View Full Version : Catlike

Soldier of Fortune
06-03-08, 09:27 AM
Hello hello! I'm your friendly neighborhood... Feline.

I've read some other threads before posting my own, so I expect a grand welcome! *snaps fingers* Do work, build my red carpet!

I spent some time here as a guest before actually registering, so I already know some things. But I'm still smelling that new car smell right about now.

Tell me you love me.

06-03-08, 11:35 AM
So, are you playing an actual cat or another catperson? :P
I'm rather new here as well (whether it was laziness or some other phenomena that has prevented me from creating my own intro thread, I'll never know), but Welcome anyway! And be prepared (which I'm sure you are) to accept a lot of variously delicious and at times, questionable cookies.

Soldier of Fortune
06-03-08, 01:43 PM
Oh really? I get sweets? Let me give you all my mailing address then... Well you can just call me at 1-800-PUSSY118(PUSSYCAT). Mwahahaha.

Catperson. I was seriously thinking a cat, but I decided against it. You say "another catperson" as if there are a lot here? Are there? I hope not, that'd suck, I'd have to reconsider my character, which I'll be putting up soon.

Is that the name of the race? Cat-people?

06-03-08, 01:51 PM
Oh really? I get sweets? Let me give you all my mailing address then... Well you can just call me at 1-800-PUSSY118(PUSSYCAT). Mwahahaha.

Catperson. I was seriously thinking a cat, but I decided against it. You say "another catperson" as if there are a lot here? Are there? I hope not, that'd suck, I'd have to reconsider my character, which I'll be putting up soon.

Is that the name of the race? Cat-people?

The catpeople here are called nekojin, and yeah, there are a lot of them. Strangely enough, they all act similar to you. It's a conspiracy.

Welcome aboard.

06-03-08, 01:54 PM
Welcome. Keep your arms and legs inside the ride at all times, lest they get ripped off, and do not remove your seatbelt, or even your ability to land on your feet will do you absolutely no good.

Soldier of Fortune
06-03-08, 02:04 PM
Nekojin sounds much cooler than cat-people, fortunately. And yes, we all conspire in a room, I'm the one that brings the catnip.

I guess us people that enjoy cat characters think similarly.

I made this ride, son! Well, no... In any case, imma make it bettah!

Caden Law
06-03-08, 02:41 PM

*Torches the thread.*

Welcome :D

Soldier of Fortune
06-03-08, 02:52 PM
*is immune to fire, somehow*

I win. And thank you.

I look forward to role playing with you all, once I get the ball rolling.

06-03-08, 03:16 PM
AAAAAghs! Furry invasion!!!

Where is Dan when you need him???

*sighs* Oh well. Welcome to Althanas, where what's funny becomes stupid, pants are rarely a necessity and where hell is someone named Cyrus the Virus when he's having a bad day.

Soldier of Fortune
06-03-08, 03:19 PM
Damn, this sucks. I'd like to meet some of these other so called "Furries" if we happen to be so abundant.

Show me the furry!

Indeed, no pants. I'm not wearing any right now, just so if I read sexy posts like yours I don't have to go through much to put my hands to work... If you know what I mean.

06-03-08, 03:36 PM
We're working on an extermination. If you happen to wake to find the head of your pet cat in your bed next to you, well...Lets just say we know where the rest of the body can be found.

Ooh, I see. don't worry, you wouldn't be the first. :D

Soldier of Fortune
06-03-08, 03:40 PM
I see the FMA quote in your sig, I like FMA as well, along with a bunch of other anime stuff.

Soldier of Fortune
06-03-08, 05:01 PM
I threw my profile up there, and I was wondering if it was adequate for a first-timer?

I also have some questions:

Is it okay to have affiliations with a region's government, like say, having a job in one?


Can we create our own clans? I sorta did both without knowing.

06-03-08, 06:02 PM
Oh don't worry so much. If the RoG mods say it's fine, your golden.

And, welcome to Althanas.

*Offers plate of Cookies on Silver Platter, served with Milk in a golden jewel encrusted Goblet.*

Tainted Bushido
06-03-08, 06:14 PM
Oh don't worry so much. If the RoG mods say it's fine, your golden.

And, welcome to Althanas.

*Offers plate of Cookies on Silver Platter, served with Milk in a golden jewel encrusted Goblet.*


Its the grove for you, the GROVE!

Welcome to Althanas Soldier, just beware, we once had so many cat people, a Nazi supremest group (anti-furry coalition) formed to hunt them. Though nothing came of it...rather dumb actually...there is still the occasional anti-furry vibe, all in good fun of course ;)

06-03-08, 06:20 PM
Of course. >.> All in good fun...
Right. Well, again, welcome. And yeah, I like FMA but mostly because of Lust. She is the sex. :)

06-03-08, 06:22 PM
Welcome to Althanas

The closest thing to a "clan" in Althanas are Power Groups, you don't want to idly make one though, those are for IC interaction. Unless you want to do something like the LII, the League of International Intrigue, but myeeeeeh~

EDIT: For a formal clan anyways.

There are other Neko-w/e people walking about, like Artifex Felicis (http://www.althanas.com/world/member.php?u=252) and Reiko (http://www.althanas.com/world/member.php?u=235). Both are having a hangover so we don't see them around that often...if you wan't to be candid.

All I have to say to you, catface, stay away from mah fishies, start nothin' won't be nothin'.

Tainted Bushido
06-03-08, 07:06 PM
I just realized this guy does Iaijutsu, awesome, I can finally duel someone!

06-03-08, 08:13 PM
here are other Neko-w/e people walking about, like Artifex Felicis and Reiko. Both are having a hangover so we don't see them around that often...if you wan't to be candid.

All I have to say to you, catface, stay away from mah fishies, start nothin' won't be nothin'.

Nan desu ke~?! How dare you not mention my name, Mackerel!

*Gives you a double helping of giant harisen-slappage*

Next time and I'll turn you into canned sardine, Nyan! :p


Anyways, welcome to Althanas! If you need help with any canon information about each regions, contact the individual Region Writers or post a thread in the Your Word forum. Us members and Moderators are always here to help.

And, yesh! We need more cat people!

Furries Unite!

In all seriousness, though... Stay away from Melancor's fishies. There are bigger ones in the sea. :p

06-03-08, 11:00 PM
hihi, I'm Reiko's cat-girl inventor.

one of the dreaded Furries of Althanas. They're just jealous that they don't have tails or things like that^^

I hope you have lots of fun. It's nice to see another furry around, they're not as common as some people make them out to be.

06-03-08, 11:06 PM
Cause I've been stuffing their heads in my closet for some time now. Only time will tell if I will add yours to the collection...mwahahahaha.

06-04-08, 12:59 AM
Konnichi wa~ Soldier-san! ^^

Yes! Another Akashiman! Oh, and don't mind Raven. He always like to act tough for the fun of it.

If you want to quest sometime, I'm available. Of course, it would involve really big demons for most of the time. ^^;

Red Lightning
06-04-08, 05:25 AM
Welcome, fellow Akashiman assassin. We should quest together sometime. And don't worry Rai, I know you wanted a battle. :D

Soldier of Fortune
06-04-08, 10:53 AM
I love all you people. Thanks, yeah I see I got approved with my stuff already. I made a little group called the Band of Blades, nothing official, the mod paid no heed. Maybe a PG in distant future...?

Cool, Winterhair, Lust is cool.

Red Lightning I read your profile, your character is cool too. Maybe we could quest sometime, just hit me up if you get an idea. Right now I'm a little slow. Same with you, Rai. It's nice to meet some fellow catpeople.

06-04-08, 04:53 PM
I love all you people. Thanks, yeah I see I got approved with my stuff already. I made a little group called the Band of Blades, nothing official, the mod paid no heed. Maybe a PG in distant future...?

Cool, Winterhair, Lust is cool.

Red Lightning I read your profile, your character is cool too. Maybe we could quest sometime, just hit me up if you get an idea. Right now I'm a little slow. Same with you, Rai. It's nice to meet some fellow catpeople.

And yet no response about my cookies?
*tears well up in WH's eyes.*
I, I feel so ignored.

(WH=Warhaven=The poster behind Xos, Valanthe, Destrudo, Rahegalhoff, and Esmerelda. It's easier to refer to one's self by a single group name than keep explaining the relation behind each character.)

Canen Darkflight
06-05-08, 04:26 AM
Welkommen. Ein bier, danke.

Soldier of Fortune
06-05-08, 10:51 AM
Sorry Destrudo, I left for a day, came back, and this was flooded with messages, I only skimmed. Oh, I only eat cookies with milk. *cuts your head off* HOW DARE YOU NOT KNOW THAT?!

Yeah wow, many characters in one person. That's cool, don't know if I could do that. My head would get confused between people. I'll try though, sometime in the future.

Thanks Canen.

As of now, I'd like to do a quest officially, enough talking about questing. Who's up for one? Potential people I'd like to (after talking with all of you) would be Red Lightning (character-relation is always a cool thing to do an RP with). If he is too cool to quest with a newbie I wouldn't mind questing with anyone else. Or maybe I could do two quests at a time.

Let me know what you've got. Red, you can PM me if you have any ideas, in Akashima, please.

Red Lightning
06-05-08, 02:57 PM
Once I think of something I'll hit you up. Its been tooooooo long since I've been this character. :D

Soldier of Fortune
06-06-08, 11:07 AM
Good, good. I look forward to it.

Tainted Bushido seems to be an Akashiman swordsman as well, it'd be cool to do a quest with him too. If you read this, just tell me if you want to.

Calx Vir
06-06-08, 03:51 PM
A belated welcome from me, new guy. I just recently came back. I've had some trouble getting on the site lately...

You'll find many skilled writers looking forward to helping you with anything you need help with.

Soldier of Fortune
06-06-08, 03:59 PM
Thank you, I appreciate it.

Still wanting to quest here... Read my profile, see if you like it, see if you can relate with a quest.