View Full Version : Out for a week

06-17-08, 04:17 PM
My mom is turning off internet, probably tomorrow, for a week. Because she is a bitch.

I doubt this will really affect anyone too badly, but eh. I'll find a way to lurk.

If anyone in the US wants to keep in touch and doesn't already have my cell #, shoot me a PM.

The Bloody Son
06-17-08, 05:14 PM
Ohshit... what the hell.

I'll miss you! D; !! I swur!

06-17-08, 05:46 PM
Man that is a bummer. Stay strong!

06-17-08, 09:23 PM
Boooo for bitchy parents. I know the feeling. Have fun living the real life and hurry up and get back to your virtual, fictional one!