View Full Version : Cat on a Hot Tin Roof

06-25-06, 10:01 PM
The fact that gold could be exchanged for goods and services was one of the few social facts that was known throughout Althanas. However, no on had really told Damon Kaosi. He had no idea what it was that motivated the Bazaar, assuming that it was either a love of craftsmanship or genuine altruism. So on this day when he came to the Bazaar, the boy had no idea that the pieces of gold he had kept receiving would come in handy at all.

Thus, the boy wandered aimlessly through the Bazaar without any real thought of what he wanted to get. He just wanted there to be a bit more variety in his attack. At the moment, he had nothing more than his a few bladed weapons. So few weapons were certainly unbecoming of Damon Kaosi, or so he had been told sarcastically by Sevviel.

Today, he would rectify this at the Bazaar.

Damon made his way into the first shop that had caught his eye and began to look at all the weapons around him. Everything he saw was fascinating. There were spears, maces, all kinds of weapons that the boy had heard of or seen other people using, but none of which he had thought he might be able to have himself. It was practically overwhelming.

“I should just take it all,” the boy thought, though he realized that would be greedy. He had seen a good number of people at the Bazaar, and he was certain that they all wanted weapons. “They probably have some kind of quota system here or something,” Damon figured.

However, the boy soon found what he wanted. It was a solid titanium pole, about forty three odd inches with a grip that consisted of the same metal, only slightly molded so as to provide grooves for the weilder’s fingers. It wasn’t particularly sharp, but that was part of why the boy liked it. He already had a mythril longsword for cutting things. This weapon would allow him to knock recalcitrant enemies unconscious without him needing to worry about their mortality.

“I’ll take this,” the boy said, holding it up so the shopkeeper could see. “Unless I can have more, but it seems like today is a busy day.”

06-25-06, 10:18 PM
The shopkeeper chuckled softly to himself as he took the weapon into his hands. Lifting it above his head, he inspected it in the sunlight.

"Ah, this thing," he said to himself. "Bestseller."

Lie, it was probably one of the last things that he thought that he would sell. Luckily, today was that day.

"560, lad. If you want more, hurry up."

06-25-06, 10:23 PM
Damon blinked. “Five sixty?” he asked, as if he didn’t understand why it was that the shopkeeper would mention that number out of the blue. Perhaps he was the five hundred and sixtieth customer, or perhaps the shopkeeper was particularly generous and was going to give him five hundred and fifty nine other canes just like it.

“No thank you,” Damon replied. “I only want this one, I wouldn’t know what to do with five hundred and sixty of them. I’ll just take this one then, that alright?”

The boy had wondered how overzealous a shopkeeper could be. Certainly, Damon had shown his interest in asking about more, but he had planned on getting a different variety of things. Getting five hundred and sixty poles was just silly.

"How about I get two of these instead," the boy said, grabbing a pair of iron throwing knives. "I'll just take three. One pole, two knives. That okay?"

06-25-06, 10:27 PM
"Hahahahaha! A bit slow, are you? Don't worry, I've served half orcs who couldn't count if you gave them the alphabet! 560 for this pole and..."

The man picked up the knives, inspecting the material. They were iron and built for throwing.

"Right, then... Those are 10 each, bub."

06-25-06, 10:31 PM
Damon blinked again. Apparently now he had to exchange five hundred and sixty of something for the pole and another twenty for the two throwing knives. Immediately, the boy began to think of things that he had in such abundance that he could offer five hundred and eighty of them to a shopkeeper. First, Damon thought about the hairs on his head, but he realized they would be agonizingly painful to pull out. “I’d probably want to quit before I got to thirty,” the boy reasoned.

The only other thing he had at least five hundred of were gold coins. Thus the boy counted out a bunch of them, though he got bored with it rather quickly. By the time that five hundred and forty of them were counted out, Damon put them down on the counter and folded his arms over his chest. “I’m tired of counting, so how about I give you five hundred and forty instead?” he asked.

He thought it was reasonable. After all, he was only getting ‘three’ in exchange.

06-25-06, 10:36 PM
The shopkeeper took one glance at the person that stood before him, then his head inadvertently tilted to the long line of people that stood behind him, weapons in their hands and gold at the ready.

"Fine. But hurry your ass out."

06-25-06, 10:42 PM
Damon nodded. At least he was done. Perhaps the five hundred and forty for three wasn't a fair trade, but it was a trade that the boy could accept. The more and more he thought of it, the more he thought it was even. There were certainly a great deal more that the boy could do with his pole and throwing knives than he could have with a whole bunch of little coins. As far as he knew, the coins made for very poor weapons. (To the best of his recollection, the only time he'd thrown them at an enemy, the enemy had seemed more grateful than offended by the action).

With his task completed, the boy left the shop with his titanium pole and two iron throwing knives to go off and seek adventure.

06-25-06, 10:45 PM
(40 EXP Awarded.

715-540 = 175 at time of transaction)