View Full Version : The Death of One Grave brings rising to another Grave

03-28-06, 04:39 PM
(ooc: I would be the same Grave as Alex Grave from on the forums before. Life came into play and I had to stop. I decided to remake the Grave character though, the other one just used too much from anime and video games and not enough from my own head. Hopefully this character can change it. Btw yes I do realise I put the history first, I did that on purpose for a good little story)

History: He never asked for this unfathomable power. He never wanted it. Then in an instant he knew practically nothing. All He knew was now there was no turning back. "What is my name?" He mumbled to himself, his eyes locked closed by the body he was fighting to regain control of. Again he mumbled to himself almost as though he were arising from acoma "What is my name". The blackness seemed everywhere yet no where. He could tell that there was light sorrounding him, yet to him there was still just darkness.

With almost all the energy he had both mentally and physically he willed his eyes open to at least see what was in front of him. It was a bad mistake, it was still daylight out. The moment his eyes had opened a searing pain shot from his eyes straight to his brain. It wracked on and on in an infinite loop, his whole body being wracked with a formless torture.

He had no idea how long he had stayed there on the ground, trying to block out the light around him yet having a unconcious fear of the darkness sorrounding his sights. Eventually he gathered up the willpower and strength to attempt to open his eyes again. This time he opened them slowly though, for fear of another formless shock through his head. It took a few minutes, but slowly his eyes began to adjust to the light brought forth by the sun.

Grinning he moved his eyes to look as far up as he could. His whole body lying motionless on the grass and dirt that sorrounded him. To his dismay he could not see the sun, instead he found that which could only be a omen. A dusty old tombstone.

"Here lies the one called Alexander Grave. Killed after the murder of over 80 Drow Dark Elves he was the butcher of the twisted high elves. His last words being "Take head, another shall come. One who does not know The Way yet knows It. He shall shed truth on the Darkness and the Light.""

Slowly he crooked his head around noticing that this was a grave he was laying on top of. Chuckling at the irony to the little tale and where he was now He muttered in a low breath "I've found my name". He mentally thought of how it would only be fitting from the current conditions to take on the name of Alexander....The Grave.

With the energy he had Alexander pushed himself to the firm and sturdy gravestone. Noticing in the stone's polished reflection were a few features that disturbed him slightly, but he put it off as just hallucinating from a lack of energy. Alexander then using the last of all his might pushed himself up with his back leaning on the gravestone. He noticed some items which he seemed inately familiar with although they appeared very exotic and obscure.

Name:Alexander the Grave

alias: Alex or Grave (preferablly Grave)

race: He knows human. Others say he's a neko.

Gender: Male

Age: 19

Height: 5' 11"

Weight: 155 lbs

Hair: The back of his deep brown hair is cut in a V shape with the middle reaching to just below his shoulder blades. The front of his hair reaches just below his eyes. The hair on the sides of his head reach to his bottom jaw.

Eyes: A brilliant hazel that is ever changing in color

Weapons: The first thing found on his person is a knife about 5 inches long(made of steel, will be more definite when I can see tier levels again). The other weapons found on him are two unloaded guns with no visible working parts, only basic frames.

Books- "The Idiots guide to Guns", "Self Defense and Martial Arts: How they do and don't work", and finally a brown book with filled to the brim on each page with notes.

Harness and Sheath: self explanitory. A sheath which lay's handle outward and underneath the armpit while connected to a thin cord harness which snuggly fits around the user. Can easily hide a knife underneath one or more layers of clothing.

Necklace: A small blue crystal orb inside of a metal case of wiring.

Skills: Combat Fighting, Heightened Senses, Magic Like Abilities

Combat Fighting [Level 1]- For Alexander it is not the study of fancy show off martial arts forms nor is it the giant brutes way of streetbrawling and hoping to hit. Alexander's fighting is made from a mix of understanding the situation around him and understanding the mechanics of how another beings body functions. For now he only understands the basics of a humanlike body, such as the opponents temple, solar plexus, lung, spine, etc.

Heightened Senses- It might just be the ears on his head or some other innate ability but Alexander has senses which are above that of the average person.

Sight: Average Human Being [Level 1]
Smell: Average Human Being [Level 1]
Touch: Slightly Above Average [Level 1]
Taste: Average Human Being [Level 1]
Hearing: Slightly Above Average [Level 1]

Magic Like Abilities- Alexander isn't quite sure how, but he can apparently use some small amounts of magic. He has no idea why this is, yet at the same time he isn't complaining.

Electricity: The electricity does NOT shoot out from Alexander's body. Instead it is emitted from his body. When he touch's another person's body he can at his discretion send electricity through their body. For now this is limited to once every so often (at least 10 posts including the round used). The effects are similar to a light powered tazer with the ability to temporarily stun or paraylze the enemy or the part of the body hit with this attack. (2 posts if in good health, 3 posts if in moderate health, 4 posts if poor health, and possible death under circumstances of bad health and poor heart condition)

Physical Desription: About 5' 11" weighting 155 lbs Alexander is well built. His eyes seem to change color every time light reflects off of them. He appears as a human yet has oddly has a cat tail and ears on him.

(ooc: If there is anything I'm missing please let me know)

03-29-06, 08:04 AM
Alright, my only problem is no guns, However, they are not working...How important are they to your character, or could you just pick them up on a quest?

03-29-06, 08:43 AM
The guns will be playing a important later on yet in the near future. This is not going to be in their actual use but more just in signficance to the items themselves. I was hoping that by making the guns just bare frames which were inusable I would be able to buy the items to make the guns (either piece by piece or together at your discretion) in the market place at a later level, probablly around level 2. So really the gun frames would be more in the way of items more so then weapons, I have no plan on using these guns as weapons in any sort of way until about level 2.

Is this acceptable?


03-29-06, 06:48 PM
I've seen it done before, so I'll allow it for you. Just no abuse of it.
