagnostics completed, corrupted files found, Warmech Esmerelda to begin Active Battle Diagnostics." She said, speaking as though to herself, and not her opponet.

Esmerelda immediatly adopted a Battle stance, and as she did, Spikes six inches long suddenly popped up all over her body, covering her in a spiky protective barrier. Then she charged her opponet not wasting any time.

05-30-08, 08:37 PM
Jineh’s heart raced as she walked through the large stone doors of the great Citadel. It was like being swallowed by a great dragon, even roaring when the doors closed behind her. The cat girl looked down to the golden spider with her as it clattered and spoke in its polite masculine voice.

“Miss Jineh, are you sure this is a good idea?”

The little Felin took a deep breath and brought the courage to smile. “Of coarse, silly!” She chided her creation. “It’s much safer to test my weapon here than to pick fights with goblins.”

“I guess you’re right . . . ” The automaton admitted as it fell behind its master with the metal legs echoing a click-clack over the entire hall way.

Jineh was looking over her new mana-gun with a sense of excitement and wonder. The kitty really wondered what her new toy would be capable of in a real combat situation. The device was a strange gun that looked like a flintlock with wires running across it and a lens at the muzzle instead of a hole. The inside had a red glow from the fire mana stone in it and ready to wreak destruction. “I’m sure it will work we- umph.” The kitty girl was caught speaking into a rust-colored fabric. Her eyes went wide and she back stepped expecting to see an angry monk with a bamboo switch for punishment.

But only the monk part was right. This monk’s mind was else and he had a blush on his young cheeks. “Oh, pardon me, can I help you?” The Citadel monk offered Jineh.

“Err . . . Sorry, but I wasn’t watching where I’m going. Well, could you please show me to a battle field to test my new invention.”

The monk looked down at the weapon in Jineh’s hands. “You made that?”

“Yes. I think it’s my best invention.” The pink haired girl’s face turned pink but Arachne did a clacking dance.

“Pardon me, my mistress, but I do believe that I am you best invention.”

“Oh yeah, sorry.” Jineh’s lips turned upward in a sign of awkwardness. “Other than Arachne, it’s my best invention other than Arachne.”

“Well that’s quite the talent you have. I do believe I have an opponent for you. She’s a gorgeous woman but very dangerous. I think a perfect test for you and your weapon.” The monk smiled and led her to a room and bowed silently to bid her entrance with Arachne.

The room was quite alien to the girl. It was a strong artificial green hard block with gold veins running through it and with black, silver and gray blocks on it and with a huge black box that was as tall as Jineh. There was also a constant wind being produced by huge fans on the wall.

“Arachne, what is this place?” Jineh asked but there was no time for an answer.

“Watch Out Mistress!” Arachne spoke with high volume to warn his ally.

Jineh gasped as she saw the shapely woman running at her. This woman was the perfect form that might make Jineh realize that she lacked a lot in certain areas if not for the spikes. The cat girl did a poor evasion, a sidestep that landed her on her but and slid across the smooth green surface. The poor cat girl had tripped on one of the gold veins. There was only one option that she had. Jineh pointed the gun at the woman and pulled the trigger releasing a fireball from the lens that would make a small explosion wherever it hit. Jineh hoped that the point of impact was the porcupine woman that just tried to tackle her.

05-31-08, 10:00 AM
Esmerelda passivly looked over her target.
She noticed what she thought was one of the many Nekos that ran around the lab in lab coats, but then she realised this one was diffrent.
She decided this one must be a different species. Esmerelda noted the pink hair and knew that in this environment, it would be hard for her to hide with it. She appeared to have what Esmerelda thought was a phaser, and realised this world did not have such technology, and decided it was probably a magic device instead.

Then she noticed the little gold spider by her side. She blinked, it was a machine. She knew it wasn't alive. She recorded this bit of information away in the file she was making on this woman. It noticed her, and it warned the little girl. At least Esmerelda thought she was a girl due to her poor development. It called her Mistress, and Esmerelda surmised that was not her real name.

Esmerelda watched as she side stepped, and altered her tactics to stop in front of the girl, then got hit with an explosion in her side. Her side liquidated momentarily, unable to keep cohesion due to the heat.

"Why did they send me a girl child for diagnostics testing? I am a war machine, the best of my design class, I am not some common drone, corrupted files or not." Esmerelda asked the girl before her expecting her to know what she was talking about and asking, and not realising she really didn't. If Esmerelda's emotion files weren't corrupted, one might think she sounded insulted.

To all appearences, it seemed like Esmerelda ripped her left arm of her shoulder. It might seem like it, but she really didn't, causing the Swarm to seperate at the shoulder. What was left were connections, and at that point, one might realise Esmerelda was not a real person, but something else entirly.

As she gripped her left arm by her left hand with her right hand, she changed the Nanites in her left arm to become a spiked mace. The mace was black, with spikes, made entirely of steel.

Esmerelda swung aiming for the strange gun, hoping to sunder it, but would've been satisfied with knocking it out of her hand. Her intent was to force her opponet into hand to hand combat, not dodging and shooting at her.

06-01-08, 09:25 AM
Jineh was in awe of the effect her weapon had. The blast had melted part of the woman’s torso! The cat girl didn’t know that it was even possible for flesh to melt like that when expose to magic flame. The Felin grinned at seeing her invention to perform so satisfactorily. While it wasn’t fitting with the girl’s usual peaceful nature to smile at such violence, seeing her creation do its job so well was cause for celebration.

But something was wrong. The woman reacted as if almost nothing happened. There was no cry of pain, no falling down and flopping like a fish, no fainting. This woman did not do anything that a human would do if part of them melted away.

The woman had no emotion as it spoke but the context of the words was that she was annoyed. Jineh blushed a bit and looked at the woman in her eyes that lacked the spark of life. “I’m not a child.” Was the only thing that she could say to answer the woman’s question. That reply probably only helped to make Jineh look more like a child.

The queen* was out of her league. Jineh pointed her gun and aimed right at the woman’s head while she took off her arm. Miss Doomsday’s aim was shaky and she just couldn’t hold still to get a good shot before her opponent’s removed arm melted to become a deadly spiked mace. Jineh started to back up for more space but she had hesitated too long and the woman was on the attack and swatted at Jineh’s new invention.

Pain ripped through Jineh’s arm as her new gun went skidding over the bright green floor and bouncing over the bumps of gold to stop by an equally green and gold wall. For a moment all that could be heard was the hum of the fan and a sobbing from Jineh.

The damage was done. The mace had only nicked the magi tech engineer’s hand but one of the spikes had torn a piece of her hand and left it covered in blood. Jineh had fallen to her knees as she could not stand with the throbbing pain. Jineh tried to move her hand and while it obeyed her orders, the jetting pain caused the feline girl to howl.

Arachne had mostly watched but the spider could not idly watch its mistress suffer a coup de grace while she nursed an injured hand. The clockwork arachnid ran at its full speed at the woman with its broad blade out and ready to ram the war mech. The spider calculated its odds to being not likely to destroy its master’s enemy, but they were in favor of buying Jineh some time. Arachne was going to use its entire mass to buy its master time.

06-01-08, 02:22 PM
As Jineh knelt there holding her hand in pain, Esmerelda decided the kindest way to kill this child was to suffocate her to death in her swarm.

With that thought in her processor, she dissolved into her usual Metallic grey ooze, and slurped her way over to Jineh, to crawl up her body, and choke her to death, blocking her airways with her nanite swarm.

As Arachne charged Esmerelda, he would go skidding once he hit the ooze that was dissolved Esmerelda, splitting off a small part of the swarm under his legs. The indivdual nanites would seperarate a whole centimeter from each other. Being smaller than a Micron, they would be impossible to see without a microscope, and a powerful one at that. So seperated, they would crawl back to the main swarm, which would still be trying to crawl up Jineh and suffocate her to death.

06-04-08, 11:00 PM
Jineh felt numb to the world around her for a moment. The girl was never a fighter; she should have hired someone else to try her new invention or create something for a more peaceful purpose. The cat girl had never intended to make a weapon but what else can one do with a mana crystal that was made to burn and destroy. Damn, why did that drow scientist only have a firestone something with other practical uses like earth or water?

In the end it was the Felin’s fault for thinking to test her new invention against an unknown opponent and she had been dealt a bad deck of cards with this fight. Jineh probably would never have stood a chance against a shape shifting monster like this war mech.

Jineh felt still as her partner skidded across the puddle that once was the girl’s opponent. The mechanical spider slid its legs wid on the green surface and danced around with a bit of trouble getting footing.

Jineh found herself looking at Arachne and wondering where the war mech went. There was a part of her was ready to accept defeat. It seemed that she had lost the fight with her primary hand injured and in far too much pain, more pain than the cat girl ever faced.

But the war mech came as a slimy ooze that had crawled up Jineh’s legs and made it to her belly. The cat girl shivered with fear as she felt the cool yet dry ooze tickling its way up. At first the cat girl squirmed from the unpleasant feeling and then she jumped up when the viscous monster was working to cover her mouth and nostrils.

Jineh screamed and ran around in circles while clawing off the war mech from her face. It was still a losing battle since the persistent being was back every time it was clawed away.

“Jineh!” Arachne said with an urgent loudness to its artificial voice. “Follow me to the wires!” The creation of the cat girl had intelligence to it and it noticed some wires that where somewhat common in the home village of inventors. The wires were covered in colored rubber but the automaton guessed that inside would be copper or silver that energy that ran through.

Jineh followed though zigging and zagging and even once fell to her knees and gagged, but soon she came to the wires.

“Jin, stab the wire.” Arachne advised and the cat girl’s eyes went wide. Jineh knew what they were too.

The kitty girl cried out in a muffled moan as the war mech once again tried to suffocate the kitty girl but Jineh felt that death by electrocution would be better than drowning in goo that was once a woman. Taking her knife, the Felin stabbed the wire and felt her body shudder and her nerves going numb then Arachne pounced on her and knocked her down.

Jineh lay on the ground twitching for moments and hoping that she had stunned or killed the war mech. She just didn’t want to suffocate again

06-05-08, 02:51 PM
As Jineh made her way to the wires, Esmerelda slid off and reformed.

"You WON'T be rid of me that easily." Esmerelda said as Jineh electrocuted herself with electricty.

She turned to Arachne, and walked over to stop on the spider and destroy it.

She wondered if the spider would willingly kill itself with the electricity just to stop Esmerelda, and further, would the monks restore it like they would restore Esmerelda?

06-10-08, 10:53 PM
Jineh was lucky to be alive. She had almost died of the shock that she had inflicted on herself. Too bad the slippery war mech had slipped off before taking any damage. Jineh lay on the hard green floor and took shallow breaths as her body refused to move.

For the moment the Felin was out of the fight and it was up to Arachne alone. The mechanical spider held it’s ground and even stuck a few of its legs up like a defensive hunting spider trying to look big. True the enemy probably didn’t care and the mechanical spider wasn’t sure why it did that either.

Perhaps it was a challenge or a distraction but either way Arachne made a fast attack. Using its built in crossbow, the automaton aimed for war mech’s head. The machine hoped that if it hit that it would end the being in a woman’s guise. Arachne fired the bolt hoping that the odds would turn out in its favor.

Jineh shifted and moved an arm. She was now able to feel the warm ground again and wiggled her toes. It would only be a little while before she could move again.

I really shouldn’t have done this, was what the girl thought as her blurred vision caught her creation and the war mech fighting. I barely even got to test my new invention and I’m already almost dead.

06-11-08, 08:37 AM
Esmerelda couldn't dodge, she wanted to, she wanted to completly dodge that arrow, but she couldn't. Her leg was raised, ready to stomp down on Arachne, when the arrow embedded itself in her head.

She toppled over backwards.

Her entire body flashed bright white.

She got up, arrow in her head, her motions jerky and uncontrolled. Half her body was liquidating, she was dying.

"If I go down, I'm taking you with me." she hissed.

Her entire body flashed again as it liquidating.

"Self-destruction eminent in Five...Four...Three...Two...One." She said, her voice hollow and fading as she collapsed on the flor.

Her entire body flashed, and blew up in a large explosion, taking out anything and everything within 20 feet of the blast. When it cleared, there was no more woman, she had completly blown up.

Systems rebooting. Loading AI, Initiating Optics.
She was awake, and in one piece.
"I blew up, how, MASTER!" Esmeredla cried out with shock.

Before her stood four monks, and The Programmer. The Programmer wore his White Lab coat. Black hair stood over his black skin. His two black eyes looked at his creation lovingly.
"We saved a sample of you before you, err, died. We know many things, but there were many parts of you we weren't clear on, so we brought him back." Said a monk.
"I owe them deeply, so I am going to help them in any way I can. But you, you must be lacking for a directive, this world must be confusing. So here it is, Go see the world for me, scout it, help it, do whatever you wish, just make sure you occasionally return to show me." The Programmer said.

She realised she was in a glass tube, in an exact replica of The Lab, or was it really the lab? She didn't know.
"Are we home?" she asked.
"No, The monks simply converted a currently unused Arena into The Lab. It'll be changed again shortly. Listen, I can't uncorrupt your programming, not yet." The Programmer said as he fiddled with the controls and opened the tube. Esmerelda stepped down onto the ground.
"It's time to go now." The Programmer said.
Esmerelda bowed before her maker, and left.
She wondered if she would see that strange girl she fought. That gun she had was interesting.