View Full Version : VanGras, Cellius Vicram

The Bloody Son
06-14-08, 04:34 PM

] Out of Character Information [

¦» Character Associated Role Play - The Thirst
¦» Status Quo - Dedicated
¦» Character User - Jeff
¦» Character Sheet Creator - J33f © 2006 - 08
¦» Updated - 28 June, 2008 (3rd time)
¦»» Update color - Updated

] ßiographical Prowess [

¦» Given - Cellius Vicram von VanGras
¦» Pronunciation - Cell - us / Vick - ram / von / Vahn -Grauss
¦» Sobriquet - Cell
¦» Alias - Noalle
¦» Heritage - Vampire
¦» Descendant of - Draco von VanGras
¦» Family Title - Third Class family of the Vampire Nation ( 3 of 5 )
¦» Personal Title - The Bloody Son
¦» Reputation - Underclassed Vampire

¦» Apparent - 16
¦» Factual - 30
¦» Birthday - Winter Full Moon
¦» Origin - Suravani's Oasis, Fallien
¦»» Current Residence - Fallien

¦» Height - 5' 7"
¦» Weight - 145 lbs.
¦» Hair Color - Brown
¦» Hair Style - Shoulder length, ponytail
¦» Eye Color - Black / Brown
¦» Physical condition - Fit, Conditioned
¦» Joints - Youthful
¦» Skin tincture - Pallid
¦» Skin condition - Smooth
¦» Handed - Right
¦»» Arm length - Average
¦»» Leg length - Average

¦» Abilities - Shadow walking and Manipulation
¦»» Development »» Shadow Walking - Shadow walking is a learned ability for most vampires at a very young age. In the beginning of their lives, it was used primarily for escape and hiding. Vampires are Beings of the Night and with this title comes the ability to bend the shadows to their will. By feeling alone - whether it be thought, adrenaline, or even fear - the Shadows will symbiotically wrap themselves around the vampire and allow them to "simply vanish". Essentially, they step into a small fold in reality which is connected to the Shadow plane and are able to walk through one shadow and come out another.
¦»» Distance - At the age of 16, Cellius is able to Shadow walk up to thirty feet.
¦»» Prep and Cool Down - A 5-second cast time and a 10-second cool down time until the next Shadow Jump.
¦»» Development »» Shadow Manipulation - Hand in hand with Shadow walking, a Vampire has the right and will over the shadows. By thought, word, action, or some other means of activation, they can stretch and pull shadows, create dense shadow objects through means of dark energy, and even throw them like foggy projectiles.
¦»» Projectile Distance - 30 foot range
¦»» Projectile Size - 3" diameter
¦»» Projectile Control - None. Once it leaves the hand, it's course is set.

¦» Affinity - Moonlight
¦»» Development - Moonlight is much like a Zodiac for Cellius. It's his affinitive property. When the moon is out and the reflective light from it's surface is shining brightly, the boy gains a power bonus allowing him to not fatigue as fast.
¦»» Fatigue Bonus - +15 minutes

¦» Innate Abilities - Agility, Speed, Strength, Senses
¦»» Development »» Agility - As agile as a gymnast and able to leap from a two story building without sustaining major injuries, however the pain will be evident. Flexible.
¦»» Development »» Speed - To a human, it would seem blinding. Some call it Celerity and it's based around age, skill, and power level. His flat sprint is clocked at 15 mph. Bursts speeds (0-20 mph) is in a second, in close quarter - only sustained for a second.
[ If my math is correct, 20 mph in a second for only a second would mean he can travel 29 feet per second. ]
¦»» Development »» Strength - His size and age don't allow him to be super powerful, nor will he ever be because of his lineage's stature. They were focused on speed and as such, he can only dead-lift 200 lbs, but obviously would struggle with lugging it. He'd be destroyed in an arm wrestling match with anyone, pretty much...
¦»» Development »» Senses - Being a vampire, the sense of touch is weakened and the rest are heightened. His hearing is outstanding and that of a canine, his sense of smell is compared to a grizzly bear, his taste is unique to the rest in that he doesn't care much for the taste of things, but his body will physically reject anything that has been poisoned before it even touches his lips. Cellius' vision is much like a hawk. Cell can see clearly in the night and can see 1.25x better than any human. 20/25

¦» Occupation - Aimless wanderer
¦» Zodiac - The Draconic Moon
¦» Alignment - Chaotic
¦» Sexuality - Heterosexual
¦» Marital Status - N/A

¦» Followed Deity - None
¦»» Deity's Zodiac - None

] Pros & Cons [

++ Youthful Ambiance
+- Passionate
-+ Impatient
-- Disrespectful

] Weaponry [

¦» Primary handle - Ferv
¦» Smith - Unknown
¦» Blade length - 26"
¦» Overall length - 33"
¦» Blade Composite - Steel
¦» Blade Nature - Family Heirloom
¦» Details - The blade has a katana make, but in the hands of Cellius, the center glows a blood red. It has a unique aura, as if a spirit dwells within and wishes to escape...{Untapped}{It boils and feeds off the blood of it's enemies and replenishes small wounds to the VanGras bloodline only.}
¦» Experience - Trained. Father and Grandfather alike were sticklers for training and making sure that the males of the family were excelled in their knowledge so that they could defend the women and children in case of emergency.

Having turned sixteen a year after his entire family died, Cellius knows nothing of the vampire world beyond what his own family taught him. Cell doesn't know anything about the Order of the Vampiric families and who leads them or how they operate. The youth trusts no one and has no family left that he knows of, so he is his own protector and voice.
Typically, when a vampire turns 16, they're introduced into the Vampire Court and recognized as one of the brood - here in lies the issue ...

The Bloody Son
06-14-08, 05:43 PM
Flames licked atop the citadel and only grew hotter in the tempestuous winds that gusted from the north. The winds spiraled around the obelisk like a swarm of bats and whipping the fire into a maddening frenzy. Inhuman screams raged and echoed from within the stone oven, which baked and burned an entire family line of hemophages - those who feed on blood, better known to this world as vampires.
The amber sparks lit up the cold, night skies as a small mob stood just beyond the fire's reach, watching their accomplishment with satisfaction. The plague that had covered their families for centuries and their villages was no longer alive, in their minds. They'd taken the last ounce of pain and anguish and turned it against the families that had fed on them for ages - but little did they know...

The reason a lineage of vampires stake claim over a village is not for their amusement or the hatred of men, but as a sick and twisted form of protection for the human race. Vampires claim entire areas and what ever else for their own to keep the human race alive - but why and from who is the real question. Other vampire families, werewolves, and demons alike feed off of anything and everything around them and if a warring vampire tribe wishes to take out their enemy - what better way to destroy them, then to take out their food source?

Movement came from the back of the castle and slipped off into the night; a boy between thirteen and fifteen. His pallid skin took on a warm amber hue from the blaze that now engulfed his entire home and the onlooking villagers thought only of freedom, missing his escape from the back.

Zook Murnig
06-14-08, 11:49 PM
God, I love the format of this profile. It's a shame that what I'm about to ask of you will screw that up.

I need information about your abilities. The Shadow Walk and Manipulation, the affinity for moonlight, and your "innates," which I assume are the natural powers of a vampire.

Also, I need you to specifically say that your blade is either steel or has the strength of steel.

The Bloody Son
06-14-08, 11:58 PM
God, I love the format of this profile. It's a shame that what I'm about to ask of you will screw that up.

I need information about your abilities. The Shadow Walk and Manipulation, the affinity for moonlight, and your "innates," which I assume are the natural powers of a vampire.

Also, I need you to specifically say that your blade is either steel or has the strength of steel.

Sure thing.

I designed the character sheet profile. If anyone wants to use it, I'd be more than glad to fork it over, as long as the top stays intact. ;)

The one you gave was just too small for me.

And yes, gimmie a bit and I'll update those, said spots. ;D Thanks, Zook.

Zook Murnig
06-15-08, 12:05 AM
Just post here when you're done editing. And if you're unsure about how powerful you can make the abilities, just look around at some of the approved profiles. Or grab me on AIM (SuperSonicMatt1).

The Bloody Son
06-15-08, 11:14 AM
Just post here when you're done editing. And if you're unsure about how powerful you can make the abilities, just look around at some of the approved profiles. Or grab me on AIM (SuperSonicMatt1).

Finished Editing, Matt. ;)

Zook Murnig
06-15-08, 04:20 PM
Only a couple of things I think need to be changed from here. The blade can't be enchanted at level 0. You can do a quest to "discover" the enchantment that's already laid upon it, or to get it enchanted, or even go to the Bazaar and pay for an enchantment. But you'll have to earn it somehow. For now, it's either locked or removed, at your decision.

Shadow Walking seems to have no limits on how many times it can be used, or how often, or how long it would take it to be used. I'm suggesting that it take a second or two for Cellius to call upon the ability, so he can't just use it as an insta-dodge.

The Bloody Son
06-16-08, 10:01 AM
Deal - on both accounts.

I'll quest to unlock the ability to regenerate for the Ferv blade.
And I'll add a 5 second draw-back and prep time for Shadow walking. Cool?

Zook Murnig
06-16-08, 10:39 AM
Alright, then. It's been a pleasure working with you.

Approved with a 150 EXP bonus for both having a well organized and interesting profile, and for being rather agreeable through all this.

Zook Murnig
06-26-08, 05:06 PM
I apologize for the inconvenience, but this is an agreed upon re-evaluation of your character, by both myself and Witchblade. The following changes have been decided.

He can leap from a two story building without major injuries.

He can flat sprint at 15 mph.

He can see 1.25x better than the average human.

And as a note, lifting 200 lb. would be his normal limit for walking (awkwardly) with it. That does not mean that he can lift it over his head without effort.

Make these changes, and you will be reapproved with no problems, and free to continue roleplaying where you left off.

The Bloody Son
06-27-08, 12:14 PM
I've added a little more here and there.

I added the Updated spots.
I changed the Residence to Althanas.
Added Trained to my blade, so that I don't have to pretend it's metal with a point. (Lol, Witchblade)

Zook Murnig
06-27-08, 05:06 PM