View Full Version : back before i knew it

Mithra Reborn
06-16-08, 03:06 PM
this is thewriter. In these few weeks that I was gone from althanas, I have been doing some serious soul searching and assorted things during finals. I find myself wanting to roleplay again, but Narida Cestelle must be left behind. if she was in an RP with someone, I apologize, but it had to be done. She was a walking, talking cliche I could not live with, and while my new character may still be cliche, I've at least grown to accept it better than I could accept Narida - and it was beginning to be a pain to have to write for Neoku as well as Narida. *Is not a big fan of using familiars* Already have an idea for a roleplay with someone(s) for when my character gets approved. I left you a beast elf with a wolf, and return to you a pirate. so, welcome one and all. did ya miss me? ;D

06-16-08, 03:14 PM
I love you, sexy pirate lady. How long until you agree to marry me?

Heart of Zaga
06-16-08, 03:44 PM
Welcome back.

Tainted Bushido
06-16-08, 06:07 PM
Just remember, its never the profile that determines if you're cliche, its what you DO with the character that does.

Seth was an arrogant jackass when he first started out (Dissinger account) now he's the front runner to replace MCR's lead singer as I like to put it (depressed as all hell hardly hurt a fly).

Its never what the character starts as, but what they become.

Hell Godhand is the prime example of a walking talking cliche. Big musclebound guy who shows no emotions likes to sit in dark corners. He's since moved into the brighter sections of the taverns, but still drinks like a sailor. He's grown apart from the cliche. A cliche is only cliche when it stays within the confines of the box that is the cliche.

And because I can, I shall now up the number of times I say cliche in one post, by saying cliche at least one more time, to be cliche.

Welcome back kid, have fun. ;)

P.S. Cliche.

Mithra Reborn
06-16-08, 10:52 PM
To raelyse: PM me about an RP and after I get approved, we'll see what can be worked out ;D

to heart of saga: thanks you!

to tainted: thank you very much for that! I still don't feel like going back to Narida, the skin of the character was not easily made my own. this one feels more natural...and her nature is more outside my comfort zone at the same time, so its also a challenge to my writing. But thanks a bunch for the advice, I shall carry it with me for a long time ^^

06-16-08, 11:40 PM
Seth was an arrogant jackass when he first started out (Dissinger account) now he's the front runner to replace MCR's lead singer as I like to put it (depressed as all hell hardly hurt a fly).

P.S. Don't do this if you don't want people to think you're a huge faggot.

06-17-08, 12:06 AM
Welcome back. And Tainted is right... It's not what you start with, it's how you migrate away from what you started with that's important...

Mithra Reborn
06-17-08, 12:36 AM
to godhand: haha, thanks!

to metal: thanks ^^

06-17-08, 09:39 PM
Keep it simple and work your way forward. :D

Welcome back, thewriter!

Mithra Reborn
06-17-08, 09:45 PM
will do ^^ and thank you dearly!

06-18-08, 01:49 AM
Welcome back, and good luck with your new charrie.